Resources and Environment
p-ISSN: 2163-2618 e-ISSN: 2163-2634
2012; 2(5): 185-192
doi: 10.5923/
Graciela Melisa Viegas , Gustavo Alberto San Juan
IIPAC (Built Environment Policy Research Institute). FAU (School of Architecture and Planning). UNLP (National University of La Plata). La Plata. Street 47 N °162, DC 478. (1900), Argentina
Correspondence to: Graciela Melisa Viegas , IIPAC (Built Environment Policy Research Institute). FAU (School of Architecture and Planning). UNLP (National University of La Plata). La Plata. Street 47 N °162, DC 478. (1900), Argentina.
Email: | ![]() |
Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.
In Argentina, the number of residential buildings (homes) has grown 20% in the last decade (2000-2010), thus increasing the level of non-renewable energy consumption of the residential area per inhabitant (0.25 TOE per capita per year in 2000, 0.3 TOE per capita per year in 2010) and lowering the construction quality. This situation has a significant impact on the GHG emissions to the environment. Within this context, this paper aims to assess the energy and environ- mental aptitude (EEA) of residential building groups in characteristic urban areas (urban mosaics), to estimate the potenti- ality of solar energy and energy efficiency exploitation. To begin with, the following urban area variables were calculated from aerial and satellite image classification techniques: i. Horizontal heat dissipation area; ii. Construction system of horizontal heat dissipation area – Roofs; iii. Vertical heat dissipation perimeter – Walls; iv. Built-up area height. Then, obtained results were exposed on two characteristic urban areas, differing in the compactness of its fabric, what allowed to evaluate that the urban area of greater compactness presented lower energy loss and similar EEA in relation to the urban area of lower compactness. This conclusion contributes to the discussion about the diffuse city and the compact city, since it reinforces the need to develop urban conglomerates with greater building compactness.
Keywords: Energy and Environmental Impact on Urban Areas, Urban Mosaics, Image Classification
![]() | Figure 1. Urban Mosaic: satellite image and simplified volumetry of the area |
![]() | Figure 8. Urban mosaics volumetry (UM1 and UM2) developed from the analysis variables |
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