
p-ISSN: 2162-9374    e-ISSN: 2162-8416

2013;  3(3): 152-161


Organizational Comforting Policy as Superintendence Rescuer

Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand

Department of Industrial Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

Correspondence to: Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand, Department of Industrial Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.


Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.


One of the most stable methods of development is comforting policy strategy. By comforting policy, products and presenting new or modified products to the market, novel competitive privileges for an organization are created, and if this process continues the organization could easily took the responsibility of the market leadership, and stop being in a passive state. The organizational comforting is production in massive amount with low prices, which is labelled as economy of scale. Organizational comforting strategy involves adding some new but unrelated products and services to their existing ones and comforting policy them to their current customers. This strategy is concerned when a organization tries to increase its control by acquiring organizations that supply it with input or organizations that are customers for its output. It aims at excelling in the competition by offering products with the lowest cost. This paper proposes a relation of organizational comforting policy by benevolent superintendence and reviews the organizational comforting planning and performance measurement literature to develop a conceptual model and research propositions. Data are drawn from a survey of the comfort organizations in comfort organizations that around few samples of benevolent superintendence engage in organizational comforting policy. The interview schedule was designed to collect data on a number of benevolent superintendence and strategic characteristics in addition to asking about the presence or absence of an organizational comforting policy and, where appropriate, the time period to which the plan applied. Interviews were conducted face to face directly within the workplace, training and consultant sessions or indirectly by e-mail or using structured questionnaire. The benevolent superintendence characteristics showing a significant association with a commitment to organizational comforting policy and also organizational comforting policy showed a positive association with that benevolent superintendence with a growth orientation. It is concluded that benevolent superintendence characteristics can be important in explaining and compilation the organizational comforting policy within the comfort organizations for implementation of organizational comforting planning. In fact, comfort organizations influence whether or not those organizations engage in organizational comforting planning. In this field, the focus is on the special characteristics of benevolent superintendence such as education type and level.

Keywords: Organizational comforting, Benevolent superintendence, Comfort organizations

Cite this paper: Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand, Organizational Comforting Policy as Superintendence Rescuer, Management, Vol. 3 No. 3, 2013, pp. 152-161. doi: 10.5923/

1. Introduction

The focuses are on the relationship between organizational comforting policy and strategic benevolent superintendence. Although development of models appropriate for organizational comforting policy is appeared to be of requirement, previous researches in this field have rarely taken it into consideration.
Therefore, in the current study, using an organizational comforting policy, but related fields of study have been combined to each other, and a new model in this field was proposed by employing an exploratory methodology[44]. In organizational comforting strategy a substantial modification of organization and its products are required, i.e., high organizational comforting policy. These modified products are presented to current customers though the existing channels, thus, there is no fundamental need for the investigation of external environment and affairs, and organization should give priority to taking the internal environment into consideration[3],[14],[18],[21]. A substantial body of research studies has been conducted on organizational comforting policy and strategy separately. Furthermore, this study provides off the new idea of examining the relationship between organizational comforting policy and prioritization of internal or external environments. The comforting field is now giving high priority to developing comforting metrics.
Homogenous Diversification strategy: diversification strategy implicates an organization's attempts for adding new but related products and services to its existing ones.
Organizational comforting policy as superintendence rescuer strategy is concerned with maintenance of the status quo[4],[6]. The employee perceived support by top superintendence for organizational comforting and innovation is associated with trust in superintendence and affective commitment to the organization, as mediated by supervisor support for employee empowerment and development. The authors also concluded that employee perceived support by top superintendence for organizational comforting and innovation is associated with employee perceived service quality and client adherence to their service plan, as mediated by supervisor support for employee empowerment and development, trust in superintendence and affective commitment to the organization.

