Murphy T. Igbudu1, Anita T. Asen2, Comfort M. Tyopev3
1Virtual Library, University Library and Information Services, Benue State University Makurdi, Nigeria
2Cataloguing and Classification, University Library and Information Services, Benue State University Makurdi, Nigeria
3Information Literacy, University Library and Information Services, Benue State University Makurdi, Nigeria
Correspondence to: Murphy T. Igbudu, Virtual Library, University Library and Information Services, Benue State University Makurdi, Nigeria.
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Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
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The Study was designed to find out the Influence of Koha Software on Technical Operations in Public University Libraries in North Central Nigeria. The study was guided by two specific objectives, two research questions and two hypotheses. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for the study. The Study area was North Central Nigeria. The population comprised of 650 library staff in 12 public university libraries in North central Nigeria. The sample size for the study was 354 library staff from five (5) public university libraries using Koha in North central Nigeria. Purposive sampling technique was used to select five (5) out of the twelve (12) public university libraries in North Central Nigeria using Koha. Method of data collection was a self developed questionnaire titled: Influence of Koha Software on Technical Operations Questionnaire (IKSTOQ). Research questions were answered using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation while hypotheses were tested using chi-square at 0.05 level of significant. The findings of the study revealed that Koha software packages has significant negative effect on acquisition while it has significant positive effect on cataloguing and classification operations in public university libraries in North Central Nigeria. The study recommends the use of acquisition module to purchase library materials and subscribe journals among others.
Acquisition, Cataloguing and classification, Koha software, University libraries
Cite this paper: Murphy T. Igbudu, Anita T. Asen, Comfort M. Tyopev, Influence of Koha Software on Technical Operations of the Public University Libraries in North Central Nigeria, International Journal of Library Science, Vol. 9 No. 1, 2020, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.5923/j.library.20200901.01.
1. Introduction
The university library is an indispensable and vital subset of a university system. This is simply because the university library houses various information resources that are of relevance for the sustenance of academic activities in the various colleges, faculties and departments in the university system. This type of library falls under the category of academic library. Academic libraries as cited by Reitz in [1] is a library that is an integral part of a college, university or other institutions of post secondary education, established to meet the information and research needs of its students and staff. University libraries exist to serve the goals, objectives, mission and core values of the university. Every library programme must support the university's total programme. In other words, a university library's aim is to advance the functions of its university.The primary objective of a university library is to support the university in areas of teaching, learning, and research in ways consistent with the university mission, goals and core values. In line with this, [2] have discussed how university library plays a pivotal role as an information providing system by supporting teaching, learning, and research with information materials of various types. For the university to achieve its objectives, librarians carry out different library operations before the resources gets in contact with the user. The resources go through processes of preparation in order to give ownership stamps for identification, unique standard number, arrangement into subjects and discipline for easy identification, for the avoidance of theft and easy accessibility to render varying services to its users.[3] defined Library operations are routine professional duties carried out daily by library staff in rendering services to its users. The extent to which these library operations are carried out determines the effectiveness of the services been offered to library users. The author further outline Some of these library operations as: circulation, acquisition, serial management, cataloguing and classification, reference services, selective dissemination of information, current awareness services, report generation, interlibrary loan, stock verification, acquisition and reprographic services. Library operations involve circulation with activities such as charging and discharging of books which are also an aspect of borrowing and returning borrowed books, inter library loan and reserved of books on limited copies.[4] describe acquisitions of materials, as a library operation that has to do with the purchase of library resources, the departmental request of book and publisher’s catalogue adverts of newly published books in a subject area for purchase form the acquisition of library collections and also through donations, self membership of professional bodies to be organized for use by the academic community. The author further explains cataloguing and classification as a library operation carried out on library materials in other to organize them for easy retrieval and access. The physical description of the resources including the assigning standard numbers known as classification number and standardized words know as subject headings, typing of catalogue cards, and filling of cards in cabinets.
