Prince Jessii
Research Scientist, Imo State, Nigeria
Correspondence to: Prince Jessii, Research Scientist, Imo State, Nigeria.
Email: |  |
Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

You are reading the greatest scientific paper of all time which houses the greatest physics theory of all time, proposed by Prince Chimobi Igboejesi as ‘’Ultimate Gravity’’. The revelation of the true form of gravity can only be known through the knowledge of the universe technique for interpretation proposed in this paper as ‘’God’s Eye’’. From 2019, a new revolution in physics began, this revolution evolved right from the introduction of the space-time parameter through the God Equation (Ultimate Physics Equation), the Four Zodiac numbers (1, 2, 3, 5) which formed the Pi value (3.125), down to Ultimate Relativity which has so many branches introduced during the journey, all these were done using the unique ultimate technique. Searching for more answers to Gravity, I discovered that the combined proposals from both Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton about the nature of gravity is up to 50% of what gravity actually is, but then we need the remaining 50% which will be revealed in this paper. Again, the whole essence of always starting from the root is to prove that everything in this Universe is all linked to one another, which is why I’ll be describing gravity from its root. Gravity is actually a consequence from space-time which is everywhere around the Universe, this means that gravity is the bond that links everything in the universe together, revealing that gravity is the head of one very big happy family, as its members are more surprising. Perhaps, this true form of gravity can only be revealed using the God’s Eye Technique. Read, Share and tell everyone about Chapter 4.
Ultimate Relativity, Earth, God’s Eye, Gravity, Pi
Cite this paper: Prince Jessii, God’s Eye: Physics of the Universe (2), International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 14 No. 4, 2024, pp. 121-151. doi: 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20241404.02.
1. Introduction
 | Figure 1. PI-Gd Eye |
I was told to finish the story. Perhaps, this paper is your Christmas gift for 2024. If Mr X created a thing means Mr X knows everything about its creation. If Mr T wants to know more about Mr X’s creation without asking Mr X, he can attempt by researching and performing related experiments/measurements to get details. Alternatively, if Mr T doesn’t want to go through all that process, he can simply ask Mr X for the blueprint to its creation and problem solved immediately. Let’s assume Mr T refuses to ask for the blueprint and decides to follow the longer route by doing researches with experiments, he’ll encounter a lot of constraints and setbacks including a major problem of knowing the exact components/details Mr X used in creating. For example; if Mr T is a structural engineer and wants to know the exact details Mr X used in designing a building, he can observe but the probability of him getting all the details/dimensions and materials correctly is low, so why not follow the route that is perfect which is using the blueprint of the building.This explanation is referring to a norm in science (physics). In science, scientists tend to form a theory after doing an experiment/observation. Over the years, forming a theory from an experiment/observation resulted to the downfall of theoretical physics. The reason is that there’s limit to what experiments/observations can reveal which will require theoretical physics to come in and join the pieces through the language of the universe which I refer to as mathematics, but when theoretical physics is needed, it vanishes. I changed this ideology because a handbook of something is meant to be a guide to that particular thing. Therefore, theoretical physics is meant to be a guide to experimental physics, this will sound weird to the scientists. Perhaps, if I have the blueprint of the universe, do I need experiments? This is when experiments/observations come in to confirm what the blueprints says. The universe is already created, instead of doing experiments/measurements resulting to inaccurate values as a means of knowing the truth when you don’t have a guide, it’s better to use the blueprint. What has experiments/observations revealed in relation to the general truth of the universe? Nothing but false results because it can’t join the pieces together. I love accuracy to inaccuracy, so I always use the obvious route. Now, it’s one thing to have the blueprints, it’s another thing to understand/interpret and this is where the ultimate technique (God’s eye) comes into play.Table 1. PI-Contents  |
| |
Above is a table with the contents of this paper. Before revealing the God’s eye technique to the world, the world needs to know about Chapter 2 (Ultimate Relativity). Ultimate Relativity explains how everything in the universe are related through the Pi value, proving it in reality from their geometry and also proving it mathematically using the actual Pi value and observing its traces in the exact values for physical constants. The knowledge of Ultimate Relativity is key to using the God’s Eye technique effectively. In Chapter 3, the God’s eye technique is revealed in full. Chapter 3 is the conclusion that Mathematics is the language of the universe and there are guidelines that we must follow, and if we must get accurate information about our universe, we must make use of this language in full display relating to the God Equation. Chapter 4 is the real deal, the main body of this paper. The works of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein dominate the development of the gravitational theory but what you will see is a complete shock with an entire new line of equations. Basically, Chapter 2 and 3 are all we need to embark on the journey which is Chapter 4.Chapter 5, 6, 7 and 8 are all bonus chapters for the readers.
2. Ultimate Relativity
Ultimate Relativity is also known as the Pi theory in Physics. This theory reveals the exact value of Pi and its significance in Physics. The main part of this revelation is Pi being responsible for the physical constants of the universe i.e. theoretically and mathematically, we can’t get the exact value for physical constants of the universe without the exact Pi value.This is a quick summary of Ultimate Relativity;
2.1. Origin of Pi
 | Figure 2. PI-Four zodiac display |
2.2. Discovery 5 (Proof of the Pi value)
 | Figure 3. PI-Derivation |
A missing piece (four zodiac symbolic teachings) was needed to prove the Pi value as revealed in [1]So, this is now easy to understand from Figure 3 above as follows;• The circumference of the circle becomes a line.• There are four quadrants, the radius is 16% of the quadrant circumference (25% of the circle circumference). Therefore, we have 16% into four places as displayed in Figure 3.• We are left with 9% from each quadrant and we sample them. 9% in four places gives 36%.• We can get two more 16% from 36% as 32%. The amount of 16% we now have is 6 as 96% of the circumference which is 100%.• Remember, the 16% is known as the radius of the circle as displayed in Figure 4. Therefore, it means that the radius of a circle is distributed 6 times along the circumference of a circle, remainder 4%. So, let’s express 4% in terms of 16%.• If we say 16% appeared 6 times, we can’t say 4% appeared once, it’s less than 16% which makes it not up to once, so we have to express it in terms of how many times the radius (16%) appeared, rather we say 4% appeared;
 | Figure 4. PI-Circle Drawing |
A radius is used to draw a circle because the same radius will be distributed round to form the circumference (shape) with the help of Pi at the background. Therefore, with this understanding, from Figure 4, the radius (16%) will be distributed 6times in a circumference of a circle plus 0.25times.
Therefore, the circumference of a circle is simply;
Pi is exactly 3.125. Therefore, the circumference of a circle in Pi terms is;
So, the radius which is used to draw/form a circle is distributed 6.25times to form the circumference. Hence, if we use a certain radius to draw a circle, the radius of that circle is exactly 16% of the circumference, and it was the reason why the 16th Greek Letter was chosen as the Pi symbol, I guess you didn’t know.Table 2. PI-16% radius-circumference proof  |
| |
See more information in [1].
2.3. Pi codes and the Physical Constants
Table 3. PI-Codes  |
| |
If PYTHON is a programming language, you need an application/framework where you can practice or make use of the programs i.e. the app allows you to create what you want using PYTHON language. However, you really have to know how to arrange certain characters, you don’t just insert any, it won’t work if it is not a valid combination related to the programming language. Now, bring this discussion and try to relate it to what is involved using a comparison. Let’s say you want to build a website and you want to build a Universe (mathematically);Table 4. PI-Program Comparison  |
| |
Going deep in PYTHON, there are certain words or characters that you must use for a particular task, they are the set of valid characters that a language can recognize. In Mathematics as combined with physics, you must use the PI codes i.e. when you start using PI codes in the framework (God Equation), mathematics knows that you’re doing calculations related to the universe. Use Table 4 to understand better.Anvil allows users to create web apps/sites using PYTHON language. If you have the codes you used in creating the site, someone can use an interpreter to know what you did. Perhaps the universe has been created. Mathematically, the God Equation is the framework, Pi codes are the set of characters/combination used and we can use God’s Eye to know what was done during the building of the universe but first you need to know more about PI codes.
