
p-ISSN: 2162-9374    e-ISSN: 2162-8416

2017;  7(4): 137-146



The Perceptions about Communication Skills and Job Motivation: A Case Study

Dursun Eğriboyun

Department of Educational Sciences, Retired from TLF’ Training and Doctrine Command, Izmir, Turkey

Correspondence to: Dursun Eğriboyun, Department of Educational Sciences, Retired from TLF’ Training and Doctrine Command, Izmir, Turkey.


Copyright © 2017 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


It was aimed in this research to explore the perceptions of a research group determined by a purposive sampling method based on voluntariness of 300 consisting of administrators and employees assigned in the public institutions and private sectors in Ankara, Izmir and Bolu in Turkey related to the communication skills and job motivation. According to the findings, it was observed that there was a meaningful relation at a level of ,01 between variables as communication skills, cognitive communication, behavioral communication, job motivation, intrinsic motivation, and extrinsic motivation. It couldn’t be found a meaningful relation between emotional communication and job motivation with its sub-dimensions. Also, according to the determinated regression model, it has been evaluated that the perceptions of the cognitive communication have affected on job motivation more than the others when the perceptions of administrators and employees have been interpreted.

Keywords: Communication skills (Cognitive, behavioral and emotional communication), Intrinsic job motivation and extrinsic job motivation

Cite this paper: Dursun Eğriboyun, The Perceptions about Communication Skills and Job Motivation: A Case Study, Management, Vol. 7 No. 4, 2017, pp. 137-146. doi: 10.5923/

1. Introduction

Nowadays, especially in the administration, the communication and motivation are the concepts that are known and used by almost everybody. However, it was becoming a subject that should be examined and discussed in today’s administration if both administrators and employees have used these concepts superficial or were very competent in the theoretical fundamentals of the subject. The communication and motivation are an important binary of the administration concept that could be generalized starting with reciprocal two persons to an organization and as a matter of fact to international organizations. For this reason, the problem tackled in this research should be essentially discussed in the organizational integrity.
A great variety of researches are done and already in progress about the organization and administration. An important subject that should be emphasized is that an excellent communication should be established in this structure and this established communication should positively increase the motivation, if it is thought in a brief that the organization is a structure. Also here, the important tasks fall to administrators because the persons are administrators that should lead the process rational and positive if it is evaluated that the administration is a process. What are communication skills? How could be established and improved the communication skills? What are motivation and motivators? How should be improved motivation and motivators? In this sense, these are critical subjects that should be examined in today’s management approach and in that administrators should be at the forefront because the organization will be motivated, provide job satisfaction and be efficient at that rate, how healthy relationships are in this topic. Here naturally, administrative behavior plays an important role, too. It would be understood that the communication and motivation are how connected with each other and nested concepts are, if it was accepted that administration is a social activity in the same time. The appropriate motivation and communication techniques should be used in order to can work together with others as you can see in the definition of the administration. Also, the employees should be well motivated in order to perform the objectives of the organization because the motivated employees are required to provide effective against efficiency. In addition, the exactly utilization of the motivation theories is required in order to use limited resources as rational.
The changing environment affects the motivation, too. For this reason, the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation must be very well balanced. Of course, it is required to benefit from communication and communication skills while these activities are conducted because it is accepted that the communication is one of the management functions that can be effective when the management functions were discussed in the broadest sense (Berberoğlu, 2006, p.107). The communication process is found on the basis of all management processes. Any organizational action or management process cannot be performed without communication because the communication is the lifeblood of human relations and motivation (Kaya, 1999, p.107).
In this sense, the motivation is the incentive and affection process for an individual to take action through the creation of a business environment where the needs of organization and individuals are concluded with satisfaction (Can, Akgün and Kavuncubaşı, 2001, p.304). According to Mottaz (1985), Brislin et al. (2005) and Mahaney and Lederer (2006), the motivation is used in two different meanings such as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The intrinsic motivation tools are directly related to the nature of the work and are derived from the content of the work. It incorporates the factors such as an interesting and coercive job, independence in the work, the importance of the job from the point of employee, participation in the work, responsibility, diversity, creativity, using opportunities of a person’s abilities and skills, and satisfactory feedback related to the performance of the person (Mottaz, 1985, p.366). The extrinsic motivation tools have two dimensions. The second dimension has a bearing on organizational tools while first dimension has a bearing on social motivation tools. The social motivation dimension contains the factors such as friendship, benevolence, and support of co-workers and administrators and is based on the quality of interpersonal relations. On the other hand, the organizational dimension of extrinsic motivation tools related to the opportunities presented by the organization to increase the job performance. These tools are concrete and contain the factors such as adequacy of resources in the working environment, equal wages, promotion opportunity, additional benefits, and job security (Mottaz, 1985, p.366). In this sense, it can be evaluated Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs and Mc Clelland’s achievement motivation theory as intrinsic motivation theory.
In the light of these assessments, it is thought that a balanced relation between the performing of the individual’s goals and the performing of the organization’s goals is required and the communication provided for this purpose should be in such a dialog scope that will motivate administrators and employees. In this context, the concepts of the communication skills and motivation in the management have become a topic that is worth checking out in terms of both managers and employees in conjunction with all dimensions, scopes, effects, and results. It can be seen in the conducted literature review, too, that the studies in sufficient level aren’t yet in progress on this topic in Turkey. Also, the above expressed thoughts and reasons reveal the necessity of a study on this topic. Therefore, it has created the problem that is subject of this research whether or not the perceptions related to communication skills of administrators and employees assigned in the public institutions and the private sector are a significant predictor of motivation-related perceptions.

