Nkechi Priscilla Nwanekezie1, Basilia Igbokwe2
1University Library, Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University, Ideato, Imo State, Nigeria
2Department of Humanities, Federal Polythecnic Nekede, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria
Correspondence to: Nkechi Priscilla Nwanekezie, University Library, Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University, Ideato, Imo State, Nigeria.
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Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
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The study surveyed the faculty of Arts student’s use of Library resources in Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University (KOMU) Imo State. Total enumeration survey of 63 registered users were surveyed through questionnaire and 60(95.23%) of the questionnaire retrieved for analysis. Frequency count and simple percentages were adopted to analyse the gathered data. The study found that all important library resources are available in the University and majority of students are making good use of them. The study also found that many students frequent the library on daily basis with the express purpose of studying in the library, with little or no challenges encountered in their productive use of library resources. The study, inclusive of emphasizing the importance of procurement improvement of library resources, also suggested more employment of library staff and overall increased funding of the library by the University administration.
Library, Library resources, Library use, Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University
Cite this paper: Nkechi Priscilla Nwanekezie, Basilia Igbokwe, Assessing the Use of Library Resources by Faculty of Art Students in Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University, Ideato, Imo State, International Journal of Library Science, Vol. 10 No. 1, 2022, pp. 8-13. doi: 10.5923/j.library.20221001.02.
1. Introduction
Library resources are very important in teaching and learning in any academic institution. Library resources are useful for learning, research, teaching, personal development and updating of knowledge. Library resources include information resources and other materials sourced by the library to satisfy library users. Library resources are the tool and facilities that deliver critical services in learning and teaching (Barfi et. al. (2018). It cannot be emphasized enough that the viability and performance of any academic institution is dependent on the library. The library is also the backbone that keeps academic institutions together. According to Agbaje (2014), the library can refer to a systematic, orderly or methodical assortment of sources of information and comparable resources made available to an academic community for reference or borrowing. He further stated that the resources may be accommodated in a spatial building or virtual space with digital and physical contents. Library information resources is also an assembly of various scholarly or intellectual content which encompasses pamphlets, newspapers, magazines, books, records and tapes, maps, films, photographs and paintings. According to Elaturoti (2008), Library information comprises both print and non-print content; namely brochures, ephemerals, photographs, slides, audio tapes, filmstrips, motion films, video tapes, computer storage devices, realia, books, periodicals, newspapers and pamphlets which are arranged to develop or widen the reading and learning horizon of library users especially students. The accessibility and use of library resources has been established to be beneficial in improving academic achievement.Awotola and Olowolagba (2018) referencing (Akinwumi, 1986; Adedibu and Adio, 1997; Oyewusi and Oyeboade 2009; self, 1990; Merril, 2003; crossley and Murby, 1994, chartered Institute of library and information professionals, 2004; National literacy Trust, 2004) emphasized that the usefulness of a library is discerned by the volumeor measure of information resources, apparatus and accessories established to ensure optimal library use. This is very important as the library is established to help the users, and their perspective and stand point is critical in gauging the performance of the library. Thus the main goal of University libraries is to boost teaching, learning and research in a manner compatible with, and encouraging of the University’s mission and vision. Furthermore, library information resources and services need to be adequate and acceptable in terms of excellence, extent, variety and contemporaneousness to boost or aid the universty curriculum. Therefore, university libraries are usually regarded or believed to be the primary or principal resource hub of an academic establishment. They further contended that giving students opportunity to an enlarged assortment of library resources will boost their patronage or use of the library. They also linked library information resources to student’s knowledge or learning outcomes and pointed out that library resource use is connected discernibly with improved knowledge outcomes. The dearth of pertinent books in academic libraries can and do impact palpably, to reduced degree of knowledge outcomes. This according to them agreed with the findings of chartered institute of library and information professionals and the National Literacy Trust. Indeed, the importance of a library cannot be overstated especially in Colleges of Education, Universities, and Polythecnics Onye (2016). He also stated that even the most intelligent students cannot ignore the library and that minus the resources contributed by the library, research, learning and teaching will lack necessary assistance. The library is also an important means of intensifying research, teaching and learning, and the focus of all academic pursuits designed to substantiate academic quality. A library should therefore be regarded as the fulcrum of academic pursuits where there are enough library information resources that are adequately used. The importance of the library can be observed by the use of the many resources obtained by the library. Productive use of the library resources will definitely enhance the role of the library. University libraries are important set-ups in any educational institution because they deliver an environment for students to promote or further their knowledge. According to Saunders (2015) this same advantage apply to academic staff because they furnish an empowering research environment. Consequently, Alokluk (2020) regarded libraries as the “heart” of an educational institution. It follows that libraries should be organized to boost these educational demands. However, according to (Chen 2015, Ibrahim and Sakiya 2015) a surprising revelation is that there is an under usage of library set-ups in many educational institutions, that runs counter to the purpose and intention of the library in promoting access to knowledge. Many theories have been advanced to expound the anomalous forms of library information resource use in educational institutions. Nevertheless, these submissions are not general purpose solutions for library use problems in different frameworks. Taking into consideration the essential function of universities in the tertiary education structure, learning institutions must make certain that library services are excellent for their students and other users. This undertaking can only be accomplished by assessing the use of library resources by students in the study area. This paper therefore assesses the use of library resources by students of Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University, Ideato, Imo State.