2.4. How to Know a Pi Code
The simplest way to know/find a Pi code is through the zodiac numbers by subjecting any number to division using either 2,3 or 5 or a combination of any of these three numbers, and see if the division leads to 1. If it leads to 1, that number is a Pi code and the numbers produced in the division are all Pi codes. If it doesn’t lead to 1, it is not a Pi and its products are not Pi codes. 2,3 and 5 are the numbers that forms the Pi value ‘’3.125’’, 1 divides a number to result to the same number. Therefore, the result from a Pi code division must lead to 1 for justification.For example;Testing 2160;
2160 is a Pi code and its products (1080, 540, 270, 135, 27, 9, 3 and 1) are all Pi codes.Testing 546;
This is where is stops, neither of 2, 3 or 5 can divide through further. Therefore, 546 is not a Pi code and its products (273, 91) are not Pi codes.
2.5. The Physical Constants
Without the exact values for the physical constants of the Universe, there’s no way we know anything about our universe through calculations. There are two forms of Pi codes representing the physical constants of the universe, Pi codes itself and the vibrating values.
2.5.1. Pi Codes Value
Table 5. PI-Physical constants as Pi codes  |
| |
2.5.2. Vibrating Values
Table 6. PI-Physical constants as vibrating values/Pi codes  |
| |
To know a Pi code, we must test to know if a number can get to 1 using 2,3 and 5 but vibrating values are like a second face of Pi codes. So, it’s either a Pi code or a vibrating value, both are basically the same but different forms of each other. I named them ‘’vibrating values’’ but they are values with repeating digits and the simplest way to get one is;
For example, using Table 6;
Pi code is 1125, the decimal point shifts as required.
Pi code is 15, the decimal point shifts as required.
Pi code is 75, the decimal point shifts as required.
Pi code is 18, the decimal point shifts as required.The power of the repeating digits is that no matter how the digits keep repeating, the result is the same. For example;
In conclusion, the value of a physical constant of the universe can be either a Pi code or a vibrating value. We can’t have values that represent the universe as values at random or with digits at random, it must be exact with something in common. See values for more constants in [3].
3. God’s Eye Technique
 | Figure 5. PI-God’s Eye display/N.E |
This Chapter is brief because it refers you back to my previous papers. Prince Jessii discovering all these over the years signifies the presence of God’s Eye naturally which resulted to having the knowledge of the universe. Having God’s Eye implies that I could get any information I want about the universe and everything in it. There are seven basic things that opens the eyes of the reader to understand its universe, once that happens, it is God’s Eye activated and you begin to understand how the universe works. Now, if I want to pass God’s Eye to humans naturally, I would have to do that theoretically/mathematically. God’s Eye is a knowledge technique for interpretation and you can’t interpret results about the universe if you don’t know the following things at hand;Ø The originator of the universe as a value, 3.125Ø The root of the originator as numbers; 1, 2, 3, 5.Ø Four Zodiac symbolic teachingsØ Pi geometryØ The God Equation (Ultimate Physics Equation)Ø Pi codesØ The exact values for the physical constantsPapers displayed at the references of this paper are enough to guide you through the above list for this knowledge. Know this and you won’t be on the wrong side.
4. Ultimate Gravity
Gravity is the most significant interaction between objects at the macroscopic scale, and it determines the motion of planets, stars, galaxies, light also. Getting answers to the truth about gravity is simply just starting from the root, it’s all about the origin. Doesn’t matter if Newton got his inspiration from a falling apple or Einstein wondering about the movement of planets to think ‘’curvature’’. Their description is only a piece of the entire puzzle. I said before that if Ultimate Relativity is a book, General Relativity is a chapter of that book. I take that statement back, as of this moment, General Relativity is not even up to a chapter. If Ultimate Relativity is a book, Ultimate Gravity is a chapter of that book and the Newtonian Gravitational equations coupled with General Relativity descriptions are just sections under the chapter. I could only wish that Isaac Newton got the description of gravity right, maybe he would have figured out the other pieces of the puzzle, I say this because Ultimate Gravity recognizes his subject equation. On the other hand, Einstein’s General Relativity equations are totally off the track, not in any way close, but his descriptions are the best. With the Newtonian subject equations coupled with General Relativity description of Gravity that you know; Ultimate Gravity is simply a theory that takes you back to how it all started from the beginning of the Universe to reveal the complete form, causes and effect of Gravity. Basically, it is the Ultimate theory of Gravity that tells you everything about Gravity from its origin. | Figure 6. PI-Sun/Earth |
Take a look at the Figure 6. With a guess, you might just say that’s two stars. Yes, that’s two stars and also, that’s the sun and the earth, but way back at the point of creation.  | Figure 7. PI-Molten Magma/Lava |
Again, from the origin. I wonder how scientists know this clue but forget that it happened; I mean we had and can still have volcanoes erupting, we can also observe molten magma/lava, the traces are still there underneath but this clue was left without use.  | Figure 8. PI-Hot Earth Layers |
The display as Figure 7 and 8 signifies a ‘’Hot Earth’’. With what you see as Figure 8, the whole idea you have about gravity is about to change. If you happened to witness creation of the universe in a dream with the knowledge of the appearance of the Sun and Earth presently, and in the dream, you see something like the Figure 6, how would you describe gravity?The appearance of the Sun you see in this present time was the exact appearance of every other planets/planetary body at the point of creation.Taking details from Figure 6 (past) and comparing to present will reveal two main points;Ø The Light (energy) carried by planets in orbit cooled off (solidified) with time.Ø The planets in orbit changed (cooled) with time, while the other in which other planets revolve around remained more or less the same.So, with this two main points, you can simply ask “where did the energy go”? or ‘’what happened to the energy’’?Let’s analyse the equation below and give an honest answer;
The Newtonian equation can be used to calculate parameters for planets and stars, including the Sun. So, the question is; If we observe the Sun’s energy (radiation) presently, can we actually use Newton’s subject equation to do calculation for stars as relating to g? Is something not missing? How are we using the same equation to calculate for both stars and planets? If so, how is energy not described in the equation? Is its energy not significant enough to be represented in the equation?If otherwise, does it mean that the Newtonian equation for gravity that we know is wrong? No, it’s not wrong but rather it’s a two-face equation.Analysing the Newtonian subject equation, the equation is correct but I can’t see any constant or parameter that represents energy to show that energy is/was present as related to the description as Figure 6. Therefore, the Newtonian gravity equation is one half, we need to find the second half. Take a glimpse at the following points; | Figure 9. PI-Free space justifying g |
Ø It all started with a blast of Energy in an empty space of a Pi geometry universe (vacuum).Ø The Blast of Energy resulted to different sizes of energy crumbs, both small crumbs and big crumbs of energy at different parts of the vacuum (Figure 10). | Figure 10. PI-Blast of Energy |
Ø The different crumbs will then be activated to form matter (mass) using the Pi geometry resulting to planet formation as spheres. To convert energy to matter, we make use of
Hence, the converter is 
 | Figure 11. PI-Layers of the Earth |
Up to 80% of the weight/mass of a planet are the lands, lands I mean from the crust (surface) down to the inner core. The crumbs of energy were activated in a way that the section with diameter x-y from Figure 9 which indicates the lands (surface to inner core) were the areas converted to matter from energy. As we progress, I’ll reveal what formed the spheres (atmosphere and all). | Figure 12. PI-Planet Formation (crumbs) |
Ø Although the crumbs of energy were converted to matter as the planet formation process, the formation was programmed in a way whereby energy will be present at the surface (T-Z) while having mass (x-y) in Figure 9, The planets now become the image displayed in Figure 6, having a mass while still carrying energy.Ø Observing the past and the present, the sun is not totally energy, it has mass. Therefore, it is a combination of matter with energy and this is how the earth and other planets was at the point of creation. Therefore, the other half of the equation should have M present and also
present to show the presence of a body with both matter and energy. I say this because;We can use the Newtonian gravity subject equation to calculate parameters for planets and stars (including the Sun), but if the Sun have mass and we can still observe its energy (radiation) presently, it means that somewhere in that Newtonian subject equation,
is hidden but we will find it.Back to the details from Figure 6. If the planet on the orbit cooled with time, gravity is definitely the cause but presently, two things are noticed;Ø A planet revolves around a star, caused by gravitational effect (curvature) from that star.Ø A planet rotates on its axis as it revolves around a star, revolution caused by gravitational effect from that star, meaning rotation and revolution both go together.The constant which represents this gravitational effect is G. From past to present, the two points above are constant (rotation and revolution), this means that the energy cooling (solidification) of the planet on orbit is linked to constant rotation/revolution through curvature. Therefore, to begin findings, we relate the converter
to the Newtonian gravitational effect equation. In terms of the planet involved, to describe we have;
Analysing the Newtonian equation;
G is the constant representing the gravitational effect, the other parameters involved which describes the planet itself is just M and r as
.Therefore, the plan is to eliminate and replace with
;Table 7. PI-Parameters represented by Characters  |
| |
Revealing the radius;

In the Newtonian gravity subject equation;
We can observe a
if substituted for
we have our second face equation;
Table 8. PI-Gravity Two-face Equations  |
| |
That’s simply the equation that has been missing, it will lead us straight to the big secret. The inspiration I had was as a result of curiosity and the question I asked myself was that the same Newtonian gravity equation can be used for planets and stars but the equation doesn’t show the presence of energy for stars, which made me to suspect that the equation is wrong for stars but it isn’t. You see an equation (first face) but you didn’t know something is happening behind that equation (second face). Hence, the same way we use the first face equation for both stars and planets is the same way we will use the second face equation for both stars and planets. Hence, both equations as two faces in one head proves one thing; all planets/planetary bodies were all stars at the point of creation.Here’s the explanation; | Figure 13. PI-Energy cooling (solidification) |
Although the second face equation generally signifies the past at the point of creation for both stars and planets, but it doesn’t reveal the full information, it is just a subject equation, the expanded equations for the presence of energy and why it disappeared will be revealed as we progress. Perhaps we know that g is acceleration due to gravity, but g is also a parameter that also describes the nature of space-time(s) in a planet, as explained in my previous papers. If you understand g as just an acceleration, you’ve gotten it all wrong (see section 4.5 for more description).
