
p-ISSN: 2162-9374    e-ISSN: 2162-8416

2018;  8(2): 64-70



The Responsibility of Government in Sintang Regency in Developing the Baning Nature Tourist Park as Nature Tourism Area

Redin1, Abdul Hakim2, Aminudin Afandhi3, Harsuko Riniwati4

1Doctoral Program of Environmental Science, Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

2Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

3Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

4Socio-economic Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


Baning Forest became a Nature Park since June 14th 1999, Baning Nature Tourist Park area is functioned based on block and utilized to support nature conservation, tourism, research and education, it also has a potential in the developing an attractive destination for ecotourism in Sintang. The development of Baning Nature Tourist Park as the natural area cannot be separated from the intervention of Regional Government, especially regional autonomy. This study was limited by two research problems; how does the local government be responsible for the development and what are the obstacles faced by the Local Government in developing Baning Nature Tourist Park as natural area in Sintang? This research used the empirical legal studies as the main approach. Specification of this research was descriptive legal study which used primary data as main data. The research result obtained was the responsibility in the development of Baning Nature Tourist Park as the Nature Tourism Area in Sintang which covered the improvement of accessibility and infrastructure of Baning Nature Tourist Park as a tourism destination. The local government efforts are developing the infrastructure, facilities and infrastructure, promotion and also protecting the area that is as a tourist attraction. The obstacle encountered by the Local Government is that the Local Government should be aware and wise in developing the Baning Nature Tourist Park as a tourism destination in order not to damage the ecosystem in it since Baning Forest belongs to an Ecotourism Park.

Keywords: Baning Nature Tourist Park, Nature Tourism, Local Government

Cite this paper: Redin, Abdul Hakim, Aminudin Afandhi, Harsuko Riniwati, The Responsibility of Government in Sintang Regency in Developing the Baning Nature Tourist Park as Nature Tourism Area, Management, Vol. 8 No. 2, 2018, pp. 64-70. doi: 10.5923/

