Arome Samson Agada1, Nathaniel Agbo Oche2, Alfred Ameh Okpanachi3
1Chief Librarian, Kogi State College of Education, Ankpa
2Polytechnic Librarian, Benue State Polytechnic, Ugbokolo
3Chief Librarian, Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja
Correspondence to: Arome Samson Agada, Chief Librarian, Kogi State College of Education, Ankpa.
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Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
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The study focused on appraising the availability and effectiveness of reprographic services in state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi State of Nigeria. Based on the topic, specific purposes of the study which include; establishing the availability of reprographic services in state owned tertiary institution libraries and suggested ways of solving problems associated with it, were formulated. Four research questions were drawn from the specific purposes of the study which includes; what are the reprographic machines that are available in state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state and what are the strategies for solving the problems associated with reprographic services in state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state? Survey research method was adopted for the work while questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. Data were analyzed using mean score, frequency and percentages. Major findings are that photocopying and bindery machines are the most available machines in the reprographic units of state owned tertiary institution libraries, the effectiveness of all the machines available in the libraries was rated very low or rejected. Lack of fund was identified as one of the major problems affecting reprographic services while improved funding and provision of alternative sources of power generation were identified as ways of solving the problems associated with reprographic services in the owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state of Nigeria.
Reprographic services, Tertiary institution, Libraries, Appraisal, Availability and effectiveness
Cite this paper: Arome Samson Agada, Nathaniel Agbo Oche, Alfred Ameh Okpanachi, Reprogr Aphic Services in State Owned Tertiary Institution Libraries in Kogi State of Nigeria: An Appraisal of Availability and Effectiveness, International Journal of Library Science, Vol. 9 No. 3, 2020, pp. 51-56. doi: 10.5923/j.library.20200903.01.
1. Introduction
The prevailing harsh economic situation in the country in general and in Kogi state in particular can grossly affect the realization of the budget proposals for tertiary institution libraries in the state. This can in turn reduce the level of services that Kogi state owned tertiary institutions libraries can effectively carry out. Reprographic services are poised to cushion the effects the of economic hardships on state owned institution library service delivery.Reprographic services are services that are rendered in the reprographic units of libraries. It has been variously defined as the reproduction of graphics through mechanical or electrical means such as photography or xerography. Sacket (2002) defined reprography as the art of producing single or multiple copies of documents either by photography or other means. Ashikuzzaman (2018) said that the term reprography was first introduced as “office printing” at the first international congress on reprography held in Colonge, Germany in 1963.The major aim of reprographic units in libraries according to Sambo, Aghojare and Ahutu (2016), includes: reduction of the cost of printing, photocopying and other relative services rendered in the unit for library users as compared with other reprographic business centers within and outside the academic institution, dissemination of information on a large scale among libraries and between libraries and their patrons, reproduction of documents and preventions of mutilation of library resources by users are other aims of reprographic services. Karuna (2010) opined that reprographic services are essential in academic libraries because no libraries can claim to meet its entire demand from its own resources. This necessitates reprographic services in state owned tertiary institution libraries so as to ensure collaboration between libraries and effective service rendition to library users.
2. Statement of the Problem
Availability and effectiveness of reprographic services is critical to the dissemination of information to the users and overall services rendered in academic libraries. The non availability or ineffectiveness of it results in lack or poor dissemination of large information between library and users, high cost of patronage of business centers outside the library, inability to easily reproduce catalogue cards, preservation of documents and encourage mutilation of library resources by users. This study is geared towards appraising the availability and effectiveness of reprographic services in Kogi state owned tertiary institution libraries with the view to recommend appropriate measures for its improvement based on discoveries.
3. Objectives of the Study
The general objective of this study is to appraise the availability and effectiveness of reprographic services in state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state.The specific objectives are to:-1. establish the availability of reprographic services in state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi sate;2. determine the effectiveness of reprographic services in state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state;3. find out problems associated with reprographic services in state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state;4. suggest ways of solving the problems associated with reprographic services in state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state.
4. Research Questions
Based on the general and specific objectives of this study, the following research questions were formulated to guide this study.1. What are the reprographic machines that are available in the state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state?2. How effective are the reprographic machines in state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state?3. What are the problems associated with reprographic services in state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state?4. What are the strategies for solving the problems associated with reprographic services in state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state?
