[1] | Other kinds of consequences of the mapping will be to identify the genetic factors that a high degree determine performance in sport or even the possibility of cloned athletes. Breivik suggests that “We can imagin famous athletes eting their DNA like they now et their autographs and just about everything else”. Vid. G. Breivik, "Sport, gene doping and ethics" in C. Tamburrini and Tännsjö, Genetic Technology and Sport, London-New York, Routledge, 2005, p. 172 |
[2] | About doping's history and anti-doping policies: A. Ljungqvist, "The International anti-doping policy and its implementation"; in C. Tamburrini and T. Tännsjö 2010, Genetic Technology and Sport, Routledge, London-New York, 13-19; R.H Müller, History of Doping and Doping Control, in D. Thieme and Hemmebach, 2005, Doping in Sports, Springer. G. Breivik: "Sport, gene doping and ethics” op. cit., pp. 165-178 |
[3] | M.E.H Azzazy, "Gene Doping" in D. Thieme and Hemmebach, Doping in Sports, op. cit., p. 487. The WADA prohibits this kind of doping: "The transfer of cells or genetic elements or the use of cells, genetic elements or pharmacological agents to modulating expression of endogenous genes having the capacity to enhance athletic performance, is prohibited". The World Anti-Doping Code THE2009 PROHIBITED LIST(http://www.wada-ama.org/rtecontent/document/2009_Prohibited_List_ENG_Final_20_Sept_08.pdf). See also the report on gene doping in the WADA J., "Play True", 2005 (http://playtrue.wada-ama.org/Global/PDF%20Issues/EN/PlayTrue_2005_1_Gene_Doping_EN.pdf) |
[4] | A brief summary of arguments in favor and against enhancement: J. Savulescu: "Genetic Enhancement’, in. H. Kuhse and P. Singer (eds), A Companion to Bioethics, Second Edition. Oxford: Wiley- Blackwell 2007. From a pessimistic view about the use of gene doping in sports: G. R. Gaffney and R. Parisotto, “Gene Doping: A Review of Performance-Enhancing Genetics”, Pediatr. Clin. N. Am. 54, 2007, 807-822 |
[5] | T. Tännsjö, "Medical Enhancement and the Ethos of Sport", in J. Savulescu and N. Bostrom, 2009, Human Enhancement, Oxford, Oxford UP, p. 316 |
[6] | The distinction between therapy and enhancement is puzzle. Vid. Beyond therapy. Biotechnology and the pursuit of Happiness, A Report of The President’s Council on Bioethics; Washington, D.C., 2003 and A. Miah: Genetically Modified Athletes; London-New York, Routledge, 2004, p.94-115. Another interpretation can be found in S. Holm and M. MacNamee, “Physical Enhancement: What Baseline, Whose Judgment?”, in J. Savulescu, R.ter Meulen and G. Kahane, Enhancing Human Capacities, Oxford, Wiley Blackwell, 2011, pp.291-303 |
[7] | C. Munthe, "Selected Champions: Making Winners in the Age of Genetic Technology", in W. Morgan, Ethics in Sport, Champaing IL, Human Kinetics, 2007, p. 275 |
[8] | A. Schneider and J. Rupert, 2009. "Constructing Winners: The Science and Ethics of Genetically Manipulating Athletes", J. of Philosophy of Sports, 36, 182 |
[9] | The most of these arguments has been adopted by the WADA (World Antidoping Association). Vid. A. Schneider, and T. Friedmann, Gene Doping in Sports: The Science and Ethics of Genetically Modified Athletes, San Diego, Elsevier, 2006, pp. 65-79 |
[10] | C. Tamburrini: “What's wrong with doping?”in C. Tamburrini and Tännsjö, Values in Sport, London-New York, E. and FN, 2000, p. 292. A. Schneider and J. Rupert, "Constructing Winners: The Science and Ethics of Genetically Manipulating Athletes", J. of Philosophy of Sports, 36, 2009,194 |
[11] | C. Tamburrini, "What's wrong with doping?" in in C. Tamburrini and Tännsjö, Values in Sport, London-New York, E. and FN,2000, p. 292 |
[12] | The distinction between moderate and excessive risks is not easy and provoke an slippery slope. Even Julian Savulescu points out that excessive risks should be avoid. J. Savulescu, B. Fodd and M. Clayton, Why we should allow performance enhancing drugs in sport", in British J. of Sports and Medicine, 2004, 38, p. 670 |
[13] | C. Tamburrini. "What's wrong with doping?" in T. Tännsjö and C. Tamburrini , Values in Sport, London-New York, , E. and FN, 2000, p. 39 |