If the nature of spacetime is not thick, an object accelerates downwards faster. If its thick, the object accelerates downwards slower. Thus, the thickness (density) of space-time determines the acceleration due to gravity, g. However, what if there’s no free space-time yet in a planet?I mean what if the planet has energy in area (T-Z) just like in creation using Figure 9, will g be justified inside the planet? No, because the planet itself has not formed completely, it is still in process. g can only be justified if the planet has formed (cooled) completely. Hence, the above explanation describes the equation
according to Figure 9.From the equation;
In terms of the radius r;
Substituting r as
in the equation;
In terms of M, we have;
Therefore, we have two major equations from the second face subject as;

4.1. The special one (Test)
Here comes the big secret. There are two universal constants in the equation
, G and c. Why are there two constants and no other parameter in an equation that directly describes the radius of a planet? Except that this supposed planet is a special planet and it is the chosen planet for unification in science representing other planets. Before we conclude, let’s proceed to insert UPE exact values [3] for these constants in the equation. Inserting values;
The radius of this planet is;
For more clarity, Let’s proceed to find the mass. To find the mass of this planet, g is required but we need further revelation. | Figure 14. PI-Rotation Illustration |
Although planets are spheres but when we think rotation of a planet on its axis, it’s like using a compass and a pencil to draw a circle with a chosen radius but constantly doing the drawing (Figure 14), while carrying an energy with a speed (c). Hence, in this rotation of a planet on its axis explanation, what is involved is just the circumference and the area of the circle been drawn, with c. Furthermore, we use the revelation that the cooling of the planet (cooling of the energy) is related to the revolution and rotation of the planet on its axis. It’s mainly revolution but revolution affects the rotation, so we still have to get details from rotation. Also, the description is that; without the energy cooling, there’s no justification of acceleration due to gravity g, which will occur in T-Z.Let’s do some digging;
Multiplying both sides (LHS and RHS) by g;
If rotation is a repeated circumferential movement and the planet has an energy, the description will be;
Taking RHS and equating with 
Again, the circumference and area are two features that are visible during a rotational movement, the area of a circle is
, proceeding to equate the circumference with the area.Multiplying
Dividing through;
Cancelling like characters;
Proceeding to get the acceleration due to gravity of this planet;
G, g, c and r is settled, we can now find the mass of this planet which will give us a clear answer.Using the second face equation, the mass of this planet is;
Using the first face equation (Newtonian equation), the mass of this planet is;
See section 4.5 for units check.
4.2. Earth
 | Figure 15. PI-Earth Card |
Table 9. PI-NASA and UPE comparison  |
| |
No one will ever imagine that it is possible to get details for Earth directly from the physical constants, but I needed to shock the world, I just had to, because so many ideologies in physics are deceiving people already. It’s an easy guess without telling you that this special planet is planet Earth but I still have to prove further to the world by comparing with NASA observational values as Table 9. Again, this is the Mr X and Mr T type of situation I explained at the introduction of this paper. These planets weren’t just formed without a plan and do we think these values will be random values without any form of uniqueness in their values? The programmed energy blast happened in a Pi geometry vacuum, meaning that the planets will be in Pi geometry and their related values will be in Pi codes. If you do an experiment/observation, expect inaccuracy with some level of errors. I don’t know what method was used to measure the radius of the Earth, but it definitely won’t be accurate because planets are way bigger in scale than any machine/device we could try with. How do we do an experiment relating to g when we have air resistance? These are factors that are bound to cause errors. From Table 9, you can observe that the NASA values have errors but they are close to the exact and these experimental/observational values are the reason why we couldn’t get more accurate answers about our universe over the years. Regardless, we don’t have to condemn the experimental/observational values, go to ( to confirm details on fact sheet.There are billions of planets but there’s only a special one, the planet we live in called Earth. The calculations are our evidence. The physical constants of the universe lead us straight to the values for planet Earth but not others, meaning that Earth is the key for unification in science representing the macroscale, indirectly coupled with all other planets existing in the universe. This unification is the same way for the quantum which was done in my previous paper, the particle for unification was found to be the Electron. However, as beautiful as Earth is, humans still think of damaging it, but God has his eyes on Earth. We all know what Earth has blessed us with but I thought you should know more about your planet from the blueprints.What you need to know is;The first face equation and the second face equation are the same. The little difference is that the second face justifies g through c i.e. the presence of the energy on a planet way back at creation is the reason why g will be possible then, now and forever. If the planet is completely rock and didn’t form according to X-Y (mass) with energy at T-Z (Figure 9), will g be possible? No. The first face justifies the now, the second face justifies the point of creation and the process when the equation is expanded. | Figure 16. PI-Cooling Process |
The Display as Figure 16 shows you that your planet wasn’t like this in the past (way back at creation), with the described transformation as you can see. If there was an energy present at the point of creation means that there was an absorption (cooling) because we don’t see the light presently on Earth. Before going further, the world needs to understand the Bond as gravity.
4.2.1. The Bond
 | Figure 17. PI-The Bond called Gravity formed as a curvature is present |
If you remember, from [2], the common ground is space-time which is everywhere around us. Everything in the universe exist in/on or through space-time, which signifies the connection between existing things in the universe through a bond. This is the full description of gravity; In the real sense, there are planets that rests on space-time, the presence of mass on space-time results to gravity but gravity is that bond that connects every party involved/affected by the curvature. Here’s the description; Table 10. PI-Gravity related characters and descriptions  |
| |
, a gravitational description for a planet (A) on space-time is given by;
If another planet (B) with the same description falls within the curvature caused by planet A, we can get details about the full description connecting both planets, which can only be expressed by;
Such as;
we can say;
This is how the bond called gravity works, more description will be revealed as we progress.
