Omare Justine Momanyi1, Peter Jairo Aloka2, Robert Ochieng’3
1PhD Candidate in Educational Psychology, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, Bondo, Kenya
2Department of Psychology and Educational Foundations, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, Bondo, Kenya
3Department of Linguistics, Language and Literature, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, Bondo, Kenya
Correspondence to: Peter Jairo Aloka, Department of Psychology and Educational Foundations, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, Bondo, Kenya.
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The present study sought to investigate on self-monitoring learning strategy as predictors on academic performance of English language among students public secondary schools in Marani Sub County. The study adopted Information Processing Model and metacognitive theory. The study employed a mixed concurrent method approach which combined Solomon Four group experimental design and open ended interviews. The study target 23 public secondary schools with a population of 1397 form three students, 27 teachers of guidance and counseling and 49 teachers of English language. Stratified random sampling technique was utilized to obtain four study groups that had a sample size of 283 students. The participants from the four groups were randomly assigned into experimental and control groups. Purposive sampling technique was used to select twelve (12) teachers of English and (8) teacher counselors. Reliability of the tools was established through Cronbach Alpha and test retest which yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.80. Face, content and construct validity was ascertained by the University supervisors who provided expert judgment. Triangulation method was used to measure the validity of the research instruments. Data was collected using metacognitive learning questionnaires pretest/posttest scores and open ended interviews. Analysis of quantitative data was done through multiple regression, linear regression and Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis. Concerning qualitative data, thematic analysis framework was used. The study established a positive and significant (r = .241, n=271, p<.01) of self-monitoring learning strategy on academic performance of English performance. Study concluded that self-monitoring learning strategy was efficient in improving the academic performance of English language among students in public secondary schools.
Self-monitoring, Learning strategy, Students, Academic performance English
Cite this paper: Omare Justine Momanyi, Peter Jairo Aloka, Robert Ochieng’, Self-Monitoring Learning Strategy as Predictor on Performance of English Language among Students in Public Secondary Schools in Kkenya, International Journal of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Social Science, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2019, pp. 15-20. doi: 10.5923/j.jamss.20190501.03.
1. Introduction
English language is a crucial tool of communication globally. It has become one of the most important and widely used languages in the world due to its critical role in the society. Most countries have adopted English language as an official national and international language because of the demands of globalization (Al-Nasser, 2015). It is also used as a medium of communication and a language of instruction in all levels of learning institutions. In most countries, it is learnt as a second language and or foreign language and those interested in obtaining the associated benefits must learn to attain the required proficiency in the language (Curtain, and Carol, 2004). Globally, the students’ academic performance of English language seems to remain below the expected levels and has attracted attention worldwide. A study by Al-Asmari and Khan (2014) on English language in the Asian context in countries such as Singapore, China, and Malaysia among others and noted that the language was considered as crucial tool in meeting the growing global demands and it is also taught as second language in most learning institutions. However, the general the performance of the subject was unsatisfying. In Saudi Arabia, English language was introduced to all learning levels and made compulsory for all learners from class four and beyond after Arabic language by the Ministry of Education. Since then it has expanded because of its great contribution in teaching, training and economic growth (Al-Nasser, 2015).Studies on self-monitoring learning strategy have indicated students who embrace better learning strategies tend to have improved individualized and learning performance. Cassidy (2010) explored on self-monitoring to improve academic success for male students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in a private high school in Maine. The study concluded that self-monitoring enhanced performance. Sharma and Bewes (2011) in Australia explored on self-monitoring, confidence, academic achievement and gender differences in physics in a Metropolitan University. The findings revealed that classes with higher academic achievement displayed better self-monitoring abilities. Scheithauer (2014) explored on academic self-monitoring among college students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The findings revealed that a control group who received study skills training and goal-setting with no self-monitoring had low grades compared to the participants in the experimental group. Self-monitoring group in the intervention group had significant improvement in their Attention/Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms and academic behaviour and goal attainment.A correlational design study was conducted by Martinez-Bernal, Rodriguez and Lopes-Vargas (2016) on the relationship between self monitoring and learning achievement among medical students among university students. The outcome showed that there was a positive correlation between self monitoring and learning achievement. Convenience and purposeful sampling technique were used by Arslantas and Kurnaz (2017) in a study on the effect of using self-monitoring strategies in social studies course and academic achievement among 5th grade students. The findings indicated that self monitoring strategy had a positive effect in the study of social studies course. Based on the reviewed literature some of the studies utilized students who had special needs, hence they faced several developmental and learning needs in contrast with the present study that focused on presumably normal students. Some of the studies were conducted in a university setting where the participants were young adults who were relatively mature and the expectations were different from high schools students where the present study was done among