1. Introduction

The consideration of Indonesia’s Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism, states that the freedom to travel and fill leisure time by having a tour is part of human rights. The second consideration states that tourism is an integral part of national development that is carried out systematically, well-planned, integrated, sustainable, and responsible while maintaining the protection of religious values, people beliefs in society, environmental sustainability and quality, and national interests. The third consideration states that tourism development is needed to promote equal opportunity and benefit and be able to face the challenges of changing local, national, and global lives.
Regional tourism development, especially ecotourism by local government besides for the preservation of the area, the most important is how to educate people to be more aware of the importance of conservation area conservation. According to one source [1], the term of "ecotourism" was emerged in 1980 by Mexican economist, Hector Ceballos-Lascurain, who used it to refer to tourism carried out with an attitude of protection against local flora, fauna and ecosystems as a stationary component. According to Ross and Wall, the objective of ecotourism development is to protect nature through the income of production, environmental education and the involvement of local people. Ecotourism emphasizes sustainable development of environment and environmentally responsible behavior is the mechanism of environmental conservation.
Law Number 23 of 2014 on Local Government orders special authority for regional institutions (regional working units) known as regional autonomy [2]. This authority provides freedom for local government at both provincial and district in managing their regional affairs to improve the welfare of their local communities, in accordance with the capabilities and potentials of the regions [3]. The implication of the development of autonomy concept in the implementation of regional development is that local governments have the authority to process, utilize, and manage every potential regional assets and resources to be empowered in order to make a real contribution to the development of the region and improve the standard of living of the people. Local governments are directed to be able to determine the strategic sectors that can encourage the implementation of development in the region. One of the sectors is in the field of tourism; today natural tourist destinations become an attraction for tourists who want to go back to nature.
Local Government as the responsible party for the development of tourism in the region is required to be innovative related to the existing destination in the region, in which the existence of a location or area to become a tourist destination must have a tourist attraction. Law Number 10 of 2009 on Tourism, in Chapter I Article 1 point 6 explains that: "The area of tourism destinations or that is referred to as Tourism Destination is a geographical area that is in one or more administrative areas within which there are tourist attractions, public facilities, tourism facilities, accessibility, and interconnected communities and complement the realization of tourism."
The establishment of the Baning Forest Area into a Natural Tourist Park (NTP) based on the Decree of the Minister of Forestry and Estate Crops Number 405/Kpts-II/1999 on June 14th, 1999 on the Establishment of Baning Forest Area of 213 (Two Hundred and Thirteen) Hectares defined as Permanent Production Forest Area functioned as a Forest Tourism. The vegetations of Baning NTP include the peat swamp forest. Baning NTP is one of the objects of tourist attraction in Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan.
The existence of Baning Nature Tourist Park is functioned based on block and utilized to support nature conservation, tourism, research, and education. Moreover, Baning NTP has a great potential to be developed as a forest ecotourism area in Sintang. Ecotourism development in Baning NTP is a positive effort for the regional development and community welfare.
Ecotourism activities that can be done in Baning NTP once it has been well managed, everybody will be able to see animals such as as The Maroon Langur, The Red Squirrel, The Pangolin and birds. While for the flora everybody will be able to see orchids and Nepenthes spp., and recognize the vegetation in the peat swamp forest.
A great potential for ecotourism in Baning NTP is inversely proportional to the development efforts undertaken by the Natural Resources Conservation Center (NRCC) of West Kalimantan; as the manager of the area and region, NRCC does not do much for the development of Baning NTP as a natural tourist attraction. Therefore, active participation of the district government is needed in order to promote the development of tourism in Baning NTP, so the existence of Baning NTP is not merely functioned for conservation purposes but also functioned as the regional tourism.
The basic division of regional autonomy to the region according to Law Number 23 of 2014 on Regional Government is to accelerate the realization of the community welfare through improving services, empowerment and community participation and enhancement of regional competitiveness by taking into account the principles of democracy, government, justice, privileges and specificity of an area within the system of Republic of Indonesia.
The enactment of Law Number 23 of 2014, gives wider authority to the Regional Government to manage its territory. This indicates the implications of the raise of responsibilities and obligations to explore and develop all potential resources of the region in order to supporting the development process in the region. Law Number 10 of 2009 on Tourism, in Article 8 paragraph 1 explains: "Tourism development is based on master plan of tourism development consisting of master plan of national tourism development, master plan of development of regional tourism (province and district / city)”.
Regarding to the enactment of Law Number 10 of 2009 on Tourism and Law Number 23 of 2014 about Local Government, the local government has a right to develop tourism objects or tourist attraction in the region. According to this condition, it is necessary to conduct a research aimed to describe the responsibilities of the government of Sintang Regency in the development of Baning NTP as a natural tourist attraction and identify obstructions obtained by the Government of Sintang Regency in the development of Baning NTP as natural tourist attraction. This study was limited by two research problems; how does the local government be responsible for the development and what are the obstacles faced by the Local Government in developing Baning Nature Tourist Park as natural area in Sintang?

2. Research Methods

This study was conducted from May 2017 to October 2017 in Sintang Regency that is geographically located at the coordinates of 1°03’ – 1°16’ South Latitude and 110°37’ – 113°37’ East Longitude (Fig. 1). The research design used in this study was the empirical legal studies with descriptive legal study. The locations chosen in this study were the Office of Youth, Sports, Tourism and Creative Economy (YSTCE) of Sintang Regency with research sites the scope of work of YSTCE in Sintang Regency and Baning NTP.
Figure 1. Map of Baning NTP (
To obtain a valid and relevant data for this study, the researchers used data collection techniques that combined triangulation of various data collection techniques and the existing data sources using direct interviews, observations and documentation studies for the same data source simultaneously. Data analysis used in this research was Milles and Huberman analysis model in which in analyzing the data the researchers did data condensation, display data, and drawing / verifying conclusion [4].
This study was done by collecting primary data (interviews result) and secondary data related to the responsibilities of local governments in the development of Baning NTP. The first step taken was a review of the legislation and development of regional tourism destinations. Key informants: Head of Tourism Division, Head of Facilities and Infrastructure Division of the YSTCE Sintang, and Head of Conservation Section II Sintang NRCC West Kalimantan.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. The Responsibility of Local Government in the Development of Baning NTP as Natural Tourist Attraction in Sintang