4.2.2. Cooling (Absorption)
 | Figure 18. PI-Present display of the Sun and the Earth |
Presently, Figure 18 displays the appearance of the Sun and the Earth. Compare Figure 6 and 18. Again, the planet on the orbit changed with time while the planet that creates the orbit hasn’t changed up to 10%, more or less the same. It’s time to introduce the constant representing absorption.Table 11. PI-Values for absorption related  |
| |
You have been hearing about the fine structure but the question is do you really know what the fine structure constant represents? It signifies the strength of the electromagnetic force that governs how electrically charged particles interact with light. In a simply way, it is simply the constant that signifies the absorption of a photon by an electron. Scientists discovered the formula for the fine structure constant as;
In my previous papers, I gave an information that breaks down the above formula in the sense that
describes the energy of a default photon as;
Mathematically, the value for the energy of a default photon is
and the value for elementary charge (matter-electron) is 
 | Figure 19. PI-Electron absorbing a photon |
Interact both constant and you have the fine structure constant;
I thought to explain the fine structure to you because you never thought that what happens in the quantum happens in the macroscale except that the macroscale is made up of the quantum. I have been talking about solidification (cooling of energy) of the planets way back at creation. Perhaps if we are talking about cooling, absorption of energy (photon) by matter (electron) caused by rotation/revolution through curvature, the fine structure constant comes into play. Hence, when we ask ‘’what happened to the energy’’? or ‘’where did the energy go’’? we simply remember that when a photon (energy) is absorbed by an electron (matter), the photon is destroyed i.e. it disappears. The electron then moves to a higher level.
4.2.3. Rotation (Cooling)
Presently, we know that rotation of a planet around its star causes day and night but it wasn’t the main reason why planets were in rotation and revolution around their star. Rotation and Revolution, they both go together. However, planets as a result of curvature (gravity) were made to rotate on their axis while revolving around their star, to aid cooling of the energy being harboured by them. | Figure 20. PI-Cooling by Rotation |
Let’s do a derivation;From g derivation which describes justification from rotation i.e. rotation of the planet aided cooling. Therefore, we take a page from the derivation process to get more proof. At a point during the derivation is an equation as;
We can relate Time to the rotation (circumference),
just like in physics when calculating the Velocity of a body in rotational movement as
Double DerivationSubstituting T as 
The geometry as
in form of a curvature aids the absorption. Hence, introducing the fine structure, replacing 
So, Time (T) is the rotational time and will now be called 
Double derivation using the radius of the planet;
Introducing the fine structure;
Multiplying both sides by 
Divide both sides by c;
Multiply both sides by r;
Cancel out like characters;
Both sides of the equation can produce the rotational time of this planet.Proceeding to find the rotational time of Earth;

We live on Earth and we can do the test of knowing when our planet does a full rotation on its axis, a full day is 24hrs. Although, during observations from outer space and within, different readings were gotten (23.9hrs, 24.05hrs, 24.08hrs) but again there will always be errors when experimenting or observing. However, let’s get information from 86400s.Converting 86400 seconds to hours;
From the blueprint, it says exactly 24hours and this is in line with what we observe.
4.2.4. Revolution (Cooling)
Presently, revolution mainly results to the seasons amongst other results. Revolution and Rotation both go together i.e. the planets revolve around the sun as they rotate on their axis. Although the momentum of a planet triggers its rotation but without the gravitation effect from its star causing curvature to result to revolution, there’s no revolution of a planet. Perhaps, while rotation helps in internal cooling, revolution handles the external.Note: Both Rotation and Revolution of a planet are affected by the curvature from its star. Hence, the rotation formula can testify. The derivation of rotation and revolution of a planet done in this section is an independent equation from the planet side only, we’ll need to hear from the sun soon. | Figure 21. PI-Cooling by Revolution |
If Revolution and Rotation both go together and we’ve gotten the equation for rotation, we can get the derivation of revolution from the equation for rotation. Getting the revolution formula from rotation means we go higher;
Square both sides;
Multiply both sides by g;
Substituting G for
Dividing both sides by
Cancelling out like characters;
Both sides of the equation represent the revolution time of a planet.Using L.H.S;
The above equation describes the connection between Earth’s revolution period and its rotational period.Using R.H.S;
Converting 31104000 seconds to days;
 | Figure 22. PI-Earth orbital display |
It has been said that 365days make up a year, some say 366days, and I just laugh. Without the calculation, I knew it was 360, these values are near 360 which is a Pi code and we normally say that one complete revolution is 360°, so what happened to 360 days, why the lack of suspicion? If the values of the physical constants lead us straight to the parameters for Earth, without calculation it’s easy to guess that it is 360 days because one complete revolution is 360°. There’s nothing like 365 or 366 every four years, these are simply error values. To mark a particular spot on the outer space and observe till the earth revolves round and reaches the same spot is very hard and enough to give an error of 5days or more. If it’s hard to accurately get the Pi value through simple measurement from drawing a circle, accurately observing the revolution time of the Earth will be much harder and inaccurate. It’s been a long time and I don’t know if we can change this, it doesn’t matter actually and it’s already late when it comes to the calendar but again, the accurate number of days it takes the Earth to revolve round the sun is 360 days. The other values they tell you comes with errors. We can still break 360days into months, we have 12months with equal days as 30days each.See section 4.5 for units check.
I thought to prove that the values we have been getting are all Pi codes.
4.2.5. Theoretical/Mathematical Evidence of Electromagnetism
 | Figure 23. PI-Planet Electromagnetism Display |
The fact that c representing the speed of light is present in the second face subject equation
, signifies and justifies the permission for electromagnetism in a formed planet and electromagnetism itself (radiation) in a ‘’to be formed planet’’. Perhaps, to justify further, here’s how the vacuum permittivity and permeability relates to the related features of a planet (Earth);If
, then it produces the following equations relating to gravity;

See section 4.5 for units check.
4.2.6. Expanded Equations
The circumference of the Earth;

Getting the main values for Earth means we can get other secondary details like diameter of the Earth, rotational and orbital velocity etc. I’ll leave this for the reader to calculate. When calculating, any value you get that isn’t a Pi code means that the parameter is not significant enough.In all that has been derived, we can always expand an equation but if you look closely, it is no different from the subject equations.If
we expand here;

We can also decide to use
to convert r;

it can be expanded with 

we can expand using 

We can play around with the equations by substitution; they are all linked.
4.3. Sun
 | Figure 24. PI-Sun Card |
Regardless of an explanation, this is where we confirm the truth about curvature/orbit. Again, all planets and planetary bodies were stars during creation i.e. they all had energy. After the blast of energy, it’s simple and straight, the bigger crumbs of energy will form bigger stars and the bigger ones will dominate others (the smaller ones) by forming their orbits through curvature enabling them to revolve round but the disadvantage is that the dominator won’t change but the smaller stars on the orbit will change and solidify into planets as a result of rotation and revolution from a curvature. The sun is the star of our solar system, the solar system where Earth is a member. The sun happened to be the body that dominates/creates the orbit (curvature) and the only difference between it and the other 8 planets is not being affected by a curvature, which is the reason for its lack of change. However, some say that the stars are actually attracted by something. Regardless, the key word is ‘’curvature’’. Without curvature, there’s no constant revolution which leads to lack of solidification (no change). Earth is the special one but it revolves round the Sun, getting exact values for Earth means that we can proceed to get exact values for the Sun. To get values for the Sun through Earth, we look towards equations for Earth’s Rotation and Revolution and try to complete it.
4.3.1. Double Derivation
Presenting the equation for Earth’s rotation for completion;
Dividing by 
Finding g for Sun with L.H.S;
Using R.H.S;
we expand;If 
In terms of g and c;
Using R.H.S, Multiplying by gc;
The only way we can confirm the exact radius of the sun beforehand is by introducing
Testing with RHS;

Proceeding to find the mass of the sun;
Note: If an exact result isn’t gotten, increase the repeating digits because a repeating digit result from your scientific calculator is limited.Let’s compare/confirm these values with the NASA Observational values.Table 12. PI-NASA/UPE values for Sun  |
| |
4.3.2. Rotation
The Sun and the Earth are linked just like the default photon and electron. The rotation details of the Earth were gotten without any parameters from the sun. Turns out that we can get them dependently or independently. Just like
G is present but the equation doesn’t include the body that affects it, not until we expand the equation.Using 
Dividing by 
Multiplying by c;
As a completion, LHS gives the relationship for the rotational value of the Earth through the values for Sun;
The Above calculation describes Rotation of the Earth through the Sun’s gravitational effect leading to absorption.