2. Review of Related Literature
Several studies have been conducted on library information resources use in educational institutions. This section shall x-ray some of these studies with a view to identifying gaps and need for the present study. In a study of use of library resources and services by part-time undergraduates in Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun State, Nigeria, Oyedipe et. al. (2018) in Ago-Iwoye used simple random sampling to survey 200 part-time undergraduate students library users of Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye. Simple percentages were adopted to analyze the gathered data. The study found that library resources such as textbooks, reports, monographs, reference materials and others were available and accessible to the students. Library services such as book loan services, reference service and internet services were also available and accessible. The authors further found that part-time undergraduates considered textbooks, dictionaries and encyclopedia as the most relevant of the library resources. The study further revealed that dictionaries, newspapers, magazines and textbooks were found to be the most accessible of all the library resources surveyed. The authors recommended an integration of teachable information literacy content into academic curricula of part-time learners, use of ICT and social media tools, and aggressiveness in resources and services provision functions of the library and librarians. The authors didn’t state the population of the study and cast doubt whether the sample size is representative enough. Besides, it was conducted in Ago-Iwoye, Ogu State, thus there is need for a corresponding study in another region.Sohail et. al (2012) in West Bengel, India examined the use of library resources in University libraries by students in the University of Kalyani. The study was based on information seeking behavior of students in the university. Using convenient sampling, a total of 60 students were surveyed. The study revealed that guidance in the use of library resources and services is necessary to help students to meet their information requirements. The study also found that journals, textbooks and lecture notes are the most popular sources of information for the students course work. The authors recommended that the latest edition of textbooks and reference materials should be added to the library collection. They further suggested that the CD-ROM databases of journal archives and reference books be added, and users should also be guided to use the resources of the library. The sampling technique is not probabilistic in nature and cannot be a true representation of the population and its’ findings may not be generalized. Besides, it was conducted in India, thus there is need to replicate it in another country. Owusu-Acheaw and Larson (2014) in Ghana examined effective use of library resources among business students of Koforidua Polytechnic. Total enumeration survey of 3000 registered students of Business studies of the institution was conducted and data collected was analyzed using SPSS. The study found that 82% of the respondents are aware of the availability of library resources, 58.6% make effective use of library resources, while 61.4% had difficulty retrieving materials from shelves. The study also revealed that 63.3% of the respondents visit the library to read lecture notes while 57.3% do not use the library resources because they depend on lecture notes. The authors recommended that information literacy course be included in the curriculum of the institution to expose students to the library information resources available, as well as help students to cultivate the habit of library use for long life time learning. The findings of this study are quite relevant and more recent study will present the current position.Jamil et. al (2013) in Pakistan investigated the availability and utilization of library resources by teachers and students in selected universities and colleges of education. Teachers and students were selected as sample on the basis of their availability. The data for the study was collected through a checklist and questionnaire for both teachers and students. The study found that libraries are underutilized despite teachers and students expressed willingness to use libraries. Lack of human and material resources was the main reason for the under utilization. The result revealed that students mostly visit the library for reading books, preparation of assignments and to consume their spare time. The authors recommended the improvement in library services and provision in order to enhance the relevance and utilization of libraries. The authors used convenient sampling which may not be a true representation of the population. The study is however relevant and a corresponding study in another country is needed.Alokluk (2020) in Saudi Arabia surveyed 60 students out of a population of 3000 to determine the attitude of students towards the use of library facilities in a university. The study found that the University recorded high rates of library usage of 92%. About 49% of students used the library twice a week. The study also revealed that the purposes of visiting the library by students in order of priority, were finding space to read personal study notes, using the internet, using library materials