2. Literature Review

Human attempts to communicate with the environment from the moment he/she was born. While emerging technology makes the communication easy on the one hand, the complex world is increasingly making it difficult on the other hand. For this reason, the communication in our day has been a tool that should be technically known by a human and it is required that the human should well develop his/her skills on this topic (Ersanlı and Balcı 1998, p.7).
The organization is identified usually as a communication network. It is not possible to think an organization without a communication process. Also, the management can be found in the functions as a communication source in an organization (Kaya 1999, p.106). In terms of research property, the interpersonal and inter-organizational communication and mass communication are the issues on that it is needed to focus because there should be two persons in order for the communication. In addition, the communication performed by the administrators-employees and two groups amongst themselves is the source of the motivation, because the management is performed in an organization and against an audience. The communication will cover every moment of the working process in the organization and be a phenomenon that will be needed in each basis if it is considered that the communication is the most important tool of the motivation.
Also, there are some functions of the communication. Therefore, administrators should have the information in this regard, too. Türkmen (1992, p.24) describes more specifically the basic functions of organizational communication in his research. However, in his statement, the most important subject that concerns this research is that the organizational communication is one of the most effective tools that will be implemented by the management of the organization in order to motivate.
Additional, an another issue on that an adjustment is made in respect of communication is tasks of the communication. While Demir (2003, p.138) categorizes these tasks, he dwells on motivation more. Also, these tasks are the functions fulfilled all the time by the administrators. Here, the concept of that it is needed to focus is the incentive or in another sense, motivation because the communication skills and motivation are emphasized in this research, too.
In this research, the cognitive (mental), emotional, and behavioral communication that is expressed as communication skills in the research of Ersanlı and Balcı (1998, p.9) will be more emphasized as communication types. The communication skills will be defined as clearly and exactly expressing of the individual itself, and fully and correctly understanding by listening to other people in the same way what they say, if the conducted researches are generally evaluated. In this context, the emotional communication is accepted as a mutual influence process among the emotions of communicating persons (Bartsch and Hübner 2005, p.2). In addition, the emotional communication can be stated as a process for using messages in order to change the information that the individuals have with each other to impress mutually their emotional states. The messages can be directly verbal or non-verbal expression of the emotions in the most straightforward way, such as smiling and mention of a happiness as “I’m so happy”, either it can be expressed as complex and sharp or it can be emotionally weaker. Also, the messages can be used to share an information or to influence the feelings of others through warnings and advices. Shortly, all communication is emotional, albeit in different degrees (Planalp 2009, p.489).
On the other hand, the behavioral communication is a form of communication that people use psychologically in daily actions. Additionally, it is identified as a variable of individual differences that represent indirectly the emotions, needs, and thoughts of an individual related to daily life as a more direct and open form of the communication (Wikipedia 2016).
The cognitive communication is thought by Northeastern University Traumatic Brain Injury Resource for Survivors and Caregivers (2016) as a process that allows people to successfully fulfill their functions and be able to interact in a meaningful way with each other. It can be seen that it is focused generally on knowing, detection, and thinking, while it dwells on the cognitive communication in the literature. American Speech-Language Hearing Association (2016) was having a different emphasis to the subject by more explaining what its results and impacts might happen in the absence of it, when it has explained the importance of the cognitive communication. In this context, they have specified, too, that the awareness and skills will be reduced by ensuring the effective communication needs, and it will be lack of memory, judgment and ability in the effective change of routine, and decreasing of the required talent for social communication skills and management of emotions may cause to the loss of relationships, and the required talent for discharge of educational or professional roles can be destroyed, and maybe the potential job will be lost.