4.3.3. Revolution
Just like the independent equations/calculations for Earth, rotation and revolution both go together. Hence, we use the complete equation for rotation to get the complete equation for revolution.From the equation;
Using Earth revolution equation for completion;
Inserting values;
The Rotation and Revolution period of the Earth has just been confirmed through the Sun, using its parameters. Hence, 24hrs for Rotation and 360Days for Revolution.To understand better about all that has just been calculated, you need to know what
represents. It represents the gravitational description of the Sun as;
Hence, this means that anywhere you see
, it can be replaced with
to understand the full description. The complete equations describe the gravitational connection between the Sun and the Earth as regards to rotation and revolution. The rotational and revolution time were confirmed from both views, from Earth’s angle and from the Sun’s angle. | Figure 25. PI-Planet’s Orbit |
Some Scientist went ahead to say that a planet’s orbit is elliptical, but there are no differences in Pi geometry, it’s all about the observer’s position. Looking at the planet’s orbit in the Figure 25, you can see an elliptical orbit and you can also see a circular orbit, it depends on the view. Also, from my explanation in [3], an ellipse was described as a compressed circle, either way they are the same with one thing in common as ‘’circumference’’. Therefore,
comes in play again.It is now known that the energy cooling was mainly by revolution, we can get the Earth’s orbit radius by simply interacting the Sun’s gravitational effect to the Earth’s cooling factor;Earth’s cooling factor; 

Calculating the circumference of the orbit using the circumference of a circle;
We can also know the Earth’s orbital circumference by simply relating it to Time. Again, a planet rotates as it revolves round its star along its orbit. Using Earth Newtonian gravitational description;
We can either use
to relate with the rotational/revolution period;

 | Figure 26. PI-Macroscale photon and electron |
From all calculations done, here’s the part where we relate the fine structure constant result in quantum mechanics to its result in the macroscale. This result helps to unite the macro and micro. | Figure 27. PI-Cooling by Revolution Description |
Just like I broke down the equation for the fine structure constant through an electron and pack-photon, the same way for the macroscale is this equation breakdown using Figure 27 and the equation used to get the Earth’s orbital radius;
Table 13. PI-Distance apart (Sun and Earth)  |
| |
From Einstein’s equation
, this shows the conversion from energy (photon) to matter (electron). In the universe, apart from space-time, things are either energy or matter, but it all started from energy before conversion to matter. Apart from conversion, there’s absorption which is when both parties interact. However, among these things, we majorly have the quantum and the macroscale, and basically what happens in one scale is similar to what happens in the other. In quantum mechanics, the fine structure is gotten from an interaction between the electron and photon. Take a look at Figure 26, you’ll notice that in macroscale, our photon in this case is the Sun and our electron is the Earth. Perhaps, for the macroscale, the way they interact is through a gravitational effect and the way to describe it is that; the gravitational effect from the Sun (photon) interacts with the Earth (electron) and because the macro is made up of the quantum, BTS, it causes electrons to absorb the photons.Table 14. PI-Quantum and Macroscale comparison  |
| |
Table 14 describes the differences on both scales, we can also observe the similarity in values, leading to the absorption constant
Hence, if
Let’s name this value as
such that;
Such that; 
About the microscale, when it comes to the electrons absorbing photons as a result of gravity (curvature), we can actually unify it with the macroscale in an equation as;

4.3.4. Force of Attraction
 | Figure 28. PI-Projected Circumference |
For Newton, I can call it the Force of Attraction and put its unit as ‘’N’’ but as we know, gravity is not a force. So, let’s call it the ‘’gravitational effect’’.The Physical constants lead us straight to the parameters for Earth i.e. they are connected to the values for Earth. Therefore, I can already know the gravitational effect before using Newton’s equation. The shape of the body causing the gravitational effect plays an important role in determining the shape (geometry) of the orbit. Hence, orbits are projected circumference from the circumference of the planet causing the effect, the projected circumference through the shape of the planet is the justification for attraction.
The force of attraction from the above calculation shows a value that signifies an effect/attraction measured per second. Hence, this value will be the same as the value using Newton’s equation.Using the Newtonian Force of Attraction equation;
Let’s name the force of attraction as
such that the relation between the revolution and rotation of the Earth within the curvature of the sun and aiding absorption is presented and proposed as;
Inserting values;
4.4. Mars
 | Figure 29. PI-Mars Card |
Unlike Earth, the parameters for mars and other planets are not directly linked to the physical constants of the universe. Therefore, we use the NASA observational values with a technique called ‘’conversion to the nearest Pi code’’. Choose two out the three major parameters (M, r and g) for a planet, analyse and convert to the nearest Pi code, then use any of the two-face equation to get the third parameter.Table 15. PI-NASA/UPE values for Mars  |
| |
Using the first face equation (Newtonian equation), the mass of mars is;
4.4.1. Gravity on Light
 | Figure 30. PI-Sun and Mars |
According to Einstein, gravity bends light. Perhaps the result gotten from the second face equation using
shows that gravity affects the speed of light. It can either enhance (increase) the speed or reduce the speed. The value of the speed of light as
is universal. However, the only thing that can increase or reduce this value inside a planet is gravity. Hence, when we measure the speed of light on Earth and we get a value as
we won’t get the same if we attempt to measure the speed of light on Mars or other planets. The same way gravity causes the differences in downward acceleration on planets is the same way there will be differences in the measured values for speed of light on different planets also. This reduced or increased speed of light is the reason why the values won’t be in Pi codes, because this is just like an abomination and it now deviates from being a universal constant.Using the second face equation, the mass of mars is;
Let’s find out what the speed of light will be in a bigger planet like Saturn;Table 16. PI-NASA/UPE values for Saturn  |
| |
After analysing with the ‘’nearest Pi code method’’, the above table shows the parameters for Saturn. Let’s see what the speed of light will be like in Saturn;
The speed of light measured in Saturn (enhanced by gravity) will be more than X3 of the speed of light on Earth. Again, this is like an abomination (something that’s 3 times higher that the approved speed of light for the universe). This is one of the reasons why there are billions of planets but just one was chosen as the special one because it aligns with the Universal constants, criteria like the speed of light on a planet is the reason why planets like Saturn won’t be considered as a planet for survival because there would be consequences if approved values of the universe are exceeded.
4.4.2. Jessii’s Discussion
 | Figure 31. PI-Arrival on Mars |
One day, we would be able to go to these other planets freely back and forth, safely not risky. By then, we would confirm what the revolution and rotation period for the other planets are. The reason for this discussion is that as of this moment, I don’t have values to confirm what the rotational and revolution time for other planets that I’m about to calculate. I proved the values for Earth because the physical constants of the Universe directly produced it, but I can’t prove in reality the values for other planets especially the rotational and revolution time until we get to the planets. The reason is that NASA values for other planets relating to time are in Earth days (observer’s time as Earth). We don’t actually know the power of time until we realise it. An observer’s time will change at different position and the position used by NASA to determine the rotational and revolution time for other planets is a position on Earth, and the values are inaccurate as well. Perhaps, the nature of space-time has something to do with time. Hence, if we observe the rotation period for Mars from Earth, it won’t be the same while observing the same period for Mars from Mars, there will be a huge difference. This time differences is the reason why ‘’g’’ is present in equations relating to time, because the differences in space-time nature leads to differences in actual time, see section 4.5. Distance apart is key to getting full details about a planet affected by gravity as regards to its rotational and revolution period. If we use the equations that was used for the ‘’Earth and the Sun’’ for ‘’Mars and the Sun’’ without acknowledging the role of ‘’distance apart’’, it’s like swapping positions i.e. putting Mars on Earth’s position. Hence, I need you to disregard the process that was used to get details for Earth. The reason I used that process is because I wanted to get the exact values and I have to get one before the other, also because Earth values are connected to the physical constants. Otherwise, the first formula to use in the process after getting M, g and r for a planet is;
Again, the physical constants can only be produced when using values for Earth. Therefore, the fine structure constant will change forms, and will be represented by
signifying an absorption factor based on the distance apart.
Now, there no way we can produce the distance apart for other planets because they are not directly linked to the physical constants just like Earth. Hence, we use NASA values and round up to the nearest Pi code.Table 17. PI-NASA/UPE values for Mars and Saturn  |
| |
Inserting distance apart and g for Mars;
We now have the absorption factor for mars, we can now proceed to get the rotational and revolution period. We can’t confirm our calculations but regardless, we do it and wait for arrival on these planets for confirmation.
