Martinus Syamsudin1, Abdul Hakim2, Nuddin Harahap3, Aminudin Afandhi4
1Doctoral Program of Environmental Science, Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
2Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
3Socio-economic Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
4Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
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This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

Kelam Hill Nature Tourist Park located in Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan has several favorite tourist attractions. However, this area is currently facing severe threats from local people. Local regulations have mandated to be able to manage, plan and develop the tourism potential located in Sintang district. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the implementation of tourism policy in the area focused on policy actors, contents and targets. The research method was descriptive with qualitative analysis approach. The data was obtained from deep interviews, field observation and secondary data. The study showed that although there were already special policies governing tourism activities yet the implementation of this policy still has some weaknesses. Policy actors from the local regulations on tourism were still not maximized in providing an understanding to the public about tourism. In addition, the community revealed that there is still a boundary problem between natural parks and community settlements. The policy target of the implementation was to develop the society and the natural environment equally so that the order of life occurs and the natural environment remains sustainable. The contents of policy on tourism have not yet been fully implemented and there were still contents of policies that have the potential to be violated. The potential of large natural resources still faces threats from human activities including rock exploitation and land clearing for agricultural purposes. This study recommended that the management of this area should involve the role of stakeholders, especially the private sector to build tourist areas and involve community participation in conserving natural resources.
Implementation, Policy, Nature-based tourism, Nature Tourist Park, Sustainable environmental management
Cite this paper: Martinus Syamsudin, Abdul Hakim, Nuddin Harahap, Aminudin Afandhi, Regulation Implementation of Kelam Hill Nature Tourist Park toward Sustainable Environment and Tourism (A Case Study in Kelam Permai Sub-Regency Sintang West Kalimantan), Resources and Environment, Vol. 8 No. 2, 2018, pp. 31-37. doi: 10.5923/
1. Introduction
As a result of the growth of nature-based tourism, the study of ecotourism continues to receive attention [1, 2]. Much of the literature analyses the links between indigenous peoples' development and biodiversity conservation and assumes that nature-based tourism managed by indigenous peoples will result in the conservation of natural resources and the social, economic and cultural sustainability of local communities. In practice, ecotourism often fails to deliver the expected benefits to indigenous peoples for various reasons, including the shortcomings in the human, financial and social capital of the community, the lack of mechanisms for equitable sharing of the economic benefits of ecotourism, and land insecurity [3]. More recently, the development of strategic tourism planning in rural areas has received attention from governments and communities to manage sustainable tourism [4, 5]. The last issue in sustainable tourism argues that a fair share of the economic benefits of natural resources and ecotourism is the key to the success of this activity [6].The conservation area of Kelam Hill Nature Tourist Park (NTP) located in Sintang Regency West Kalimantan Indonesia. This area is developing as an icon for nature-base tourism in this regency. Based on Sintang Regency Regulation Number 5 of 2008 on Tourism, the development of objects and attraction is done by cultivating, managing and creating new objects as tourist objects and attractions. The regulation adjusts the development and management of the area. Potential of tourism sector in Sintang Regency is very high. It exists in the form of nature tourism, agro tourism, cultural tourism and special interest tourism. Nature tourism is tourism with explore natural resource such as natural scenery, mountains, rivers, waterfalls and so on [5]. Most of the nature tourist potentials are located in Kelam Hill NTP. However, recent condition of area showed much altered because the forest and rock destructions. During the last five years in this area, hundreds of rocks with 40-50 meters in diameter in the foothills as uniqueness, are now solved and traded as a source of economic by the local community for building materials and roads. Logging and opening new agricultural land often occur cause serious loss of the original vegetation. The situation is also getting worse with the existence of large oil palm plantation reaching hundreds to thousands of hectares. Implementation of the tourism policy as a program aimed to bring the change to achieved targets. Evaluation of policy must be involve the actors, contents and target. Based on the above description, this study aims to describe the implementation of regulation about tourism in Kelam Hill Nature Tourist Park on the policy actors, contents and target.
