Science and Technology

p-ISSN: 2163-2669    e-ISSN: 2163-2677

2012;  2(4): 87-97

doi: 10.5923/j.scit.20120204.06

Heavy Metals in Vasai Creek, Mumbai: Applied Monitoring and Impact Assessment

Pravin U. Singare , Manisha P. Trivedi , Ravindra M. Mishra

Department of Chemistry, Bhavan’s College, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai 400058, India

Correspondence to: Pravin U. Singare , Department of Chemistry, Bhavan’s College, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West), Mumbai 400058, India.


Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.


The present study deals with the assessment of toxic heavy metals in water of Vasai Creek of Mumbai. The study was carried for the assessment years 2009-10 and 2010-11 at four different sampling stations. The heavy metals studied were Al, As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sr and Mn. It was observed that the concentration level of the various toxic heavy metals for the year 2010-11 was higher than that obtained during the year 2009-10 by a factor of 1.1 to 1.5 µg/L. The environmental impact of these toxic heavy metals is discussed. The results of the present investigation point out the need to implement adequate environmental control and management programmes so as to minimise the toxicity effects of the heavy metals on marine life.

Keywords: Heavy Metals, Toxicity, Marine Life, Environmental Impact, Quantification, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Cold Vapour Technique, Vasai Creek, Mumbai, India

1. Introduction

Land and water are precious natural resources on which rely the sustainability of agriculture and the civilization of mankind. Unfortunately, they have been subjected to maximum exploitation and severely degraded or polluted due to anthropogenic activities. The pollution includes point sources such as emission, effluents and solid discharge from industries, vehicle exhaustion and metals from smelting and mining, and nonpoint sources such as soluble salts (natural and artificial), use of insecticides/pesticides, disposal of industrial and municipal wastes in agriculture, and excessive use of fertilizers[1,2]. Each source of heavy metals contamination has its own damaging effects to plants, animals and ultimately to human health, but those sources that contaminates soils and waters are of serious concern due to the persistence of these heavy metals in the environment and carcinogenicity to human beings. These heavy metals cannot be destroyed biologically but are only transformed from one oxidation state or organic complex to another[3, 4]. The environmental parameters of waters effect toxicity of the metal either by influencing physiology of organisms or by altering chemical form of the metal in water. In general, metals are less toxic at lower temperatures and high salinity than at high temperatures and lower salinity. Toxicity of a metal is also dependent upon residence time of metals concerned. Generally, most metals have a long residence time and hence exert their toxic effect over a long time.
The toxicity of heavy metals has long been concerned since it is very important to the health of people and ecology. With the growing interest in pollution of marine environment, many countries are conducting monitoring studies on metals in aquatic marine environment. Therefore, this heavy metal pollution possessing a potential threat to the environment and human health has become a national and international problem. Extensive work has been carried out recently all over the world on heavy metals in different rivers[5-7]. In Western Europe, 1,400,000 sites were affected by heavy metals[1], of which, over 300,000 were contaminated, and the estimated total number in Europe could be much larger, as pollution problems increasingly occurred in Central and Eastern European countries[8]. In India, use of heavy metal fungicides in agriculture is increasing as seed-dressing agents. Antifouling properties of mercury compounds are yet used in pulp mills, industrial and domestic sewage wastes from various sources are now a threat to the survival of fishes and other organisms. The common feature of these metals is that they are all relatively toxic even at fairly low concentrations and are readily concentrated by aquatic organisms , and plants. The seriousness of heavy metal contamination is further compounded by the fact that they are generally water soluble, non-degradable, vigorously oxidizing and are strongly bonded to many biochemicals inhibiting their functions. Today, additional quantities of heavy metals are being added to estuarine and coastal regions from agricultural and industrial waters, hospitals, domestic sewage and from the polluted atmosphere. At sufficiently high concentrations, heavy metals are toxic to marine and estuarine organisms and to their consumers at higher trophic levels including man.
The preservation of aquatic resources for ecosystem and human health and well-being is a paramount concern worldwide and it has become evident that approaches to managing aquatic resources must be undertaken within the context of ecosystem dynamics in order that their exploitation for human uses remains sustainable[9]. If aquatic resources are not properly managed and aquatic ecosystems deteriorate, then human health and well-being may be compromised. Water quality monitoring for the detection of trends, impacts, and improvements is further complicated because the issues of concern and available resources are constantly changing[10]. Although it is not always possible to predict new and emerging threats to aquatic ecosystems, baseline water quality monitoring must be maintained to facilitate the early detection of such threats. The success of local, regional, and global efforts to curb rates of water quality degradation is only possible if sufficient monitoring data are available that enable the tracking of trends over time and space.
The problem of environmental pollution due to heavy metals has begun to cause concern now in most of the major metropolitan cities in Maharashtra state and Mumbai is not an exception to it. The day by day increasing tremendous industrial pollution[11-20] has prompted us to carry the systematic and detail study of water pollution due to toxic heavy metals in Vasai Creek of Mumbai which is becoming highly polluted due to rapid urbanisation and industrialisation.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Area of Study

