Seyedeh Fatemeh Mazidi
University of Tehran Kish International Campus Kish Island, Iran
Correspondence to: Seyedeh Fatemeh Mazidi, University of Tehran Kish International Campus Kish Island, Iran.
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Coastal tourism in Iran is attractive for internal markets at the recent decades with development of personal and public vehicles structures; it has been prospered a lot. Although, this kind of tourism has been ignored by related authorities and they don’t already any kind of services at the coasts but people have paid attention to it a lot. More than 2700 kilometers of northern and southern coasts of Iran, numerous islands particularly the Persian gulf and Qeshm, all of them have a lot of talent at marine and coastal tourism development. It seems that this kind of big capital national capital can be used better for diversifying of currency national revenues, withdrawal of single- product economy, strengthening of community spirit which should be studied. At present study, we have studied Coastal tourism development management.
Coastal Management, Sea Therapy, Kish Island
Cite this paper: Seyedeh Fatemeh Mazidi, Coastal Tourism Development Management (Sea Therapy) of Kish Island, American Journal of Tourism Management, Vol. 6 No. 1, 2017, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.5923/j.tourism.20170601.01.
1. Introduction
Tourism is one of human rights which increase life quality. In other words, its undeniable that human need to take trip, entertainment and recreation at modern age and globalization. At other side, people know high direct and indirect interests of tourism industry at local, national and international level. According to 1WTO (world tourism organization) statistics in 2013, 1000000035 tourist travels has been done which its exchange earnings is equal with 1075 billion Dollars. According to mentioned organization, tourism industry has most growth rate among other economic parts in the last three decades. Now, tourism has converted to the biggest world economic employment section and also around 10% of world GDP. One-twelfth jobs related to tourism and 35% of services related to tourism 2(TIES & SESD, 2005). In four-fifths of the world (more than 150 countries, tourism is one of their main foreign exchange earnings and at 60 countries, tourism is first earnings source (Akbari and Gharakhlou, 2010). In addition to it, according to view of experts, they cites tourism benefits such as economic development, employment, foreign exchange earnings, distribution of wealth, cultural exchange, promotion peace help and promotion and maintaining of cultural and social values (Vaysi and Mehmandoust, 2015). On other side, among different tourism kinds, coastal and entertainment tourism had most growth rate at the recent three decades. According to data of European commission, 63% of European people like to go to beach (3INRA EUROPE, 1998). More than 2000 coastal tourism destinations at the world are now active (4Ward, 2006). According to WTO statistics, 12 of 15 superior world tourist destinations in 2000 year were coastal destinations. Among 20.6 American tourists in 1996, 75% of them visited Florida, California and New York beaches which 85% of tourism earnings have been gained from these regions (5Brigdes, 1997). 80% of tourists of Spain as second pole of world tourism have visited Mediterranean beaches (Catalonia, Valencia, and Andalusia) and two groups have visited islands of the Atlantic Ocean (The Canary Islands and the Balearic) (Aguilo6, 2008). So, coastal tourism is the most popular tourism section which has most growth rate and benefits among other tourism sections (7honey and Krantz, 2007) which has shaped mass tourism. At this ground, despite of economic crises at the recent years in Europe, economic section of marine and costal tourism has grew, so, Spain had sustained growth of 7% (Fernandez-Macho8 et al, 2015). In addition to coastal tourism, if we add ecotourism and historical beings and urban tourism, so, it includes significant share of global tourism market. At all of mentioned domains, Iran country has abundant tourism attractions. Iran country is vast land which it has long northern and southern coastlines and also numerous large and small islands at domain of Iran water fields. Especially, Iran northern coasts with favorable climatic conditions and dense vegetation have very favorable condition for tourism. Its tourism value will be more important that we know that it has located next to very arid world region and world desert belt and also all arid Middle East countries can have tendency to go there. Geshm and Kish islands as beautiful Persian Gulf islands can attract international tourists especially at fall and winter seasons. Historical monuments and ancient regimes in Iran country (Achaemenian, Parthian and Sassanid’s regimes), Islamic architecture and urbanism especially Safavid era, cultural attractions of Iran scholars (Hafez, Saadi, Ferdousi …) and also many another attractions in ecotourism fields (mountaineering, caving and desert tourism) they all indicate great attractions and beds of Iran country led to specific position among neighbors countries even world countries But we weren’t successful in attracting of international tourisms and consequently foreign earnings. Why is that position? Instead of Iran country, Dubai region is symbol of Middle East tourism and Turkey has most market share of region. These items all indicate importance of coastal tourism development and management. Kish Island as island which has special coastal tourism potentiality should be focused, so, at current study, we paid attention to coastal tourism development (sea therapy) of Kish Island, and then, we describe it