The motivation is an extremely complex and versatile subject. On the one hand, there are the basic physiological needs of the person, the development and self-improvement needs, being a member of a group, and request to be useful, on the other hand there are requests for the organization’s aims, its objectives, and the struggle to survive. The accommodating among these two objectives group results satisfactory in terms of both people and organizations. The motivation plays basic key role in order to ensure the mentioned harmony, too (Fındıkçı 2003, p.369).
Many theories and approaches can be mentioned related to motivation. However, Maslow’s needs hierarchy directly related to human resource management practices, Herzberg’s two-factor approach, and McClelland’s achievement motive are the issues needed to generally focus (Fındıkçı 2003, p.379; Yüksel 2003, p.133; Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy 1995, p.328).
In this research, it is focused on Herzberg’s double (binary) factor approach. The dual-factor theory put forth by Herzberg is one of the best known motivation theories and at the same time, it is accepted as one of the most important theories developed related to job satisfaction (Can, Akgün and Kavuncubaşı 2001, p.310). Herzberg has named the factors that encourage the employees in the organization environment and ensure satisfaction by more connecting them to their institution of employment as motivating factors because they are the factors related to internal direction of work, on the other hand, he has admitted the factors related to its external direction as hygiene factors (Eren 2001, p.505).
As Eren (2001, p.505) and Yüksel (2003, p.139) have expressed, the hygiene factors discovered by Herzberg are environment-related and out of the remaining factors. When the hygiene factors have existed, the job satisfaction doesn’t increase, but the employees can be motivated to work. The job dissatisfaction consists of hygiene factors’ lack.
The motivating factors discovered by Herzberg are the elements that make the individual happy, connect it to the work, encourage it to work, and satisfy it. Also, these factors are the agents that arise during getting the job done and provide directly job satisfaction. The satisfaction will be increased and the employees will be motivated, if these opportunities are provided to the person. In that case, an increase in all kinds that will be ensured in incentive and satisfaction agents after providing of hygiene factors will play a motivational role for employees.
In the literaure, it is mentioned about two types of motivation: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation (Ryan and Deci 2000; Dündar, Özutku and Taşpınar 2007; Ertan 2008; Mottaz 1985). The subjective awards that are expected by employees to achieve or the positive emotions will motivate the persons to do their work, when they did a good job running. Lawler (1969) admits this as a measurement and in this context, he describes it as an intrinsic motivation. In that case, the person perceives itself the level of its success and attributes a value to it and here, he achieves a satisfaction from this. Briefly, this can be defined as a satisfaction ensured due to the feel of success. The intrinsic motivation is a desire of an individual to do a job without any compelling case.
The extrinsic motivation is provided to the employees by the job environment, work organization or often by their administrators (Eren 2001, p.531). According to Herzberg’s two-factor theory that evaluates together the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation tools on employee motivation, the extrinsic tools are associated with fixing of job dissatisfaction, while the intrinsic motivation tools related to the contents of the job motivate the employees (Dündar, Özutku and Taşpınar 2007, p.109). According this theory, only intrinsic factors can provide a high level of motivation. In addition to this, it is evaluated as Brislin et al. (2005, p.89) and Mahaney and Lederer (2006, p.42) have stated that the extrinsic motivation tools couldn’t motivate the employees, but they could provide the right conditions to motivate them.