Optimizing the duty of regional service as the implementing element of regional autonomy and with the issuance of Government Regulation Number 41 of 2007 concerning Regional Organization Devices, the regional regulation was established on Organization and Working Procedure of Sintang Regency Office. This arrangement was a real form of government duty in realizing the task of assistance and regional autonomy based on Law Number 23 of 2014 on Regional Government.
Based on Sintang Regent's Regulation Number 110 of 2016 on Organizational Structure and Administration of YSTCE Office of Sintang Regency, the position of the Office of YSTCE is the implementing element of regional autonomy in the Field of Tourism led by the Head of Service. It is under and responsible to the regent through the Secretary of the Region in accordance with its area of authority (Article 4).
The field of tourism has the task of preparing materials and formulating technical policy in the field of tourism business development, tourism attraction development, tourism promotion, tourism marketing and cooperation, tourism market analysis of tourism community empowerment, formulating materials of policy formulation and implementation, system development, facilitation, and evaluation of the application of norms, standards, procedures and criteria in the field of tourism.
To carry out the task, the field of tourism has a function:
1. The preparation of tourism work program;
2. Preparation of technical policy formulation of tourism business development and tourist attraction;
3. Preparation of technical policy formulation of market analysis and community empowerment of tourism;
4. Guidance and supervision on the implementation of duties and functions of staff in the field of tourism;
5. Coordination and facilitation of the implementation of basic duties and functions;
6. Collection of materials for the formulation of technical policy and implementation of Minimum Service Standards (MSS) in the field of their duty;
7. Collection of materials of technical policy formulation and implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in the field of their duty;
8. Implementation of technical policy of tourism implementation;
9. Provision of advice and consideration to the head of the office with respect to the performance of the main duties and functions;
10. Implementation of monitoring, evaluating and reporting on the implementation of duties and functions;
11. Implementation of other responsibilities assigned by the head of the agency in accordance with the duties and functions.
The management of the area of Baning NTP is done by the NRCC of West Kalimantan under the authority of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. However, in the management of tourism purposes, the ministry and local government jointly develop Baning NTP based on their respective roles and functions. The role of the Central Government in the development of Tourism in Baning NTP is as a coordinator and facilitator for local development.
As stated by Br (50 years) government efforts in realizing regional autonomy and to achieve the management effectively and efficiently, the area of Baning NTP was done through zones arrangement by dividing the area of 213 hectares into three zones, namely protection zone, rehabilitation zone and utilization zone. The zone of protection is directed for the protection and conservation of biological natural resources and its ecosystem, and utilization zone is directed as recreational centers and tourist visits as well as construction of facilities and infrastructure for the utilization of services and nature tourism activities. (Interview, July 2017).
The utilization zone was used to support tourism and recreation activities as defined in Law Number 5 of 1990 on Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Ecosystems stated that the purpose of natural tourism parks was preferred for tourism and nature recreation. In addition it was also as an area which is mainly used for the protection of life buffer zone system, preserving plant species diversity, wildlife and nature uniqueness.
The purpose of the management of the nature park is to ensure the sustainability of the environment condition of the NTP along with the potential of the NTP area, and the optimum utilization of natural tourism parks, nature conservation, scientific research, education and awareness of natural conservation, science, utilization of germplasm to support cultivation and culture for the welfare of society. While the principle of the management of Eco Tourism Park was to utilize the potential of NTP such as plants, animals, ecosystems, and tourist attraction (natural phenomena and the beauty of landscape) for nature tourist activities and strived not to reduce the area and change the function of the area.
Law Number 10 of 2009 on Tourism regulates the opportunity for the utilization and development of tourism resources that are being the responsibility of all related parties, in particular the local government agencies responsibility for each region's assets and resources [1]. The provisions of the legislation are supported by Government Regulation Number 50 of 2011 on the National Tourism Development Master Plan 2010-2025 which further becomes the guideline for each region in formulating and arranging tourism development policy according to the characteristics and potential of the region. Ideally, development policies at the regional level should not only serve as a form of administrative compliance by local institutions in the implementation of government bureaucracy but also a form of understanding of the needs and capacities of the regions as outlined through development policy, so that the policy is a policy that can be carried out responsibly in accordance with the principles of development.
According to Hd (55 years) Head of Tourism Office as a form of responsibility of Sintang Regency Government to support tourism development in Sintang Regency, local government has made a strategic effort by making policy in the form of Local Regulation Number 7 Year 2010 about Master Plan of Tourism Development Area of Sintang Regency that was expected to encourage the implementation of regional tourism sector development in order to contribute positively to the region. (Interview, July 2017).
