International Journal of Nursing Science
p-ISSN: 2167-7441 e-ISSN: 2167-745X
2021; 11(2): 31-35
Received: Jun. 15, 2021; Accepted: Jul. 3, 2021; Published: Jul. 15, 2021
Patience Boatemaa Antwi-Yamoah1, Fiskvik Boahemaa Antwi2, Simon Akwasi Osei2, Rachel Serwaah Antwi3
1Valley View University, Ghana
2Saint Louis University, Philippines
3University of the Southern Caribbean, Trinidad, and Tobago
Correspondence to: Patience Boatemaa Antwi-Yamoah, Valley View University, Ghana.
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Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
In the healthcare sector, patients only receive approximately 50% of the treatment indicated by the evidence. Only 10%–15% of clinicians have integrated evidence-based practice (EBP), with a 10- to 20-year lag in translating research to practice. Most hospitals and practitioners do not use the existing evidence and standards for care in their practices due to cost. Nurse managers should possess effective financial management practices to adapt evidence-based practice. Therefore, this correlational study aims to identify the relationship between financial management practices and evidence-based practice culture. A significant difference in terms of financial management practices and years of experience was also considered. Sixty-four (64) nurse managers in selected hospitals in Accra, Ghana, were conveniently sampled to answer the structured questionnaire. The statistical treatment used was Pearson correlation and ANOVA. The results of the study showed that there was a high significant positive relationship between financial management practices and organizational evidence-based practice culture. In terms of years of managerial experience and financial management practices, the study yielded a significant difference. The results suggest that as the financial management practices increase among nurse managers, so does the evidence-based practice culture of the institution. Additionally, nurse managers with additional years of experience possess good financial management practices. The study recommends that nurse managers should engage in continuous professional development. Moreover, nurse managers with higher managerial experience should provide mentorship to novice nurse managers.
Keywords: Evidence-based practice, Financial management practices, EBP, Nurse managers
Cite this paper: Patience Boatemaa Antwi-Yamoah, Fiskvik Boahemaa Antwi, Simon Akwasi Osei, Rachel Serwaah Antwi, Financial Management and Evidence-Based Practice Culture among Nursing Managers in Ghana, International Journal of Nursing Science, Vol. 11 No. 2, 2021, pp. 31-35. doi: 10.5923/j.nursing.20211102.01.