Paula Fernandes Montanher 1,
Luana Nascimento de Paula 2,
Fabio Augusto Garcia Coró 2,
Lucia Felicidade Dias 2,
Mayka Reghiany Pedrão 2,
Nilson Evelazio de Souza 2
1Department of Chemistry, State University of Maringá, Av. Colombo, 5790,
CEP 87020-900, Paraná State, Brazil
2Federal Technologic University of Parana, Av. Dos Pioneiros, 3131, CEP
86036-370, Londrina, Parana State, Brazil
Correspondence to: Nilson Evelazio de Souza , Federal Technologic University
of Parana, Av. Dos Pioneiros, 3131, CEP 86036-370, Londrina, Parana State, Brazil.
Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.
The influence of the addition of flavorings on the sodium content and the fatty
acid profile of fried potato chips, particularly of trans fatty acids and the centesimal
composition, of fried potato chips was investigated. Three brands of two types of
flavored fried potato chips (onion plus parsley and barbecue) and the traditional
product were assessed. An increase in the sodium content was observed in all flavored
products of all brands. Among the flavored products, brand B had the lowest values
of sodium (0.40, 0.47 and 0.60 g 100 g-1 of the unflavored product, onion
and parsley, and barbecue, respectively). The total lipid (TL) values were high,
ranging from 28 to 35%. All flavors of brand C had the lowest TL content. The fatty
acids in the greatest amounts were palmitic acid (16:0), stearic acid (18:0), and
oleic acid (18:2n-6). The amounts of trans fatty acids (TFA) were low and under
0.2 g per portion, the limit set by the regulation in force. Among the samples evaluated,
brand C had the highest TFA contents, 92, 157, and 95 mg 100 g-1 of food
in the traditional, onion and parsley, and barbecue flavorings, respectively.
Keywords: Fried Potato Chips, Trans Fatty Acids, Flavorings, Sodium
1. Introduction
One of the effects of globalization is undoubtedly new eating habits. More and more
often industries are investing in ready or easy-to-prepare foods, to which significant
amounts of sugar, salt, fat, food dyes, and flavorings are frequently added[1].Eating
Fried potato chips, one of the ready foods with great acceptability, is one of these
new eating habits. Two of the negative effects of the excessive consumption of fried
potato chips are their high fat and sodium contents.Sodium is the main
cation in the extracellular fluid and one of the main minerals in the plasma. Its
function is mainly modulating the liquid exchange between several body compartments.
It is also essential for the maintenance of the osmotic pressure of the blood, plasma
and fluids. However, excessive consumption of sodium is related to the development
of arterial hypertension, one of the major diseases of modern society[2, 3].Excessive
amounts of sodium are used by the food industry, very often to set off the loss
of flavor due to the reduction of the fat content[4].Besides the salt added
to fried potato chips, flavorings may also be used to add flavor and sharpen and/or
modify the flavor and aroma of foods. Besides flavor enhancers, such as monosodium
glutamate, an amino acid naturally present in foods rich in proteins, and one of
the main components responsible for the Umami flavor sensation, which is considered
the fifth flavour, are also largely used[5].While salt and aromas are intentionally
added to the product, the high fat contents of fried potato chips result from the
frying food processing. This processing involves simultaneous heat and mass transfer.
The medium used in the heat transfer (oil or fat) becomes part of the product. The
frying conditions determine the distribution of oil, the texture, and the characteristic
final flavor of the food[6].The oils and fats used in the frying process
can undergo degradation reactions associated with the food moisture (hydrolytic
reactions), the presence of oxygen (oxidative reactions), and heat (thermal reactions).
These reactions lead to the formation of various products, many of which have deleterious
effects on human health, such as the trans fatty acids (TFA)[7].The objective
of this study was to investigate the fatty acid composition of fried potato chips
and the influence of the addition of flavorings on their sodium content.
2. Materials and Methods
Three brands of potato chip were analyzed. Two, labeled A and C, are sold worldwide,
and B is a Brazilian brand. The samples were purchased in local supermarkets between
November 2009 and March 2010. Three flavors of each brand were analyzed in three
lots with three units of each flavor. The three units of each lot were pooled and
analyzed in triplicate. The packages of brands A and B had 100 g and brand C had
40 g.The total lipids (TL) were extracted following the method published
by Bligh and Dyer[8] and the fatty acid methyl esters were prepared by the Hartman
and Lago method[9].The fatty acids methyl ester were analyzed in gas chromatograph
CP-3380 (Varian, USA) equipped with a flame ionization detection (FID) and a 100%
cyanopropyl bonded silica capillary column CP-7420 (100 m, 0.25 mm i.d. and 0.25
μm film thickness) (Varian, USA). The gas flow rates used were 1.4 mL.min-1
for the carrier gas (H2); 30 mL.min-1 for the auxiliary gas
(N2), and 30 and 300 mL.min-1 for H2 and the flame
synthetic air, respectively. The sample split rate was 1/80. The injector and detector
temperatures were 240℃. The column temperature was kept at 197℃ for 23 min, raised
to 225℃ at 20℃ min-1 and held for 15 min.