5. Literature Review
Singh and Grarg (2002) defined reprographic services as the production in facsimile of documents of all kinds by any process using light, heat or electric radiation-photocopies, micro-copies, blueprints, electro copies and thermo copies. Tertiary institution libraries are also known as academic libraries, which Edoka (2002) defined as libraries that exist in higher institutions of learning such as universities, colleges of education, colleges of technologies and polytechnics. The goals of tertiary institution libraries is the promotion of objectives of parent institution through the provision of information materials, provision of research resources, provision of specialized information services such as selective dissemination of information (SDI) and current awareness services(CAS) among others.Reprographic services are essential to the realization of these goals. Ashikuzzaman (2018) opined that the advantage of reprographic services in the rendition of effective services by tertiary institution libraries is that users have easy access to photocopying services and it enables library users to reproduce required information from text books and journals. Rotundo and Sackett (2002) identified other benefits of reprographic services to include; converting hard copy drawings and originals to secure digital files, creating crisp, clean image on plain bound paper, digital files can be made available in internal works and scanners can compress files to manageable sizes. Reddy (2017) said that reprographic services are of advantage in the following areas; saves labor in the sense that both users and library staff expends less labour in reproducing alarge amount of information materials, saves time as it conserves the time that would have been spent by users to copy. Enhances quality service, accuracy of service, gets rid of monotony, enhances the image of the library, encourages accurate control of the library, saves cost and reduces burden at work.Rimiru (2017) talked about problems associated with reprographic services by stressing that with the use of photocopying machine, copies of reproduced documents may fade with time, cost of photocopying documents may be much if large number of copies are involved, only selected colours may be copied and photocopy machines cannot be used when there is no power supply. Reddy (2017) similarly opined that reprographic machines can be expensive, can break down any minute, has the capacity to make people lazy and that it creates less jobs for people as machines do job that would have been given to people. Other areas of difficulties stressed on are non availability of indigenous technical know-how required for keeping machines in working order, restrictions on importation by some countries and difficulties in importing spare parts and consumables as foreign producers changeover to a new model of the same type of machine thereby making it difficult for those who have earlier version of the machine to maintain them. Ajay (2012) opined that reprographic machines need regular maintenance for prolonged life span and quality output. Copyright regulation is another problem encountered in rendering reprographic services. Amodeo (1983) stated that an aspect of reprography; photocopying reduces the life-span of bound books, maps and bound serials because it causes them to wear and tear. Inadequate personnel and lack of funding is also a problem of reprography.Machines used for reprographic services according to Ajay (2012), includes offset, lithography machine which is used for printing in large volumes, laters press, printing duplicates which also prints, stencil duplicator machines which is used for copying or duplicating purpose and electrostatic copier machines used for photocopying work. Reddy (2012) identified other machines used for reprography to include binding machines, laminators, labeling machines, guillotines, trimmers, folding machines, air cooling and heating machines, computer hard wares, computer accessories, digital cameras, paper products, paper punchers, scanners, projectors and screens. Alternative sources of power such as generator are also very important.
6. Research Method
Survey research method was adopted for the study. The population of the study consists of the head of reprographic units of Kogi state owned tertiary institution libraries which include Kogi State University, Anyigba; Kogi State College of Education, Ankpa; Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja; Kogi State College of Education (Technical) Kabba; Kogi State School of Nursing and Midwifery, Obangede and Kogi State College of Nursing and Midwifery, Egbe that are six in number. The instruments used for data collection were observation check list and interview. The researchers administered them on the respondents in the various institutions directly. That accounts for the high rate of respondents as out of the six (6) state owned tertiary institutions that the instrument were administered on four institutions filled and returned the questionnaire representing 67% returned rate.
