International Journal of Statistics and Applications

p-ISSN: 2168-5193    e-ISSN: 2168-5215

2018;  8(2): 88-102



Impact of Interactions between Collinearity, Leverage Points and Outliers on Ridge, Robust, and Ridge-type Robust Estimators

O. Ufuk Ekiz

Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey

Correspondence to: O. Ufuk Ekiz, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.


Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


This study proposes a framework to compare performances of various ridge, robust and ridge-type robust estimators when a data set is contaminated by collinearity, collinearity-influential observations, as well as outliers. This is achieved by first generating fifteen different synthetic data sets with known level of contamination. These data sets are then used to evaluate performances of twelve different estimators based on the Monte-Carlo estimates of total mean square, total variance and total bias. It has shown that these results can be used as lookup tables to select the best estimator for various cases of contamination. The results reveal that the interactions between leverage points and collinearity can be misleading for estimation selection problem. It is also shown that the notion of directionality of outliers and the strength of collinearity can also drastically impact estimator performance. Finally, an example application is presented to validate the results.

Keywords: Collinearity-influential, Leverage, Outliers, Ridge, Robust, Ridge-type robust

Cite this paper: O. Ufuk Ekiz, Impact of Interactions between Collinearity, Leverage Points and Outliers on Ridge, Robust, and Ridge-type Robust Estimators, International Journal of Statistics and Applications, Vol. 8 No. 2, 2018, pp. 88-102. doi: 10.5923/j.statistics.20180802.08.