2. Purpose of the Study
The general purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of Koha software packages on technical operations in public university libraries in North Central Nigeria. Specifically, the Study was conducted to:i. Find out the influence of Koha software on acquisition operations in public university libraries in North Central Nigeria.ii. Ascertain the influence of Koha software on cataloguing and classification operations in public university libraries in North Central Nigeria.
3. Statement of Hypotheses
Two Null hypotheses were raised to guide the research as follow:Ho1: Koha software packages have no significant effect on acquisition operations in public university libraries in north central Nigeria.Ho2: Koha software packages have no significant effect on cataloguing and classification operations in public university libraries in north central Nigeria
4. Literature Review
Influence of Koha software packages on acquisition operationsAcquisition is the process of selecting, acquiring and taking ownership of library resources both in print or non-print. Acquisition feature on acquisition module are selection of item, duplicate checking, selection of vendor, ordering, general order request letter, receiving, fund control etc. In support of this Reitz in [5] describes acquisition module as a module for selection, ordering and receiving of reading materials by purchase, exchange or gift and budgeting. [5] further explained that Collection development looks at the procurement of reading materials as a policy approach, which involves planning a balanced collection over a chronological period to fulfil the information needs of library users. [5] further states that many integrated library systems offer the partial or full automation of acquisition functions as one of their modules. Examples of this include Koha, Evergreen, NewGenLib, Virtual, and Software for university libraries (SOUL) and Voyager. Koha is the oldest open source library management software and provides all essential modules for a library to function, including acquisition.[6] maintained that Koha provides two types of acquisition, simple acquisition and full acquisition. They further explained that simple acquisition makes it possible to acquire materials like books, add the item directory to cataloguing and provide Z39.5 search and MARC format. Full acquisition on the other hand makes budgets, book funds and supplies baskets. This type of acquisition provide acquire materials through suggestion, existing records, new empty record and an external source, by using this module, librarian’s saves time needed to acquire materials separately, catalogue and type manual catalogue cards as all these operations are done on a single platform.Irrespective of the Integrated Library Software (ILS), the acquisition module generally facilitates in the procurement of reading materials in various formats, with a little difference, depending on the specific ILS. The acquisition module has a work flow for procurement operations. Influence of Koha software on cataloguing and classification operationsCataloguing and classification module of the software is able to do the copy catalogue, call No, import and export data, union catalogue, cataloguing of different item, reports, cataloguing of electronic document etc. Eguaveon in [7] posited that cataloguing and classification exert much energy, requires great concentration, commitment and application of high intellectual ability; it is also described as being tedious and uninteresting. In the words of [8], copying of cataloguing in publication (CIP) data from either the printed book or MARC tape by the librarian onto a cataloguing worksheet marked the first phase of computerization in the library. [7] asserts that CIP records help in improving library services to users since it provides all the information cataloguers need to create a record for a particular material into their databases or card catalogue. Most of the procedures in cataloguing have been greatly simplified by the application of Koha ILS. As a direct and indirect result of the involvement of Koha ILS in library operations, new trends and paradigms have emerged. These include on-line public access catalogue (OPAC)/web-based public access catalogue (WEBPAC), on-line /copy cataloguing and use of resource description and access (RDA). [9] in their article "Using Koha for cataloguing and classification: A case study of University of Ilorin" states that Koha have enhanced cataloguing and classification operations in their library by increasing the speed in getting library materials processed and efficiency of the tools in that cataloguers now process more books per day, precisely 20 or more books in a day can be processed in comparison to the use of manual tools when a cataloguer sometimes process only five books per day.[9] also assert that the utilization of various online catalogues in the cataloguing processes has resulted in skill enrichment for the cataloguers. This has provided an opportunity for continues learning, as Koha is able to provide a platform for fast classification and keep record of materials publish in the section.
5. Research Methodology
The study adopted descriptive survey research design. Hence, descriptive survey research is aimed at collecting and describing the characteristics, features, or facts of a given population.
