Gervasio Annes Degrazia 1, Otavio Costa Acevedo 1, Bardo Ernst Josef Bodmann 2, Marco Túllio Menna Barreto de Vilhena2
1Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
2Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
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Meteorology studies and investigates the phenomena related to turbulence, climate and the interactions between the different surfaces and the planetary boundary layer. New knowledge in this area are applied in environmental problems, weather forecast and climate. Importantly, research in meteorological science is intrinsically linked to the pursuit of understanding of one of the last unsolved problems of classical physics. In our view, it is this fundamental issue that causes the various areas of knowledge in meteorology are met in the main argument of the Brazilian Workshop on Micrometeorology. This special issue of the American Journal of Environmental Engineering brings together selected articles, which were presented and discussed during the VIII Brazilian Workshop on Micrometeorology. The articles included in this special volume involve fundamental processes associated with the mathematical description of the problem of atmospheric turbulence and its applications, as the role of turbulence in transfer of different species between the land surface and the atmosphere. Some climate related articles are also included. Importantly, the selection of works that make up this volume was based on quality criteria respecting the specific focus of the congress.