1. Introduction

There is a growing interest in the literature for understanding the performance of ridge, robust, and ridge-type robust estimators that are less prone to the contaminations caused by outliers and collinearity in data [1-7]. However, the degree to which these contaminations effect estimator performance is not yet well understood. Hence, for practical applications this lack of insight makes it challenging to decide the best and the most efficient estimator. Another challenge is to construct proper platforms for comparing and validating estimator performances when data is subject to various levels of contaminations due to collinearity, outliers, leverage points and their interactions. In the rest of the study, the term contamination will be used to describe the negative effects of various levels of collinearity, type of outliers, leverage points and their interactions on the estimation performance. This study proposes a framework to address some of these challenges.
To begin our discussion, we consider the linear regression model [8],
where Y (dependent variable) is a vector of size is an full rank design matrix, n is the sample size, and p is the number of explanatory variables. In Equation (1), is an error vector that satisfies the expected value and covariance where I is the identity matrix. Moreover, is the unknown parameter vector, and is the variance. In this setup, it is well known that ordinary least squares (OLS)
is the best linear unbiased estimator [8] where is the transpose of matrix X. However, it is also known that collinearity in data introduces sign switches for the OLS estimator and inflates its variance [1,3,4]. There is a vast amount of work in literature [4,9,10,11] that have proposed and studied ridge regression which is one of the most commonly used methods to overcome the challenges introduced by collinearity [3]. Furthermore, these studies have revealed that presence of high-leverage points (observations) in data is also critical since they can drastically change the effect of collinearity in estimation.
Not only collinearity but outliers may also effect the performance of OLS and ridge estimators. In their studies [7,12,13], authors have proposed various robust estimators that target to eliminate the impact of outliers in estimation. Properties of these estimators vary depending upon the type of outliers present in the data; i.e. if the observations are classified as outliers based on their X (Type 1) or Y (Type 2) distances then estimator performance may vary when data contains only Type 1, only Type 2 or both Type 1 and Type 2 outliers. Finally, ridge-type and Liu-type robust estimators have been proposed in studies [1,2,5,6,14] in order to overcome the effects caused by both collinearity and outliers. However, the interactions between collinearity, outliers and leverage points are not yet well understood and it is not trivial to conclude which estimator performs better when data is subject to various levels of contamination.
In [15] and [16], the impact of outliers on the performance of various robust estimators when the sample size is small is studied. In this study, the details of a simulation study in which the synthetic data sets are generated so as to involve predefined levels of contamination caused by outliers, collinearity and leverage points are presented. Then, performances of a subset of well-known ridge, robust and ridge-type robust estimators are investigated. This is achieved by first classifying collinearity-influential observations (high-leverage points) in data into three subgroups based on their type of influence-leverage-masking collinearity, leverage-inducing collinearity, and leverage-intensifying collinearity (similar classifications were presented in studies [17] and [18]).
We simulate and present example data sets in Figure 1 to illustrate masking, inducing and intensifying effects of high-leverage observations on the estimate of variance inflation factor , where is the estimate of maximum determination coefficient computed for all explanatory variables such that is the maximum value of the diagonal elements of inverse sample correlation matrix of the explanatory variables [19,20]. Moreover, and are the estimates of and . Thus, when is the maximum determination coefficient among the explanatory variables . In the figure is an observation, where . Let us consider the observation (shown in blue) in Figure 1a. It is obvious that even if we exclude there exists collinearity between the rest of the observations. However, it is also clear that including in the computations will intensify the strength of collinearity. Hence, observation is classified as leverage-intensifying collinearity. Similarly in Figure 1b, it is shown that including high-leverage observations and in computations will induce collinearity (leverage-inducing collinearity) that would not be as prominent without and . Finally, Figure 1c illustrates an example in which and mask the effect of collinearity (leverage-masking collinearity), that is, including and in estimation drastically decreases level of collinearity already present for the rest of the data.
Figure 1. Example data sets involving three types of collinearity-influential observations
Then the goal becomes introducing a framework to compare estimators when data involves various levels of structured contamination as listed in Table 1. In the table, first column represents enumerated cases of distinct contaminations, second column is the collinearity level computed by using the data set that excludes leverage observations, third column is the type(s) of outlier(s) in data, and fourth column represents the influence of leverage observations on the collinearity (as shown in Figure 1).
To measure the performance of an estimator for each case presented in Table 1, Monte-Carlo estimates of total mean square error (MSE), total variance (VAR) and total bias (BIAS), [21-23], given by
where is the estimate of and is the variance of is used. Tr is the trace operator and E is the expectation. Finding the most efficient estimator (by means of MSE, VAR and BIAS) for each case in Table 1 requires the knowledge of the following properties of the data: (1) ratio of outliers in data, (2) ratio of high-leverage points in data, (3) type of leverage points (masking, inducing or intensifying), (4) level of collinearity in data with and without the leverage points, (5) type of outlier(s) in data (Type 1, Type 2 or both). Thus, in Section 3.1, we will summarize our methodology by first describing the steps for generating synthetic data with known properties. Furthermore, the synthetic data will then be used to construct a lookup table that shows the estimator performance for each case in Table 1.
Table 1. 15 different cases of data contamination investigated in this study
In order to conduct a formal study, we first introduce a subset of ridge, robust and ridge-type robust estimators in Section 2. In Section 3, we present the details for generating synthetic data and a simulation study for comparing the estimator performances. Moreover, we discuss an application of the proposed framework to real data. Finally, Section 4 concludes the study and discusses possible future work directions.

2. Estimators

In this section we present the details of commonly used estimators compared in our simulation studies. First, we will describe the details of ridge estimators and summarize three of them using different ridge parameters. Second we will discuss five frequently used robust estimators - Least Median Square, Re-weighted Least Square, Least Trimmed Squares, M-estimator and S-estimator. Finally, we will present three ridge-type robust estimators.

2.1. Ridge Estimators

The ridge regression estimator is introduced in [3] as,
where I is the identity matrix and k is the ridge parameter that controls the bias of the regression. Many different methods are given in the literature to determine the value of the parameter k. In [4], [10], and [9] the ridge parameter is given by
respectively. Here, is the jth eigenvalue of the matrix where and is given as follows
In Section 1, we have introduced in Equation (2). Henceforth, and denote the ridge estimators computed by the ridge parameters and respectively.

