American Journal of Environmental Engineering
p-ISSN: 2166-4633 e-ISSN: 2166-465X
2015; 5(1A): 39-44
Theomar T. de A. T. Neves 1, Gilberto Fisch 2
1Centre of Weather Forecast and Climate Studies, National Institute of Space Research, São José dos Campos, Brazil
2Science and Technology Aerospace Department, Aeronautics and Space Institute, São José dos Campos, Brazil
Correspondence to: Gilberto Fisch , Science and Technology Aerospace Department, Aeronautics and Space Institute, São José dos Campos, Brazil.
Email: |
Copyright © 2015 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.
A better descriptions of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) properties in Amazonia, such as its time evolution is necessary, especially for studies involving weather forecast and climatic simulation. The objective of this work was integrate and comparing data of the ABL characteristics made by different techniques in RaCCI/LBA experiment, held in southwestern Amazonia pasture site during the dry-to-wet seasons of 2002. For daytime it was possible to observe that there is an abrupt growth of the Convective Boundary Layer (CBL) between 08 and 11 Local Time (LT) with a stationary pattern between 14 and 17 LT. The maximum heights at late afternoon were around 1500 m. The onset of the Nocturnal Boundary Layer (NBL) occurs before the sunset (18 LT) and its height is very stable during the whole night (typical values around 180-250 m). The erosion of the NBL lasts for 2 hours and it is complete at 08 LT.
Keywords: Nocturnal and daytime boundary layer, Radiosondes, Tethered balloon, Amazonia
Cite this paper: Theomar T. de A. T. Neves , Gilberto Fisch , The Daily Cycle of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Heights over Pasture Site in Amazonia, American Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 5 No. 1A, 2015, pp. 39-44. doi: 10.5923/s.ajee.201501.06.
Figure 1. Site location |
Figure 2. Time series of the rainfall (daily and accumulated precipitation) during the transition from dry (represented by Phase I) to rainy season (Phase II) |
Figure 3. Schemes of the methods to obtain the convective boundary layer height. As an exemple was used the day sept/20 at 17 LT |
Figure 4. Schemes of the methods to obtain the nocturnal boundary layer height. As an exemple was used the day sept/20 at 02 LT |
Figure 5. ABL heights during the Phase I of LBA/RaCCI 2002 experiment |
Figure 6. ABL heights during the Phase II of LBA/RaCCI 2002 experiment |
Figure 7. ABL heights during the LBA/RaCCI 2002 experiment |