3. The Research Problem

It is known that the communication plays an important role in the motivation of the employees. Additionally, it is evaluated that the motivation of the employees is a critical factor in order to ensure the productivity. Today, there are many factors that affect the motivation. But apart from these, there is another factor that becomes important increasingly: the communication. For this reason, the administrators need to understand the role of the communication to motivate the employees because some mistakes related to the most basic communication can cause sometimes to the dissatisfaction of the employees. In this context, the ensuring of the effective communication will contribute to the increasing of the employee motivation in many ways.
The motivation is not a required subject for employees only. Also, the administrators need the motivation because there are threesome basic requirements that should be satisfied in order to communicate exactly, as Morreale (2007) has stated. The first of these is to motivate. According to Pinder (2008), several options are described to motivate the employees. One of these is an effective communication. For this reason, the communication is used as a motivational tool for the motivation in the workplace. The effective establishment and maintaining of the communication will be possible if the administrators have the required communication skills. Hence, it can be said that the communication skills of the administrators play a key role in order to maintain cooperation with the employees and ensure their productivity.
It should not be considered that the desired motivation can be provided with the external tools all the time. Also, this motivation will be provided in the intrinsic ways, if the appropriate communication skills can be displayed. Besides, this activity of the administrators would lead to increased employee motivation, when they have established the communication goals and objectives compatible with the interests and needs of the employees (Mishra, Boyton and Mishra, 2014). As a result, the motivation of the employees can be provided with some several communication activities (Cutlip, Center and Broom, 2005).
In the light of all these opinions and reviews, it is aimed in this research to determine the relation between communication skills and job motivation that is a current problem, according to the perceptions of administrators and employees assigned in the public institutions and the private sector. It is searched a response to the following questions to achieve this aim.
-What are the perceptions of the administrators and employees assigned in the public institutions and private sector about the communication skills, job motivation and their sub-dimensions?
-Is there a meaningful relation between their perceptions relating to the communication skills and their perceptions about the job motivation?

4. The Methodology

It is aimed in this research to determine the relationship of the communication skills and the job motivation perceptions asserted by administrators and employees that is a current problem, in the light of the conducted literature reviews based on the necessity of awareness about the communication of the individuals and research results revealed the relation of communication skills and job motivation. In this sense, the research is a work in the form of the relational screening model. Additionally, the research has both the identifier and descriptive nature in terms of the purpose. The conceptual relations between dependent and independent variables taken part in this research are expressed in the following model and analyzed in the process of research to achieve these.
Y= a+b. X1 +c. X2 +d. X3
Y (Job Motivation) = a (constant) + b (The effect of cognitive communication) * X1 (The perception of cognitive communication) + c (The effect of emotional communication) * X2 (The perception of emotional communication) + d (The effect of behavioral communication) * X3 (The perception of behavioral communication)
The necessity of this research has importance because the researches made to date about communication skills and job motivation perceptions, especially in the field of management in the literature are failing in Turkey. For this reason, it was thought to achieve the important findings in the analysis phase, in the case of the together examination about cognitive (mental), emotional, and behavioral communication skills of administrators and employees when a method trying to explain that these are more related to which areas of job motivation have been introduced and the data collected in this context have been analyzed.

4.1. The Research Group

It is planned that the research was executed with an appropriate research group that could answer the research questions. For this reason, it has not been able to get a sample from any universe. 135 administrators, 165 employees for a total of 300 participants assigned in the public institutions and private sector in Ankara, Izmir and Bolu provinces, in Turkey and participating voluntarily in the research have composed the research group of this survey. The sampling method used in this research was a purposive sampling method because every administrator and employee wanted to participate in the research on the basis of volunteering were included in the sampling until reach to sampling volume (300 participants).
%60 of participants were assigned in the public institutions and %40 of them were in the private sector. 75 administrators and 105 employees were in the public institutions, and 60 administrators and 60 employees were in the private sector.