2.2. Robust Estimators

In what follows, we describe frequently used robust estimators in literature to estimate parameter in Equation (1), [7,13,24].
• Least median square (LMS)
One of the most commonly used robust estimator is the LMS estimator, [13]. For our purposes, we summarize the steps of LMS algorithm as follows.
Step 1: Generate all possible subsamples of observations with size p from n, and randomly select m subsamples out of all generated subsamples.
Step 2: Perform regression analysis for m distinct subsamples (with size p).
Step 3: For each regression compute the residual of ith observation where
Step 4: Solve the objective function where and is the ordinary least square estimate for the tth subsample.
Step 5: Finally, that minimizes the objective function is referred to as
Furthermore, LMS estimate of the variance is calculated by
[7,24] where the weights are given as
Note that only for the first iteration we compute ,
and replace it by in Equation (12).
• Re-weighted least square (RLS)
In order to compute RLS estimator [13], the goal becomes solving another objective function
In Equation (15), is the well-known weighted least square estimator calculated from the iteration where and are the weight and residual for each observation, respectively. The that minimizes Equation (15) is defined as RLS estimator . The RLS estimator of variance is computed by
[7,24], and the weights are given as
Only for the initial iteration and associated residuals are used as initial conditions and is replaced by in Equation (17).
• Least trimmed squares (LTS)
For the LTS estimator, [13], we generate subsamples of data with size from n observations, where total number of subsamples is m and each subsample is enumerated as . For a subsample, we perform OLS regression analysis and compute residuals for n observations. Moreover, square of the residuals are ordered such that and that minimizes
is the LTS estimator Note that when m is too large, a fixed number of randomly selected subsamples are used as an approximation to the optimal solution of for computational reasons. In [13], the details for finding the number of randomly selected subsamples are discussed for a desired probability of distance to the optimal value.
This type of robust estimator is obtained from the solution of
such that computed at the iteration is defined as M-estimator, [24]. The details of the stopping rule that determines could be found in [24]. In the first iteration is used as the initial point and for the rest of the iterations weighted least squares is estimated by using
where is the current diagonal weight matrix with diagonal elements , [13]. In this study Tukey's bi-weight function
where the derivative and the weights is used, [13]. Finally, in simulations the constant c is selected as 1.547 (the reason for this selection will be discussed in the following section)
S-estimator is proposed in [25] and it is computed by solving
where is the estimate of the variance of the residuals. Here, in the iterative solution is also used as an initial point and obtained from the iteration is defined as S-estimator,
To compute s, in each iteration, the equation
is solved. Then the new weighted least squares is estimated by Equation (20). Here K is set to such that and are asymptotically consistent estimates of and for the Gaussian regression model and is usually taken as is the standard normal distribution. In this study, Tukey's biweight function (Equation (21)) is used with . This value is selected such that becomes 0:5 (breakdown point of S estimator), [24,25]. Same value of c is used in both S and M-estimator in order to be able to compare their performances.
• Ridge-type robust estimators
Ridge-type robust estimator is proposed in [26] and it is computed by
Where is obtained by
Here, and can be selected as any type of robust estimator. In this study we use ridge-type RLS (RTRLS), ridge-type S (RTS), and ridge-type M (RTM) to compare their performances with the rest of the estimators presented above.

3. Simulations and an Example

Here, we generate fifteen different synthetic data sets with varying levels of contamination. These data sets are then used to evaluate performances of twelve different estimators based on the Monte-Carlo estimates of total mean square, total variance and total bias. We show that these results can be used as lookup tables to select the best estimator for various cases of contamination. Moreover, we present an example to demonstrate an application of using these tables.