at following lines. Properties of coastal tourism: Tourism is rapidly growing phenomenon that now, it has been converted to one of biggest world industries. Coastal tourism and related entertainments are effective agents at pattern forming of regions development and providing direct and indirect economic, social, cultural and environmental benefits for host country. Of course, it should be noted that tourism isn’t clean and non-destructive industry (Salehi et al, 2012). There is very close relationship between environment and tourism because one of important environmental properties is its attraction for tourists. Tourism facilities and structures at some aspects will be affected by environment and vice versa (9Jenkins, 1997). Tourism can have positive or negative effects on environment. Prevention of negative effects is one of necessities for maintaining of environmental, social and cultural resources. Negative tourism effects include waste production, water and air pollution, noise, land problems, traffic, bustle, excessive growth of welfare and services, damage to regions and sights, deforestation, wetlands and unique habits (Valikhani et al, 2009). So, recognition of mentioned relationship is necessary for sources programming, development and management. Although, programming of macro policies implementation at improvement and prevention of created environmental problems seems necessary; other side of damages decrease is related to sociology and social psychology. It’s related to tourists’ environmental behaviors and its effect related agents (Salehi et al 2009). We can classify tourism to different kinds such as natural, cultural, indigenous, rural, business, medical; sports and coastal tourism but most often kind of tourism at provinces neighboring the sea at northern and southern sections of Iran is coastal tourism although these provinces authorities have capabilities of reception of other kinds of tourists. Coastal cities and ports and islands such as Qeshm, Kish, Bushehr, Genaveh, Kangan and Chabahar at southern section of Iran and Babolsar, Feraydonkenar, Mahmood Abad, Noor, Royan, Noshahr, Chalos, Tonekabon, Ramsar, Astara and Anzali welcome evey year of coastal tourists of different provinces (Salehi et al 2009). On other hand, one of important coastal tourism properties is its seasonal feature of these regions. Because of seasonal tourism activities, effects of special tourism activities are more obvious (Rahmani Fasli, 2010). Seasonality mainly emanates from climate and holiday period. Since the climate controls tourism important sources such as hourly sunlight rate and snow rate, so, it is important factor at tourism. Tourists’ capabilities at visiting of special destinations at specific year periods such as school holidays or special days, they can be important agents of tourism activities seasonality (Rahmani Fasli, 2010). Sand therapy in Kish Island:Lying of coastal sands and behind of marine sands and clay layer is one of best way at traditional medicine and supplement for treatment of joint diseases. If weather condition be pleasant and sunlight radiates on coastal sands, then, lying under coastal sands will be profitable. Many of therapists believe that touching of pleasant and hot sands with human being can improve blood circulation and also this is best stimulus for blood supply improving and feeding to body bones and joints. Only point to be noted at sand therapy experience, you should be careful about clay or sand temperature be near or less than body temperature because if sand temperature be more than human body, it can in addition to skin damage creates other disorders at internal organs functions (Farokhi, 2014). Swimming at Kish Island:According to natural therapists’ belief, if you haven’t power of swimming at sea, swim at beach of salty sea and let sea waves embrace your body. Chinese therapists believe that swimming and exposure at salty sea can have significant effect on body power and immune system increase. We can with reiteration of this procedure increase body resistance against diseases and microbes. This therapist point out that swimming at salty sea water in addition to improvement of digestion function especially stomach and guts, it will help to blood circulation improvement and lung (Farokhi, 2014). Prohibition of shore therapy:Already there is no any prohibition for using of sea therapy and shore therapy but there are some points that considering of them help to human body healthiness. Pregnant women and persons who under chemotherapy, it’s better for them don’t experience sea therapy because this procedure maybe exacerbate their nausea (Farokhi, 2014).Obstacles of international tourism development in Iran:One of important parameter that is affected by politics and ideology and it is big challenge for international tourist attraction in Iran is parameter of visa remove for short term stay. Iran country is only for 34 countries have removed short term stay. So, from this view, Iran country is located among last fifteen countries (10Henley and Partners, 2011). However major section of this country such as Cape Verde, Seychelles, Guyana, Comoros, Malagasy, Djibouti, Dominica, Haiti, Macau, Eastern Timor, Niue, Cook Islands, Micronesia, Tylowo, Palau, Samoa and Tuvalu which are very small countries and islands that haven’t a share at global tourism. Indonesia, Malaysia and Syria in Asia, Tanzania and Kenya in Africa, Bolivia and Venezuela in southern America and Turkey in Europe are most important countries that have signed mutual contract of visa removing for stay short term. However 73% of international tourists belong to European and northern American countries (WTO, 2004) that Iran country hasn’t any kind of mutual contract of visa removing.