Vasai Creek is an estuarine creek, one of the two main distributaries of the Ulhas Creek in Maharashtra state of western India. The Ulhas Creek splits at the northeast corner of Salsette Island into its two main distributaries, Vasai Creek and Thane Creek. Vasai Creek which lies between latitude 19.315°N longitude 72.875°E, forms the northern boundary of Salsette Island, and empties west into the Arabian Sea. The Creek receives domestic raw sewage as well as industrial waste water effluent from surrounding habitation and nearby industrial belt. The activities like cattle washing, cloth washing, and religious activities like immersion of idols of Lord Ganesha and Deity Durga during Ganesh festival and Navratri festival is also a major source of pollution of creek water.

2.2. Climatic Conditions

Climate is subtropical, with mild winters and warm summers. The weather is typical coastal sultry and humid. The average rainfall of records from 1500 mm to 2000 mm. The place experiences the onset of the monsoon in the month of June and experiences monsoon till the end of September. The average temperature recorded in varies from 25 to 37 degrees.

2.3. Requirements

The chemicals and reagent used for analysis were of analytical reagent grade. The procedure for calculating the different parameters were conducted in the laboratory. The laboratory apparatus were soaked in nitric acid before analysis and then rinsed thoroughly with tap water and de-ionised distilled water to ensure any traces of cleaning reagents were removed. Finally, it is dried and stored in a clean place. The pipettes and burette were rinsed with the same solution before final use.

2.4. Water Sampling and Sample Preparation

The water samples were collected randomly four times in a month in morning, afternoon and evening session at four different sampling stations namely near Vasai Bunder (S-1) , Bhayandar west side of Railway Bridge (S-2), Bhayandar east side near RetiBundar (S-3), and Ghodbundar site (S-4) along the Vasai Creek (Figure 1). The samples were collected and subsequently analysed for a span of two years starting from October 2009 to September 2011. The sampling was done in three shifts i.e. morning shift between 07:00 a.m. to 09:00 a.m., afternoon shift between 02:00 p.m. to 04:00 p.m. and evening shift between 07:00 p.m. to 09:00 p.m. Polythene bottles of 2.5 L and 2.0 L were used to collect the grab water samples (number of samples collected, n = 19). The bottles were thoroughly cleaned with hydrochloric acid, washed with tape water to render free of acid, washed with distilled water twice, again rinsed with the water sample to be collected and then filled up the bottle with the sample leaving only a small air gap at the top. The sample bottles were stoppard and sealed with paraffin wax. Water samples (500 mL) were filtered using Whatman No. 41 (0.45 μm pore size) filter paper for estimation of dissolved metal content. Filtrate (500 mL) was preserved with 2 mL nitric acid to prevent the precipitation of metals. The samples were concentrated to tenfold on a water bath and subjected to nitric acid digestion using the microwave-assisted technique, setting pressure at 30 bars and power at 700 Watts[21,22]. About 400 mL of the sample was transformed into clean glass separating funnel in which 10 mL of 2% ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate, 4 mL of 0.5 M HCl and 10 mL of methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) are added[23]. The solution in separating funnel was shaken vigorously for 2 min and was left undisturbed for the phases to separate. The MIBK extract containing the desired metals was then diluted to give final volumes depending on the suspected level of the metals[24]. The sample solution was then aspirated into air acetylene flame in an atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
Figure 1. Map Showing Sampling Stations along Vasai Creek of Mumbai