2. Methods
This research was conducted in Kelam Permai Sub-regency, Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Distance of research location with capital of Sintang Regency is about 34 km. This area is currently developed as of Nature Tourism destination with combination of three hills into one track which known as KELUTAP (Kelam hill in Kebong Village, Luit hill in Merpak Village and Retap Hill in Ensaid Panjang Village). The main management office of this project is the Office of Youth, Sports, Tourism and Creative Economy (YSTCE) Sintang Regency, and the Community of Kelam Area.The method used in this research is descriptive with qualitative approach by describing the state of the subject and object of research based on existing facts. Data collection techniques were conducted through direct observation of tourist resource objects and surrounding area, interviews and a focus group discussion with stakeholders. A series of deep interviews was conducted in order to identify the implementation of government regulation on implementation of the policy of Local Regulation Number 5 Year 2008 about tourism stipulated by the local government of Sintang Regency from the key informants. The study was focused on policy actors, contents and target about the development of objects and tourist attractions in Sintang Regency conducted with respect to cultural preservation and environmental quality.The informants were selected using snowball sampling technique; the researcher must know several key informants first and then ask them to introduce another informant who can interview the interviewer. The interviews were done with key persons from Office of Youth, Sports, Tourism and Creative Economy Sintang Regency; head of Sub-regency, Head of Village, and local people. Other sources of information in this study are events that cover everything that happens and relate to the activities of the Implementation of the Policy of the Area of the Taman Bukit Kelam Nature Park in the Framework of Environmental Conservation. Observed events include: Counselling, awareness raising, implementation of activities in the area related to the environment, and so on. The third source of information in this study are documents relevant to the research obtained through the Sintang Regency Government secretariat through legal and information fields, policy documents, meeting documents, documents in the form of performance appraisal reports, and so on. Information and data obtained from the field and informants through interviews is not structured in depth, observation, and documentation studies. Researchers used methodological triangulation to extract data on water resource utilization permits through in-depth interviews, limited participant observation and secondary data analysis.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Implementation of Regional Regulation Policy on Tourism
Sintang Regency Government through technical division of tourism (Office of Youth, Sport, Tourism and Creative Economy) has declared a vision and mission in the field of tourism. Sintang Regency Government always provide support in developing tourism. The vision is "Realizing the Intelligent, Healthy, Achievement, Tourism Advanced and Competitive of Sintang Community". Tourism Sector in Sintang Regency has great potential for development as ecotourism. This regency has various tourism potential in the form of nature tourism, agro tourism, cultural tourism and special interest tourism. Nature tourisms such as natural scenery, mountains, rivers, beautiful waterfall and so on are abundant in the area. Cultural tourism such as a historical background include the Dara Juanti Museum, Kapuas Raya Museum and other cultural heritage objects as well as a variety of arts and culture are unique to attract tourists.Implementation Sintang tourism policy target is to bring tourists both local and overseas. It is expected to be a great opportunity with increasing tourist visits in Bukit Kelam NTP area can contribute to society welfare without disturbing the natural structure. Based on the data of tourist visits Kelam Hill NTP, the number of visitor were increased from 10,704 in 2015 to 14,797 (Table 1).Table 1. The number of tourists in Kelam Hill NTP Area Sintang Regency of West Kalimantan in three years  |
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3.1.1. Policy Actors
First step to analyse policy implementation is to identify the main actors or actors who implementing a policy. The importance of the actors of a policy is to achieve the mission trough effective policy implementation. Implementation of Regional Regulation of Sintang Regency on Tourism is carried out jointly and synergy by involving government, NGOs and society as part of actors of policy. The implementing component of the policy as the perpetrator of this policy functions to carry out the mandate or content contained in the policy. Implementation of policy on tourism sector is very important in an effort to introduce the existing tourism industry. Therefore, the government as the main actors in the implementation of policies delegate the responsibility in the technical implementation of the field of tourism to the office YSTCE. Head of Office YSTCE Sintang Regency, stated that;“Technically, as an extension of the regency government, it is our responsibility to implement the policies related to the content of the tourism regulation. This is our main task.”Furthermore, the results of interviews with Head of Kelam Permai Sub-regency showed the statement as follows:“The sub-regency does not have a direct