[14] | A. Schneider and J. Rupert. "Constructing Winners: The Science and Ethics of Genetically Manipulating Athletes", J. of Philosophy of Sports, 36, p. 195 |
[15] | J. Savulescu, B. Fodd and M. Clayton, “Why we should allow performance enhancing drugs in sport, in British J. of Sports and Medicin, 38, 2004, p. 669 |
[16] | C. Tamburrini, “What’s Wrong with J.S Mill’s ‘Harm to Others’-Argument”, J. of Philosophy of Sport, vol. XXXVIII, Issue 1, 2011, p.16 |
[17] | L. Culbertson, Genetic Enhancement in the Dark, J. of Philosophy of Sports, 36, 2009, p.144. Germline treatments arise another problem linked to a possible restriction to personal autonomy. Vid. J. Habermas, The future of human nature; Cambridge, Polity Press, 2003 |
[18] | L. Culbertson, "Genetic Enhancement in the DarkJ. of Philosophy of Sports, 36, 2009, p.144. |
[19] | A. Schneider and J. Rupert, ""Constructing Winners: The Science and Ethics of Genetically Manipulating Athletes", J. of Philosophy of Sports, 36, p. 196 |
[20] | T. Douglas, "Enhancement in Sport and Enhancement outside Sport"; Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology, vol.1, Issue 1, 2007 |
[21] | T. Tännsjö, Medical Enhancement and the Ethos of Sport, en J. Savulescu and N. Bostrom, Human Enhancement, Oxford, Oxford UP, 2009, p.315 |
[22] | A. Miah, “Genetics, Bioethics and Sport” in C. Tamburrini and T. Tännsjö, The Ethics of Sports Medicin, London-New York, Routledge, 2009, p. 37 |
[23] | M. Sandel, Against Perfection: Ethics in the age of genetic engineering; The Belknap Press, Cambridge (Massachussets)-London, 2007, p. 38. Another interpretation of the nature of athletic performance can be found in S. Loland, “Can a Ban on Doping in Sport be Morally Justified”, in J. Savulescu, R.ter Meulen and G. Kahane, Enhancing Human Capacities, Oxford, Wiley Blackwell, 2011, pp.326-334 |
[24] | R. Simon, Sports and Social Values, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 1985, p.70 |
[25] | C. Tamburrini: "After Doping what? The Morality of Genetics Engineering of Athletes" en W. Morgan, Ethics in Sport, Champaign IL, Human Kinetics, 2007, 294 |
[26] | C. Tamburrini: "After Doping what? The Morality of Genetics Engineering of Athletes" en W. Morgan, Ethics in Sport, Champaign IL, Human Kinetics, 2007, p.290 |
[27] | C. Tamburrini: "After Doping what? The Morality of Genetics Engineering of Athletes" en W. Morgan, Ethics in Sport, Champaign IL, Human Kinetics, 2007, p. 294 |
[28] | C. Tamburrini: "After Doping what? The Morality of Genetics Engineering of Athletes" en W. Morgan, Ethics in Sport, Champaign IL, Human Kinetics, 2007, p. 292 |
[29] | C. Tamburrini: "After Doping what? The Morality of Genetics Engineering of Athletes" en Morgan, W. Ethics in Sport, Champaign IL, Human Kinetics, 2007, p. 292 |
[30] | C. Tamburrini: "After Doping what? The Morality of Genetics Engineering of Athletes" en Morgan, W. Ethics in Sport, Champaign IL, Human Kinetics, 2007, p. 292 |
[31] | “In the four years before the Athens Olympics, Australia spent $547 million on sport funding, 27 with $13.8 million just to send the Olympic team to Athens. With its highest ever funding, the Australian team brought home 17 gold medals, also its highest. On these figures, a gold medal costs about $32 million. Australia came 4th in the medal tally in Athens despite having the 52nd largest population. Neither the Australian multi- cultural genetic heritage nor the flat landscape and desert could have endowed Australians with any special advantage”. J. Savulescu, B. Foddy and M. Clayton, M., "Why we should allow performance enhancing drugs in sport", en British J. of Sports and Medicin, 2004, 38, p. 670 |
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[33] | Murray, Thomas: "Sports Enhancement", en Crowley, M. (ed.): From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book for Policymakers and Campaigns, The Hasting Center, Garrison, 2008, p. 154 |
[34] | Juengst, E.T.: "What does Enhancement Mean? in E. Parens (ed.): Enhancing Human Traits: Ethical ans Social Implications; Washington, Georgetown UP, 1998, p. 29-47 |
[35] | A. Miah: Genetically Modified Athletes; London-New York, Routledge, 2004, p. 171 |
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