Ravi Prasad Burra
Department of Business, University of the Cumberlands, Managing in a Global Environment (BADM-631-B01), USA
Correspondence to: Ravi Prasad Burra, Department of Business, University of the Cumberlands, Managing in a Global Environment (BADM-631-B01), USA.
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Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
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This paper is a non-empirical study that explores the role of different leaders and their styles of leadership in the global environment. By comparing the difference in leadership from now to the past decades, there was a huge difference, which brought and proved the change with innovation and rapid evolution of the business in the global environment. In this study, the role of different leadership styles and their significant effect on the global environment has been discussed by performing qualitative research on the current issue of the differences in the lead globally. This in-depth analysis can help future leaders who wish to develop desired their careers as leaders in the global environment.
Leadership, Global Environment, IT Industry
Cite this paper: Ravi Prasad Burra, The Role of Different Leaderships in the Global Environment, Science and Technology, Vol. 13 No. 1, 2023, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.5923/j.scit.20231301.01.
1. Introduction
Global Leadership is defined as the experience of influence engaging effectively in understanding the significant differences among people that impact the success of influence in the global environment. Different leadership styles and skills are essential in leading innovative global organizations in the future global environment. Innovation is a new or advanced technology or a new approach to standard practices. In simple words “Innovative thinkers connect fields, problems or ideas that others find unrelated.” “The Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness” (GLOBE) instrument was designed to address the notion that a leader’s effectiveness is contextual. (Hill, 2022). In this world. Organizational flexibility, commitment, and modernization are essential attributes for assessing corporations' success in a global environment. Effective leadership in corporations is attributed to the enablers of managerial elasticity, problem-solving, and commitment orientation. The worldwide environment depicts cross-cultural backgrounds and needs top-board personnel that can successfully adapt to numerous global environments. A cross-cultural situation can improve employees’ organizational obligation by permitting human possessions and establishing an inspiring vision for future generations. (Cho et al., 2019).The main purpose of this research is to analyze the role of different leadership styles in the global environment, as it has become more dynamic and linked, which requires business leaders to be adept at identifying areas where they might desire to steer their firms for higher prosperity. Thus, it is essential for global business leaders to have such personalities and skills that can make them easily distinguishable in any global environment. This study is used to alert individuals who are considering their careers as future leaders in the global environment. This paper is written based on the qualitative analysis and research assignment on “The Role of Different Leaderships in the Global Environment” from the existing literature from the academic articles which are peer-reviewed. In this assignment, I will focus on and discuss many aspects, including, but not limited to, the role of the leader and leadership style, how leadership affects culture and leadership in different cultures, the effect of globalization on leadership, gender differences in leadership, the importance of employee engagement, and its effect on global leadership., (Jones, & Millar, C. C. J., 2010).According to (Richardson, J, & Lane, S. (2014), the issue discussed in this research is in today’s business firms function increased globally with rapid trends in technology, due to this cultural change, many leaders face a hard time with their leadership styles which are adopted for many years, and this research paper I would like to provide some guidance to the new leaders who are interested to grow in their career as a global leader in the global environment., (Loucks, & Ozogul, G. (2020).
2. Review of Literature
In the recent world, leaders are required to be prepared to succeed in the complex, fast-moving, and competitive world, making the highest of each resource. Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) research has established nine cultural dimensions: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, humane orientation, institutional collectivism, in-group collectivism, assertiveness, gender egalitarianism, future orientation, and performance orientation. (Hill, 2022). Thus, a leader must have a unique characteristic that makes him stand out in the selected field and be capable of collecting distinct teams within the company to perform as per their strengths to boost the performance and productivity of the organization. Business leaders who manage their teams in the global environment must be aware of when they manage their employees from diverse ethnic, cultural, and religious origins. Most people might think ‘Leadership is tough,’ but in my point of view ‘It’s Not.’ Because Leadership is not difficult, it is our ability to fit into the leadership role that makes people think so. Leaders in today’s business world are challenged with issues related to cultural diversity in the workplace and ethical dilemmas, and they must adapt their leadership style to fit the environment they are in. (Voegtlin et., 2012). Leading diligently influences the business owner to avoid such issues and educate their employees to move in the right direction; eventually, it can benefit the business owner in their business operations. If leaders lead irresponsibly, it will cause major problems to the business at many levels with shortfalls, ongoing revenue loss, and shortage of employees, and it gives a bad indication of their credibility in the customer’s front of view. Hence, leaders need to understand what type of leadership they are following and any change that needs to adapt to their style. Different leadership styles are followed in a global environment that includes but not limited to, autocratic leadership, strategic leadership, transformational leadership, transactional leadership, participatory leadership, value-based leadership, situational