2. Comforting Policy

Strategic organizational comforting policy is a new paradigm in the field of organizational comforting policy, which was under focus of the current study with regard to its role in organizations' development. It is believed the innovation and comforting policy have a direct effect on organizational presence and the ability of creating a sustainable competitive advantage[39] benevolent superintendence in comfort organizations are responsible for building organizations where people are continually expanding their capabilities to shape their future-that is, benevolent managers are responsible for organizational comforting.
The employees who had trust in their superintendence were performing, cooperating and dedicating their full efforts to the assigned task[40]. The benevolent manager's attitudes towards employee involvement were related to unit manager attitudes and to employee attitudes. The top superintendence supports a work climate in which employees may innovate and learn from one another, supervisors will then feel freer to provide greater latitude for employees to make appropriate decisions as well as grow and develop.
This study is based on a sample of small comfort organizations and the influence of organization characteristics such as organizational comforting policy of organization have been well explored over the last decades. The random sample participated in the survey based on face to face, meeting, advising, questionnaire, participation in consultant sessions and e-mail interviews using a semi structured interview schedule. Benevolent managers could answer the key questions about the environmental and strategic variables in which interested and thus the use of a small number of senior managers is not as problematic as it would have been if interested in the psychological and personality characteristics of the benevolent superintendence. Benevolent superintendence organization related characteristics were also included to check for the presence of any uncontrolled organization variables. Subsequently, by making connection between elements in the matrix, they can identify their strategy type, and plan to achieve success in current situation, as well as, reaching more desirable situation in the matrix.
One of the most stable methods of development is comforting policy strategy. By comforting policy, products and presenting new or modified products to the market, novel competitive privileges for an organization are created, and if this process continues the organization could easily took the responsibility of the market leadership, and stop being in a passive state.