within the building, reading newspapers, meeting friends and using printing and photocopy services. However, the study also found that there was student dissatisfaction regarding the availability of comfortable space to study in the library. There was also lack of awareness about the inter-library borrowing facility, which was highly underutilized in the institution. The sample size of 60 to a population of 3000 may not have been representative enough. However, the findings in this study are relevant to the present research. Awotola and Olowolagba (2018) discussed the use of academic library resources and services by undergraduates in Ibadan North Local Government of Nigeria. According to the authors, undergraduate students in the local government perceived the library as a learning centre because of their massive turnout to patronize the library services and resource weekly. The authors also opined that the students use the library for various reasons like assignments, reading magazines and newspapers, reading for examinations and for lectures and recreation activities. The authors highlighted library resources mostly used by undergraduate students to include Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Journals, abstracts, Atlases, Online public access catalogues, computer/printers, books yearbooks, gazettes, CD-ROMs, Almanacs, Maps and internet facilities. They also mentioned the services rendered in university libraries to include Selective Dissemination Information (SDI), reference services, internet facilities, E-mail services, interlibrary loan/cooperation, answering of users queries, library display and publicity, online public access catalogues (OPAC), Current Awareness Services (CAS), indexing and abstracting services, user education i.e. teaching users how best to use the library resources, photocopying services and telephone services respectively. The findings, views and conclusions reached in this study can best be described as the authors opinion, since there was no population stated and no sample derived. The credibility of the findings is therefore questionable. However, the work is relevant to the present research. Aladeniyi and Owokole (2018) studied the utilization of library resources by undergraduate students of university of medical sciences, Ondo, Nigeria. Descriptive research design was employed for the study. The population of the study was 560 and the sample size was 276. Questionnaire was used as the instrument for data collection. The data gathered through the questionnaire were analyzed through the use of frequency count and simple percentage. The findings indicated that the respondents agreed to the availability of all listed library resources in the questionnaire and that the majority of the respondents use the library information resources for the purpose of obtaining general information for examination, for assignment and for research. The findings also revealed that majority of the respondents use the library information resources occasionally, while textbooks were found to be the most utilized library resources by the respondents. As revealed in the findings, only few respondents indicated that they were having challenges in their utilization of library information resources. The study then suggested that students should be encouraged to use other resources that are underutilized and that inadequate personnel in the library should be addressed. The findings of this study are quite relevant and need to be replicated elsewhere.Adegun et. al (2020) examined the impact of library services and resources on undergraduate students as users of faculty library of management science, Ladoke Akintola University Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria. The stratified proportionate sampling technique was used to distribute questionnaire to a sample of 300 from a population of 600 users of the library. Frequency and simple percentages were adopted to analyze the gathered data. The study found that majority of 78% of the respondents find the resources and service of the library effective. 85% of the respondents agreed that the library resources are adequate for their various information needs. The authors recommended boosting the library services and resources provided in order to meet more of the demands of teeming population of users. They also suggested that electronic/online information resources should be made available in the library to help students and scholars to have access to current materials. The study is quite relevant to the present study.In a comparative study of students level of study and user of library resources in Nigerian universities, Agboola and Bamigboye (2011) surveyed a cross-section of 1,300 students from three universities, University of Agriculture Abeokuta, University of Ibadan and Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye using random sampling technique. Simple percentage was used to analyze the gathered data. The study found that majority of the respondents visited the library daily to make use of its materials. The result also revealed that there is no significant relationship between the use of library materials and academic level of undergraduate students in two universities, while there is a relationship in one university. The sample size was intuitively determined and therefore not completely acceptable.
