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[7] | See the purported history of the Italian wine Est,Est.Est for what might be considered an example of early-era wine tourism. |
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[32] | Darko Saftić, Ana Težak and Ninoslav Luk. Recommendation in marketing of wine exhibitions: the case of Vinistra Croatia. Tourism & Hospitality Management 2012, Conference Proceedings pp. 160-167 |
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[36] | Actually, the history of young wine regions in the American west exhibits the opposite of this behavior (see James Conaway’s Napa, New York: Quill Press, 1992) It appears that for wine, only recently has the independent spirit overcome cooperation in the United States (see James Conaway, The far side of eden: New money, old land and the battle for Napa Valley. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2002). |
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