Getting details for force of Attraction
for Mars;
Calculating the revolution period for Mars;
Confirming revolution period for Mars;
Revealing Revolution period in Mars Days;
Similar to the quantum, the physical constants lead to the values for an electron and photon just like
is default, hence it is the charge of an electron but not for other particles, e.g. down quark has a charge of
Hence the values for other particles are indirectly linked to the physical constants through the electron value. The factor in this case is
is what creates the link. There could be a factor that we can multiply with to give the value in Earth Days. For example, it could be that Mars factor for revolution period in Earth Days is;
It’s just a guess, I can really say anything now because I don’t have a confirmation but like I said, until we get to these planets. Let’s proceed to Saturn.Inserting distance apart and g for Saturn;
We now have the absorption factor for Saturn, we can now proceed to get the rotational and revolution period. We can’t confirm our calculations but regardless, we do it and wait for arrival on these planets for confirmation.
Getting details for force of Attraction
for Saturn;
Calculating the revolution period for Saturn;
Confirming revolution period for Saturn;
Revealing Revolution period in Saturn Days;
This is where we wrap it up. The fact that there can be different natures of space-time, means there will be differences in time inside these planets. You can be doing your thing in a planet and it might seem fast but you don’t know that someone watching from you from another planet thinks you’re being too slow.I have revealed 95% of gravity theory, the remaining 5% will be completed when we can get to at least one of these planets to confirm calculations. 
4.5. Units Check
Units Check is the exact description for gravity that I didn’t want to interfere with our journey yet. This section is all about checking our units for justification, this will also result to clear understanding for the readers. | Figure 32. Outer space/on Earth |
Understanding the differences in space-time between the two scenarios in Figure 32 is key to understanding what g really stands for. Again, do not understand g as an acceleration only, you’ll get the whole theory wrong. When it comes to the units, apart from units for G and g, I don’t have a problem with others, they remain the same. However, G and g hasn’t been understood properly over the years.Gravity and Space-time are one;
But mathematically, to get one will be the inverse of the other;
First, Gravity and Spacetime are the same thing. If I should explain gravity the easiest way i can is that; gravity is simply space-time’s response when a mass is involved. If spacetime is a person and you ask space-time this question; Question: ‘’what will you do when a mass involves itself in your business’’? Space-time’s response: I become gravity.Space-time can be thick (dense), its default thickness is represented by
as a value. This value is a universal constant, and the thickness represented by the value is the reason why planets float. Also, this space-time thickness can be reduced to a space-time that doesn’t have thickness just like the one on Earth, which is why we free fall. So, if you don’t float and be stable like the planets on the default space-time thickness, anything lesser than that makes the planets (mass) start dropping downwards. The less thick, the faster the planets will drop (Decrease in thickness leads to increase in acceleration). Hence, in Figure 32, if we swap the nature of space-time on Earth with the one on the outer space, planets will drop downwards with an acceleration of 10m/s2. With this explanation, you can now realise that g as an acceleration is just one of the easy ways of measuring the thickness of space-time through acceleration, g doesn’t represent an acceleration in those equations but it can carry a unit for acceleration, rather It represents the space-time nature (thickness).Now, if a mass rest on space-time that its thickness is the default, because it will float and won’t drop, it then creates a curvature with the help of the shape of the mass (projected circumference). If another mass is within that curvature, the mass then begins to revolve through the curvature path. That curvature is signified by G. Also, when G happens outside, g happens inside the planet that caused the G, the value of g now depends on the mass and radius.Now you know, and this means that G is basically g, it’s just different scenarios. If a mass floats, G is produced as default. If a mass starts dropping downwards, it’s g. This means that any unit of G is a unit of g also, and vice versa. What produces G and g is space-time. Hence, S creates G, so we need s for g.So, s is a reduced form from S and g is a reduced form from G. If space-time and gravity are the same thing, this means that S, s, G and g are the same, and this means that any unit applied to one can be used for the others i.e. S, s, G and g will have and share the same units.Just like
we have;
On Earth, s will be;
Let’s go into the units using
to get the unit for g;
G has a unit as;
If G has a unit as
then S will be
(inverse), this is the unit g took using
Again, the four characters (S, G, s and g will share the same forms of unit) because space-time is gravity and gravity is space-time as explained.Let’s go into the units using
to get the unit for g;
A unit as m/s2 means there’s also a unit for space-time/gravity as s2/m.Let’s confirm more of the equations proposed in this paper to prove;Using
, Let’s find out unit for G;
The unit of G in
just like I explained.Using
Let’s find out unit for g;
g is
in the equation
you see how the units are changing forms but still maintain the rule.The Unit of the magnetic constant is H/m. One Henry (H) in SI base units is
The Unit of the electric constant is F/m. One Farad (F) in SI base units is
Confirming units using 
Inserting units;
Here, g takes the unit of G/S as explained, all four parameters (S, s, G g) are the same.
Here, unit of G takes the form of
as explained, G, S, g and s are all the same and will share the same unit.To know space-time involvement in all equations that was proposed in this paper, we simply substitute G as
or g as
as revealed in [2].The explanation about G and g is the most important in understanding gravity. g is a reduced form of G. When a mass (planet) rests on the default space-time, it doesn’t accelerate downwards, it floats, thereby creating a curvature (projected circumference) from its shape. Because of this, the nature of space-time inside the mass (planet) won’t be the default, it will be a reduced version depending on the mass and radius of the planet. That’s why masses won’t float on Earth just like the planets on the outer space. The formula for this explanation is the Newtonian subject equation. However, if the nature of space-time at the outer space is just like the one on Earth, planets won’t float but drop. Dropping means planets won’t be able to create curvatures, in this scenario, it won’t be G but g. You now see the difference. Also, G and g sharing the same units reveals that the constant G as an acceleration means;
It’s basically 0 as
. Thereby revealing that the planets that will rest on this default spacetime S as
won’t drop downwards, the curvature created as a result of not dropping downwards is the consequence of resting on the thickest space-time nature S.So, when we say;
There are two ways, either by using G and g or S and s to show space-time by substitution [2], both are the same but the above equation is telling us that if a planet represented by
rest on the default space-time, it will float leading to G (curvature –
). Because the mass interfered with space-time’s business, the thickness of space-time will reduce inside the planet, reduction based on the mass and radius value. The reduced space-time represented by
will now be the reason why masses inside the planet will drop downwards with a certain acceleration that is constant, all these is the effect of gravity. Hence, the equation signifies what happens when a curvature is present but doesn’t tell you what happens within the curvature but it gives room for findings as described earlier;
And this was how the rotational and revolution time for Earth was gotten by inserting the absorption constant and radius for Earth as in;
We can also say;
What I have just described is an understanding that was lacking when Newton proposed his theory. It’s a confusion with the whole units description and this was the reason why there was no further advances on gravity theory before now. Physicists didn’t really understand the meaning of the constant G.Other equations in this paper involves the fine structure constant, and it is known in physics that the fine structure constant has no units, I don’t really get the reason for this. However, a gap will be present when getting units for parameters relating to equations with the fine structure constant, there could be a different unit for G and g relating to the fine structure but the fine structure not having a unit is a problem. Therefore, we don’t attempt to get the units, we just assign the related unit to the values.
5. Scigion (Science and Religion)
 | Figure 33. PI-Hints |
The debate over whether science and religion can co-exist is a ‘’my people perish because of lack of knowledge’’ situation. Before reading this chapter, pretend like you don’t know about the existence of any religion, including yours. Perhaps in this generation, up to 70% of humans believe in a religion because their parents practiced it. After reading this chapter, don’t think it’s an act of persuasion from me onto the right religion, I really don’t care about the religion of anybody. In fact, I would want you to practice the wrong ones to avoid contamination. Humans hate the truth, if you tell them about the truth, they switch it, the lies become the truth and the truth become the lies. So, I’m telling you, don’t practice what is right.Science is your religion, it’s as simple as this statement. Everything in science has been unified into a summary as the root of science. That root is what leads humans to the light, to your creator. It involves your mind and spirit with the knowledge of the truth. Religion is spiritual but humans forget that any interaction of the mind and spirit internally or externally is also physics. You don’t know because you can’t be taught this. It is the physics of the dark (the physics of what you can’t see). Humans only know about the physics of what they can see.This is an expo but let’s discuss. 1) People believe that science and religion are two ways of looking/analysing the world. No, not two ways but one.2) Evolution and religious beliefs are not supposed to be in contradiction. Yes, I agree.3) Scientists are refusing the idea that a being created a universe, they say it’s religious beliefs. Perhaps, no more beliefs, the originator/creator of the universe is represented by four numbers mathematically and we can see its footsteps all around science using Ultimate Relativity. | Figure 34. PI-Four Zodiac Symbol |
This is where I have to reveal a very important detail, I revealed the four-zodiac symbol/ arrangement in my previous papers, that’s physics but I never shared the inspiration or origin behind the intersection dividing into quadrants i.e. the cross that connects all four numbers. Now heads up, Christians will be reading this paper and be thinking this is Christianity and all. No, it is not. The Christianity you believe in is only a contaminated version of what you see here, you practice what you don’t understand. The Bible was written by humans and you don’t know if it’s true or not, and over the years the scriptures have been modified to wash your brain more. Christianity is not what it used to be, men keep changing the scriptures and preach the wrong things. How about believing in the creator the way it wants it to be. The Scriptures are just stories, Christianity doesn’t practice up to 5% of what the creator requires. You may not believe in stories but you believe in science because seeing is believing.