adolescents. Further, some of the reviewed studies used questionnaires as research tools making it impossible to elaborate, clarify and even share their inner experiences hence limiting the study findings. However, the present study utilized open ended interviews which were combined with quantitative data thereby enriching the study findings. Therefore, the present study to establish on the predictive ability of metacognitive learning strategy on the academic performance in English in Marani sub county because there is scanty literature which has conducted in the area as an effort to improve leaning and performance in the subject.In Nigeria, English language was introduced and adopted for use as a language of instructions after independence. In Nigeria educational system, English language is the only medium of classroom instruction in the upper primary, secondary and tertiary levels of education and its proficiency has affected students’ academic performances greatly because the language is foreign to the students according to Kola and Sunday (2013). It has been made a pre-requisite for admission into all tertiary institutions in Nigeria for without a credit pass in English, learners would be not offered admission in any of the existing university in Nigeria. Students who have problems in learning the language may not access information and develop limited communication skills and are not likely do well academically. Bashir (2010) and Sa’ad and Usman (2014) indicated that performance in the subject was discouraging because of poor results. Equally, Botswana, set English language in her education system as the medium of instruction in levels of learning although Setswana language is also taught as a compulsory subject for all citizens. English was adopted by the Botswana government after independence because it was a predominant language in the teaching learning process. Learners are expected to pass English with a good grade at senior secondary level to proceed into tertiary especially at university. Though the levels of education are all important for all Botswana learners, some learners face difficulties and therefore do not manage to proceed in all educational stages due to poor mastery of languages of instruction English (Mokibelo, 2015). In 2013 during the release of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examinations (KCSE) the minister for education indicated that English language had the highest decline in all the thirteen subjects that dropped in the average mean. This poor performance was attributed to sheng’ and frequent use of electronic and technology gadgets which denied learners opportunities to learn and practice proper language use. In 2014, there was slight improvement in the mean to 3.86. (KNEC Report, 2014). In 2015, there was improved performance of English language to 4.029 (KNEC Report, 2015).However, in 2016, the national performance of English kept fluctuating so much and this was unpleasant and devastating to the learners (KNEC Report, 2016) as shown in Table 1.Table 1. Summary of National KCSE Performance of English Language  |
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Table 1, presents the general performance of English language in the national examinations. The low and unimpressive performance of English language remains to be a key national issue in education, training and development where its mastery is requirement. Equally, the dismal performance of the English language among learners is a countrywide concern and it poses a serious challenge. The summary of English in Kisii County is shown whereby the academic performance of English language is discouraging especially Marani Sub County is shown in Table 2.Table 2. Summary of KCSE in English Language in Kisii County  |
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Table 2, indicates the summary of the academic performance of English language in Kisii County where the results in Marani Sub County is low compared to other regions. Teachers, parents, employers and education stakeholders are complaining of poor results at school levels and national examinations especially in Marani Sub County. However, there is no single known study which has been conducted on metacognitive learning strategy perspective. Therefore, the present study sought to the effect of metacognitive learning strategies on the academic performance of English language among students in secondary schools in Marani public Sub County because of dismal results no known study on metacognitive learning strategy has been conducted in the area.
2. Research Methodology
The present study employed a mixed concurrent method approach which combined Solomon Four Group design and open ended interviews. Mixed method approach was used where quantitative data was collected and it was supported and amplified from qualitative data within a single study (Creswell, 2014). The study targeted 1395 form three students, teachers of English (49) and guidance and counseling teachers (27). Purposeful sampling technique was to select a sample size of twelve (12) teachers of English and eight (8) guidance and counseling. Stratified random sampling was used to obtain a sample size of 283 students. Random assignment was used to divide study groups into experimental and control groups. An intervention on metacognitive learning strategy was administered for 12 weeks and two sessions per week lasting for 40 minutes. At the beginning of second term in an academic school calendar a pretest was provided to two groups and at the term all the four groups were administered with a posttest.Quantitative data was collected through pretests/posttests which were teacher made tests. The treated group received a stimulus on metacognitive strategy for 12 weeks which lasted for 40 minutes per session while the control group utilized routine learning strategy. Metacognitive learning strategy questionnaires which were rated on Likert Scale (Strongly Agree=5, Agree=4, Neutral=3, Disagree=2, Strongly Disagree=1) were also employed to measure the extent of application of metacognitive strategy. Qualitative data was gathered through focus group interviews from students and indepth interviews from teachers of English language and guidance and counseling teachers. Test retest and Cronbach alpha were used to determine reliability coefficients (0.80). To ensure content, construct and face validity were achieved, the study utilized University experts my PhD supervisors from Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST) who checked through the tools and provided constructive feedback that improved the validity. Trustworthiness of interviews was also guided by procedures by Guba and Lincolin (2000). Data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Thematic analysis was used in analyzing qualitative data.