7. Data Analysis and Discussion
Data were analyzed with the use of tables, frequencies and percentages rates.Research Question one: What are the reprographic machines that are available in Kogi state owned tertiary institution libraries?To answer this question, data collected were analyzed with the use of frequencies and percentages (%). Result is as presented in table 1. | Table 1. Percentage responses on reprographic machines that are available in Kogi state owned tertiary institution libraries |
Table 1 above shows the percentage of availability of the reprographic machines in Kogi State owned tertiary institutions libraries using 50% level of acceptance. Four (4) tertiary institution libraries representing 100% have photocopying and binding machines and so they are accepted. Three (3) out of the four tertiary institution libraries representing 75% have computer hardwares and power generating sets they are equally accepted. Two (2) presenting 50% tertiary institution libraries owned by Kogi State have machines used for printing, duplicating machines, laminating machines and computer accessories and so they are accepted. However only one (1) representing 25% of Kogi State owned tertiary institution Libraries have labeling machines, paper products, scanners, paper punches and projectors and screens so these items are not accepted. No tertiary institution library in Kogi state has digital camera. This also is far beyond the level of acceptance.Research question 2: How effective are the reprographic services machines in Kogi state owned tertiary institution libraries?To answer this question, data collected were analyzed with the use of frequencies and percentages rate. Result is as shown in table 2. | Table 2. Percentage responses on effectiveness of the reprographic services machines in Kogi state owned tertiary institution libraries |
Table 2 above shows the level effectiveness of the reprographic machines in Kogi State owned tertiary institution Libraries with 50% as the accepted level of effectiveness. Three (3) tertiary institution libraries representing 75% agreed that photocopy machines, Binding machines, computer hardwares and paper punching machines in their reprographic services units are effective. Thus, they are accepted. Two(2) tertiary institution libraries representing 50% agreed that machines used for printing, duplicating machines, laminating machines, computer accessories, paper products and power generating machine in the reprographic services units are effective and so those machines are equally accepted. However, only one (1) tertiary institution library representing 25% agreed that labeling machines, projectors and scanners are effective in the reprographic services unit of the Library. So these machines’ level of effectiveness is not accepted. None of the tertiary institutions owned by Kogi State Government agreed that scanners and digital cameras in the reprographic service units of their libraries are working effectively. So these two machines are also not accepted.Research Question 3: what are the problems associated with reprographic services in Kogi state owned tertiary institutions libraries?To answer this question, data collected were analyzed using frequencies and percentages. Result is as shown in table 3. | Table 3. Percentage responses on problems associated with reprographic services in Kogi state owned tertiary institution libraries |
Table 3, above shows percentage of responses to the problems associated with reprographic services in state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state using the principle of 50% level of acceptance. Four of the respondents representing 100% of resources agreed that lack of fund is the weightiest problem facing reprographic services in state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state. Three respondents representing 75% of the responses indicated that lack of power supply, expensive nature of machines, frequent breaking down of machine and restrictions on importation of machines are the next set of problems militating against reprographic service in state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state. Two respondents representing 50% accepted that inability to print colored documents, non availability of indigenous repairers, difficulties in getting spare parts and lack of maintenance culture are problems of reprographic services in the state owned tertiary institution libraries. One respondent representing 25% of the total respondents responded that funding of photocopied documents and wear and tear of original documents are the problems of reprographic services in state owned tertiary institution libraries and so were not accepted. No response was made on copyright violations as a problem of reprographic services in state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state and so it is not accepted.Research Question 4: what are the strategies for solving the problems associated with reprographic services in Kogi state owned tertiary institutions libraries?To answer this question data collected were analyzed using frequencies and percentage. Result is as showed in table 4. | Table 4. Strategies that will enhance reprographic services in Kogi state owned institution libraries |
Table 4 above shows the percentage responses by respondents on strategies that will enhance reprographic services I state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state using the principle of 50% level o acceptance. Four respondents representing 100% agreed that provision of alternative sources of power supply is a strategy for enhancing reprographic services in state owned tertiary institutions in Kogi state. Three respondents representing 75% of the local responses agreed that interlibrary cooperation, training of handlers of reprographic machines, regular checking of reprographic machines, relaxed condition for importation of reprographic machines, employment of qualifies personnel and improved funding of reprographic units of the libraries are all strategies that will enhance reprographic services in the institutions. Two respondents representing 50% of the total responses accepted that making copy write laws to favor reprographic activities will enhance reprographic services in the institutions. One respondent representing 25% of the responses reacted to purchase of healthy made machines as a strategy that will enhance reprographic services in state owned institutions and so is not accepted as a strategy that will enhance reprographic services in the institution.
8. Conclusions and Recommendations
Reprographic services are essential to all libraries and its users. This will prevent actslike mutilation of library resources, out-right stealing library materials and allows users access to a large volume of materials in the library. Findings on availability of reprographic machines showed that labeling machines, digital cameras, scanners, paper punching machines, projectors and screens are not accepted to be available in the state owned tertiary institution libraries in Kogi state. It is the recommendation of this work that the state government should provide these machines for effective running of the reprographic units of the libraries.On effectiveness of the reprographic services machines, finding indicates that of all the items identified, none is accepted to be working effectively. The state government, head of institutions and library managers of the state owned tertiary institutions, are advised to expedite actions towards the effective performance of the machines.
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