Public Health Research
p-ISSN: 2167-7263 e-ISSN: 2167-7247
2014; 4(2): 62-70
Macdonald JJ1, Smith A2, Gethin A3, Sliwka G4, Monaem A5, Powell K6
1Men’s Health Information & Resource Centre, University of Western Sydney, Richmond, NSW, 2753, Australia
2SILVERLINE Consulting, Amherst, Victoria, 3371, Australia
3Argyle Research, Hazelbrook, NSW, 2779, Australia
4United Care, Burnside, North Parramatta, NSW, 2151, Australia
5Family Planning, Ashfield, NSW, 2131, Australia
6Men’s Health Information & Resource Centre, UWS, Richmond, NSW, 2753, Australia
Correspondence to: Powell K, Men’s Health Information & Resource Centre, UWS, Richmond, NSW, 2753, Australia.
Email: |
Copyright © 2014 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.
Objectives This study sought to explore the real experiences in men’s lives that led them to attempt suicide. Its focus is on men, as it is men who are more likely to take their own lives. Method It was a qualitative study of two groups, involving one-to-one interviews with those who had attempted suicide and focus group discussions with those who had been close to someone who had taken their own lives. ResultsThe study showed that there was not one single factor that led to suicide but rather an interplay of difficult life experiences. Conclusion Understanding suicide and self-harm in the broader context of men’s lives is essential in order to create strategies for promoting a public health approach to suicide prevention.
Keywords: Suicide, Men, Men’s health, Social determinants of health
Cite this paper: Macdonald JJ, Smith A, Gethin A, Sliwka G, Monaem A, Powell K, Pathways to Despair: A Study of Male Suicide (aged 25-44), Public Health Research, Vol. 4 No. 2, 2014, pp. 62-70. doi: 10.5923/j.phr.20140402.03.
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