As’at1, Soemarno2, Aji Dedi Mulawarman3, Ari Kamayanti3
1Enviromental Science Graduate Program, University of Brawijaya, Malamg, Indonesia
2Depertemen of Soil Science, Faculty of Agricuture, University of Brawijaya, Malamg, Indonesia
3Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Brawijaya, Malamg, Indonesia
Correspondence to: As’at, Enviromental Science Graduate Program, University of Brawijaya, Malamg, Indonesia.
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Strategic marketing planning is very necessary to achieve the goals and objectives. The stakeholders must start to think about what can be done well and what must be protected, so that in facing this competitive competition, it requires reinterpretation of the implemented policy strategy. This study aimed to describe and analyze tourism marketing strategy to increase tourist visit to Bawean Island, Gresik. The approach of this study was qualitative with analysis model developed by Miller and Huberman, where the analysis was conducted to the collected data, reduction, classification, presentation, and verification at the same time. The findings of this study were: 1) The necessity of motivating the local people to improve the quality of available resources so as to manage and utilize the existing potentials well; 2) Services required to be adjusted in Bawean were tourism products including religious and historical tour, natural tour, cultural art and handicraft tour, where overall tourism objects in Bawean Island had not have appropriate services as feasible tourism objects; 3) The existing tourism objects needed to be supported by feasible facilities and infrastructures so that the quality of services provided satisfaction, the proofs of less supporting tourism services in Bawean Island were the minimum number of lodgings and hotels, restaurants, sea and air transportations, limited electricity and telephone, narrow and unfeasible road infrastructure, they needed to be improved to manage the existing problems by designing the physics of facilities and infrastructures, balancing the demand and offer by promotion and publication, attracting investors by investment promotion and meeting among investors.
Marketing Strategy, Tourism, Bawean Island
Cite this paper: As’at, Soemarno, Aji Dedi Mulawarman, Ari Kamayanti, Tourism Marketing Strategy to Increase Tourist Visit to Bawean Island, Gresik, East Java, American Journal of Tourism Management, Vol. 4 No. 3, 2015, pp. 54-60. doi: 10.5923/j.tourism.20150403.02.
1. Introduction
The stakeholders in tourism field have paid attention the important meaning of tourism development to improve the welfare, grow creative economy, and provide jobs, so that it requires reinterpretation of the implemented strategy to face current competitive competition. One of them is by cross-sector framework to achieve success. It conforms to Cater’s opinion (2003: 44), i.e.: 1) The involvement of various policy takers included in non-economy interest will strengthen consideration from aspect of environment of physical facilities and infrastructures of human resources needed to maintain the sustainability for future welfare; 2) The involvement of stakeholders from various fields of activities enables the existence of integrative and holistic approach in decision-taking process, while partnership can also help to reflect the interdependence between tourism and other activities; 3) The diversity of stakeholders involved in tourism policy determination enables fair distribution of profits and participation costs also trigger the care and awareness of possible tourism impacts, so that it is expected to underlie better decision-taking in the future; 4) Broad participation in tourism policy-making can democratize decision-taking, empower participation to strengthen capacities, and add skill acquisition for those represented.To maintain natural resource values so as not to erase the existing values, it requires emphasis on ecology approach to maintain balance between desire and aim. In line with Stabler and Goodall’s opinion (Sharpley, 2000: 1), sustainable tourism development must be consistent or in line with sustainable development principles. Dan Lane in Sharpley (2000) states that sustainable tourism is a balanced triangulation relationship between tour destination (host area) with its habitat and humans, vacation package making, and tourism industry where no stakeholder can destroy the balance (Sharpley, 2000: 9-11).The potentials of small islands in Indonesia spread from Sabang until Merauke need to get an optimal attention from Central and Regional Government, so that many natural resources in small islands, if they are managed optimally using local-wisdom approach, can improve people’s income, provide jobs and business opportunity, besides can indirectly provide contribution to regional original income and economy growth of the country outside oil and gas. The Government of Gresik programs Bawean Island as an island of tour destination and as the icon of Gresik Regency (Antara News of East Java, 13 July 2012).