2.5. Heavy Metal Analysis by AAS Technique

The analysis for the majority of the trace metals like aluminum (Al), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), strontium (Sr) and manganese (Mn) was done by Perkin Elmer ASS-280 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Arsenic (As) was determined by hydride generation coupled with an atomic fluorescence detector, while mercury (Hg) was analysed with a cold-vapour atomic adsorption spectrophotometer. The calibration curves were prepared separately for all the metals by running different concentrations of standard solutions. A reagent blank sample was taken throughout the method, analyzed and subtracted from the samples to correct for reagent impurities and other sources of errors from the environment. Average values of three replicates were taken for each determination.

2.6. Quality Control/Assurance

Water samples were collected in polythene bottles that were free from heavy metals and organics and well covered while transporting from field to the laboratory to avoid contamination from the environment. All reagents were standardised against primary standards to determine their actual concentrations. All instruments used were calibrated before use. Tools and work surfaces were carefully cleaned for each sample during grinding to avoid cross contamination. Replicate samples were analysed to check precision of the analytical method and instrument. To validate the analytical procedures used, the spike recovery test was conducted on some samples for Al, As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Sr, Mn and Hg.

3. Results and Discussion

Although there is no clear definition of what a heavy metal is, density is in most cases taken to be the defining factor. Heavy metals are thus generally defined as those having a specific density of more than 5 g/cm3. Heavy metals are among the most common environmental pollutants, and their occurrence in waters and biota indicate the presence of natural or anthropogenic sources. Although adverse health effects of heavy metals have been known for a long time, discharge of heavy metals continues and is even increasing in some areas, in particular in less developed countries. The main threats to human health from heavy metals are associated with exposure to lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic (arsenic is a metalloid, but is usually classified as a heavy metal). Their accumulation and distribution in soil and aquatic environment are increasing at an alarming rate thereby affecting marine life[25-27].The experimental data on concentration (µg/L) of toxic heavy metals like Al, As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sr and Mn in the water samples collected along sampling stations S1, S2, S3 and S4 of Vasai Creek is presented in Table 1. The trend in average concentration of these metals at different sampling stations for the assessment years 2009-10 and 2010-11 is graphically represented in Figures 2-5.
Figure 2. Variation in average concentration values of different toxic heavy metals in water samples collected at S-1 sampling station of Vasai Creek during the assessment year 2009-10 and 2010-11
Figure 3. Variation in average concentration values of different toxic heavy metals in water samples collected at S-2 sampling station of Vasai Creek during the assessment year 2009-10 and 2010-11
Figure 4. Variation in average concentration values of different toxic heavy metals in water samples collected at S-3 sampling station of Vasai Creek during the assessment year 2009-10 and 2010-11
Figure 5. Variation in average concentration values of different toxic heavy metals in water samples collected at S-4 sampling station of Vasai Creek during the assessment year 2009-10 and 2010-11
The effects of aluminum (Al) have drawn our attention, mainly due to the acidifying problems. Aluminum may accumulate in plants and cause health problems for animals that consume these plants. The concentrations of aluminum appear to be highest in acidified aquatic environment[28]. In such aquatic environment the number of fish and amphibians is declining due to reactions of aluminum ions with proteins in the gills of fish and the embryo's of frogs[29, 30]. From the results of present investigation it was observed that Al concentration at different sampling stations lies in the range of 10-25, 28-80, 17-65 and 43-70 µg/L at S1, S2, S3 and S4 sampling stations respectively. The biyearly average Al concentration was found to be 16, 45, 36 and 58 µg/L respectively at different sampling stations (Table 1). It was also observed that the average Al concentration for assessment year 2010-11 was higher than that obtained for the assessment year 2009-10 by a factor of 1.09 at S2 and S3 sampling stations to 1.29 at S1 sampling station (Figures 2-5).