3.1. Simulations

In this study, we generate contaminated normal distributed data with three explanatory variables that has the joint probability density function F for (in Equation (1)), where . Here, and is the mixture parameter that satisfies , [24]. Here, the location parameters and are used as design specifications. We parse them into elements such that and where and , respectively. (or ) is the mean of for distribution (or ). Thus this parsing will allow us to use the set of design parameters to manipulate the level and the type of contamination corresponding to the cases presented in Table 1.
In the simulations . To generate data with leverage-masking, leverage-inducing, and leverage-intensifying collinearity and are selected as
respectively. In order to generate data including leverage-masking collinearity, we use a covariance matrix with diagonal elements 1. Non-diagonal elements are close to 1 which guarantees strong collinearity between explanatory variables. Moreover, high-leverage observations drawn from the distribution with are added to data with ratio and are estimates of computed from the observations generated from G and F, respectively. For instance, one may observe from Table 3 (Appendices) that even when is small is much smaller than Hence, a small number of high-leverage observations can mask the underlined strong collinearity associated with the majority of the data. In leverage inducing collinearity case, the covariance matrix has smaller non-diagonal elements and the corresponding (value computed from ) is smaller which implies no collinearity between explanatory variables. Similarly, high-leverage observations drawn from distribution H and with a different added to data with ratio In this case, we observe that value is much higher than computed without leverage points. This reveals that a small set of high-leverage observations can induce collinearity. A similar approach is taken for the third case of manipulation in which the high-leverage points intensify the strength of the collinearity.
In what follows, we will describe the steps for generating data involving all combinations of contamination consisting of outliers and high-leverage points. Below, we list five manipulation methods used in our simulations.
(1) The data (with size n) is generated by having only high-leverage points (masking, inducing or intensifying) with ratio . To achieve this, leverage points are drawn from the distribution and non-leverage points from . Then the observations of dependent variable for the leverage points are drawn from where and . Non-leverage points are also drawn from the same distribution by just replacing with .
(2) The data is generated by having only Type 1 outliers, which are also high-leverage points, with ratio . The observations of dependent variable associated with these leverage points are drawn from . Here, and . Rest of the observations are drawn from where and same variance .
(3) The data is generated by having only Type 2 outliers with ratio that are drawn from where and . Rest of the observations are generated from where and same variance
(4) The data is generated by having both high-leverage points and Type 2 outliers with ratio . To achieve this, a combination of manipulations (1) for high-leverage points and (3) for Type 2 outliers is used. That is, leverage points are drawn from the distribution . Type 2 outliers with ratio are drawn from where and . Rest of the observations with ratio are generated from where and same variance
(5) The data is generated by having both Type 1 and Type 2 outliers each with ratio high-leverage points and Type 2 outliers with ratio . To achieve this a combination of manipulations (2) and (3) is used. For Type 1 outliers, we generate high-leverage points from with also ratio . The observations of dependent variable associated with these leverage points are drawn from . Here, and . Moreover, Type 2 outliers are generated from with ratio where and . Rest of the observations with ratio are generated from where and same variance
Each manipulation is performed for leverage-masking, inducing and intensifying observations. Hence, in total there are 15 cases to be investigated as presented in Table 1 for which number of iterations is fixed to 10000 in order to compute the Monte-Carlo estimations of MSE, VAR, and BIAS given in Equation (4)-(6). Moreover, each case is investigated for various values of mixture parameter that contributes to the level of the manipulation. We present simulation results for the case when n = 50 and p = 3 since we observe that the results were similar for various combinations.
Structurally, we first generate data with only leverage-masking collinearity associated with the cases 1 to 4 in Table 1 and present our results in Tables 3-6. (Appendices). Similarly, same steps are followed for leverage-inducing and leverage intensifying collinearity associated with the cases 5 to 8 and 9 to 12 in Table 1, and the results are shown in Tables 7-10 (Appendices) and 11-14 (Appendices), respectively. Finally, for the cases 13-15 in which estimator performances are compared when data has only Type 2 outliers with no leverage observations but relatively high, low and moderate level of collinearity the results are presented in Tables 15-17 (Appendices). In all of the Tables 2-17, OLS, RR1-RR2-RR3-RLS-LMS-LTS-M-S, and RTRLS-RTM-RTS denote the ordinary least squares, ridge, robust, and ridge-type robust estimators, respectively, presented in Section 2. Furthermore, in the top row of each table simulation parameters as well as the known value calculated from the covariance matrix are shown. In the second column of Tables 3-17, and are computed from the first iteration of Monte-Carlo simulation in which the data is generated from G and F distributions, respectively. Each table presents the results based on MSE, VAR and BIAS computed by Equation (4)-(6).
Let us first consider the cases when data only involves leverage observations. Figure 2a illustrates that the estimator RR3 (shown with red) performs the best based on variance. However, in a practical application, since value (computed from all of the observations, Table 3) is relatively small due the masking effect of leverage masking observations and there are no outliers, OLS (shown in blue) is expected to outperform the rest of the estimators, [6,8]. In contrast, in Figure 2c we observe that OLS performs the best even though ridge estimators (shown in red) are expected to perform the best for high value (Table 7) and no outliers [3]. Hence, we conclude that a small ratio of leverage-inducing observations in data causes a drastic increase in that is used to select estimators in practical applications. In Figure 2e there are only leverage-intensifying observations that strengthens an existing high level of collinearity (as one may observe from in Table 11) and we conclude that ridge estimator performs the best.
If we observe Figure 2b and 2d a similar argument can be made for data that involves both high-leverage observations as well as outliers in X and Y directions. For instance, based on low value (Table 6) due to the masking effect of leverage masking collinearity, one may expect robust estimators to be the best performing estimator, [13]. However, Figure 2b illustrates that for varying range of mixture parameter ridge-type S estimator (RTS) outperforms the rest. Similarly, when the leverage observations induce collinearity (high value in Table 10), Figure 2d shows that robust estimator (RLS) performs better for This validates that observations classified as leverage-inducing collinearity are misleading since one expects ridge-type robust estimators to be more efficient for data sets with high collinearity and outliers [5,6].
Figure 2. 6 plots illustrating the logarithm of the Monte-Carlo estimates of variance as a function of mixture parameter η. Color coding in the figures is arranged such that OLS, ridge, robust, and ridge-type robust estimators are represented by blue, red, black, and green, respectively. The set of parameters used in each subplot (a)-(f) are presented in Tables 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, and 14, respectively
Hence, we conclude that for practical applications in order to select the best estimator with respect to variance, value should be computed by extracting the leverage points from the data for the best results. This suggests the use of robust calculations as we will discuss in Subsection 3.2. However, the precise contribution of robust computations to solve estimator selection problem is yet to be understood and this will be the subject of our future work.
In Figure 3a-3c, we present results gathered from Tables 15-17, respectively. In Figure 3a, it is observed that ridge-type S estimator performs the best based on variance (RTS shown in green). Moreover, Figure 3b illustrates that for small values of robust estimators (RLS and S shown in black solid and dashed lines) but for higher values of ridge-type S estimator (RTS) has the lowest variance. Finally, Figure 3c, shows a similar trend around
Figure 3. 3 plots illustrating the logarithm of the Monte-Carlo estimates of variance as a function of mixture parameter η. Color coding in the figures is arranged such that ridge, robust, ridge-type robust estimators are represented by red, black and blue, green, respectively. The set of parameters used in each subplot (a), (b), (c) are presented in Tables 15, 17, 16, respectively
These results validate that when there are outliers only in Y direction, as the level of collinearity increases ridge-type S estimator (RTS) performs better with lower variance than robust estimators (S and RLS). Hence, the strength of collinearity is also critical for selecting estimators.
Remark: In this section, we have compared estimator performances only with respect to their variances. However, in some practical applications bias-variance trade-off should be taken into account for selecting the appropriate estimator. Hence, we presented BIAS and MSE values computed from Monte-Carlo estimates as well as VAR in the Tables 3-17.