3. Comforting Strategy

The organizations' need of employing new and powerful techniques in strategy formulation led to investigate corporate organizational comforting policy status in industrial organizations[17],[28],[31] as well as whether to give priority to internal or external environments to obtain a stronger model for implementation of industrial organizations. The organizational comforting is production in massive amount with low prices, which is labelled as economy of scale. Organizational comforting strategy involves adding some new but unrelated products and services to their existing ones and comforting policy them to their current customers. This strategy is concerned when a organization tries to increase its control by acquiring organizations that supply it with input or organizations that are customers for its output. It aims at excelling in the competition by offering products with the lowest cost. This paper proposes a relation of organizational comforting policy by benevolent superintendence and reviews the organizational comforting planning and performance measurement literature to develop a conceptual model and research propositions. Data are drawn from a survey of the comfort organizations in comfort organizations that around few samples of benevolent superintendence engage in organizational comforting policy. For comforting managers, the organizational comforting policy performance measurement is an area that represents a significant opportunity for business investment and superintendence attention. The interdisciplinary conceptual model will provide guidance to comforting managers in developing contextually relevant organizational comforting policy measures. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of benevolent superintendence in the organizational comforting planning on creating a sustainable competitive advantage. Comfort organizations that undertook more comforting activity, that were more consistent in that activity and whose composition of activity was somewhat differentiated from the industry norm tended to have a sustainable comfort organizations advantage and display superior performance. Comforting activities are undertaken by comfort organizations and which were found to have sustainable competitive advantages. When comfort organizations become more involve with knowledge interaction with their customers during services encounter and service delivery, they will be more able to understand customer needs and that in return will make organization more innovative. Organizational comforting in comfort organizations reflects the organization ability to create and expand knowledge through social interaction between both explicit and tacit knowledge, which in this case refers to the knowledge interaction within the organization itself and its clients. The role of comforting is to implement comforting strategy. Effective organizational comforting policy is one of the important factors in comfort organizations success as Figure 1.
Figure 1. Comforting policy strategy
This strategy type emphasizes high corporate organizational comforting policy, as a result, suggests organizations to encourage comforting policy, and constantly look for new products and markets, that is, to prioritize external environment to attract new markets with novel attributes. Comforting policy strategy aims at exploiting the synergy resulted from several organizations' integration for offering some distinct products cooperatively.
The algebraic sum of outcome obtained from this cooperation is more than the total outcome of those organizations' activities individually. One way to promote comfort organizations development is to offer organizational comforting program in organization that meets the market demands of the productive sectors.
A brief situational analysis of comfort organizations, which indicate that comforting action, is characterized as a practice unless supported by the theory. The reforms to the curricula have been established empirically, organized, distributed and legitimated a comforting discourse limited in its conceptual framework. Establish conceptual basis of analysis to explain the significance to comforting discourse, as an integrator of regulative discourse and instructional discourse and its impact in shaping the comforting models in public accounting programs, which as mediating structures and symbolic message as forms of meaning, inherently reproduce relations of power and principles of specific control. The structure symbolic accounts should be studied dynamically depending on the environment, time and space.
Accounting organizational comforting programs have suffered from a conceptual framework that allows, on strong references, obtaining in the analysis of the different interactions and regulatory mechanisms underlying control, to the discourses, practices, agents and contexts involved in the configuration of comforting discourse and curriculum models.
Benevolent superintendence act individually or collectively through professional organizations that allow a special kind of association with different characteristics in relation to commercial comfort organizations[23]. The requirement of compliance with professional standards extends the collective exercise of the profession are subject to sanctions by professional organizations.
With these elements must be based comforting and professional experience and minimum limits must have a professional to be accepted as professional accountant.
Benevolent superintendence generate the general policies, international auditing standards, ethical guidelines, guidelines and organizational comforting and other aspects that are related to the task professional. Moreover, this comforting policy reduces competition, hereupon; the amount of competitive renovation decreases[22]. Organizations with low organizational comforting policy have to find ways to create variation in their products.
Further, environmental shifts are so much that the organization has to focus on the external environment primarily. As a result, it decides to cooperate with level organizations to use the obtained shared synergy for overcoming its rivals.
Benevolent of the activity scope allows the resources to be concentrated, and obtains a competitive superiority to the rivals. The purpose of focusing on particular products and services is to satisfy the needs of small groups of consumers. Effective factors in organizational comforting strategy include high variety in products, unlimited and indistinct market, unlimited geographical area, unlimited activity, research, and development concentrated on production.
In the case of comforting policy strategy, products' success, adding more geographical areas or entering other comforting policy segments such as other layers of consumer in the same comforting policy, etc. can raise selling rate. An organization pursuing this strategy, attempts to offer its services and products to new geographical areas. Focusing completely on external environment, the organizations are likely to be able to find new comforting policies for their products. These organizations are regarded as opportunists, which can make double success by using comforting policy development strategy.
Quality of life, social unity and international responsibility are subject matters of further so-called social indicators of sustainability. These indicators are introduced, their integration into the benevolent superintendence system is discussed and the entrepreneurial use demonstrated.
The benevolent superintendence concept of the comforting development includes superintendence rules, their actors and scopes of action, indicators and objectives as well as a monitoring of the achieved progress and the consequential further adaptation to changing priorities.
The present comforting superintendence systems, like as the quality superintendence according, the environmental superintendence or already integrated systems will align themselves with the development in medium term and nurture it. Important actors in organizational comforting policy process are the comfort organizations.
Therefore, benevolent superintendence systems have to guarantee a sustained and future-oriented development of the comfort organizations. It is demonstrated how a sustainability benevolent superintendence can be incorporated into the operational practice by means of proven systems, like quality and environmental superintendence, by integrating sustainability performances. Indicators of comforting, like preservation of resources, reduction of the surface consumption and renewable usage of energy but also economic precaution, education and innovation guarantee a high eco-efficiency of operational processes.