2. Research Methods
Qualitative research has a wide range of methods, one of which is a phenomenological research method. As part of a qualitative approach, the study of phenomenology was chosen by the researcher in order to be able to identify the nature of an individual or community experiences about a particular phenomenon (Creswell, 2010; Kuswarno, 2009).
2.1. Data Collection Strategy
Strategy or a way to gather and obtain data in qualitative research is common, namely: observation (observation), interviews (interviews), and documentation (documents), which can be supported in an audio recording devices and /or visual (audio-visual materials. The researcher used the research questions or intermediary in interviewing informants conducted open-ended, in-depth, informal, and unstructured. Documentary techniques in principle is a method used to explore historical data that are commonly used in social science research and especially the study of history. Similarly with audio-visual data recording techniques that can be accessed by researchers in order to enrich the process of collecting and presenting data, and refine the analysis in this study.
2.2. Analysis, Validity Test, and Model Discussion
Given the research data obtained in the form of qualitative data (among other tangible statement, symptoms, nonverbal actions that can be recorded in the description sentences, or numbers, or pictures/photos, and so on), so in this study using data analysis model of Miles and Huberman (1992) through the activity/process called coding.Model analysis was conducted in three (3) activities and can take place in parallel as Figure 1, with a brief explanation follows: | Figure 1. Flow Model Analysis of Qualitative Research Data |
a. Data reduction is the process of sorting, focusing, simplification, abstraction, and transform raw data that have been obtained from the process of data collection in the field;b. Presentation of data, carried out by preparing a series of information allowing for the extraction of data and making conclusions recommendations. In this activity, the researchers attempted to use way to present it in the form of narrative text, charts or graphics/groove, and matrix/table can text through content analysis;c. Conclusions that have been drawn, and then verified during the study. Verification is a review or thinking back on the results of field notes which may have lasted a glimpse or take a long time, as well as brainstorm (discussion) with informants to develop a meaning that can be done through focus group discussions (FGD). Meanings that emerge from the data needs to be tested its validity by means of triangulation (including the credibility of the test data through member check/triangulation of data sources) in order to establish its validity.The activities are not only partial, but inter-related, simultaneous and continuous so that it becomes a cycle (interactive model) which can be simplified as in Figure 2. | Figure 2. Model of Interactive Data Analysis Qualitative Research |
From the analysis and validity test of the data as outlined in the discussion (data display), and that the presentation of the data can be understood or have meaning and depth explanation methodologically, it is no less important is the meaning in accordance with the conditions that we want to know. The meanings determine the weight or quality of the study, so the discussion in writing of the results of this study the researcher attempted to construct a knowledge through scientific ways of thinking, as one of the benefits (contribution) research. The way of thinking is done with the analysis based on the dialectic of reflective thinking that is simply presented in figure 3. | Figure 3. Model Discussions Study Report |
This research was conducted in the city of Gresik as a research location is on the Bawean Islands. Location of the study can be seen in the map below (figure 4). | Figure 4. Research Location Map |
3. Empirical Result
Internal Marketing Information obtained from several informants in this research were related to the internal marketing in order to increase tourist visits, and combined with the theory that success in attracting tourists visit, it must meet several supporter aspects, this was in accordance with Yoeti (1985) a tourism object must meet three criteria that the object of interest of visitors included, 1). Something to see was the tourist attraction had to have something that can be viewed or in the spectacle made by tourist visitors. In other words, the object must have a special attraction that was able to attract the interest of tourists to visit in the item 2). Something to do was to allow tourists who do tourism there can do something useful to give a sense of excitement, happy, relax either in the form of recreational facilities playground or a place to eat, especially foods typical of these places so as to make travelers more comfortable to stay in there, 3). Something to buy was a facility for tourists shopping in general that was the hallmark or the icon of the area, so it could be used as souvenirs. Yet many Bawean tourism potential that can be recognized by the outside community were influenced and determined by the local community itself, which has not been able to manage the natural potential.Human Resources of Bawean was the main asset in developing the tourism, they can change the material that originally did not have a sale value into high value. To determine whether these motivations were consistent with the internal marketing theory, it can be seen by comparing the motivation that has been done with the internal dimensions of marketing by Reynoso and Moores (1996), namely as follows, 1). Service Training Programs