3.2. Example

In this section, we compare estimator performances (presented in Section 2) when they are applied to the data set introduced in [27]. This synthetic regression data is constructed such that there are three explanatory variables and in total observations that are enumerated from 1-75 such that the observations 1-10 are outliers in Type 1 direction Moreover, data is constructed such that the following 4 observations between 11 and 14 are leverage observations computed from 75 observations is 23.6842. This reveals that collinearity exists in data. obtained by excluding both outliers and leverage observations is found as 1.0163. Hence, we classify these (in total 15) observations as leverage-inducing collinearity. If we exclude only leverage observations and outliers, values are 34.1178 and 13.0166, respectively. These results indicate that Type 1 outliers induce collinearity more prominently than the leverage observations.
Using this knowledge, one may use Table 8 (for data involving Type 1 outliers as well as leverage-inducing collinearity) which concludes that RLS estimator performs the best based on variance when mixture parameter is in the range . Moreover, for the same range of we observe from Table 8 that RLS and RTRLS have approximately the same value of VAR but RLS has lower BIAS and lower MSE values.
In Table 2 (Appendices), we present results gathered from distinct methods to estimate the regression parameters for as well as values. is the estimate of . Moreover, it is computed by the set of observations used for calculating for each estimation method. In Table 2, value computed from RLS is equal to 13.0166. This is the same value computed by excluding only Type 1 outliers from data. Hence, this suggests that RLS estimator uses the subsample excluding all Type 1 observations which maximize its efficiency and this is in line with our results presented in Table 8.
However, it is non-trivial to make the same conclusion for the rest of the robust estimators. Note that, since ridge estimators (RR1, RR2, RR3) use all the data their values (in Table 2) are found as 23.6842 which is estimated from the total data set with 75 observations. Ridge-type robust estimators RTRLS, RTM and RTS have the same values as RLS, M and S in that they use the same subsample.