4. Benevolent Superintendence

Benevolent superintendence combining prioritization of internal and external environments with organizational comforting policy status in one matrix possessed strategic options, from which organizations can choose a proposed strategy according to their organizational comforting policy intensity and prioritization. Selection of a strategy with respect to a organization's situation, in addition to enabling the organization to develop, and effectively accomplish its goals, could indicate the direction towards higher situations in the matrix.
There is benevolent superintendence who argues that formal written planning may be inappropriate for the comfort organizations but this seems a minority view[25]. It can be argued that organizational comforting policy is as important to comfort organizations as to larger organizations and standard textbooks on entrepreneurship offer chapters on comforting plan whilst a range of specialist publications outline the best ways of writing organizational comforting planning.
A fundamental proposition in comforting strategy is that organizational comforting planning must be aligned with customers and competitive advantage.
Unfortunately, organizational comforting planning performance measurement literature has provided ambiguous guidance to comforting managers.
In comfort organizations, where an organizational comforting planning exists, the preparation of the organizational comforting policy may have been driven by external forces. The most obvious of these are the requirements of external agencies providing funding for either start up or expansion. However, the organizational comforting planning may serve as a strategic planning document for the managers, entrepreneurs and educated workers, a plan to guide the comforting and serve as a basis for taking strategic decisions and also it may serve as a subsequent monitoring device.
In view of its perceived ongoing value to the small business it might be expected that organizational comforting policy would be a feature of many, if not most, comfort organizations.
In order to achieve comforting success, it is important to understand the relationship between organizational comforting policy by benevolent superintendence and strategy deployment success. As superintendence itself becomes more emphatically fast-paced and intuitive, in order to deal with complexity and unpredictability, research is beginning to accumulate showing that coaching formats used in superintendence support are more effective than training in the older logical comprehensive pursuits.
The organizational comforting policies relative to various situations were:
- Innovativeness of benevolent superintendence by heterogeneous diversification,
- Product development by cooperation or focus,
- Vertical integration or cost and horizontal diversification for comforting policy development,
- Horizontal integration for stability.
Among the strategies, innovativeness was related to the ideal situation and stability referred to the poor condition of a organization. The nature of the benevolent superintendence is seen as critical in other aspects of the activities of comfort organizations. A selection of the benevolent superintendence characteristics is the potential to influence an owner manager’s propensity to undertake organizational comforting policy.
Predictions of the direction in which the variables will operate are inevitably problematic as there is little prior work on the determinants of organizational comforting policy upon which we can draw[27],[32],[34],[35]:
1) Benevolent superintendence ability: This variable has been identified as important in a number of studies.
2) Benevolent superintendence experience: It may be strongly linked to ability and it could be argued that it might work in two ways. A long number of years running an organization as a benevolent superintendence might increase a propensity to plan future directions for the comforting or indeed, once the initial phases had passed and funding secured planning might well be less of a priority.
3) Benevolent superintendence education level: In the context of organizational comforting policy, this variable might seem reasonable to hypothesis that the more highly educated benevolent superintendence will tend to be more aware of the desirability of organizational comforting policy and thus, organization run by the better educated benevolent superintendence might be more likely to have comforting plans.
4) Benevolent superintendence comforting: A distinction here may be drawn between those for whom the current organization is their first and serial founders.
5) Benevolent superintendence educated workers: This was identified as an influence on organization behavior and in the context of organizational comforting policy, benevolent superintendence with previous work experience in larger organization, perhaps where organizational comforting policy was seen as an important part of comforting behavior, would tend to encourage organizational comforting policy in organization.
6) Benevolent superintendence organizing: Organization founders are drawn either from operatives or from those with previous managerial experience.
7) Benevolent superintendence strategy: Here it might be argued that benevolent superintendence moving into a new sector might be encouraged to plan rather more than those whose businesses were in sectors in which they had considerable prior experience.
8) Benevolent superintendence potential: This was introduced into the analysis as it might be expected that local benevolent superintendence, which grew up in the geographical area under study, will tend to be introspective and less receptive to contemporary superintendence practice.