The policy on Master Plan of Tourism Development Area of Sintang Regency is one of the authorities that was accommodated in Article 30 of the Tourism Law to encourage the Regency Government to improve the development of tourism in the region in accordance with the mandate of regional autonomy. In addition, master plan also a reference strategic plan of the YSTCE Office in the development of regional tourism in 2016-2021.
In the development of accessibility to Baning NTP, according to Sn (40 years) the head of tourism department, Sintang regency government has built two access roads to the area, namely asphalt road from Bank Indonesia roundabout to the intersection of four Kobus Betang Long House through the Public Works Department that is bordering directly with Baning NTP in the East part of Tanjungpuri Regency and the entrance through the main gate of the southern part of Baning Kota village (Fig. 2). (Interview, August 2017).
Figure 2. Access Roads to Baning NTP (Source: Research Documentation)
To accommodate the vehicles of tourists who visit Baning NTP according to Hk (47 years) the field of facilities and services of the YSTCE Office has built parking lot facilities that was wide enough in the entrance of the main gate in the Baning Kota village that is accommodated by the Department of Transportation in Sintang Regency. While at some points of access road has been built two units of shop-houses with 20 doors by the Department of Trade and Industry that can be used by the community to sell or trade the typical products of Sintang Regency or food and beverages. (Interview, August 2017).
In addition to the availability of accessibility, facilities and infrastructure of nature tourism in Baning NTP which has been built by the Government of Sintang Regency in the outside area was to enhance the current attractions, a hornbill captive breeding or Suaka Enggang has been completed by the Ministry of Environment and Forest through NRCC of West Kalimantan in the area of utilization (Fig. 3). According to the information presented by Br (50 years) that this hornbill conservation aims to conserve hornbills, educate the community in the conservation of hornbills and as a tourist attraction in Baning NTP. It is expected that with this hornbill conservation, tourist visits will be increased since the accessibility is readily available (interview, July 2017).
Figure 3. The Hornbill captive breeding in Baning NTP (Source: Research Documentation)
The potential of tourism in Baning NTP was considered great. The YSTCE Office of Sintang Regency as a party that has a role as facilitator has a very strategic role in realizing efforts towards the development in improving Natural Park Baning as a natural tourist attraction. The existence of Baning NTP has not encountered the management of tourism and nature recreation.
To optimize the development of Baning NTP as a natural tourist destination, currently the local government of Sintang together with the ministry of environment and forestry through NRCC of West Kalimantan discussed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to enhance the development of nature tourism, facilities and infrastructure in the utilization zone that has been set by the Directorate General of Natural Resource and Ecosystem Conservation in 2017. (Interview, July 2017)
As it has been set in Article 30 of Law Number 10 of 2009 on Tourism, Hn (55 years) explained that the Local Government has established Master Plan of Tourism Development Area of Sintang Regency as the first step of development of regional tourism, based on spatial plan of regencies of 2016-2036, Baning NTP was designated as a strategic area for tourism in Sintang Regency, promoting Baning NTP through booklets, brochures "Visit Sintang", maintain and preserve the tourist attraction at Baning NTP. (Interview, July 2017).
The responsibility of Sintang District Government in the development of Baning NTP will be effective if it fulfills at least four aspects: (a) The existence of regulations that support the development of tourism; (b) Adequate access; (c) The availability of tourist attractions; and (d) the existence of facilities and infrastructure that support a travel-worthy destination and easy to visit.
The local government district of Sintang was responsible in accordance with the authority in developing tourist destinations as Baning NTP. This responsibility was delegated to the YSTCE Office Sintang Regency. All the affairs regarding the further development of tourism were implemented by the office in the framework of the implementation of regional autonomy and as mandated by regulations legislation as the basis for the legality. As local government regulators have established 2 the regional regulations in order to support the development of tourism, first master plan of regional development on tourism and second tourism. As a facilitator, local government has built roads access around the area that makes it easy for tourists to visit and a close look at the beauty of the landscapes of the peat swamp forest and some animals such as The Maroon Langur, The Red Squirrel, The Pangolin and birds. The most important effort to be done is to develop the tourism potential that becomes the attraction of Baning NTP's value in order to have a more real impact on the tourist visit. The construction of infrastructure and facilities such as parking lots and stalls that already exist need to be preserved sustainably.
The development of tourism area is influenced by several factors such as facilities, tourist information and information technology. This effort requires several strategies including increasing promotion, preserving the environment and involving the community in tourism development [5-7]. There are a lot of tourism attractions such as local festivals [8] and food with various media campaigns such as the website and social media. The general public is interested in what is offered; therefore promotion becomes an important medium to offer the potential for existing tourism because of Tourists are generally satisfied with tourism offering [9].

