Journal of Laboratory Chemical Education
p-ISSN: 2331-7450 e-ISSN: 2331-7469
2023; 11(2): 27-31
Sumeyra Yumak
Science Department, BMCC, CUNY, New York, NY, USA
Correspondence to: Sumeyra Yumak , Science Department, BMCC, CUNY, New York, NY, USA.
Email: |
Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
The COVID-19 pandemic introduced significant disruptions to the educational environment, presenting unforeseen challenges for students. This study highlights a notable decrease in chemistry laboratory skills and overall laboratory performance among General Chemistry students upon their return to fully in-person labs. On average, lab report grades experienced a 16% decline compared to pre-pandemic levels, with pronounced difficulties observed in experiments that required robust lab skills and mathematical aptitude. To address these setbacks, this study recommends the continued provision of targeted support for laboratory and mathematical proficiencies. The study underscores the importance of exploring innovative teaching approaches to enhance students' adaptability in the face of disruptions. These findings shed light on the impact of the pandemic on laboratory education and provide valuable insights for educators and institutions striving to mitigate the learning loss of laboratory skills during challenging times.
Keywords: Learning Loss, General Chemistry Laboratory, Laboratory Skills
Cite this paper: Sumeyra Yumak , Learning Loss of Laboratory Skills in General Chemistry During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Journal of Laboratory Chemical Education, Vol. 11 No. 2, 2023, pp. 27-31. doi: 10.5923/j.jlce.20231102.03.
Figure 1. Average lab report performance before COVID-19 (Fall 19) and after COVID-19 (Spring 22, Fall 22, and Spring 23) |
Figure 2. Average Test 3 scores in percentage before COVID-19 (Fall 19) and after COVID-19 (Spring 22, Fall 22, and Spring 23) |
Figure 3. The submission rates for weekly online pre and post-lab quizzes before COVID-19 (Fall 19) and after COVID-19 (Spring 22, Fall 22, and Spring 23) |
Figure 4. Average pre-lab scores before COVID-19 (Fall 19) and after COVID-19 (Spring 22, Fall 22, and Spring 23) |
Figure 5. Average post-lab scores before COVID-19 (Fall 19) and after COVID-19 (Spring 22, Fall 22, and Spring 23) |