were the management awareness and leadership to provide a good service to its employees and management awareness that the development of knowledge and skills of its employees was an investment for them. In this case the government of Gresik which has provided motivation in the form of a briefing to the local community that will serve as the icon of Bawean Gresik. People of Bawean were expected to have the competence to develop the potential of Bawean, 2). Performance Incentives, were how the organization provide rewards to employees who work well and contribute to the vision of the organization. Performance incentives were also given to employees who have done good service functions to external customers. In fact the field of Gresik government has not given due Incentives society cannot manage the potential of Bawean well and did not give satisfaction to tourists which was measured from the level of tourist visits, 3). Vision About Excellence Service was a condition in which the organization communicates to employees about their organization's vision and communicate the importance of service of each person or section. Vision about excellence service also required the leadership of the organization to be able to communicate well with employees. According to this dimension, the vision of Gresik regency was made Bawean as Tourism Icon of East Java. Therefore, Gresik regency government has provided motivation to Bawean local communities in order to give satisfaction to the tourists who visit.Internal marketing in the form of motivation that has been done in fact led to the pros and cons. Among the pros of the plan was based on ideas of community economic development efforts of Bawean sector. While among the cons was generally based on fear of cultural and moral degradation of society Bawean. When viewed from the social and cultural conditions, local communities of Bawean known to have a characteristic that was discriminating with other regions. This can be the result of the isolation of Bawean Island modernization of life outside the region. The orientation of Gresik regency to develop Bawean as the icon of Gresik may be futile. That was because the character and lifestyle of the people on the island of Bawean tend to be practical, very religious, and upholds the culture and values possessed. This was in line with the opinion of Kusumastanto (2003) stated that one of the obstacles the development of small islands archipelago was that local culture is sometimes at odds with development activities. An example occurred in the field of nautical tourism lately regarded as a god helper for the development of small islands. In some small island culture brought by tourists considered incompatible with local customs or religion. This became an obstacle. Kusumastanto (2003) further said that all these obstacles did not mean the cause of small island may not be built or developed, but the pattern of development must follow the rules of ecological patterns and rules.Orientation of Gresik government mame Bawean as Tourism Icon was not basically wrong. Precisely to develop tourism on the island of Bawean can improve public welfare of Bawean, during which only rely on a living outside the area. When connected to the local people's fears of Bawean due to erosion of their culture, even with the development of tourism area based on local wisdom will be able to overcome with the situation. Therefore, the role of government was needed in the development Gresik Bawean as a tourism area based on local wisdom. It could be strengthened with the opinion of Gobyah (2003), said that local wisdom (local genius) was a truth that has been a tradition or steady in an area. Local Wisdom was a blend of values sacred word of God and the values that exist. Local wisdom was formed as a local culture of excellence and geographical conditions. In a broader meaning, local wisdom was a product of past cultures that should hold onto life. Although local meaning but the value contained therein was considered very universal. Optimizing cultural tradition as one of the tourist attraction of a region based on local wisdom, not only meant that the area attracted tourists to visit. Optimization of cultural traditions in tourism could also serve as a filter for the local community to radiation brought foreign culture tourists. In this case, it applied the logic of dependence on local cultural traditions as a tourist attraction when abandoned by society would reduce the attractiveness for tourists to come to visit the area. If the concept of local knowledge and productive tourism concept was successfully applied, of course, the economy in every village on the island of Bawean will increase. Through an organized governance and the concept and the right strategy, the potential of tourism in the island of Bawean could be packed into a travel package multidimensional that were very interesting. Different shades between one place to another place would spoil the tourists to feel more and more impressed.Based on the discussion that has been described above, for more details, it would be summarized in the following proposition, the existing tourism potential and could provide satisfactory services to tourists. So that internal marketing would be run optimally. Based on the discussion that has been described above, for more details, it would be summarized in the following proposition, Proposition Minor: 1). Geographic segmentation enforced if appropriate location, then the tourism visit will be increase, 2). If Demographic segmentation was done in accordance with the factors diners there, so visitors from various backgrounds would rise and increase the satisfaction of each tourists in Bawean Island, 