American Journal of Materials Science
p-ISSN: 2162-9382 e-ISSN: 2162-8424
2018; 8(3): 58-63
E. Oparaku 1, E. Osarolube 2, W. O. Aka 1
1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
2Department of Physics, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Correspondence to: E. Oparaku , Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria.
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Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
The corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 0.2M Sulphuric acid solution at room temperature by Alchornea Cordifolia leaf extract was studied using weight loss technique. The concentration of the extract varied from 0.1g/L through 0.5g/L, and their effects were closely investigated on the corrosion rate of mild steel. The corrosion penetration rates were compared for both in the absence and in the presence of the leaf extract at different concentration for 21 days. The experimental results showed Alchornea Cordifolia leaf extract to be an efficient inhibitor in the acidic medium with general decrease in the corrosion rate as the concentration of the extract increases. Furthermore, it was also observed that at higher temperatures, there were enhanced inhibitor efficiencies for individual concentrations. For example, at 60°C, 0.4g/L inhibitor concentration yielded an inhibitor efficiency of 80.68%, while at 70°C, 0.4g/L resulted to inhibitor efficiency of 82.78%. This was observed generally on average. At elevated temperatures of 50°C, 60°C, and 70°C for 2 hours, the corrosion rates were less in media containing the leaf extract than those without the leaf extract. Hence, the Alchornea leaf extract was more effective at elevated temperatures. The adsorption of the inhibitor on the mild steel obeys the Langmuir adsorption isotherm adsorption. This suggests physical adsorption as the inhibitor mechanism. Also, the negative nature of the change in Gibb’s free energy showed that the adsorption was spontaneous.
Keywords: Corrosion, Mild Steel, Alchornea Cordifolia, Suphuric acid
Cite this paper: E. Oparaku , E. Osarolube , W. O. Aka , Corrosion Inhibition and Adsorption Mechanism of Mild Steel by Alchornea Cordifolia Leaf Extract in Sulphuric Acid Solution, American Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 8 No. 3, 2018, pp. 58-63. doi: 10.5923/j.materials.20180803.03.
![]() | Figure 1. Alchornea Cordifolia Leaves |
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![]() | Figure 2. Variation of Inhibitor Efficiency with Inhibitor Concentration of Alchornea Cordifolia leaf extract for mild steal in 0.2M Sulphuric acid at 30°C, 50°C, 60°C, and 70°C for 2Hours |
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![]() | Figure 4. Langmuir plot for inhibition corrosion of mild steel in 0.2M H2SO4 with Alchornea Cordifolia Leaf Extract at 30°C, 50°C, 60°C, and 70°C for 2Hours |
![]() | Figure 5. Variation of Change in Gibb’s Free Energy and Temperature for different Inhibitor Concentrations of Alchornea Cordifolia leaf extract for mild steal in 0.2M Sulphuric acid at 30°C, 50°C, 60°C, and 70°C for 2Hours |
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