Levels of arsenic (As) are higher in the aquatic environment than in most areas as it is fairly water-soluble and may be washed out of arsenic bearing rocks[31]. Recently, the anthropogenic activities such as treatment of agricultural land with arsenical pesticides, treating of wood using chromated copper arsenate, burning of coal in thermal plants power stations and the operations of gold-mining have increased the environmental pervasiveness of As and its rate of discharge into freshwater habitat [32]. As can also interfere with the fish immune system by suppressing antibody production[33] as well as by lowering macrophage activity and maturation[34]. Several studies are reporting As induced liver fibrosis, hepatocellular damage, inflammation, focal necrosis in addition to hepatocellular carcinoma[35, 36]. In the present investigation it was observed that As concentration at S1, S2, S3 and S4 sampling stations lies in the range of 15-59, 11-51, 15-68 and 10-62 µg/L respectively. The biyearly average As concentration was found to be 35, 26, 47 and 38 µg/L respectively at different sampling stations (Table 1). It was also observed that the average As concentration for assessment year 2010-11 was higher than that obtained for the assessment year 2009-10 by a factor of 1.08 at S4 to 1.26 at S2 (Figures 2-5).
Cadmium (Cd) is typically a metal of the 20 th century, and is mainly used in rechargeable batteries and for the production of special alloys. It was the outbreak of the Itai-Itai bone disease in Japan in the 1960s that really drew the attention of the public and regulatory bodies to this heavy metal that had been discharged in the environment at an uncontrolled rate for more than one century. Although emissions in the environment have markedly declined in most industrialized countries, Cd remains a source of concern for populations living in polluted areas, especially in less developed countries[37]. Cd dispersed in the environment can persist in soils and sediments for decades. When taken up by plants, Cd concentrates along the food chain and ultimately accumulates in the body of people eating contaminated foods. By far, the most salient toxicological property of Cd is its exceptionally long half-life in the human body. Once absorbed, Cd irreversibly accumulates in the human body, in particularly in kidneys, the bone, the respiratory tract and other vital organs such the lungs or the liver[38]. In addition to its extraordinary cumulative properties, Cd is also a highly toxic metal that can disrupt a number of biological systems, usually at doses that are much lower than most toxic metals[39-41]. In the present investigation it was observed that Cd concentration at S1, S2, S3 and S4 sampling stations lies in the range of 12-38, 19-114, 14-55 and 15-75 µg/L respectively. The biyearly average Cd concentration was found to be 24, 86, 42 and 43 µg/L respectively at different sampling stations (Table 1). It was also observed that the average Cd concentration for assessment year 2010-11 was higher than that obtained for the assessment year 2009-10 by a factor of 1.07 at S2 to 1.23 at S1 (Figures 2-5).
Chromium (Cr) is one of the most common skin sensitizers and often causes skin sensitizing effect in the general public. A possible source of chromium exposure is waste dumps for chromate-producing plants causing local air or water pollution. Penetration of the skin will cause painless erosive ulceration (“chrome holes”) with delayed healing. These commonly occur on the fingers, knuckles, and forearms. The characteristic chrome sore begins as a papule, forming an ulcer with raised hard edges. Ulcers can penetrate deep into soft tissue or become the sites of secondary infection, but are not known to lead to malignancy[42, 43]. Besides the lungs and intestinal tract, the liver and kidney are often target organs for chromate toxicity[44]. In the present investigation it was observed that Cr concentration at S1, S2, S3 and S4 sampling stations lies in the range of 22-64, 34-103, 80-782 and 54-111 µg/L respectively. The biyearly average Cr concentration was found to be 45, 54, 418 and 88 µg/L respectively at different sampling stations (Table 1). It was also observed that the average Cr concentration for assessment year 2010-11 was higher than that obtained for the assessment year 2009-10 by a factor of 1.06 at S4 to 1.53 at S3 (Figures 2-5).