3). If Psychological Segmentation could be improved well and adapted to the tourists as well as the psychological effort of local governments and communities, the tourist visit would increase. Major proposition: If the geographic segmentation, demographic and psychological collaborated and performed optimally, it would support the tourism potential in Bawean and increase tourist visits.Customizing Services Tourism was one sector that was very important and strategic for the development of a region and country. The tourism sector could improve the income and employment of local people in addition to grow the creative economy in various sectors related to tourism activities. This was because tourism has a direct relationship with the economy and affects foreign visits to an area or country. The statement was in line with that expressed by Yoeti (1996: 114) that tourism was a number of activities which were directly related to the economy and the influx of foreigners through traffic in a particular country, city and region. Based on the explanation above, the concept of customizing service in Bawean island has not exist and has not been seen yet. Therefore, the researchers proposed a strategy to increase the number of tourists and introduce the charm of Bawean Island. Customizing services had a high enough urgency. Customization originated from the concept of the product which was the central point of marketing activities, because the product was a real offer by the company on the market and means of satisfying that offered by manufacturers to satisfy consumer needs. In terms of the product itself which was meant in this research was a product in the form of travel or tourist attraction on the island of Bawean Gresik. Proposed customizing service to Bawean itself due to the demands of the public and tourists. Where the overall attraction in the island of Bawean not have the appropriate services as a tourist attraction worth seeing on the feasibility of infrastructure as well as inadequate existing attractions in other areas. Proposed customizing service to Bawean designed to recognize the differences existing visitors. Covers segmentation, By Geographic, By Demographic, age and stage of life cycle, Gender, Income, Income, Psychological. The Customization was based on the type of service proposed approach was Collaboration (Customization with Collaboration). Overall the customizing service approach consists of four (4) types were described below. 1). Collaboration Customization. The company asked consumers to ensure that products offered in accordance with the needs of consumers. This information was then used to specify (determine) and produce a product in accordance with the consumer, 2). Adaptive Customization (Customization according to the changing circumstances). The company produces a standardized product but this product can be customized by end users to modify the product yourself, 3). Transparent Customization. The company provides unique products for individual consumers (personal), without clearly explaining that the product has been adapted, in this case the company must make an accurate assessment of the needs of the consumer, 4). Cosmetic Customization. The company produced standard products related to the physical but in different consumer market with unique ways. The approach must be done according to the researchers was by collaboration, it was based on tourism segmentation was also based on the visitor in Bawean, so it can be known what is desired by visitors or tourists. If the geographic segmentation, demographic and psychological collaborated and performed optimally, it would support the tourism potential in Bawean and increase tourist visits. Based on the discussion that has been described above, for more details would be summarized in the following proposition. Proposition Proposition Minor: 1). If Geographic Segmentation enacted appropriate location, then tourist visit will increase, 2). If Demographic segmentation was performed in accordance with the exist tourist factors, so visitors from all level will increase the satisfaction of tourists on the Bawean island, 3). If Psychological Segmentation can be improved well and adapted to the tourists as well as the psychological effort of local governments and communities, the tourist visits will increase. Major proposition. If the geographic segmentation, demographic and psychological collaborated and performed optimally, it will support the tourism potential in Bawean and increase tourist visits. Managing Evidence Tourism potential owned by Bawean will not be enjoyed by tourists if not supported by facilities and infrastructure that support. Facilities and infrastructure can affect the comfort and satisfaction of the tourist. This was clear evidence of a product was in line with the opinion of the tourist. This was in line with Moriarty (2009), which said that the real evidence of the products and services offered to meet the market demand. All the design and presentation of the results that can be seen and felt is the main factor that was important in marketing the product. Under the conditions that occurred on the Bawean island, as for the comfort of tourists who become evidence in the form of means can be identified by type. According Suwantoro (1997: 22) divided into three, namely tourist facilities, 1). Main Tourism Superstructures. Tourism was the principal means of living and the company life depended on the influx of people who travel tourism. For example; travel agents, tour operators, tourist transport companies, hotels, restaurants, attractions / attractions, 2). Complementary means of tourism (Supplementing Tourism superstructures). Tourism was a complementary