4.2. The Data Collection Tools

In this research, the data collection tool (DCT) was established by using the scales that were implemented before in Turkey and in accordance with validity and reliability. Then, it was assessed that the data collection tool (DCT) had content validity because the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of used scales were made by researchers developed the scale or adapted to Turkish, their validities and reliabilities were tested, and it was not encountered any problem about their contents and clarities.
The DCT has consisted of two parts. There were the communication skills inventory (CSI) in the first section and the job motivation scale (JMS) was in the second section. 5-point Likert rating scale was used for the average scores and their ranking while the analyses resulted from both measuring tools were interpreted.
Communication skills inventory (CSI): A total of 45-items scale in three dimensions developed by Ersanlı and Balcı (1998) was used to measure the communication skills of administrators and employees. Each of cognitive (mental), emotional, and behavioral communication skills has incorporated 15 items. The internal consistency coefficient of the original scale was α= ,720. Also in this research, the internal consistency of 45-items scale was considered at first in order to examine the reliability of the CSI. It was determined as a result of the analysis that the data have complied with three-factor structure of the scale. These three factors have described %78,036 of the total variance and the eigenvalue of each factor was greater than 1. The internal consistency coefficient of CSI was calculated as α=,707. According to the existing results obtained in this context, it has been accepted in general that the factors were quite reliable in themselves, they had the internal validity, and they could measure the communication skills.
The job motivation scale (JMS): The job motivations of the administrators and employees had been assessed with a total of 24-items scale in two dimensions adapted to Turkish by Dündar, Özutku and Taşpınar (2007) based on the scales used by Mottaz (1985), Brislin et al. (2005) and Mahaney and Lederer (2006) in their researches. The internal consistency coefficient of the original scale about intrinsic motivation was α= ,830 and internal consistency coefficient about extrinsic motivation was α=,840. The intrinsic motivation ranked on the scale had 9 items and the extrinsic motivation had 15 items.
Also, the internal consistency of 24-item scale has been examined in this research to investigate the reliability of the job motivation. The internal consistency coefficient of the job motivation has been calculated as α=,880. It was determined as a result of the analysis that the data have complied with two-factor structure of the scale. These two factors have described %60,591 of the total variance and the eigenvalue of each factor was greater than 1. This value was a sufficient value for the researches made in the field of social sciences. According to the existing results obtained in this context, it has been accepted in general that the factors were quite reliable in themselves, they had the internal validity, and they could measure the job motivation.
Also, the internal consistency of 24-item scale has been examined in this research to investigate the reliability of the job motivation. The internal consistency coefficient of the job motivation has been calculated as α=,880. It was determined as a result of the analysis that the data have complied with two-factor structure.

5. The Results

In this section, it has dwelt on the findings and their comments resulted from the analysis of data that were obtained with the data collection tool from the administrators and employees. In the research, the communication skills and job motivation have been introduced based on the reviews of 300 participants assigned in the public institutions and private sector in Ankara, Izmir and Bolu provinces in Turkey and participated in the survey on a voluntary basis, and their results were discussed according to the sub-problems with reference to the findings obtained at the end of the research.
In this research, the relational analysis related to the communication skills, job motivation and their sub-dimensions were carried out with the correlation type relationship. The Spearman’s test was used to determine the level and direction of the relationship between the variables. SPSS 24.0 statistics program was used when the data collected in accordance with the research results have been analyzed.
