International Journal of Statistics and Applications

p-ISSN: 2168-5193    e-ISSN: 2168-5215

2017;  7(2): 73-92



Competitive Assessment of Two Variance Weighted Gradient (VWG) Methods with Some Standard Gradient and Non-Gradient Optimization Methods

Otaru O. A. P., Iwundu M. P.

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Correspondence to: Iwundu M. P., Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.


Copyright © 2017 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.

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A competitive assessment of the performance of two Variance Weighted Gradient (VWG) methods with some gradient and non-gradient optimization methods is considered for optimizing polynomial response surfaces. The variance weighted gradient methods could involve several response surfaces defined on joint feasible regions having same constraints or several response surfaces defined on disjoint feasible regions having different constraints. The gradient and non-gradient optimization methods include Quasi-Newton (GN), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Mesh Adaptive Search (MADS) and Generalized Pattern Search (GPS) methods. The variance weighted gradient methods perform considerably and comparatively well and require few iterative steps to convergence.

Keywords: Response Surfaces, Optimization, Gradient Method, Non-Gradient Method, Weighted Gradients methods

Cite this paper: Otaru O. A. P., Iwundu M. P., Competitive Assessment of Two Variance Weighted Gradient (VWG) Methods with Some Standard Gradient and Non-Gradient Optimization Methods, International Journal of Statistics and Applications, Vol. 7 No. 2, 2017, pp. 73-92. doi: 10.5923/j.statistics.20170702.03.

1. Introduction

Gradient and non-gradient methods are popular techniques used in optimizing response functions. They have been very helpful in handling optimization of single objective functions. In the presence of multi-objective functions, the popularly used one-at-a-time optimization techniques become time consuming. In fact, the challenge in getting a good guess of starting point introduces cycling and sometime lack of convergence. The Gradient and non-gradient methods include Newton Method (NM), Guasi-Newton Method (GNM), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Mesh Adaptive Search (MADS) and Generalized Pattern Search (GPS) methods, etc. These methods could readily be seen in statistical software and thus, easy to use in handling optimization problems. As documented in Patil and Verma (2009), the Newton method was developed by Newton in 1669 and was later improved by Raphson in 1690 and hence popularly referred to as Newton-Raphson’s iterative algorithm. NM is the commonly applied gradient-based method for optimizing polynomial function when the first and second derivative of the function is explicitly available. It assumes that the function can be locally approximated as a quadratic in the region around the optimum. Newton method requires computation of Hessian matrix and the convergence of the method is slow.
Davidon (1959) developed the Quasi Newton Method (QNM) which was later popularized by Fletcher and Powell (1963). The Quasi Newton Method can be used if the Hessian matrix is unavailable or too expensive to compute at all iterations. Thus the Quasi Newton Method helps to reduce computational rigor involved in the Newton method. Commonly used Quasi Newton algorithms are the SR1 formular, the BHHH method, the BFGS method and the L-BFGS method. Holland (1975) developed Genetic Algorithms (GAs) for linear and non-linear functions optimization. The algorithm solves both constrained and unconstrained optimization problems using natural procedure that imitates biological evolution.
Genetic Algorithms can be used to solve problems where standard optimization techniques do not apply as well as problems in which the objective function is discontinuous or non-linear. Pattern search algorithms can also be employed in getting optimal solutions. The generalized pattern search (GPS) for unconstrained optimization problems is due to Torczon (1997) and does not require information about the gradient or higher derivative to arrive at the optimal point. Audet and Dennis Jr (2006) developed the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MADS) as a class of algorithm that extends the generalized pattern search. Both algorithms compute a sequence of points that approach the optimal solutions. Abramson (2009) applied the Mesh adaptive direct search in solving constrained mixed variable optimization problems in which variables may be continuous or categorical. The gradient-free class of Mesh adaptive direct search algorithm is called Mixed Variable MADS abbreviated MV-MADS. Audit (2010) introduced MULTIMAD, a multi-objective Mesh adaptive direct search optimization algorithm. For more on the Gradient and non-gradient methods, see Audet and Dennis Jr (2009), Audet (2014), Dolan (2003), Goldberg (1989), Kolda (2003), Lewin (1994a), Lewin (1994b), Lewis and Torczon (2000).
Iwundu (2014) developed an iterative variance weighted gradient procedure that can simultaneously optimize multi-objective functions defined on the same region or having the same constraints. When the constraints are different and the regions are disjoint, a projection scheme that allows the projection of design points from one region to another is used. The performance of the variance weighted gradient method due to Iwundu et al. (2014) and its modified projection scheme technique shall be compared with the gradient-based QNM and non-gradient optimization methods, namely, GA, MADS and GPS. The basic algorithmic steps of the variance weighted gradient methods are presented in section 2.

2. Methodology

We present the algorithmic steps of the variance weighted gradient method for joint feasible region as well as for disjoint feasible region.