means companies or places that provide recreational facilities for functions not only complement the principal means of tourism, but also important was that tourists can make a longer stay at a tourist destination, recreation and sports facilities, and public infrastructure such as roads, bridges, electricity, airports, telecommunications, water, ports and others, 3). Supporting Tourism superstructures. Tourism was a means of supporting companies that support the supplementary facilities and basic facilities serve not only make tourists stay longer in tourist destination. But more important function was that both domestic and foreign travelers spend more or spend money in places he visited, such as nightlife, entertainment, mailing service, souvenir shop, and others.Based on the three types of tourist facilities which have been described above, it was known that some of these facilities have been provided in Bawean Island. but not maximum and meet the standards of the issue of tourism infrastructure including electricity, transportation and accommodation as well as the main road, should be considered because it affected the comfort of the tourists who come to the island of Bawean. Problems faced by Bawean island was particularly urgent given the transportation, infrastructure, electricity, and the other was the basic requirement for the tourists. Then the government support Gresik and tourism stakeholders involvement were needed to support the visit that has been launched by the government in 2014 Gresik, along with opinions of Setiawan (2013), the government seemed to neglect Bawean and assume Bawean was another area as far away as possible as well as customs and other languages of the Gresik in general. This was unfortunate because it was precisely with the culture and the potential that exists on the island of Bawean will make the added value that will complete the formation of a tourism destination. Bawean island has an innumerable attractions that can be developed, beautiful beaches backed by beautiful hills and mountains, biodiversity, underwater beauty and supported by the Islamic culture and customs make Bawean should be developed as a tourist destination. This was in line with the opinion of Tazkia, (2012), that the tourism infrastructure was all facilities, tourism facilities that allow it to live and thrive so that it can provide services to satisfy the diverse needs of travelers. Infrastructure needs to be improved include: Transportation: highways, railways, air and sea ports. Power plant and installation of clean water. Telecommunication systems, weather telephone, telegraph, radio, television, weather health care health center or hospital, whether it is security services security post guards sights and police stations to maintain security around a tourist attraction, whether it be tourists Services center information or tour guide office, gas station and others. The third way to operate if done well, the impact can be felt was the increased quality of the facilities and infrastructure provided. Thus, the quality of services provided will give satisfaction to tourists. To find out the conclusion of the discussion above, it will be concluded in the following proposition. Proposition Minor, 1). If the tourism facilities available with either, then the satisfaction of tourists will increase, 2). If provided with a good tourist infrastructure, the satisfaction of tourists will increase, 3). If the tourism infrastructure is well managed, then the proof of the quality of service will be improved. Resulting in an increase in the number of tourists and tourist satisfaction. While Proposition Mayor. If the infrastructure which was a testament to the quality of services managed properly, it will increase tourist visits and increase tourist satisfaction resources in order to be able to manage and exploit the potential of the well. This motivation was part of the government's plan to make Bawean as Gresik Tourism Icon in Gresik. Motivation given the fact raises the pros and cons. Among the pros of the plan was based on ideas of community economic development efforts Bawean sector. While among the cons was generally based on fear of degradation of faith, culture and morals local communities. Basically it with local knowledge-based tourism development area will be able to overcome the existing problems. Customizing services were one strategy that was quite important in marketing wherein the compatibility between the services expected it will increase the satisfaction and achievement of goals. The services need to be adjusted in Bawean was tourism products. Bawean tourism products included religious tourism and historical, natural tourism, cultural arts, and crafts. Proposed service customization to Bawean itself due to the demands of the public and tourists. Where the overall attraction in the island of Bawean did not have the appropriate services as a viable attraction. Create a good perception to the tourists who visit the attraction was affected by tourism potential available. So the potential was there needs to be supported by adequate infrastructure so that the quality of services provided can provide tourist satisfaction. some evidence of the quality of tourism services that support tourism in Bawean, less of them still lack the inn or hotel, restaurant, sea and air transport, limited electricity and telephone services, as well as leading infrastructure objects. Therefore it was necessary to do repairs in an effort to manage evidence by means of physical design or infrastructure, to balance supply and demand through promotion and publicity., To attract investors by means of investment promotion and conduct meetings between investors.