6. Population of the Study
The population of the study comprised 650 library staff in 12 public university libraries in north central Nigeria. The 12 public universities under this study area are: Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi (120), Benue State University, Makurdi (74), Federal University Lafia, Nassarawa State (33), Nassarawa State University Keffi (57), Federal University Lokoja, Kogi State (30), Kogi state university Anyigba (20), Federal University of Technology (FUT) Minna (100), University of Ilorin, Kwara State (92), Kwara State University, Malete (23), University of Jos, Plateau State (48), Plateau State University Bokkos (25) and University of Abuja, Gwagwalada (28). Therefore, population under study from the 12 public universities in North Central Nigeria is summed to 650.
7. Sample and Sampling Technique
Sample size for the study was 354 library staff from five (5) public university libraries that have adopted the use of Koha library software. Purposive sampling technique was used to select five (5) out of 12 public university libraries in north central Nigeria which are using Koha software.
8. Instrument for Data Collection
The data relevant to the study was collected using structured questionnaire constructed by the researcher, titled, "Influence of Koha Software on Technical Operations" (IKSTOQ).
9. Method of Data Analysis
In analysing the data collected, the researcher used descriptive statistics to answer research questions. Specifically, Means and Standard Deviation was used to answer the 2 research questions of the (IKSTOQ) questionnaire for the study. Also, to interpret the findings exclusively, a decision mean of 2.50 was set for mean decision point, hypotheses was also tested using Chi – square at 0.05 level of significant.
10. Results and Discussion
Research Question 1: What is the influence of Koha Software packages on acquisition operations in public university libraries in North Central Nigeria? To answer this research question, responses on the Influence of Koha Software packages on acquisition operations were collected and analysed as shown in Table 1 below.Table 1. Mean and Standard Deviation Analysis of The Influence of Koha Software Packages on Acquisition Operations  |
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Analysis of data as presented on Table 1 shows the mean responses of respondents on the influence of Koha Software packages on acquisition operations with corresponding Standard Deviations values. Data presented on Table 1 revealed that using Koha software packages to carry out library operations from items 1 - 14 had no influence. This is because mean scores ranging from 1.08 – 2.40 were obtained, which are below the benchmark of 2.50.Research Question 2: What is the influence of Koha Software packages on cataloguing and classification operations in public university libraries in North Central Nigeria? Table 2. Mean and Standard Deviation Analysis of the Influence of Koha Software on Cataloguing and Classification Operations  |
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Analysis of data as presented on Table 2 shows the mean responses of respondents on the influence of Koha Software packages on cataloguing and classification operations with corresponding Standard Deviations values. Data presented on Table 2 reveals that the use of Koha software packages to carry out library operations on items 15 - 26 is effective. This is because items 15 - 26 have mean scores ranging from 3.10 – 3.84 which are above the benchmark of 2.50.Hypothesis 1: Koha software packages has no significant effect on acquisition operations in public university libraries in North Central Nigeria.Table 3. Chi - Square Test on the Influence of koha software packages on Acquisition Operations in Public University Libraries in North Central Nigeria  |
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Table 3 above shows the Chi-square calculated value of 41.814, degree of freedom df=39 and a sig (P-value=0.110) which is greater than the alpha value (α=.05). Since P>.05, the result is not significant, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted. This implied that, Koha software packages has no significant effect on acquisition operations in public university libraries in North Central Nigeria.Hypothesis 2: Koha software packages have no significant effect on cataloguing and classification operations in public university libraries in North Central Nigeria.Table 4. Chi - Square Test on the Influence of koha software packages on Cataloguing and Classification in Public University Libraries in North Central Nigeria  |
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Table 4 above shows the Chi-square calculated value of 3350.56, degree of freedom df=33 and a sig (P-value=0.00) which is less than the alpha value (α=.05). Since P<.05, the result is significant, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected. This implied that, Koha software packages has significant positive effect on cataloguing and classification operations in public university libraries in North Central Nigeria.