role as head of the regional administration to implement the policy, but will always provide space for facilitation to become an extension of local government in developing tourism activities.”Based on the above interviews, the Sub-regency does not have direct authority in implementing tourism policy but as a regional government would be responsible to facilitate the policy in order to provide socialization and understanding to the community inhabited the area of Kelam Hill NTP.The Policy Actors have a role in conducting socialization in the implementation of tourism policy in the tourist area, the researcher interviewed with several village heads in the forest area of the resorts. Head of Kebong Village stated that "As the Village Head, I support and run the government policy on the implementation of tourism policy within the Bukit Kelam Nature Tourist Park. In the implementation of the hill resort policy, one things that need improvement is stipulation of the boundary between the region and community settlement. However, socialization program from the government was very rare."Kebong Village Head also asserted that there are still many unresolved problems that must be corrected in relation to the clear boundary between park and community settlement.The obstacle was emphasized by the Head of Merpak village. He said that “I as the village head support and ready to run the policy of the Regional Regulation of Sintang so that the village head that is in the natural tourism area of the Kelam hill can play a role in implementing the tourism policy. I see that the policies implementation during this time especially for the Kelam Hill have not met expectations, there are still things that need to be improved such as the boundary of the region.”From both opinions that Socialization to the entire community is needed, so that tourism policies in the area of can be known to the community as a whole and the village government can directly participate in implementing the policy.The government could not act as a single body in managing the tpurism but must be supported by other actors including the private sector. In this case the actor in various matters has related to tourism. Based on the results of interviews with business actor in the area of Kelam Nature Park….Mrs. N (40) stated that:“I have opened a drinking business in the region since the last 4 years. The visits of consumers or buyers were not always stable. Those were peak in certain days such as religious holidays and a new year.”Furthermore Mrs. A (37) stated that:“With the restaurant business, I facilitated the visitors in the search for food and beverages with a variety of menus. The visitors can see the glorious and beauty of the Kelam hill while enjoying food and drink we served.”The regional regulation of tourism requires the involvement of the community in order to achieve its implementation objectives maximally, based on interview results.The community Leader of Kelam Permai Sub-regency stated that:“To maintain the form of the authenticity of the area, the important thing is avoid disputes among the people of one village with another. In this case the local regulations must be optimized so that people can help to protect the region.”However, based on an interview with a person from the same area, he stated that:“I only know that the Kelam hill as a tourist object through the government policy. The area is actually a conservation area that was set as Nature Tourist Park. However, there has never been any socialization of the policy related to it. We as a community also do not know the boundaries of conservation areas, because the map of conservation area was not exist.”Despite the policy of all community component must voluntarily maintain the environment of the region but the government or agencies interested in this area technically never involve the community on the maintenance of the Kelam Hill NTP.
3.1.2. Policy Objectives (Policy of Target / Determiatios)
Sintang Regency Regulations on tourism in the Kelam NTP area has a clear targets. The main target is to designate the community, culture and the natural environment, as tourist attractions. Based on the results of interviews with Head of Merpak Village, the person stated that:“Yes, I know the Regional Regulation of Sintang Regency Number 5 Year 2008 About Tourism which also covers the Kelam area which is a tourist destination area both for local and overseas tourists.”The purpose of policy implementation of regulation is to increase local income in order to develop prosperity of society. Based on interview with Secretary of Office YSTCE, he that:“The key to the success of the tourist area is the local community. We undertake the development of facilities and infrastructures in the park area of Kelam Hill for the benefit of all. We want to have multi player effect for the local community.”In addition to the target area of the policy area of policy implementation of the area is also aimed at introducing, utilizing, preserving and improving the quality of object and tourist attraction, based on interviews with head master of Kebong village. He stated that:“In relation to the policy of the regulation made by the government of the community should be given understanding yet the customary awareness of the community also still, because searaadat also should not do indiscriminate logging in the customary area. And if there is also the area of other people is also given sanctions customary rules applicable.”The objective (targets of policy) was to maintain the community and the natural environment remains sustainable.