4. Conclusions
Internal marketing in the form of motivation given to local communities to improve the quality of human resources resources in order to be able to manage and exploit the potential of the well. This motivation was part of the government's plan to make Bawean as Gresik Tourism Icon in Gresik. Motivation given the fact raises the pros and cons. Among the pros of the plan was based on ideas of community economic development efforts Bawean sector. While among the cons was generally based on fear of degradation of faith, culture and morals local communities. Basically it with local knowledge-based tourism development area will be able to overcome the existing problems. Customizing services were one strategy that was quite important in marketing wherein the compatibility between the services expected it will increase the satisfaction and achievement of goals. The services need to be adjusted in Bawean was tourism products. Bawean tourism products included religious tourism and historical, natural tourism, cultural arts, and crafts. Proposed service customization to Bawean itself due to the demands of the public and tourists. Where the overall attraction in the island of Bawean did not have the appropriate services as a viable attraction. Create a good perception to the tourists who visit the attraction was affected by tourism potential available. So the potential was there needs to be supported by adequate infrastructure so that the quality of services provided can provide tourist satisfaction. some evidence of the quality of tourism services that support tourism in Bawean, less of them still lack the inn or hotel, restaurant, sea and air transport, limited electricity and telephone services, as well as leading infrastructure objects. Therefore it was necessary to do repairs in an effort to manage evidence by means of physical design or infrastructure, to balance supply and demand through promotion and publicity., To attract investors by means of investment promotion and conduct meetings between investors.
5. Suggestion
Various things was suggested to achieve this are as follows: 1). In order to make Bawean as a tourism icon Gresik, it must involve the local community in the planning process in a dialogue forum. This will positively impact the creation of collaboration between government and local communities in order to achieve the success of the launching of the Visit Bawean 2014, 2). Gresik government is expected to make stricter regulations in environmental management in Bawean especially the problems of garbage, electricity, and road infrastructure in order to improve the life of Bawean community and can provide tourist satisfaction. 3). Gresik government should meet regularly with Bawean local communities and the managers of tourism in order to find out the existing problems related to tourism. This was because access to Bawean relatively far that the role of government should be optimized by preparing all the needs of both facilities and infrastructure that support the tourism, 4). Gresik government was also expected to expand cooperation with the investors by way of meetings related to the development of tourism island of Bawean with the promotion of tourism potential Bawean to potential investors that they have an interest to invest in the development of tourism potential Bawean island, 5). Gresik government should be able to provide training and skills to the Bawean local community so that it can explore and exploit tourism potential by producing Bawean souvenirs, 6). Gresik government should identify Bawean tourism products about what facilities needed by tourists that will create the suitability of the service for tourists, 7). Community is expected to perform cultural arts performances held regularly in Bawean to be recognized by the public.
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