International Journal of Mechanics and Applications

p-ISSN: 2165-9281    e-ISSN: 2165-9303

2012;  2(6): 140-142

doi: 10.5923/j.mechanics.20120206.06

Introduction to a Simple Co-ordinate (x,y) System to Solve Problems of “Virtual Work”

Dilip Kumar Adhwarjee

Mechanical Engineering department, Dr. B.C.Roy Engineering College, Durgapur , 713206, India

Correspondence to: Dilip Kumar Adhwarjee , Mechanical Engineering department, Dr. B.C.Roy Engineering College, Durgapur , 713206, India.


Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.


The objective of this article is to introduce a simple coordinate system to solve the problem of virtual work for rigid bodies.The principle of virtual work states,” if a particle is in equilibrium, the total virtual work of the forces acting on the particle is zero for any virtual displacement of the particle”.

Keywords: Virtual, Coordinate, Derivative, Equilibrium, System

Cite this paper: Dilip Kumar Adhwarjee , "Introduction to a Simple Co-ordinate (x,y) System to Solve Problems of “Virtual Work”", International Journal of Mechanics and Applications, Vol. 2 No. 6, 2012, pp. 140-142. doi: 10.5923/j.mechanics.20120206.06.

1. Introduction

The author gives some procedure using co-ordinate system to solve every problem of virtual work. During my experience in teaching to students I come across that the students find difficulties to choose proper sign of the displacement and force. This simple procedure will eliminate these difficulties

2. Methods

Take proper coordinates of the points where the active forces act.
In the co-ordinate(x,y) ,take proper sign of the active forces, e.g. the force P is here negative. And the displacement yA = -a sinθ is also negative (θ is here acute angle)
Take derivative of yA and multiply it by –P(acting at A) which will yield virtual work (-P(+dyA)). Assume dyA as positive. Do not take –dyA and multiply it by –P.
Multiply +dxB, +dyA with the proper sign of associated forces and equate the sum(the total virtual work) to zero.
If any force acts making an angle with the chosen coordinate(x,y), then resolve the forces in the x and y directions.

2.1. Examples 1

In fig 1 the bar AB can rotate about Z axis. Find out the value of Q for which the bar will remain in equilibrium. Take length OA = a, OB = b
Solution :
yA = -a sinθ,
or, dyA = -a cosθ d θ
again xB = + b cosθ
or, dxB = -b sinθ d θ
From the principle of virtual work, we can write:
dUPA + dUQB = 0
inserting the values from (1) & (2) we get,
Pa cosθ d θ -Qb sinθ dθ = 0
or, Q= Ans. (angle BOX = θ)
Figure 1. The bar AB can rotate about Z axis

2.2. Example 2

The slider crank mechanism shown in fig 2 has l = 2r and θ = 600 . Find out the ratio Q/P for the system to be in equilibrium.
Figure 2. Slider crank mechanism
Solution : The coordinate of C ( r cosθ r sinθ and the coordinate of
Thus virtual work done by the force –P acting at B is
Again to find dUQc , We resolve force Q in x and y directions.
X component of Q is Q sinθ and y component of Q is – Q cosθ
xc = r cosθ
or, dxC =
Work done by force Q sinθ =Q sinθ (+dxC )=-Qr Sin2 θ dθ
yC = r sinθ
dyC =
Work done by force – Q cosθ = (– Q cosθ dyc = -Qr Cos2 θ dθ
Thus total work done by force Q at C is =
From the principle of virtual work we can write,
dUPB + dUQC = 0 which gives
For θ = 600 and l = 2r we get Q = 1.1062 P Ans.
(angle cox = θ)

2.3. Example 3

Figure 3. Bar BP in equilibrium
BC = CP = l/2 , To find force P in terms of force Q and angle θ for the equilibrium of the bar BP.
XA = l cosθ , or dXA= - l sinθd θ
Thus work done by force P = - P dXA = P l sinθd θ
Thus work done by force Q = -Q dyC =
So total work done = dU = P l sinθdθ-Q ,
Or, P = Ans. (angle BPO = θ)

2.4. Example 4

We have to prove that for equilibrium the force Q is half of the force P.
Figure 4. Pulley system under equilibrium
The length of the chord remains constant, so
XB – C1 + ПR1 + XA – C2 – C1 + ПR2 + XA – C2 = Constant
Or, XB + 2 XA = Constant
Or, dxB = -2dxA
Thus the total work done by P and Q is
PdXA + QdxB = 0
Or, PdXA + Q(-2dxA) = 0
Or, Q = P/2 Proved.

2.5. Example 5

To find the relation between W1 and W2 for the equilibrium of the system
Figure 5. Two weights under equilibrium
X + Y = Constant,
Or, dX =- dY
Work done by the force W1 Sin300 = W1 Sin300 dx
Work done by the force W2 Sin600 = W2 Sin600 dy
Thus W1 Sin300 dx + W2 Sin600 dy = 0
W1 = W2 Ans.

3. Results

The results of the methods referred here in this article are evident. Author has given five examples and the answers are achieved which are correct by using this method.

4. Discussion

The author has validated the methods taking five examples. The readers are requested to use this easy method in other problems of virtual work .And feel free to contact the author at

5. Conclusions

According to the author the method can be applied to all problems involving virtual work.


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