5. Organizational Comforting

The relationships between comfort organizations and their localities have become an important research area and organization with links with local comforting institutions might be more likely to comforting plan. The argument here would be that mixing with local comforting leaders would increase awareness of the value of organizational comforting policy.
Further, the characteristics which have been measured can be grouped into environmental and organizational comforting planning variables rather than those variables which measure attributes of the personality of the benevolent superintendence.
It is also recognized that the relationships only significant at a relatively low level but this reflects, in part, the small size of our initial sample. Therefore useful conclusions can be drawn as follows[1],[5],[11],[12]:
1) Organizational comforting policy is a characteristic of the comfort organizations that there still remains a high proportion of benevolent superintendence of comfort organizations who does not undertake organizational comforting policy. Benevolent superintendence characteristics and organizational comforting planning variables can be an influence upon whether or not small comfort organizations undertake organizational comforting policy when controls have been introduced for sector and size.
2) The key benevolent superintendence characteristics, associated with a greater tendency to undertake organizational comforting policy, are a higher level of education level, experience and running comforting.
3) There was no evidence that previous superintendence experience was linked to a higher propensity to comforting plan. That benevolent superintendence with superintendence experience is somewhat cynical of the value of paper exercises and the writing of comforting plans.
4) Although this is a study of comfort organizations in one zone, this paper has demonstrated that benevolent superintendence characteristics cannot be ignored in trying to understand the extent to which comfort organizations display a commitment to organizational comforting policy.
5) Success is most likely to come from policies to that benevolent superintendence with the characteristics of planners but who are not yet planners. These are the benevolent superintendence that may be unaware of the benefits of organizational comforting policy rather than outwardly hostile. However, benevolent superintendence characteristics are rarely in the public domain so such targeting becomes difficult.
6) Analysis of the strategic characteristics of benevolent superintendence identified a set of variables.
7) Gaining the sustained co-operation of fellow team members requires emotional leadership. Where such leadership is available, much forgiveness is afforded. Performance comforting in a manager links to conceptual comforting because the corporation’s key competence, its comforting and industrial concept comforting capability index, is the key to success in a knowledge driven economy.
8) Where creative responses of many kinds are required, managers will prove to be at the heart of superintendence excellence, which empower their colleagues and clients to expand their comfort organizations performance and utilize a higher proportion of the comfort organizations potential.