Mercury (Hg) poisoning has become a problem of current interest as a result of environmental pollution on a global scale. High concentration of mercury, which could pose an ecological hazard, leading to contamination of plants, aquatic resources and bioaccumulation in the food chain[45]. Although elemental mercury is relatively innocuous and non-toxic, it can be converted to organomercurials, which are particularly toxic and are retained in the cells of plants and living organisms. Bodaly et al.[46] have reported that treated sewage water discharged into rivers and similar water bodies could result in an appreciable increase in the build up of alkyl mercury. Further reports by Tanaka[47] and Goldstone et al.[48] have dwelt on the natural alkylation of total mercury in waste water and water bodies. In the present investigation it was observed that Hg concentration at S1, S2, S3 and S4 sampling stations lies in the range of 10-131, 10-101, 10-67 and 12-48 µg/L respectively. The biyearly average Hg concentration was found to be 67, 52, 34 and 28 µg/L respectively at different sampling stations (Table 1). It was also observed that the average Hg concentration for assessment year 2010-11 was higher than that obtained for the assessment year 2009-10 by a factor of 1.08 at S1 to 1.24 at S4 (Figures 2-5).
Nickel (Ni) and nickel compounds have many industrial and commercial uses, and the progress of industrialization has led to increased emission of pollutants into ecosystems. Nickel is a nutritionally essential trace metal for at least several animal species, micro-organisms and plants, and therefore either deficiency or toxicity symptoms can occur when, respectively, too little or too much Ni is taken up. Although a number of cellular effects of nickel have been documented, a deficiency state in humans has not been described[49-52]. Although Ni is omnipresent and is vital for the function of many organisms, concentrations in some areas from both anthropogenic release and naturally varying levels may be toxic to living organisms[53, 54]. Nickel compounds have been well established as carcinogenic in many animal species and by many modes of human exposure but their underlying mechanisms are still not fully understood[55]. Nickel can cause cancer of the lungs and nasal passages. The most common effect of nickel exposure is an allergic reaction. Approximately 10-15% of the population is sensitive to nickel. The most common reaction is a rash at the site of contact. Less frequently, some people that are sensitive to nickel suffer asthma attacks after exposure. Some workers exposed to high levels of nickel have developed chronic bronchitis and changes to their lungs. In the present investigation it was observed that Ni concentration at S1, S2, S3 and S4 sampling stations lies in the range of 15-105, 18-125, 15-146 and 10-145 µg/L respectively. The biyearly average Ni concentration was found to be 49, 77, 93 and 89 µg/L respectively at different sampling stations (Table 1). It was also observed that the average Ni concentration for assessment year 2010-11 was higher than that obtained for the assessment year 2009-10 by a factor of 1.08 at S3 to 1.20 at S1 and S2 (Figures 2-5).
Table 1. Heavy Metal Content in Water Samples Collected at different Sampling Stations along Vasai Creek of Mumbai (values in µg/L)
Heavy MetalsAlAsCd
Sampling StationsS1S2S3S4S1S2S3S4S1S2S3S4
Table 1. Heavy Metal Content in Water Samples Collected at different Sampling Stations along Vasai Creek of Mumbai (values in µg/L)(continue)
Heavy MetalsCrHgNi
Sampling StationsS1S2S3S4S1S2S3S4S1S2S3S4
Ecological and toxicological aspects of lead (Pb) and its compounds in the environment have been extensively reviewed[56-61]. There is agreement by all authorities on five points. First, Pb is ubiquitous and is a characteristic trace constituent in rocks, soils, water, plants, animals, and air. Second, more than 4 million metric tons of Pb is produced worldwide each year, mostly for the manufacture of storage batteries, gasoline additives, pigments, alloys, and ammunition. The widespread broadcasting of Pb through anthropogenic activities, especially during the past 40 years, has resulted in an increase in Pb residues throughout the environment-an increase that has dislocated the equilibrium of the biogeochemical cycle of Pb. Third, Pb is neither essential nor beneficial to living organisms; all existing data show that its metabolic effects are adverse. Fourth, Pb is toxic in most of its chemical forms and can be incorporated into the body by inhalation, ingestion, dermal absorption, and placental transfer to the foetus. Fifth, Pb is an accumulative metabolic poison that affects behaviour, as well as the hematopoietic, vascular, nervous, renal, and reproductive systems. In the present investigation it was observed that Pb concentration at S1, S2, S3 and S4 sampling stations lies in the range of 25-163, 17-146, 152-276 and 119-195 µg/L respectively. The biyearly average Pb concentration was found to be 79, 94, 191 and 158 µg/L respectively at different sampling stations (Table 1). It was also observed that the average Pb concentration for assessment year 2010-11 was higher than that obtained for the assessment year 2009-10 by a factor of 1.04 at S4 to 1.11 at S1 (Figures 2-5).