3. Findings and Discussion
The purpose of the study was to examine the effect on self-monitoring learning strategy on academic performance of English language among students in public secondary schools, the null hypothesis was tested. To determine the effect of self-monitoring learning strategy on academic performance of English language, a null hypothesis was tested. The null hypothesis was stated as follows;H02: There is no statistically significant effect of self-monitoring learning strategy on academic performance of English language among students.To determine this Pearson Correlation was computed and results are shown in Table 3.Table 3. Correlation between Self-Monitoring Learning Strategy and Academic Performance of English Language  |
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From Table 3, It can be observed that the effect of Self-Monitoring Learning Strategy was positive and significant (r = .241, n=271, p<.01), with improved use of Self-Monitoring Learning Strategy resulting to improvement in performance of English language. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected and alternative hypothesis taken. This means that there is statistically significant effect of self-monitoring learning strategy on academic performance of English language among students in public secondary schools. To probe further, the study analyzed the effect of treatment and pretesting on variables through multiple regressions was done. The findings are indicated in Table 4.Table 4. Model Summary: Effect of Self-Monitoring Learning Strategy on Performance of English Language |
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Table 4; indicates the model summary of multiple regression, it is evident that the variable in Block 1 (Self-Monitoring Learning Strategy) explains 5.8 per cent (R2 =.058) of the variance in academic performance of English language as a subject. However, after adding the other two variables (treatment and pretesting condition) in Block 2, the model now as a whole explains 6.8 per cent (R2 =.068) of the variance in academic performance of English language as a subject. The R square change value in Model 2 is .010, meaning treatment and pretesting conditions explained an additional about one per cent of the variance in performance of English. However, this was not statistically significant change statistics, as indicated by the Sig. F change value (.235). However, linear regression was produced to find the actual influence of each of the variables, as shown in Table 5,Table 5. Coefficients of Linear Regression: Self-Monitoring Learning Strategy, Treatment and Pretest on Performance of English Language as a Subject  |
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From the coefficients in table 5, it is evident in Model 2 that when the application of self-monitoring learning strategy is improved by one unit by the students then their level of performance would improve by 6.460 units. This is a respectable effect and it made a statistically significant contribution, p <0.05. The present study indicated that self-monitoring had a positive impact on learning outcomes. Qualitative data results supported the integral role played by self-monitoring learning strategy. This was substantiated by what the students reported in the following excerpt;We have attempted to apply the strategy because it guides us to work step by step to ensure we have followed what we are reading. Actually we read and repeat it to be sure that we have understood even a small portion on what we are reading. Besides that, we have liked the idea because it is interesting. It is a good idea since it raises our curiosity to verify what I have predicted whether it is true or not in a passage. If it is correct I feel excited and some fulfillment and if not I think again (EXGP1, Student, 12).It makes us to be sure that we have understood even a small portion on what we are reading. Besides that, we have liked the idea because it is interesting. It is a good idea since it raises our curiosity to verify what I have predicted whether it is true or not in a passage. If it is correct I feel excited and some fulfillment and if not I think again (EXGP1, Student, 1).The extract from students underscores that students who adopted self-monitoring learning strategy were able developed commitment to what they learnt and verified important information which boosted the understanding of what they were learning which eventually improved the academic performance of English language in the treated group while the control group scored lowly. Generally, the results pointed out that self-monitoring learning strategy helped students to check the relevancy and progress of their learning process in relation to set goals. The present study results concurred with a study conducted by Dougherty (2018) in United States and Covarrubias and Stone (2014) who highlighted that self-monitoring learning strategy was positively linked to learning and led to improved learning outcomes. Qualitative data ascertained that students who adopt self-monitoring learning strategy were able develop interest at what they learn and tend to verify important contents of what they are learning. Qualitative data results from the experimental group attested that their students were positively influenced and eager to use the strategy in learning of English language and this was closely linked to the academic performance.
4. Conclusions and Recommendations
The present study sought to establish on the effect of self monitoring learning strategy on academic performance of English language among students in Public secondary schools in Marani Sub County. The findings revealed that self-monitoring learning strategy contributed to improved performance of English language as it was evident from experimental and control groups. It was clear from the results that the higher the application of metacognitive self-planning learning strategy, the higher the academic performance of English language and vice versa. Therefore, the study concluded that there is a positively and statistically significant effect of self-monitoring learning strategy on academic performance of English language among students in public secondary schools. The study recommended that students should be taught and be sensitized on the use of metacognitive learning strategy to enhance the quality of learning process and academic performance of English language among students in public secondary schools.
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