6. Organizational Comforting Planning

Comfort organizations to primarily determine their entrepreneurial situation on three levels of low, medium, and high, and then select their prioritization in environmental investigation from the options of focusing on inside the organization, focusing on both inside and outside the organization, and focusing on outside the organization. Benevolent superintendence recent research reviewing corporate coaching programs that we can see this move from intuition towards rationalized models as complementary and off-setting to developments in strategic superintendence [29],[33]. Like all scientific enterprises, a period of accumulation of evidence will be required before definitive conclusions may be drawn. However, there are early gleanings that evidence based evaluation research is underway as Figure 2.
Figure 2. Organizational comforting planning
The literature argues shows that the extent to which each determinant of performance impacts firm performance is a function of the performance metrics[30],[36],[41]. Further, define performance as the sum of all processes that will lead managers to taking appropriate actions in the present that will create a performing organization in the future or in other words, doing today what will lead to measured value outcomes tomorrow[2],[9],[10]. Creative comforting building is found in knowledge-based industries, which span many sectors finance, technology, media and learning.
Central to success as knowledge creators is the culturing of independent individuals, organizational members able to re-invent businesses as required. Such capabilities are not nurtured in high compliance systems that penalize out-of-envelope contributions.
To assist in understanding the process used in a certain application; avoid potential misconceptions regarding the intent and define the activities associated with specific value studies, reclamation has defined four distinct types of organizational comforting policyes. Also the organizational comforting policy is a tool to identify key activities that create value and costs in comforting.
Therefore organizational capability relies in particular on coaching superintendence skills, which rely on emotional intelligence and emphasis one-to-one, dialoguing, subordinate empowerment and mutually agreed targeting. In relation of organizational comforting policy competencies including outsource less critical resources if better organizational comforting or cost and own competencies core business, three characteristics are competitive advantage and difficult to imitate.
Anyhow tactical actions steps for coupling organizational comforting with customers or service receivers including to comforting, segment, proposition, and network recovering satisfaction are as follows:
1) Benevolent superintendence support: An organization’s total superintendence rescuer efforts must begin at the very top and begin with the board of directors.
2) Benevolent superintendence plan: An action plan based on the survey feedback should then be formulated by the top superintendence and communicated at every board meeting.
3) Benevolent superintendence vision: Develop a vision the organization does not have one already. The key to the initial adoption of superintendence rescuer is continuous communication of the vision within a comprehensive communication plan.
4) Benevolent superintendence improvements: Senior managers need coaching as the new theorists in coaching argue; coaching empowers individuals to achieve their inherent potential.
5) Benevolent superintendence responsibility: The responsibilities accept of a senior superintendence rescuer committee can include: establishing strategic superintendence rescuer goals, allocating resources, sanctioning superintendence rescuer improvement teams, reviewing key indicators of quality, estimating the cost of poor rescuer, ensuring adequate training of employees and recognizing and rewarding individual and team efforts.
These definitions allow reviewers of a study to superintendence rescuer understand its scope and limits. To ensure the opportunity to achieve the highest value, value program staff attempt to keep superintendence or administration directed mission charges flexible enough to allow comforting. This staff make most of the recommendations for administrative and procurement processes that could benefit from studies. Anyhow is the need to develop a means to inform superintendence rescuer of the available resources and how to obtain assistance. For this reason, there is a need to re-track fundamental superintendence systems. Such concepts as investment valuation, ethical trading, stakeholder consultation, corporate social responsibility, value investment, preoccupy institutional investor communities. In any case, the level of uncertainty is continuing to increase even as consumer prosperity overlaps into the new century, reacting against the undoubted brilliance of the recent industrial era.
However, the mainly qualitative evidence available to date suggests that organizational comforting planning within comfort organizations is an activity of a minority. There may be a number of reasons for the lack of organizational comforting planning. Historically the typical benevolent superintendence has tended not to have pursued higher levels of education level or to take formal comforting training.
Hence there are two possible reasons why benevolent superintendence tends not to plan that they are emotionally unsuited to it. They think and act intuitively and they are simply unaware of the various tools which would enable them to plan systematically. A further constraint, likely to restrict organizational comforting planning by benevolent superintendence, is that they may not have sufficient comforting information to prepare a formal plan.
A lack of formal organizational comforting planning among comfort organizations does not necessarily mean that organization is badly managed[38],[42],[43]. It does, however, suggest that benevolent superintendence miss out on the opportunity to consider the overall direction of the comforting and superintendence decisions may be made on the basis of poor information[37]. The characteristics of the organization and benevolent superintendence and also comfort organizations strategies hereafter termed comforting strategy, influencing benevolent superintendence behaviour which might be used to inform analysis of the determinants of organizational comforting planning in comfort organizations. Organization characteristics were controlled out of analysis in order to focus our attention on the benevolent superintendence and organizational comforting planning variables.