2. Discussion and Conclusions
Tourism has special position for human being at current age. In addition to meeting mental human needs, it will be accounted as most important section of world employment. At same level of oil industry, it is most profitable industry. Because of tourism importance, countries authorities try to extend their global tourism share but countries are limited by their political ideology. This political parameter some extant determines tourism type and also recession or its boom. Iran country is one of important destinations because of tourism attractions. Iran country has proud cultural and civilization history and also it has various natural environmental attractions. The rise of tourism development in 70s in the world and Middle East led occasion for visiting of Iran country. Iran country had remarkable share of tourist attraction in the Middle East region. With happing of Islamic Revolution at the end of decade and governing of revolution political ideology has shocked this industry and its depression. Imposed war, lack of political stability and activities of anti-revolution forces exacerbated this position. Tourism depression in Iran country coincides with tourism explosion in the world. In addition to tradition patterns of tourism (cultural, historical and pilgrimage tourism), coastal tourism and ecotourism was welcomed by public and it was out aristocracy class territory. It converted to mass tourism which it includes passing time, bathing, swimming, playgrounds, sand therapy, boat riding, Jet Ski, recreational fishing and watching fishes in secure location in beach. In addition of them, holding festivals, seminars and coastal tournaments along with hygiene and welfare services led to this industry increasing boom. Therefore, coastal tourism has changed to most pioneering and popular tourism type of the world at current era. This wave of coastal tourism penetrated to Middle East regions. Thus, neighboring counties of Iran became active extremely and they invested a lot of money in this field. So that Dubai which was arid desert region without cultural and civilization background became to most tourism attractive region in the Middle East. Turkey country, other Iran neighbor, in addition to attraction procedure of historical and cultural tourism, in coastal tourism of two Mediterranean beaches (Antalya and Kusadasi) and coasts of Marmara Sea have designated remarkable share of global tourism and this country has converted to sixth attractive world country. Same condition was true about Egypt country that its economic section is more dependent to tourism industry and near 20% GDP of its economic section is providing by this industry. These countries in addition to infra structures development, they have paid attention to international relations and mutual relations development with different countries of the world in the format of visa removing or issuing urgent visa on arrival for their tourism industry development. It seems that a kind of geopolitics competition at regional territory at civilization field among Middle East countries is shaping that Iran country in comparison to regional competitors in geopolitics aspect, has weaker position. Coastal and medical tourism in Kish Island has high importance and position. Shore therapy or sea therapy is one of medical methods at oriental culture. Aryoda therapists in India, traditional treatment of China and Tibet and even Iran for treatment of many people diseases prescribed for them shore therapy or sea therapy. Even they advised people who live in arid desert for a special time period live in coastal cities or near sea; so, they can use this opportunity for more rapid treatment. At this medical treatment, therapist use sea water, shore sands, algae, seaweed, sea rocks and salts for diseases treatment. These therapists, sometimes, prescribe swimming at sea water, bathing with salty water, balm up with algae, shore sands, even smell incense which gained by combination of seaweed and sea salty water for many physical treatment. Practical Suggestions:According to study purposes which it was coastal tourism development (sea therapy) of Kish Island which is some extant unknown, we suggest to inform about potentiality of Kish Island (sea therapy) and also provide facility for tourists. We should note that for tourism development, we need to accept different cultures and also suggest long term socialization training among Kish Island citizens for cultural acceptance of different cultures. According to government decision for dependence decrease to oil industry, we suggest taking some actions for visa removing, so, tourists can use easily of existing facilities.
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