Table 1. Heavy Metal Content in Water Samples Collected at different Sampling Stations along Vasai Creek of Mumbai (values in µg/L)(continue)
Heavy MetalsPbSrMn
Sampling StationsS1S2S3S4S1S2S3S4S1S2S3S4
Strontium (Sr) compounds that are water-insoluble can become water-soluble, as a result of chemical reactions. The water-soluble compounds are a greater threat to human health than the water-insoluble ones. Therefore, water-soluble forms of strontium have the opportunity to pollute aquatic environment. For children exceeded strontium uptake may be a health risk, because it can cause problems with bone growth. In the present investigation it was observed that Sr concentration at S1, S2, S3 and S4 sampling stations lies in the range of 34-118, 25-105, 15-400 and 38-179 µg/L respectively. The biyearly average Sr concentration was found to be 80, 64, 217 and 126 µg/L respectively at different sampling stations (Table 1). It was also observed that the average Sr concentration for assessment year 2010-11 was higher than that obtained for the assessment year 2009-10 by a factor of 1.05 at S1 to 1.23 at S2 (Figures 2-5).
Manganese (Mn) is one out of three toxic essential trace elements, which means that it is not only necessary for humans to survive, but it is also toxic when too high concentrations are present in a human body. Excess manganese interferes with the absorption of dietary iron. Long-term exposure to excess levels may result in iron-deficiency anaemia. Increased manganese intake impairs the activity of copper metallo-enzymes. The presence of manganese in drinking water supplies may be objectionable for a number of reasons unrelated to health. At concentrations exceeding 0.15 mg/L, manganese stains plumbing fixtures and laundry and causes undesirable tastes in beverages[62]. Oxidation of manganese ions in solution results in precipitation of manganese oxides and incrustation problems. Even at concentrations of approximately 0.02 mg/L, manganese may form coatings on water distribution pipes that may slough off as black precipitates[63]. The growth of certain nuisance organisms is also supported by manganese[62, 64]. The presence of "manganese" bacteria, which concentrate manganese, may give rise to taste, odour and turbidity problems in the distributed water. Highly toxic concentrations of manganese in soils can cause swelling of cell walls, withering of leafs and brown spots on leaves. In the present investigation it was observed that Mn concentration at S1, S2, S3 and S4 sampling stations lies in the range of 20-103, 39-219, 14-688 and 50-301 µg/L respectively. The biyearly average Mn concentration was found to be 63, 127, 227 and 141 µg/L respectively at different sampling stations (Table 1). It was also observed that the average Mn concentration for assessment year 2010-11 was higher than that obtained for the assessment year 2009-10 by a factor of 1.11 at S2 to 1.20 at S4 (Figures 2-5).

4. Conclusions

The real problem today is not whether heavy metals are toxic or not , since we know that they are : but what concentrations are permissible/safe levels in our waters which do not produce harmful effects on users of water and biological life from the waters. Although much work has been done on heavy metal pollutants , there is still a great need for information on influences of metals and their toxicities fully. It is impossible to prevent pollution of environment totally, but metal pollution and toxicity could be minimized by certain precautionary measures like development of adequate environmental control and management programmes and continuous scientific monitoring of our aquatic environment must be built up. It is expected that the experimental data obtained on pollution level from such continuous monitoring will help to reduce pollution threat to aquatic environment.


The authors are thankful to SAP Productions for developing and maintaining the paper template.


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