7. Comforting Organizations

With the development of the organizational comforting policy, the challenges faced by benevolent superintendence are larger and larger and the former method. The benevolent superintendence should comfort win more customers’ favor and obtain more profit resources by the comforting thinking and measures. Through clearing up the correlations between organizational comforting and creating a sustainable competitive advantage, this study has shown the synergistic between both sides and discusses how organizational comforting, superintendence rescuer and benevolent superintendence can lead to a sustainable competitive advantage.
benevolent superintendence in designing and delivering organizational comforting policy, does not only mean high comforting, but it extends to encompass creativity in the way organizational comforting policy are delivered through using latest and effective techniques and applications. Frontline employees' skills and abilities may be developed by providing them with the required materials as well as supportive techniques, thus, leading to more comforting strategies in delivering comforting.
Comfort organizations may also present the required facilities to achieve zero-error transactions regarding personal, real estates, or purchasing mortgages, either on the long or short run based on superintendence rescuer. It is also important that benevolent manager strategic vision and perception of comforting policy to be in line with creating a sustainable competitive advantage on the long run. Creating an organizational climate encourages, assimilates and promotes comforting, through facilitating team works, offering moral and material incentives and purifying the relationships between all parties in the comfort organizations in question are all central to generate comforting. Organizational comforting planning does not only depend on acquiring new knowledge, but also on leveraging existing knowledge through knowledge sharing and application within the organization. However, benevolent managers should be noted that some managers commented on the concept of comforting by stating that although they are convinced that comforting in comfort organizations is essential, they face some difficulties in its application. Some difficulties stems from the gap of understanding and communications between managers at higher and lower level. Other difficulties stems from the weak understanding of how to transfer customer needs into technical specifications. Other stated that the concept of comforting in its broad definition is understandable; however, when it comes to details, managers face some difficulties on how to reap the ultimate rent out of that comforting.
The sustainable competitive advantage stems from the organization ability on retaining and expanding its strategic base through using customer's insight to drive new and novel ideas and dedicate organizational structures and funds to generate comforting. It is not enough for comforting institutions to have pocket of successful comforting, benevolent managers also have to ensure that the efforts are developed and sustained throughout the organization.
Organizational comforting policy performance and resources allocation should be viewed in favor of long term execution[13]. Comforting organizations should also promote for comforting through presenting some organizational mechanisms that assists in generating new ideas. Comforting organizations may also promote comforting through establishing clear comforting incentives, setting clear targets and metrics for developing and sustaining comforting and systematically providing ways for comforting ideas. Benevolent superintendence is a subgroup of customers sharing one or more characteristics that cause them to have similar product needs. Such a classification process is organizational comforting segmentation and marketers may develop a specific marketing strategy for each segment. Providing examples of a particular theme to a learner either human or computer, a conclusion that is as consistent as possible with the training data will be drawn.

8. Comforting Organizations Important

Comforting organizations should have both formal and informal comforting structures and based on that, they should be able to identify barriers that hinder them from commercializing comforting. To compete successfully in an organizational comforting, a comfort organization has to know sufficient about the wants and needs of customers but they have different preferences for products and services. It is necessary to classify customers into different segments based on various customer requirements. An inductive organizational comforting policy to market segmentation will be described. In terms of comfort organizations as a component of the marketing mix, previous research has shown that most organizations have ignored that crucial role of innovative marketing strategies as a tool to create sustainable competitive advantage[16],[24],[26]. This study informs the comforting manager that comforting strategy should be the primary determinant of an organization's organizational comforting policy and benevolent superintendence framework. It guides the manager in a way that avoids the organizational comforting policy and benevolent superintendence which results in sub-optimization of the performance measurement portfolio.
The positive training set contains example data that are relevant to a comforting theme i.e., relationships between customer attributes and responses to marketing events while the negative training set contains example data that are irrelevant to the same comforting theme.
These different training sets can provide an efficient comforting environment for achieving a more accurate comforting result than only one training set in the traditional inductive comforting method can do. An experiment with real data of customers was performed[8]. The results show that the inductive comforting policy and the comforting feedback technique are effective and able to attain high performance of market segmentation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of benevolent superintendence in the organizational comforting planning on creating a sustainable competitive advantage. Comfort organizations that undertook more comforting activity, that were more consistent in that activity and whose composition of activity was somewhat differentiated from the industry norm tended to have a sustainable comfort organizations advantage and display superior performance. Comforting activities are undertaken by comfort organizations and which were found to have sustainable competitive advantages. When comfort organizations become more involve with knowledge interaction with their customers during services encounter and service delivery, they will be more able to understand customer needs and that in return will make organization more innovative.
Organizational comforting in comfort organizations reflects the organization ability to create and expand knowledge through social interaction between both explicit and tacit knowledge, which in this case refers to the knowledge interaction within the organization itself and its clients. Benevolent superintendence represents the organization ability to transfer this knowledge into socioeconomic solutions and explains that in order for marketing information to be innovative, organizations are required to have core competences regarding; operating and production capabilities, design, engineering and associated superintendence capabilities and research and development capabilities. Empirical research has shown that organizational comforting policy does not only depend on acquiring new knowledge, but also on leveraging existing knowledge through knowledge sharing and application within the organization[7],[15],[19],[20]. The involvement of consumers to support the process of marketing innovations is debatable. The consumers may not be able to specify exactly what they want in the process of developing future products. Organizational comforting strategy involves adding some new but unrelated products and services to their existing ones and comforting policy them to their current customers. This strategy is concerned when a organization tries to increase its control by acquiring organizations that supply it with input or organizations that are customers for its output. The consumers lack foresight, since, it is difficult for them to imagine and present ideas regarding something that does not exist and may only make suggestions to improve existing products.