The column conditions were optimized by Martin et al.[10] for the separation of
trans fatty acid methyl esters.The injections of 2-μL volumes were
performed in duplicate. The peak areas were determined with the software Workstation
version 5.0 (Varian).The fatty acid methyl esters were identified by comparison
with the retention time of standards from Sigma (USA) and by spiking with standards
for verification of the increase in the peak areas.The fatty acid methyl
esters were quantified in relation to the internal standard, methyl tricosanoate
(23:0) from Sigma (USA). The quantities of the fatty acids in the samples were calculated
using the equation proposed by Joseph and Ackman[11].where:
Mx = Mass of fatty acid X in mg g-1 of lipids.MP
= Mass of the internal standard in milligrams.MA = Mass of the
sample in grams.AX = Area of fatty acid X.AP
= Area of the internal standard.FCT = Theoretical correction
factor.FCEA = Factor of conversion of fatty acid methyl esters.The
moisture, ash, and crude protein content of the samples were determined by the AOAC
method[12].The samples were opened for the analysis of sodium by dry path
and the readings were performed with a flame photometer from Analyzer®.
2.1. Statistical analysis
The results were submitted to variance analysis (ANOVA) at 5% level of significance
using Tukey's test in the software Statistica, version 7.0[13].
3. Results and Discussion
The contents of sodium found in fried potato chips are given in Table 1. It ranged
from 0.40 to 0.76 g per 100 g of product. All three brands presented significant
differences (P<0.05) in sodium contents for the addition of flavorings.The
increase in the amount of sodium in the flavored fried potato chips is related to
the addition of flavor enhancers (monosodium glutamate, disodium inosinate, and
disodium guanylate), which results in an increase in the salinity of the products[5].
The Brazilian regulations allow the use of food flavor enhancers[14] and set no
limit to the amounts added. Amounts are added according to the flavor wanted.
Table 1. Sodium content in fried potato chips in g per
100 g of product
According to the World Health Organization[15], the recommended daily intake of
sodium is 2 g (equivalent to 5 g of salt) for non-hypertensive individuals; for
hypertensive individuals the recommended limit is 1 g of sodium per day.
Taking into consideration the WHO recommended values, the consumption of 100 g of
the Brand C product with onion plus parsley flavoring (0.76g 100 g-1)
results in an intake very close to the daily limit for hypertensive individuals.
Table 2 gives the centesimal composition results of fried potato chips. The high
amounts of total lipids, ranging from 28 to 37 g 100 g-1 of product,
stand out.
The results of the quantification of fatty acids in fried potato chips are given
in Table 3, 4 and 5. The statistical analyses of the lots of all samples show a
significant difference (p<0.05) in most fatty acids, which indicates the non homogeneity
between the lots and standard deviation.Various factors may lead to the
formation of trans fatty acids, including high processing temperature during the
oil deodorization and long processing time and high temperature during food frying[16,
17].According to the product nutritional labels of all flavored fried potato
chips investigated, they are irradiated for improved food conservation. Research
indicates that irradiation may also lead to the formation of trans fatty acids[18].
Table 2. Proximal composition of fried potato chips
Table 3. Fatty acid contents (mg 100 g-1) of
three brands of traditional flavor fried potato chips
Table 4. Fatty acid contents (mg 100 g-1) of
three brands of onion and parsley flavored fried potato chips
Table 5. Fatty acid contents (mg 100 g-1) of
three brands of barbecue flavored fried potato chips
The nutritional labels of the products investigated informed zero contents of trans
fatty acids. Foods are considered to have zero trans fatty acids when their content
is lower or equal to 0.2 g per helping[19].Thus, the information in the food labels
of all products was confirmed, as none presented more than 0.2 g per portion of
25 g (label portion size).The addition of flavorings to fried potato chips
was found to be associated with the sodium content, which was high in all the investigated
brands.The total trans fatty acid contents of the three brands of fried
potato chips were low and within the regulation values. A trans fatty acid content
reduction was also observed over the years, with the consequent improvement of the
product. However, due to the large amounts of saturated fatty acids and total lipids
in fried potato chips, moderation in their consumption is advisable.
The replacement of hydrogenated vegetable fat resulted in a decrease in trans fatty
acids, as demonstrated by the samples analyzed; however, it also increased the saturated
fatty acid content.
The n-6/n-3 ratio of all samples was above the literature recommendation, which
ranges from 2:1 to 3:1[20] and 5:1 to 10:1[21]. The current ratio ranged from 39
to 100, with brand C presenting the highest values for all flavors.
The authors are grateful to CAPES and CNPq for the financial support.
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