leadership, and servant leadership, all of which are effectively used in a global environment according to their business style and need. Global leaders are playing a critical role in the global environment their leadership style includes “Inspires motivation, morale, and commitment,” “Initiates Actions,” “Coordinate employee requirements and organization needs,” “Delegate responsibilities,” “Guiding and supporting firms through change,” “Invest in their employees,” “Inspires collective business identity,” “Steer the ship in the direction of vision,” and “Provide guidance.” According to Ma, & Jiang, W. (2018)., Transformational leadership is going to be the best choice in recent period as the technology is changing rapidly.As mentioned in many research articles the leadership style played a vital role to get success in the global environment. Various cultural differences in leadership play a vital role in operating a business in a global environment. This article describes how cultural differences affect leadership in China, Germany, and Russia by comparing the leadership styles seen throughout the nation (Richardson et al., 2014). Nowadays, many businesses are laying their foundation to expand their venture into the international market compared to the past. Globalization continues to affect leadership styles and differences in leadership at the global level. Businesses must now, “increasingly cope with diverse cross-cultured employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, and creditors” (Javidan et al., 2006). Because of numerous cultural differences, businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to cope with differences in their leadership worldwide. (Javidan et al., 2006) Details nine cultural elements, that affect the differences in leadership around the world: Performance Orientation, Assertiveness, Future Orientation, Humane Orientation, Institutional Collectivism, In-Group Collectivism, Gender Egalitarianism, Power Distance, and Uncertainty Avoidance. All nine attributes will help global leaders interact with their employees in their organizations, which are in different countries based on their leadership styles compared to others. The selected countries use and view the sense of these nine attributes from other countries. For example, The United States and Singapore are in advance of emphasizing training and development when compared to other countries by considering workplace performance and employment considerations. However, other countries, such as Russia and Greece, value the individual’s background and family more when making decisions in this area (Javidan et al., 2006). When people are in a global leadership position and deal with business internationally, they should consider these nine dimensions and lead people according to their culture and population. When it comes to moral challenges, leaders within an organization cannot ignore success in global market areas (Thompson, 2010). In countries such as India and China, leadership in business does not consider the ecological impact compared to Australia and the United States. A leader who leads effectively with respect to cultural and moral values is considered a successful leader in the global environment. Although a good leader never compromises morals and cultural values when dealing with clients and other business partners, this leadership role always wins hearts in the global environment.After analyzing the various circumstances, there is a need for new leadership styles from 2020 onwards, owing to the COVID-19 pandemic's effect on the global environment. There has been a significant change in business operations; hence, leaders need to understand this change and transform the theme into a new leadership style. In this context, many organizations have prepared virtual leadership roles to support the current digital world (Loucks & Ozogul, 2020). Regardless of the location of the business operated or located, leaders must adapt to the change from their end to fit the global environment (Richardson et al., 2014). According to the details provided by (Richardson et al., 2014), cultural differences affect the leadership styles in the countries like Russia, China, and Germany, when it compared their leadership styles, stating that China's leadership gives more value and importance to their tradition in their business, hence they leadership is highly valued in the business in China. These Chinese values are Confucian values and have four central values: class system, obedience, the doctrine of the mean, and running (i.e., kindness and reciprocity). China gives more importance to these four values; hence, the world can see these values consistently throughout the business world in China and effectively consider the size and wealth of the country., (Thompson., 2010). Germany has a different leadership style and approach, as it focuses more on individualistic values in its culture and leadership style. “The people of Germany look out for themselves”(Richardson et al., 2014). This means that Germans value their own personal achievements and are far behind in teamwork; hence, Germans with this leadership style struggled in the global business environment by failing to adopt the new changes happening in the global business world. If we compare the Russian leadership style with those of China and Germany, the Russian leadership is quite different. Russians can give all power to one leader in all sectors, including politics and business. The single leader can enjoy and rule the business by enjoying him/herself; hence, the world concludes by treating the Russian leadership style in a dry format, as their culture and moral values are different from those of other countries. According to Richardson et al. (2014), Russians want this leadership style because it gives them a sense of equality.Gender differences play a key role in global leadership (Javidan et al. 2016). Compared to men, women's leadership and style are more prominent and collaborative with other leaders, giving organizations the opportunity to expand their business in the global environment. Javidan et al. (Javidan, Hough, & Bullough, 2010; Javidan & Teagarden, 2011) studied gender differences and their effects on global leadership. Their research is consistent in showing that men and women differ in a range of competencies, characteristics, and styles that are relevant to leadership and suggest that leaders could benefit from a more open-minded and in-depth understanding of both male and female leaders and how they interact with the global environment with their