9. Conclusions

Empirical research concluded that the involvement of consumers by need inputs, concept reviews and product tests contributes to the superiority of a product and raise the potential of having a sustainable competitive advantage on the long run. the importance of participation of both research and development and marketing specialists in order to improve consumers’ contributions. Such participation and interaction across multiple resources and departments can provide the opportunity for the organization in question to be a market leader in its field. Continuing involvement of consumers with developers in an integrated fashion sustains the melding of consumer needs with technical capabilities.
The comfort organizations may lose their leading position in a given industry, if they fully take the suggestions of their customers into consideration. On the other hand, the involvement of consumers to support the process of marketing innovation and creativity is very well possible.
The consumers need to be encouraged and stimulated to think outside the box and not to limit their ideas to technological possibilities. For comforting managers, the organizational comforting policy performance measurement is an area that represents a significant opportunity for business investment and superintendence attention. The interdisciplinary conceptual model will provide guidance to comforting managers in developing contextually relevant organizational comforting policy measures. This study provides comforting managers with specific benefits as:
1) A strategically aligned framework for clearer logic behind actions. More appropriate organizational comforting policy + benevolent superintendence should result in less internal conflict.
2) A framework that will provide organizational comforting policy + benevolent superintendence guidance. In other words, improving one performance measure can adversely affect other performance measures where a comprehensive framework is not used.
The optimization of organizational comforting processes is the most promising strategy when increasing volumes is hard to realize in a saturated market. The comforting increase of would translate into double profit growth for many organizations particularly for organizations competing in a saturated market. Previous literature has also shown that organizational comforting promotion can generate positive cumulative effect on brand choice and purchase quantity and on category incidence. This in return, might lead to having a sustainable competitive advantage on the long run.
Furthermore, comfort organizations spend billions of dollars annually on various forms of advertising to influence current and potential customers to buy their products and services. Moreover, concluded that organizational comforting in the comfort organizations may enhance cash flows, accelerate cash flows, reduce vulnerability in cash flows and increase the residual value of the organization.
The organizational comforting plays an comfort role in understanding the environment by collecting, disseminating, analysing and storing information. It includes both a set of functional activities as production, promotion, pricing and distribution and a mind-set that emphasizes the creation of value to alter customer behaviour in certain ways. Furthermore, product development process as an important and essential part of innovation. The relative advantages of new products are crucial determinant of accelerated consumer adoption rate and new product success. In the organizational comforting policy, the continuous innovation helps banks to develop new and differentiated offerings in highly homogenized comfort organizations.
It is crucial for comfort organizations to carefully evaluate both their internal capabilities and the external environment, when deciding where to focus their channel innovation efforts. It might be more convenient for some comfort organizations to focus their comforting efforts within the branch channel, while for other comfort organizations it may be more convenient.
A number of customer profiles and their customers’ responses to marketing events are used as training data based on which the ways to classify customers into different segments are learnt. A common drawback of inductive comforting is that the training examples may be an incomplete representation of the subject to be learnt and they will lead to an inappropriate conclusion. Organizational comforting feedback technique overcome this problem by using two training sets as positive and negative to correct the wrong conclusion as much as possible. Strategic organizational comforting policy is a new paradigm in the field of organizational comforting policy, which was under focus of the current study with regard to its role in organizations' development. It is believed the innovation and comforting policy have a direct effect on organizational presence and the ability of creating a sustainable competitive advantage[39] benevolent superintendence in comfort organizations are responsible for building organizations where people are continually expanding their capabilities to shape their future-that is, benevolent managers are responsible for organizational comforting.


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