3.2. Inhibiting Factors Faced by Sintang District Government in the Baning NTP Development as Natural Tourist Attraction

1. Baning NTP belongs to the Conservation area under the management of the NRCC of West Kalimantan, so the local government must be more cautious in the development of Baning NTP to avoid damage the biodiversity during the development of nature tourism.
2. Lack of coordination between Sintang District Government and Natural Resources Conservation Center of West Kalimantan in the development of facilities and infrastructure supporting nature tourism, especially in the utilization zone of Baning NTP so that there was no tourist visiting Baning NTP.
Sintang District Government efforts in overcoming the obstacles of the development of Baning NTP as a natural tourist attraction, made several efforts to overcome these problems includes:
1. The Government of Sintang Regency coordinates with NRCC of West Kalimantan for the perception equation in the development of Baning NTP as natural tourist attraction in Sintang.
2. Create a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Sintang Regency and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, through NRCC of West Kalimantan to optimize the development of potency, facilities and infrastructure at Baning NTP.
Furthermore, the natural conservation aspect is important in the tourism development in Baning NTP. Nature as the main attraction in disturbance, especially anthropogenic aspect influences to tourist activities. For this purpose, the cooperation of all parties including the management of the conservation areas (NRCC), private sector and NGO. In this concern, the contribution of all parties needs to be improved in Sintang Regency [10]. There are also increasing issues in community involvement and development, because in some area community involvement was considered low and need for the attention [11]. Tourism development involving community participation is a process that has to appear and performs by community and increase economic benefit [12, 13].

4. Conclusions

This research concluded that the responsibility of Local Government in the Development of Baning NTP as Nature Tourism in Sintang to set up the regulations that support the development of tourism, to provide adequate access, to develop tourist attractions, facilities and infrastructure, and to promote of Baning NTP as a tourist destination. Since the location is inclusive in conservation area under the management of Natural Resources Conservation Center of West Kalimantan, therefore implementation of tourist activities must have minimal influences to the resource in the area. The cooperation among Sintang Goverment, NRCC and all parties for development of Baning NTP as a regional tourist destination need to be improved.


The author would like to thank to Head of Office of Youth, Sports, Tourism and Creative Economy, Head of Kelam Permai Sub-regency, and all informants. We thank to Director of Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya who were given permission for the research and team of journal clinic of Postgraduate Program Brawijaya University who helped in revising initial manuscript.


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