leadership styles. “Gaining such an understanding is critical because not all individuals are as strong in all global mindset characteristics” (Javidan et al., 2016) then continues by adding, “Individual leaders rarely encompass all the qualities required for effective leadership in the global environment.” As stated by Javidan et al. (2016), a purely masculine or feminine approach may not be sufficient in all global environments. Strong leaders must confirm their ability to understand or invite leadership styles and require gender-based changes.Employment engagement plays a major role in a company’s business success in national and international business. Leadership style is considered a key factor in engaging or retaining employees. The leader should have outstanding leadership skills to empower employee engagement, and the leadership style must match the environment in which the business is open. In addition, cultural differences in leadership and employee engagement play vital roles. Douglas Conant once remarked that companies must win in the workplace to succeed in the marketplace. Using this quote, the former CEO of Campbell’s Soup pointed out the importance of employee engagement (Hansen, Byrne, Z., & Kiersch, C. (2014). Leadership style has a great impact on employees’ working style as they are close to the organization. “They need to lead rather than simply manage is emphasized by Bradford (2015).” Supportive management and leadership styles always help leaders breed the ground for all-important mutual trust and respect between themselves and their employees. Leaders who can follow the supportive leadership style and their role as a guide or mentor towards the path of vision can help employees improve their trust in leadership, eventually helping leaders and organizations to grow their business in a global environment. (Bradford, 2015). In saying that “International or global leadership relates and shows a great impact on employee engagement, Hansen et al. (2014). Today, transactional leaders are more common. They tend to reward their workers or employees for working precisely, hence “Transactional leadership assists in establishing responsibilities and roles for every employee” (Ma & Jiang, 2018). The major chores of international business leaders include generating a shared vision, empowering employees, and making fundamental variations at the administrative level. Moreover, sustained enhancement in the global marketplace relies on constant learning. Leaders may be capable of constructing a learning environment by determining intellectual capital and encouraging them. Through logical simulations, leaders may enhance learning and knowledge sharing. Thus, they are probably the most competent CEOs capable of improving the performance of the organization in a global environment by encouraging human possessions and permitting change with effective leadership. One path that leadership might be worthy of in overseas markets is because it sheds light on the serious role of the outlooks and morale of employees in executing change. Leadership characterizes administrative change as a byproduct of establishing relationships with lower-level employees. Thus, leadership must be embraced at the top level of corporations to allow them to perform in global environments by implementing organizational change and establishing a collective vision for forthcoming expansion in global marketplaces., (Cho, Shin, 2019). Leaders have power to prove and lead the organization in right direction and influence their followers., (Flanary, & Terehoff, 2000).
3. Recommendations
• Leaders should embrace multicultural ideals that are essential for assisting them to fit in every environment they might find themselves in.• Leaders should remain friendly and open to staff members and other individuals that they meet. Such a close relationship aids the leader in learning the distinct backgrounds of people working with the leader in their competencies.• Global leaders should have multilingual skills that are considered an asset in helping them to fit in any kind of dynamic environment.• Leaders should use the advancement in technology that is being witnessed in the world to remain updated on global-level changes that are grabbing in distinct parts of the world.• Leaders should improve their Virtual Leadership skills to successfully manage and deal with virtual teams. • Leaders should be like a lifetime student attitude toward learning new things on a day-to-day basis by designing learning and training followed by growth experience.• Leaders should identify the specific global skills and talent their organization needs; building global competency in the organization starts by identifying the specific skills.
4. Managerial Implications
The globalization of business requires managers to interact with many people from different departments or sectors, including vendors, government officials, suppliers, employees, and vendors from different cultural mindsets. To handle these kinds of people, managers should have effective negotiation and strategic conflict resolution skills to gain information about the deal or venture or product sale deal with other parties. Based on their negotiation skills, they can obtain knowledge and use that information at the time of practical implementation discussions.
5. Conclusions
It can be concluded that different types of leadership in the global environment tend to form a new leadership style, as leadership is always a challenging role in the global environment, as it needs continuous improvements to meet the needs of the world. Current leadership styles do not meet the needs of the dominant industry and technology change, which include cultural changes in the global business environment., (Voegtlin, Patze., (2012). The leader enables staff members to be highly vocal in placing forward their ideas that are probably advantageous in how the corporation operates both in the short and long term. Hence, a new form of leadership tactic might be essential, as globalized marketplace demands are gradually sustained and adopted for profitability. Globalization, with its undisputed benefits, has created many challenges for global leaders that they cannot ignore. To be effective, leaders need a new set of tools and technologies to engage and manage the effective, visceral dimensions of human and moral values to define strategic business goals to become successful in the global environment without neglecting human values and cultural values. (Wiewiora, & Kowalkiewicz, A., 2019).
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