4. Conclusions

This study aims to construct a framework in order to compare estimator performances for various levels of contamination caused by collinearity, collinearity-influential observations and outliers in data. Furthermore, it targets to investigate the influence of their interactions by examining fifteen different data sets. These synthetically generated data sets involve distinct combinations of outliers classified as Type 1 or 2 based on their distance, and three distinct collinearity-influential observations, namely, leverage masking, leverage-inducing and leverage-intensifying collinearity. For the analysis, we use ridge, robust and ridge-type robust estimators from the literature and compute the Monte-Carlo estimates of total mean square, total variance and total bias for evaluating their estimation performances.
We compare estimators based on variance and observe that when data involves high collinearity and only leverage-masking observations (no outliers), RR3 (ridge estimator) has the smallest variance. However, in a practical application due to the masking effect of the leverage observations, would be small and OLS estimator would be expected to perform the best for no collinearity and no outliers case, [6, 8]. Similar effects are observed when data involves leverage-inducing observations. Hence, we conclude that the interactions between collinearity and collinearity-influential observations can be misleading when selecting an estimator. These results reveal that , which is used for estimator selection, should be computed robustly by excluding the leverage points from the data set.
We also observe that directionality in outliers and the strength of collinearity in data are also relevant for estimator selection. We show that the results presented in this study can be used as lookup tables to decide on the best estimator based on total variance, total mean square error and total bias values.


Table 2. Parameter estimations and values for the data
Table 3. Case 1: MSE, VAR, BIAS and values when data involves only leverage-masking collinearity (no outliers)
Table 4. Case 2: MSE, VAR, BIAS and values when data involves leverage-masking collinearity and Type 1 outliers
Table 5. Case 3: MSE, VAR, BIAS and values when data involves leverage-masking collinearity and Type 2 outliers
Table 6. Case 4: MSE, VAR, BIAS and values when data involves leverage-masking collinearity and Type 1 and 2 outliers
Table 7. Case 5: MSE, VAR, BIAS and values when data involves only leverage-inducing collinearity in data (no outliers)
Table 8. Case 6: MSE, VAR, BIAS and values when data involves leverage-inducing collinearity and Type 1 outliers
Table 9. Case 7: MSE, VAR, BIAS and values when data involves leverage-inducing collinearity and Type 2 outliers
Table 10. Case 8: MSE, VAR, BIAS and values when data involves leverage-inducing collinearity and Type 1 and 2 outliers
Table 11. Case 9: MSE, VAR, BIAS and values when data involves only leverage-intensifying collinearity (no outliers)
Table 12. Case 10: MSE, VAR, BIAS and values when data involves leverage-intensifying collinearity and Type 1 outliers
Table 13. Case 11: MSE, VAR, BIAS and values when data involves leverage-intensifying collinearity and Type 2 outliers
Table 14. Case 12: MSE, VAR, BIAS and values when data involves leverage-intensifying collinearity and Type 1 and 2 outliers
Table 15. Case 13: MSE, VAR, BIAS and values when data has high collinearity and Type 2 outliers (no leverage observations)
Table 16. Case 14: MSE, VAR, BIAS and values when data has low/no collinearity and Type 2 outliers (no leverage observations)
Table 17. Case 15: MSE, VAR, BIAS and values when data has moderate collinearity and Type 2 outliers (no leverage points)


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