International Journal of Plant Research
p-ISSN: 2163-2596 e-ISSN: 2163-260X
2012; 2(1): 39-46
Sanjeeb Bharali1, Ashish Paul1, Mahamed Latif Khan1, 2, Lal Bihari Singha1
1Department of Forestry, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology , Deemed University,
2Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh, 791109, India
Correspondence to: Sanjeeb Bharali, Department of Forestry, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology , Deemed University,.
Email: |
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Seedling survival and growth of two Rhododendron species viz., Rhododendron kenderickii and Rhododendron grandewere studied along an altitudinal gradient in a temperate forest. Differences in survivality and relative growth responses of the two selected rhododendrons in terms of height, collar diameter and leaf number were monitored seasonally. High seedling mortality was recorded highest in winter season as well as in the higher altitude. Both the species attain maximum growth in terms of height, collar diameter and mean leaf number during rainy season while, minimum in winter season. Moreover, both the Rhododendron species exhibit variation in growth response with altitude and higher total growth was recorded in lower altitude. The result of the present study showed that the survival and growth of seedlings of both the selected Rhododendron species were greatly influenced by altitude as well as season. This variability may be due to the variation in light, temperature, moisture and edaphic factors in various seasons as well as at different altitudes, which results into development of an array of microclimatic conditions for differential growth behavior of different species.
Keywords: Edaphic Factors, Moisture Stress, Light, Temperature, Seasons
Cite this paper: Sanjeeb Bharali, Ashish Paul, Mahamed Latif Khan, Lal Bihari Singha, Survival and Growth of Seedlings of Two Rhododendron Tree Species along an Altitudinal Gradient in a Temperate Broad Leaved Forest of Arunachal Pradesh, India, International Journal of Plant Research, Vol. 2 No. 1, 2012, pp. 39-46. doi: 10.5923/j.plant.20120201.06.
Figure 1. Seedlings survival of the two Rhododendron species in the three study stands |
Figure 2. Seasonal growth rate of seedlings of the two Rhododendron species in terms of height in the three study stands |
Figure 3. Seasonal growth rate of seedlings of the two Rhododendron species in terms of Collar diameter in the three study stands |
Figure 4. Growth of seedlings of the selected Rhododendron species in terms of number of leaves in the three study stands |
Figure 5. Total growth of seedlings of the selected Rhododendron species in terms of collar diameter and height in the three study stands |
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