11. Discussion of Findings
Findings on table 1 revealed that, Koha software packages have a negative effect on acquisition operations in public university libraries in North Central Nigeria. This is evident in that, the respondents reveal that koha software has no effect on items such as: koha software helps in receiving title suggestions, helps in duplicate checking, helps in getting approval from supervisors, helps in compiling the suggestions with complete bibliographic details, among others. This indicates that acquisitions module is not used in the selected university libraries. Similarly, a related test of hypothesis as shown on table 3 revealed a significant negative effect of Koha software on acquisitions operations in public university libraries in North Central Nigeria. The finding is not in consonance with [6] findings which revealed that Koha provides two types of acquisition, simple acquisition and full acquisition. They further explained that simple acquisition makes it possible to acquire materials like books, add the item directory to cataloguing and provide Z39.5 search and MARC format. However it conforms with the findings of [10] which revealed that acquisition in most university library was done from the university management unit, thus the negative effect of response from respondents. Full acquisition on the other hand makes budgets, book funds and supplies baskets. This type of acquisition provide acquire materials through suggestion, existing records, new empty record and an external source, by using this module, librarian’s saves time needed to acquire materials separately, catalogue and type manual catalogue cards as all this operations are done on a single platform.Irrespective of the Integrated Library Software (ILS), the acquisition module generally facilitates in the procurement of reading materials in various formats, with a little difference, depending on the specific ILS. The acquisition module has a work flow for procurement operations.Findings of the study as shown on Table 2 revealed that, Koha software packages has a positive effect on cataloguing and classification operations in public university libraries in North Central Nigeria. This is evident in that, the respondents reveal that koha software is effective on items such as: Koha ensures efficiency and consistency, organizes online line public access catalog, is adaptable, user friendly, enhances easy classification of digital library resources, customize search using advance search terms and helps in fast classification among others. Similarly, a related test of hypothesis as shown on table 4 revealed a significant positive effect of Koha software on cataloguing and classification operations in public university libraries in North Central Nigeria. This finding corroborate with that of [9] who in their study titled "Using Koha for cataloguing and Classification: A case study of University of Ilorin" found out that Koha have enhanced cataloguing and classification operations by increasing the speed in getting library materials processed and efficiency of the tools in that catalogers now process more books per day. [9] further reports that, with Koha, 20 or more books in a day can be processed in comparison to the use of manual tools when a cataloguer sometimes process only five books per day. In further agreement with the findings of this study, [9] also reported that the utilization of various online catalogues in the cataloguing processes has resulted in skill enrichment for the cataloguers; it has provided an opportunity for continues learning as Koha is able to provide a platform for fast classification and keep record of materials publish in the section thus making the operations to be more faster and effectively carried out and much effect is felt compare to the traditional methods of doing it. The finding of this study as observed could be that, the use of Koha software in public universities in North Central Nigeria has greatly enhanced their cataloguing and classification operations.
12. Conclusions
Based on the results of the findings, it was concluded that, implementing Koha software to drive library operations will improve library services with reduced efforts and enhanced service delivery in public university libraries in North Central Nigeria.
13. Recommendations
Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made:1. Acquisition module; from the findings it is noted that acquisition module is not implemented in the university libraries under study. However, this module should also be used for making purchase of library materials and journal subscription, track orders, so that other modules like the reporting, cataloguing, making item entries, will be applied more faster as the reports from these areas of application will be track down on purchase from the notices received.2. Cataloguing and Classification Module: the findings encouraged the use of cataloguing and classification module to enhance circulation and classification operations. Such operations are processing of library materials to ensure standardization and complaints to other library protocol such as z39.50 and MARC 21. Also, by using this module, processing of library materials is faster using copy cataloguing. All processed materials can be visible through the On line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) to enhance remote access and visibility. Lastly, generating Mysql saved reports, data about library holdings can be seen by just a click.
The Authors of this work wish to appreciate the Almighty God who is the giver of knowledge and has made this research work possible. Also to SAP team for developing this template that was adopted. To all library staff in North Central Nigeria for their cooperation during data collection. Lastly, special thanks goes to all authors cited to enrich this work.
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