3. Study Area
Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University (KOMU) (formally Eastern Palm University) is situated at Ogboko, Ideato south local government of Imo state (Nwanekezie, 2022). It was founded in 2016 by the Imo state Government and managed by the Rochas foundation. The management of the institution has however been recently taken over by the state government and renamed Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University. The university commenced academic activities in 2017/2018 academic session following recognition by the National Universities commission of Nigeria. Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University has programmes cutting across faculties. The library is presently housed in one building while a much bigger one-storey building has been completed awaiting partitioning and furnishing. The current library has facilities such as tables, chairs, air conditioners fans, lighting, audiovisuals, photocopying machines, printers, smart boards and one hundred (100) computers for the e-library section etc. The library has a staff strength of ten made up of the university librarian and other staff.
4. Research Methodology
Faculty of Arts registered users of the library at Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University constituted the study population. Available records indicate that there are 63 faculty of arts students. Since the total population was not large, a total enumeration survey of the population was conducted to allow for equal opportunity in the survey. Close-ended questionnaire was the main instrument of data collection. The questionnaires were administered on the respondents during lectures, tests, personal contacts and assistance from some students. The researcher was able to retrieve sixty (60) questionnaires representing 95.23% of the total population. The resultant data was analyzed and interpreted using frequency count and simple percentages.
5. Data Presentation and Discussion
This section presents data gathered through the administration of the questionnaire on the respondents. First the respondents were asked about the available library resources in their library and table 1 below presents their responses. Table 1. Obtainable library resources  |
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The table above shows the feedback of students of faculty of Arts, Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University on the obtainable library resources. It reveals that majority of the students subscribed to the obtainability of all the specified resources in the library. The table indicated that all the respondents accepted that textbooks and computers are available in their library, with a response rate of 60(100%). The findings in the study of Aladeniyi and Owokole, (2018) have collaborated the findings of this study.Table 2. Respondents frequency of visit to the library  |
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From the data in table 2 above, it can be inferred that majority of the students 30 representing 50% use the library daily while 5 representing 5% only use the library occasionally. The finding buttressed the finding and position of Adewale, et. al. (2020).Table 3. Respondents purpose for using the library  |
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Having established the availability of library resources and the frequency of students’ visit to the library, next the respondents were asked about their purpose for visiting the library. Table 3 above presented their responses. The table reveals that majority of the respondents 85.0 and 73.3% indicated that they use the library for studying and leisure/recreation, while unfavorable responses were 21.6 and 11.6 for use of reference materials and for research. This study contrasts with the findings of Awotola and Olowolagba (2018) where majority of students use the library for assignment and reading newspapers and magazines. The findings of this study however collaborates the findings of Pandye and Upadhyay (2012).Table 4. Most used library resources  |
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Next, the respondents were presented with the obtainable library resources in the library and were asked to indicate their most used library resources. A cursory examination of the table above shows that the most used library resources are textbooks, internet and computer with percentages of 33.3%, 20.0% and 18.3% respectively. This buttressed the findings in the study of Aladeniyi and Owokole (2018).Table 5. Difficulties impeding the productive use of library resources  |
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From table 5 above, the respondents were asked the difficulties they encountered impeding their productive use of library resources. Their responses show that majority of the students acquiesced that they have no difficulties impeding their productive use of library resources in Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University Library. This finding and position collaborate the finding in the study of Aladeniyi and Owokole (2018).
6. Conclusions and Recommendations
This study, examined the use of library resources by faculty of Arts Students in Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University, Ideato, Imo State. The study concluded that all the students agreed to the availability of library resources in the KOMU library. The study also concluded that majority of the students use the library resources daily. It is also the conclusion of this study that majority of the students use the library for purpose of studying and leisure/recreation activities. The study further concluded that the most used library resources by students are textbooks, internet and computers. Finally, the study concluded that all students indicated no hindrance in their productive use of library resources.The university management should improve the procurement of library resources. Every avenue should be exploited to encourage more students to make use of library resources. In view of the finding that majority of students use the library to study, a very conducive library environment must be established and sustained. More textbooks especially contemporary or up-to-date, across all disciplines, should be procured to improve students’ academic performance. Finally, it is strongly recommended that all impediments to students’ productive use of library resources should be urgently addressed, particularly in relation to employment of more qualified staff, training and retraining of existing staff and overall increased funding of the KOMU library by the university administration.
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