2.1. Variance Weighted Gradient (VWG) Method for Joint Feasible Regions with Same Constraints

Let be an n-variate, p-parameter polynomial functions of degree m defined by constraints on the same feasible region, given by
where is a p-component vector of known coefficient, is the random error component assumed normally and independently distributed with zero mean and constant variance, is a component vector of known coefficients and is a scalar for s number of constraints. The Variance Weighted Gradient (VWG) method for joint feasible regions with same constraints is defined by the following iterative steps:
i) Obtain N support points from
ii) Define the design measures which is made up of N support points such that
where support points are spread evenly in
iii) From the support point l (1, N) that makes up the design measure, compute the starting points as.
iv) Obtain the n-component gradient vector for the kth function.
is an degree polynomial;
is a t-component vector of known coefficients
v) Compute the corresponding kth gradient vector, by substituting each l design point to the gradient function as
vi) Using the gradient function and design measures obtain the corresponding design matrices
In order to form the design matrix a single polynomial that combines the respective gradient function associated with each response function is
vii) Compute the variances of each l design point for the kth function as
viii) Obtain the direction vector for the kth function as
and the normalize direction vector such that
ix) Compute the step-length as
x) With and make a move to
xi) To make a next move set and define the design measure as
and repeat the process from step (iii) then obtain
xii) If
where is the kth function at the jth step and is the kth function at the next (j+1)th step.
then set the optimizers as
and STOP. Else, set and repeat the process from (iii).

2.2. Variance Weighted Gradient (VWG) Method for Disjoint Feasible Regions with Different Constraints

be the n-variate, p-parameter polynomial of degree m, defined on the rth feasible regions supported by s constraints. Such that
where is a p-component vector of known coefficients, independent random variable and is the random error component assumed normally and independently distributed with zero mean and constant variance. While is a component vector of know coefficients and is a scalar for s number of constraints in the rth region.
The Variance Weighted Gradient (VWG) method for disjoint feasible regions, with different Constraints, is given by the following sequential steps:
i) From obtain the design measures which are made up of support points from respective regions such that
where support points are spread evenly in
ii) From the support points that make up the design measure compute R starting points as, the arithmetic mean vectors.
iii) Obtain the n-component gradient function for the rth region.
is an degree polynomial ;
is a t-component vector of known coefficients
iv) Compute the corresponding r gradient vectors, by substituting each design point defined on the rth region to the gradient function as
v) Using the gradient function and design measures obtain the corresponding design matrices
In order to form the design matrix a single polynomial that combines the respective gradient function associated with each response function is
vi) Compute the variances of each l design point defined on the rth region as
vii) Obtain the direction vector in the rth region as
and the normalize direction vector such that
viii) Compute the step-length as
with and make a move to
using evaluate the projection operator as
and obtain the projector optimizers for each region as
ix) To make a next move set and define the design measure as
and repeat the process from step (ii) then obtain
x) If
where is the rth feasible region at the jth step and is the rth feasible region at the next j+1th step.
then set the optimizers as
and STOP. Else, set and repeat the process from (ii).

3. Results

In comparing the Variance Weighted Gradient (VWG) algorithms with standard gradient and non-gradient methods, we consider the optimization problems;
Problem 1
subject to
(Ghadle and Pawar, 2015)
Maximize subject to
(Hillier and Lieberman, 2001).
The solution to the minimization problem using the Variance Weighted Gradient (VWG) method is and from an initial starting point, Similarly, the solution to the maximization problem using the Variance Weighted Gradient (VWG) method is and from an initial starting point, QN, GA, MADS and GPS methods obtained the respective solutions to the minimization problem from respective initial guess value, Similarly, QN, GA, MADS and GPS methods obtained the respective solutions to the maximization problem from respective initial guess value, The summary results are as tabulated in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1. Minimization of
      Subject to
Table 2. Maximization of
      Subject to
Problem 2
subject to
(Hillier and Lieberman, 2001)
subject to
(Hillier and Lieberman, 2001)
The solution to the maximization problem using the Variance Weighted Gradient (VWG) method is and from an initial starting point, Similarly, the solution to the maximization problem using the Variance Weighted Gradient (VWG) method is and from an initial starting point, QN, GA, MADS and GPS methods obtained the respective solutions from respective initial guess value, to the maximization problem In like manner, QN, GA, MADS and GPS methods obtained the respective solutions for from respective initial guess value, to the maximization problem
The summary results are as tabulated in Tables 3 and 4.
Table 3. Minimization of
      Subject to
Table 4. Minimization of
      Subject to
Solutions involving Quasi-Newton's Method (QNM), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Mesh Adaptive Search (MADS) and Generalized Pattern Search (GPS) algorithms were obtained with the aid of optimization tool and pattern tool in MATLAB version R2007b software. The MATLAB outputs are in Appendices A-D.