3.1.3. Contents of Policy
Sintang Regency Regulation is made to pay attention to the content of the policy or commonly called Policy of Contents. In Regional Regulation No. 5 of 2008 concerning tourism contains contents consisting of (10) Chapter consisting of (37) Articles and clarified into (6) parts consisting of; the first part (tourism business); the second part (tourism services business); the third part (the exploitation of tourist objects and attractions); the fourth part (the business of tourism facilities). Contents of the policy governing the object of tourism consists of (a) natural objects and attractions in the form of natural state, as well as flora and fauna; (b) tourism objects and attractions of manifestation of museums, publications in historical heritage, cultural art, agro tourism, water tourism, rock tourism, nature adventure tourism, recreational parks and entertainment venues. From the contents of the policy both natural and man-made object have the same meaning in term of beauty and attraction to tourists.Natural objects and attractions should get special attention from the government so it can be utilized properly and continuously. Therefore it requires government commitment, especially related parties that involve technically in managing tourism. Based on interviews with the secretary of the Office of YSTCE, he stated that:“The most important in the implementation of tourism policy is the government's commitment in planning, development in the region, and allocate the budget.” Contents of policy of the local regulation concerning Tourism of Sintang Regency that activity of development and management of object and tourist attraction along with required facilities or activity of managing object and attraction that already exist. It is strictly asserted that this content implies (Chapter III Article 6) that the object of attraction within the area must be utilized optimally. The development and construction of facilities and infrastructure should also be able to encourage (1) economic and socio-cultural life of the community; (2) implementation of religious values, customs and worldviews in society; (3) cultural preservation and environmental quality; and (4) tourism business continuity. Therefore, Kelam Hill NTP area must be maintained well and can be preserved in a sustainable manner. The interview result of Dayak Tribe Chairman, Kelam Permai District showed that. He stated that;“Local communities should be informed about Sintang Regency regulations on tourism, in its implementation related to environmental conservation. Actually, public awareness to protect the environment has become a tradition or custom of traditional community, because there is a practice of local wisdom. The public should not be fraudulent logging (arbitrary) areas of other people's property. In the event of violation on harvesting from the community in the territory of others, it will be given the applicable customary law sanctions. The implementation of this customary law will back up the government, both the village government and the district government. Thus there is a synchronization between the government and the customary stakeholders as partners in the conservation of the area from damage, it causes the people here also still have a high awareness about cultural tradition. Therefore, it needs a joint decision involving indigenous peoples to guard the area of Taman Wisata Bukit Kelam in guarding and preserving the environment of the area.”Area attractions are usually equipped with good condition of facilities. Based on available data, facilities and infrastructure that exist in the tourism object of Kelam Hill include: 1) a gate; 2) entrance object; 3) fences; 4) parking lost 5) a gazebo; 6) the children's playground; 7) toilets; 8) an open stall; 9) iron ladder stairs; 10) restaurants, souvenir shops and others.The entrance gate of Kelam Hill is located in front of the main road connecting 2 regencies of eastern West Kalimantan, Sintang and Kapuas Hulu. Kelam Hill area has a circular hill road about 10 km long. With hardened road access and partial asphalt with 4 Meter width. Implementation of policies that regulate the object of natural tourist attraction, existing resources in the darkness of the hill should be utilized optimally and sustainably. Based on observations, many potential attractions have not been utilized optimally. Article 20 clearly states that the exploitation of tourist objects and attractions of special interest is an effort to exploit natural resources and the potential of the nation's art and culture to generate special attraction and interest as a tourist destination. Special interest meant nature tourism and cultural arts tourism.Natural resources that have a high attraction in the area of Kelam hill is the existence of the hill itself. This hill is a boulder of rock that is believed to be a meteor. The rocks were scattered around the hill area that characterize the area. Large stones were scattered with a radius of up to 1 kilometre in the region. | Figure 1. One of the big rocks scattered in the foothills of Kelam Hillside |
The big rocks as in figure 1 are potentials that should be better arranged as unique attractions. Based on observations, the rocks in this dark hill area have a sacred historical value. Based on the interviews with a Community Leader Kelam Permai district, he stated that:“To secure the stones as a historical value, the area must be declared as a cultural heritage, such as Bedilah and Batu Lalau. The stone is located in Kelam Sejahtera Village. Thus, the object can still exist sustainably and the community can benefit from that.” Nevertheless, since 2012 there has been a massive destruction or exploitation of rocks in the Kelam Hill NTP (Figure 2 a). This situation was worsened by the opening of agricultural land and plantations in the area (Figure 2 b). | Figure 2. Massive exploitations and destructions or of rocks in the Kelam Hill NTP (a) rocks exploitation and (b) the forest clearing for agricultural land and plantations |
Article 21 clearly states that the exploitation of tourist objects and attractions that require safeguards to the safety of tourists, sustainability and environmental quality. Based on interviews Mr. H, he stated that:“There was no effort to involve the community in maintaining natural forest of Kelam Hill NTP. Local people activities in the area have altered Kelam Hill NTP, so the area of forest and stones becomes more destructed. Meanwhile, the local government seemed impressed with the omission. There was no evaluation of tourism activities in the area of Kelam Hill NTP. The event activities that exist in Kelam Hill NTP have been sporadic and there has been no change in the development of the natural hillside tourism area.”Based on changes in environmental conditions in the Bukit Kelam area, the government must to do coaching. This is in accordance with article 31 paragraph (1) stating that local government must implement tourism development in the form of regulation, guidance and supervision on the implementation of tourism. However, in practice, supervision was not done routinely. This was stated Mr. K, a residents of in Kelam Hill NTP area. He stated that:"The supervision by the government did not do routinely. The community also ignores the results of government monitors for the continuation of tourism development programs.”The same thing was expressed by the Head of Merpak Village. He stated that:"There is no reprimand against vandalism and logging and control of the terrain if any exist, sometimes at present."Based on the policy contents in Chapter VIII clearly contains criminal provisions, especially in Article 35 paragraph (1). "Anyone committing an act against the rights, intentionally destroying, diminishing, separating, or making non-functional or incompletely functioning of a tourist attraction or tourist attraction or part of a building of tourist objects and attractions, in a maximum imprisonment of 6 (six) years and / or a maximum fine of IDR. 50,000,000.00 (fifty million rupiah)."From the results of this study revealed that there are some contents of policy on the local regulations on tourism that is still not in the implementation as a whole. In addition there are still violations and weak law enforcement.