The First Sub-Problem: In the first sub-problem of the research, it was examined the perceptions of the administrators and employees assigned in the public institutions and private sector relating to communication skills, job motivation, and their sub-dimensions (see Table 1).
Table 1. The Scores of Communication Skills and Job Motivation
According to the results obtained, the administrators and employees have stated that the communication skills and its sub-dimensions (cognitive, emotional and behavioral communication) have been provided “sometimes” where they work, and they have perceived the job motivation and its sub-dimensions (intrinsic and extrinsic motivation) “often”.
In the frame of the results, it was seen that the perceptions of the administrators were more than the perceptions of the employees when the perceptions of the administrators and employees relating to the communication skills, job motivation and their sub-dimensions have been examined. In addition, the intrinsic motivation belonging to both the administrators and the employees was more than their extrinsic motivation as in theory.
The Second Sub-Problem: It has been investigated in the second sub-problem of the research if there was a significant relationship between the perceptions of the participants relating to communication skills, job motivation, and their sub-dimensions or did not. Firstly, it has been made the normal distribution test of the Shapiro-Wilk in this problem to determine the level and direction of perceptions relating to communication skills and job motivation. According to the test results, it has been required to use the Spearman analysis in the made calculation because the perceptions of administrators and employees relating to communication skills and job motivation have not complied with the normal distribution (p=,000 for administrators and employees, and p<0,05).
It has been seen in the correlation analysis results according to the perceptions of the administrators and employees that there was a significant relationship at the level of ,01;
- between communication skills and other variables as job motivation, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation,
- between behavioral communication and other variables as job motivation, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation,
- between cognitive communication and other variables as job motivation, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation when the correlation analysis results made according to the perceptions of administrators and employees were examined.
Besides, a significant relationship couldn’t be found between emotional communication and job motivation with its sub-dimensions. Also in the revealed relationship, it has been aimed to explain the regression analysis of job motivation and communication skills had an impact on it. In this context, job motivation has been assessed as dependent variable, and communication skills have been assessed as independent variable. The result of the analysis was given in Table 2 (see Table 2).
Table 2. The Relationship between Variables
According to the Table 3 (see Table 3), the relationship between job motivation and communication skills has been statistical significant (p= ,000; p<0,05).
Table 3. The Statistical Significance of the Regression Model
According to the Table 3 (see Table 3), the relationship between job motivation and communication skills has been statistical significant (p= ,000; p<0,05). Also, according to the Table 2, there has been a positively strong relationship between the variables (r= ,808). In addition, the determination coefficient has been calculated as ,653. This has expressed that 65,3% of the job motivation was dependent on the communication skills.
According to the Table 4 (see Table 4), the simple linear regression model has been determined as below:
Y= a+b. X1 +c. X2 +d. X3
Y (Job Motivation) = a (constant) + b (The effect of cognitive communication) * X1 (The perception of cognitive communication) + c (The effect of emotional communication) * X2 (The perception of emotional communication) + d (The effect of behavioral communication) * X3 (The perception of behavioral communication)
Y = 1,836+0,384*3,017+0,057*3,220+0,193*3,314
= 1,836+1,1585+0,1835+0,6396 = 3,815
Table 4. The Parameters Related to the Regression Model
According to the determined model, it could be said that the cognitive (mental) communication perceptions of the administrators and employees have had more impact on the job motivation.