5.1. The Ascendant
 | Figure 35. PI-The Ascendant |
When a man dies, his relations and friends start questioning the universe, asking what this world is all about. Why humans die is a topic no one wants to preach about, everyone wants to live life to the fullest and forget the main goal. However, everything you know was created by someone or something. If you’re the creator of the universe, you created beings and kept them in a space in the universe, for what reason? What the purpose is, you might not want to tell them because you want to test them, just like creating a tech and putting it to several test before launching officially. At first, you speak to them directly and punish them when they do something that contradicts your intention for them. When their negative acts get too much, you plan for a fresh start, wipe all of them and start afresh but it still repeats, the new creations became even worst. You sense if the fault is from how you created them or themselves, so you take the form of what you created to see if you can actually survive in the form of what you created in terms of the positive acts from your plan. After a period, you figured out that it’s possible, you do some preachings about how you want them to believe and function without telling them that you are the creator. Finally, it’s time to kill your human form and you had a decision that it’ll be the last time you ever contact your creations physically or directly. So, at the point of death, you leave a hint/clue to all they are supposed to believe in, so that when they don’t see you for a very long time and can’t contact you, they start asking questions and are left with just one main clue “The Ascendant’’. If you existed at the time of that event and you start asking questions, you only see one thing that it strange, the sun and the moon, you would think that is what your creator uses to watch you. No, it is just a clue. Now, pretend that you don’t know the zodiac arrangement, pretend you don’t know Ultimate Relativity. If you existed at the time of the event and out of curiosity, you wanted to find out secrets to the universe and to the creator, you simply join all the pieces together to solve the puzzles. Humans have five fingers, there’s a reason for that. There are four zodiac numbers forming the originator of the universe. How do you know which one will be left out? It’s simple, the cross left behind has 4 points, which means 4 itself will be left out of the five numbers leaving you with 1,2,3 and 5 as the four zodiac numbers, puzzle solved. The first, second, third and fifth finger. If the cross has four points, which number do you think will be left out? There’s no other way than to exclude the fourth finger (4) itself. Humans who existed BC or at the start of AD won’t know a cross or have an idea of the shape of a cross without seeing the ascendant. You take the cross and couple it with the shape of the sun or moon that you see, attach the numbers and bang! you actually see what your creator is trying to say. From there, you get all other things in science.Is 4 not important? It is important but it reveals a totally different information.There’s another secret called “Four sevens in a cross’’, which I’ll like to reveal. Four sevens make up a cross.  | Figure 36. PI-The Ascendant Formation |
This is the reasons why if you read some key stories in the scriptures, you’ll notice that most things about the creator are done in sevens.Ø Creates for six days, rests on the seventh, total of seven days.Ø Noah told to bring seven pairs of clean animals on the arkØ Seven spirits of GodØ Seven angels who had seven plaguesØ Seven vessels for the lightØ Dragon with seven heads and seven diademsØ Seven weeks of years, seven times seven years, so that the time of the seven weeks of years shall give you forty-nine yearsAnd so on, the number seven is seen up to 80 times in the scriptures, you can confirm. Perhaps, that’s the power of the ascendant, the cross.You see how I interpreted the scriptures and related it in science. Meanwhile some scientists think religion and science are two different things. Did my separate revelation in any way contradict? No, humans simply don’t know what to believe in. It is deeper than you think. Look closely. All these are part of the ‘’Four zodiac symbolic teachings.’’
6. The 100
 | Figure 37. PI-The 100 |
Doesn’t matter if you are fighting a war with Gaza, Lebanon, Ukraine, Taiwan, Armenia etc and you’re winning because of the advantage you have, doesn’t really matter. This chapter is for people who will read this paper a hundred years and more from now. Both the victors and the victims of war presently won’t be alive at the time an event will happen, they need not to be preached to because it will be a waste of time. So, I focus my energy on the future. Because trust me, you can fight now but you’ll need each other soon enough. At that time, the iron dome, the dragon fire laser, none of these will save your people. So, pick your character from the series. Would you like to be a leader like Clarke, or a warrior like Octavia? Would you choose to be at the frontline of the battle like Bellamy or help your team from behind like Raven? The keyword to the reason why we exist is simply summarized in a word as ‘’Teamwork’’. In every aspect of life, just don’t do anything that’ll directly or indirectly affect your teammates negatively, your teammates which are every single human existing with you on Earth. Watching the series ‘’The 100’’, season 3 in particular is very much related to when the real deal happens. Nothing last in this dimension, everything fades, humans fade (die), stars fade, likewise the planets. I keep saying that we live in a duplicate dimension, everything you see with your eyes presently is an illusion of what you’re are supposed to see. Perhaps the things you are meant to see, you don’t see them because of a certain test that is to be passed to have access to that real/original world. I say this not just from knowledge but also from calculations. I repeat, from calculations, space-time doesn’t recognize electromagnetism (energy and matter) directly, it only recognizes dark energy and dark matter.Table 18. PI-Universal constants  |
| |
There are two ways to prove to you that this visible world is an illusion/a fake world from the original that we are meant to see. First, you know what the gravitational constant is, the space-time parameter is the inverse of it;
To get the light (photon) associated with space-time, we multiply by the speed of light;
The energy (electromagnetic radiation) as a photon that we know and can see is;
We then use
to get matter (electron) as;
0.5 is the mass of the electron in MeV/c2.Another way to get this energy value, proving that it represents electromagnetism;
The Question is, why is the light associated with space-time not the value we got as energy
Rather they are similar, they differ by just a difference of 100 with the spacetime light being higher (superior) than the other.