4. Discussion of Results

In minimizing subject to and the Quasi-Newton Method (QNM) with the initial guess starting point (0.0000, 1.0000) locates the optimizer (1.5000, 0.5000) in 4 iterations with a response function value of 0.5000. Genetic Algorithm (GA) with initial guess starting points (0.0000, 1.0000) locates the optimizer (1.5040, 0.4950) in 51 iterations with a response function value of 0.5001. The Mesh Adaptive Search (MADS) and Generalized Pattern Search (GPS) methods, with initial guess starting point (0.0000, 0.0000), locate the same optimizer (1.5000, 0.5000) with a response function value of 0.5000 in 25 and 26 iterations, respectively. The Variance Weighted Gradient Method (VWG) obtained optimizers (1.4960, 0.5030) in 5 iterations, with a response function value of 0.5000 from an initial optimum starting point (0.66, 0.66).
In maximizing subject to and the Quasi-Newton Method (QNM) method, with the initial guess starting point (0.0000, 0.0000) locates the optimizer (0.7500, 1.2500) in 3 iterations with a response function value of 3.1250. The Genetic Algorithm (GA), with the initial guess starting point (0.0000, 0.0000) locates the optimizer (0.7540, 1.2500) in 51 iterations with a response function value of 3.1249. The Mesh Adaptive Search (MADS) method, with the initial guess starting point (0.0000, 0.0000) locates the optimizer (0.7570, 1.2420) in 135 iterations with a response function value of 3.1244. The Generalized Pattern Search (GPS) method, with the initial guess starting point (1.0000, 0.0000) locates the optimizer (0.7500, 1.2500) in 24 iterations with a response function value of 3.1250. The Variance Weighted Gradient Method (VWG) obtained optimizers (0.7560, 1.2430) in 3 iterations, with a response function value of 3.1249 from an initial optimum starting point (0.66, 0.66).
In maximizing subject to and , the Quasi-Newton Method (QNM) with the initial guess starting point (0.0000, 1.0000) locates the optimizer (1.0000, 1.5000) in 4 iterations with a response function value of 11.4999. Genetic Algorithm (GA) with initial guess starting point (0.0000, 1.0000) locates the optimizer (0.9960, 1.5040) in 51 iterations, with response function value 11.4999. The Mesh Adaptive Search (MADS) method with initial guess starting point (1.0000, 0.0000) locates the optimizer (1.0000, 1.5000) in 23 iterations, with response function value 11.5000. The Generalized Pattern Search (GPS) method with initial guess starting point (0.0000, 1.0000) locates the optimizer (1.0000, 1.5000) in 24 iterations, with response function value of 11.5000. The Variance Weighted Gradient Method (VWG) obtained optimizers (0.9800, 1.5290) from an initial optimum starting point (0.7500, 0.7900) in 2 iterations, with response function value of 11.4977.
Figure 1. Optimum Point of Subject to
Figure 2. Optimum Point of Subject to
Figure 3. Optimum Point of Subject to
Figure 4. Optimum Point of subject to
In maximizing subject to and , the Quasi-Newton Method (QNM) with the initial guess starting point (0.0000, 1.0000) locates the optimizer (0.4220, 0.5770) in 5 iterations with a response function value of 1.3849. Genetic Algorithm (GA) with the initial guess starting point (0.0000, 0.0000) locates the optimizer (0.4220, 0.5770) in 51 iterations with a response function value of 1.3849. The Mesh Adaptive Search (MADS) method with the initial guess starting point (0.5000, 0.5000) locates the optimizer (0.4290, 0.5770) in 109 iterations with a response function value of 1.3848. The Generalized Pattern Search (GPS) method with the initial guess starting point (1.0000, 0.0000) locates the optimizer (0.4220, 0.5770) in 40 iterations with a response function value of 1.3849. The Variance Weighted Gradient Method (VWG) obtained optimizers (0.4280, 0.5710) with the initial starting point (0.2700, 0.3300) in 3 iterations with a response function value of 1.3849.
The VWG method has the ability to obtain optimizers for polynomial response functions defined on joint and disjoint feasible regions simultaneously in either the first or second iterations. The comparative assessment shows that results obtained using the VWG simultaneous optimization are comparatively efficient in locating the optimizers of several response surfaces. The norm of the optimizers obtained using the VWG methods relative to the existing methods is very small, with the maximum recorded as 0.0352. Also, the absolute difference between the values of the response functions obtained using the new method relative to existing methods are approximately zero. The present study raises the possibility that optimizers of multifunction defined on joint feasible region can be added to the design points of the region and also the optimizers of multifunction defined on one feasible region can be projected to another feasible region in obtaining optimal solutions. We propose that further research should be undertaken to investigate multifunction polynomial response surfaces defined by constraints on different feasible regions and multifunction polynomial response surfaces for unconstraint.

5. Conclusions

The variance weighted gradient (VWG) methods are suitable for optimizing polynomial response surfaces defined on the same or different feasible experimental regions. For both cases, the starting point of search is not a guess point as commonly seen in many gradient and non-gradient algorithms. Although the two variance weighted gradient methods simultaneously optimize multiobjective functions, in handling problems involving different regions and different constraints, a projection scheme that allows the projection of design points from one design region to another is used. The projection scheme enhances fast convergence of the algorithm to the desired optima as measured by the number of iterative moves made. The results of this study establish that the variance weighted gradient methods are reliable optimization methods for optimizing polynomial response surfaces defined by constraints on joint and disjoint feasible regions, when compared with Quasi-Newton’s Method, Genetic Algorithm, Mesh Adaptive Search and Generalized Pattern Search method. Interestingly, VWG algorithms required few numbers of iterative steps in obtaining the optimizers of the polynomial response functions.


Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D


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