6. The Discussion and Conclusions

The administrators and employees have stated that they have perceived the job motivation and its sub-dimensions (intrinsic and extrinsic motivation) often in their workplaces while they have thought that the communication skills and its sub-dimensions (cognitive, emotional and behavioral communication) have been provided sometimes. It has been seen that the perceptions of the administrators had more than employees’ when the administrators’ and employees’ perceptions have been examined related to the communication skills, job motivation and their sub-dimensions. In addition, the intrinsic motivations of both administrators and employees was more than the extrinsic motivation as in theory. With these in mind, also the result of this research supported what Herzberg meant for the hygiene (external) and motivating (internal) factors.
Koçak (2013) has identified that there was a strong and meaningful relationship between communication skills and motivation while he has assessed the relationship between social communication skills and motivation. Also, it has been reached a strong and meaningful relationship between communication and motivation in the research results of Srivasta (2014). Darjani, Soltani and Pourroostai (2014) have displayed that an effective organizational communication played an important role on job motivation, and they have specified that the communication was one of the basic factors of organization ID. Additionally, it has been revealed in the research of Sabancı (1994, p.108) that there was a meaningful relationship between bi-directional communication and motivation. It has been stated according to the research result that there was a low motivation in which case bi-directional communication was less.
Also, Güneş (2007) has identified a meaningful relationship between communication skills and motivation in his research. In the research did by Iskandar (2016), the academic advisors’ intensity of interpersonal communication has been identified in the highest category of the students. Accordingly to this, it has been observed that the learning motivation of the students was in the highest category, too. In this context, it has been found that the intensity of interpersonal communication had a meaningful effect on the learning motivation of the students.
Rajhans (2012) has stated that the organizational communication has played an important role on the employees’ motivation and performance such as reel changes located in modern organizations. Also in the research of Miriti (2011), it has revealed that there was a relationship between communication and employee motivation. The findings have been demonstrated that the communication has effectively motivated the employees assigned in the Kenya’s post foundation. In the research of Gilley, Gilley and McMillan et al. (2009), the participants have stated that the administrators have usually or always displayed the communication characteristics. In addition to this, they have found a meaningful relationship between motivation and communication at the level of ,69 and evaluated that the administrators have sometimes or rarely provided the motivation. They have validated in their regression analysis, too, that the communication affected the motivation.
Fatimah et al. (2015) have expressed in their research adapted from Herzberg’s two factor theory right along with being expressed of the career and performance awards with job responsibilities as open by indicating a requirement of the creation of a competitive business environment that there was a meaningful relationship on the employee involvement between communication and motivation as a result of the studies carried out in this context.
Mottaz (1985, p.375) has detected in his research about motivation of the employees in the service sector in the United States that the intrinsic motivation tools had a stronger impact on the employee motivation. Also, Mahaney and Lederer (2006), Dündar, Özutku and Taşpınar (2007, p.114), Ertan (2008), Altindis (2011), and Brislin et al. (2005, p.97) have concluded in their researches that the intrinsic motivation was perceived more than the extrinsic motivation. Büyükgöz (2008) has identified, too, that the hygiene (extrinsic) factors were perceived lesser than the motivating (intrinsic) factors in the public and private sectors.
Also, the results of this research have supported the results of the researches summarized above in general. It could be made the following deduction here that the motivation in the workplace was completely related to how the administrators have affected the employees. This took place also with an effective communication. Nowadays, the knowing is an important matter that was investigated by many administrators to motivate the employees in the administration area how a effectively communication could be established because the motivation provides the being most productive of the employees. Also in the management, the motivation recognized when the administrators could find the appropriate communication method with their employees. Of course, this is associated with the knowledges and experiences of the administrators about communication skills. In a nutshell, the motivation will be performed with a positive management, and a good communication skill can perform this.
Also, as a result of the research, it has been seen that there was a meaningful relationship between communication skills and job motivation with sub-dimensions as intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, between behavioral communication and some variables as job motivation, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, and between cognitive communication and same variables (job motivation, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation) at the level of ,01. But, it couldn’t be found a meaningful relationship between emotional communication and job motivation with sub-dimensions.
It has been identified that the perceptions related to job motivation and its sub-dimensions have increased in a positive direction, too, when the perception level relating to communication skills, behavioral communication and cognitive (mental) communication has increased. Also, it has been aimed in the relationship laid out to explain the job motivation and communication skills that identified as impact on the job motivation with regression analysis. In the conducted assessment, the relationship between job motivation and communication skills has been found statistically meaningful, too (p= ,000; p<0,05). In addition to this, there was a strong positive directional relationship between variables (r= ,808). Also, according to this result, the determination coefficient (r2) has calculated as ,653. In this case, it has been seen that %65,3 of job motivation was depended on the communication skills. Also, according to the determined model, it could be said that the perceptions of cognitive (mental) communication related to administrators and employees have more affected the job motivation.
According to the findings of this research, it has been seen that the effective communication was one of the factors necessary for motivation, as Srivasta (2014) has stated in his research. An effective communication will be ensured, if the administrators review the status before they act, collect and validate information before they decide, focus on the problems rather than a person, manage the groups rather than employees, interview with employees face to face, and give the task directly and clearly.
Additionally, it has been determined from the findings of the research that the cognitive (mental) communication perceptions were used more efficiently by both administrators and employees. This situation could have been caused because the administrators and employees have done the mental activities more depending on their age, service period and educational background, and these communication skills learned over time have been improved.
An enough research may not have been done at the national and international literature because the relation of the communication and job motivation was obvious in the studies to date. However, the cognitive communication and job motivation are today’s a current problem as it has occurred as a result of this research, too. Therefore, especially administrators have to be more conscious about this subject because the administrators should know what to talk before they communicate with their subordinates, sense their speech and behavior, and think over it. It should be noted that the effect of the communication manipulates directly the job motivation.
It could be assessed that the cognitive communication would allow people to successfully fulfill their functions and be able to interact in a meaningful way with each other, the awareness and skills would be increased by ensuring the effective communication needs, and it would not be a lack of memory, judgment and ability in the effective change of routine, and increasing of the required talent for social communication skills and management of emotions may cause to the improvement of relationships, and the required talent for discharge of educational or professional roles would be evolved, if the cognitive communication was provided.
As Granvold (1994, p.224) has stated, the information about interpersonal relationships and detection-decision and cognitive restructuring ability as cognitive competencies are sine qua non for the communication while it is dwelled on the cognitive competencies in the interpersonal relationships.


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