3.2. Discussion
3.2.1. Contents of Policy
The role of actors in the regulation about tourism has not met the policy objective. This situation is caused by the lack of cooperation between actors. The government has not acted actively to involve the role of stake holders. A study in the same region with a focus on water management policy indicates that communities around Bukit Kelam area have not been considered fully as an integral part of policy management, but only play a role as an object within the framework of decision making. Role failure occurs more as a result of actors as policy makers and decision makers [7]. Therefore, the involvement of all stakeholders, especially the role of the private sector needs to be improved. that the private sector involved in the development of tourist areas has several reasons that (1), is an alternative to solve the problem of limited resources owned by the government that is the government budget in the development of tourism sector while the public demand for this sector is increasingly increasing, (2) the involvement or participation of the tourism sector in tourism development cooperation is a manifestation of increased private role, (3), private involvement can increase transparency and quality improvement [8]. The development of tourism area as a sustainable form of tourism requires several strategies including increasing promotion, preserving the environment and involving the community in tourism development [9]. Tourism development involving community participation is a process that has to appear and performs by community and increase community prosperity. A research conducted in Costa Rica that aims to examine conservation and development relationships showed the effectiveness of ecotourism in conservation strategies. Where ecotourism offers an economic alternative, tourism opportunities have encouraged people to leave cultivated land, hence allowing forests to regenerate. In this concern, important strategies must be implemented, (a) Socializing and promoting ecotourism extensively; (b) cooperating partnerships with local government, business, NGOs and universities and (3) Engage local communities in making plans and implementing ecotourism concepts [10].The community as a frontier actor in the implementation of tourism policy in Kelam Hill NTP area must be involved. They have been inhabited the area for generations. The life of people who still perceive customs and traditions in their daily life guidelines becomes a very supportive potential in the implementation of the wisdom of the area. The people who live in the natural hill resort area play a direct role as the actor so that the policy can be run optimally. The occurrence of damage to forests and natural resources was caused by latest generation of local community. The government is unable to manage as a single actor, due to the limited human resources in the bureaucracy. In addition, local wisdom potential needs to be maintained and continue to be preserved. Past research showed that local wisdom values contain ecological values, religious values, socio-cultural values, practical values, environmental balance, and sustainability of conservation, conservation, control and conservation of natural resources functions [5, 10]. Natural resource management should involve local community actors who continue to practice local wisdom. Furthermore, exploitation of existing natural resources should be prevented. Land that has been opened must be replanted for the balance of the ecosystem can be recovered [11].
4. Conclusions
The study showed that although there were already special policies governing tourism activities yet the implementation of this policy still has some weaknesses. Policy actors from the local regulations on tourism were still not maximized in providing an understanding to the public about tourism. In addition, the community revealed that there is still a boundary problem between natural parks and community settlements. The policy target of the implementation was to develop the society and the natural environment equally so that the order of life occurs and the natural environment remains sustainable. The contents of policy on tourism have not yet been fully implemented and there were still contents of policies that have the potential to be violated.The potential of large natural resources still faces threats from human activities including rock exploitation and land clearing for agricultural purposes. This study recommended that the management of this area should involve the role of stakeholders, especially the private sector to build tourist areas and involve community participation in conserving natural resources.
The author would like to thank to Head of Office of Youth, Sports, Tourism and Creative Economy, Head of Kelam Permai Sub-regency, Head of Vilages, and all informants. We thank to Director of Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya who were given permission for the research and team of journal clinic of Postgraduate Program Brawijaya University who helped in revising initial manuscript.
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