What is this light associated with space-time? Scientist have discovered traces of an unknown energy/matter that they can’t detect but can observe its effect, they call it dark energy and dark matter.Let’s use
to get the matter associated with the spacetime light;
The value ‘’50’’ is the mass of the dark-electron (dark-matter) in MeV/c2.Let’s be sure that the value (50) represents dark matter. Scientists also discovered that this strange undetectable thing has a gravitational effect, let’s check;
Another way to display its gravitational effect;
The final confirmation of what I said about the original and duplicate (illusional) world is what you’re about to see;The speed of light represents both energy and dark energy;
In the duplicate world, an electromagnetic field is the general term as;
In the original world, a dark matter-gravitational field is the general term as;
Now, they are the same value/result in each of their respective world (dimension), but it’s now left for space-time to decide/reveal the chosen one i.e. separate the bad twin from the good;
Inserting the field value reveals the true light. Again, the world we live in is an illusion, a duplicate from the original, and it is the reason why things fade in this dimension. What separates both twin dimensions is the value 100. For the last time, space-time doesn’t directly recognize electromagnetism (energy) which implies that the duplicate dimension (everything energy and matter) will completely die (fade) at a point, things are gradually fading already.Table 19. Twin Dimension similarity  |
| |
This whole explanation implies that this great universe exists with two main (twin) dimensions, one as the original, the other as the duplicate. See [2] and other papers. The universe was intentionally created with a test for humans, that test is linked to the reason why we can’t see the superior dimension with our eyes. Perhaps, that is for the mind and spirit (relating to dark physics) and a teaching for another day. However, there’s only one true dimension, when everything fades on this dimension, only the real one remains. So, its tick tock, you have to make it in time to have access to the real one before time elapses, don’t think no one is watching what happens on Earth, you’re in a game, you’ve just not realised yet.Now, there’s another information I have for you;There are two major types of sand (soil) on earth, just two. Regardless of how many types of soil your teacher tells you, they can be concluded under these two majors. The first is the red earth sand. | Figure 38. PI-Red Earth |
In some places. We can see the red earth sand right from the surface to any depth at all. In all places, during excavation, once you reach 4m the most, you must see the red earth sand to any further depth at all. We see this red earth sand 4m below in all places except one place, where there is water. | Figure 39. PI-White Earth |
The second is the white earth sand. This can only be extracted from a place where there’s water e.g. rivers, oceans, lakes etc. Here’s the secret; the white earth sand is supposed to be the red earth but an effect from water caused the change in colour especially and other features. Is this secret not enough?  | Figure 40. PI-Water in sky/frozen water vapour |
What do we call water vapour in the sky? – Clouds (Colour – White)What do we call the frozen atmospheric water vapour? – Snow (Colour – White)Water gives life to humans and animals, helps in growth of plants, basically living things. The earth is made up of 60% water the least, this means there was an extra entity during the creation of earth that we don’t know. It wasn’t just an energy cooling. If it was, there wouldn’t be oxygen, water, plants. Animals, humans. Something that is most preciously responsible for life through which these extra things were created was involved in creation. The same thing that gave water the power to do these things, to the extent of changing the red earth sand to white earth sand. | Figure 41. PI-Dark-Energy/ Dark-matter on Earth Display |
To show that dark matter and its energy was involved during creation, it’s straight;
If we equate
we have;
This is how we can show dark matter presence using
, by reversing this derivation.The calculations confirm the suspicion, dark matter was involved in creation which will lead to the presence of oxygen, water, plants, animals, humans in these planets. Humans have two parts, one half belonging to one dimension, the other half belonging to the other dimension, making them exist in both dimensions at the same time unless their part at the inferior dimension fades out (dies), then they can now exist partially only in the superior dimension. This answer is for those asking.
7. Void
 | Figure 42. PI-Void/B.E |
Science isn’t a fairytale but some scientists normalize telling fairy tales just to make things up, maybe because of lack of knowledge or idleness. Someone wakes up one morning and decides that gravity would have a subject particle and till eternity, it won’t be discovered. Someone gets a Ph.D. and the next day he thinks that strings from guitar is the key to unification in physics. A lot more confusion in physics and mathematics that I don’t understand. This is also the same way most of the physicists and mathematicians decided and agreed that Pi has never ending digits, where are the digits going to? Your backyard? Before our very own eyes, a group of mathematicians/scientists dismissed the reason behind the 16th Greek Letter being picked to represent the circle ratio and deceived everyone with a wrong Pi value and the whole world believed. The same thing they tried to do with string theory. Yes, you can think and create whatever you imagine in your mind, and what you imagine can be the reality but that’s technology and engineering. Science is not created by man and you can’t decide what happens, so if you don’t have an idea, it’s best to shut it. This Chapter is for the coming generations, avoid any fairytale that isn’t in accordance to the blueprint of the universe. There are a lot of wrong theories your teachers might be teaching you, if it doesn’t work mathematically, it’s wrong. Also, avoid YouTube Physicists who enjoy telling fantasy stories. You know the wrong theories, don’t waste your time on them, unless you want to end up on the wrong side.
8. 2025
 | Figure 43. PI-2025 |
The value 2025 is a Pi code, the Pi code before this value is 2000. We are currently in the year 2024 and next year is 2025. In the spirit of curiosity, I thought to breakdown the Pi code 2025 to its pieces. Here we go;
[1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 25, 27, 45, 75, 81, 135, 225, 405, 675, 2025] these are the products. Let’s see what happens in 2025, but I promise you that I’ll bring the experimental effect of this whole theory of everything journey to humanity from 2025.
9. Summary
 | Figure 44. PI-The Family |
Converting data (information) into a code to prevent unathorized access is called encryption. Hence, information about our universe is an encrypted data in Pi codes. All these time wasted periods, it was straight and simple with the keyword as ‘’PI codes’’. Without Pi codes, there’s no way you know the real deal.Big crumbs of energy solidified into big stars, small crumbs solidified into small stars. The big stars dominate the small by creating a curvature around them causing them to revolve around constantly. After all these, due to the curvature not affecting the dominator, the dominator will therefore not solidify into a planet, while the stars on the orbit will transform to planets due to revolution, all these happened in the presence of dark matter and dark energy resulting to unique mixtures. Gravity is a consequence from space-time resulting to curvature. This curvature as the gravitational effect brings all members of the family together. At the point of creation, both stars and planets were alike (it was all stars). Now, both are different. From calculation, the solidification of the planets was as a result of the constant planet rotation/revolution on its orbit around the star due to curvature. The star not being affected by any curvature whatsoever but rather the cause of the curvature, remained more or less the same up till this present time. So basically, gravity is the reason behind planet formation/solidification.This is more like a one stone kill two or more birds type of situation. Humans/animals and plants need the light from the sun, rotation of the earth gives us day and night, revolution gives us the seasons but the main purpose of rotation and revolution was for planet solidification (cooling). Without the rotation and revolution through curvature (gravity), the planets will still look like the sun up till date. The planet solidification is how we could confirm the exact time it takes Earth to complete one rotation on its axis and one revolution around the sun. Also, they are all a family, the parameters for a star are connected to its planets i.e. gravity as the bond allows us to calculate certain relationships between a star and the planets in its solar system and this is how we could get accurate values for the Earth and Sun with other planets which the reader can calculate later by using rounded up parameters to the nearest PI code.Speaking of the Earth and the Sun, they are our macroscopic electron and photon. It turned to be that there are two ways for unification in physics, the macroscale and the quantum with the same physical constants directly leading us to values for an electron and a pack photon [2], just as it lead us to values for the Sun and the Earth.When doing an experiment, you can try and fail a million times but get it right once. Have you been wondering why there are billions of planets/stars but only one special planet/star. It was a Blast but it was also a programmed blast. In creation, the parties involved were looking for just two stars, one that will dominate according to the physical constants and one that will solidify into a planet that will correspond to the values of the physical constants, as the physical constants can be mathematically described as the foundation of the universe i.e. the physical constants of the universe creates the universe mathematically. Therefore, they simply looked for the solar system that will have a planet and a star that would correspond with the values for physical constants, they found the Sun and the Earth and made it special.Furthermore, who would have thought that the macroscale and the quantum are similar? I used constants that are used in quantum mechanics for the macroscale and I showed how they relate. The only difference is that the macroscale is made up of the quantum and the quantum is not made up of the macroscale. Therefore, if we are to do a thing on both scales, they are the same, only that for a macroscale, it would start from the quantum behind the scenes. All these revelation and secrets would not be possoble without ‘’Ultimate Relativity’’, it gave us the exact value for physical constants, the exact Pi value, the Pi codes, the Pi geometry, gave birth to Ultimate Gravity through which God’s Eye was used for interpretation.The science and religion debate has also been solved, the choice is yours. The problem of the Universe value ‘’100’’ was repeated again as a reminder for all to know.Generally, it started from the space-time parameter to the God Equation to Ultimate Relativity to Ultimate Gravity, they all gave birth to sections during this wonderful journey. | Figure 45. PI-HOD/P.S |
I don’t think I need to convince anyone about the truth, when you see one you should know. This journey started right from 2019, this is 2024, next year is 2025, that’s my seventh year and I think I know what the seventh signifies. I was on a journey and by calculation, I would have finished the major story on/before 2025, glad it all worked out well.All theories in this paper are novel coupled with all the equations in a box, all proposed by Prince Chimobi Igboejesi.
[1] | Prince Jessii, The 16th Greek Letter, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol.14 No. 1, 2024, pp. 11-15. Doi 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20241401.03. |
[2] | Prince Jessii, The God Equation: Theory of Everything, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol.14 No. 1, 2024, pp. 11-15. Doi 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20241401.03. |
[3] | Prince Jessii, Ultimate Relativity: Theory, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol.12 No. 2, 2022, pp. 32-62. Doi 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20221202.02. |
[4] | Prince Jessii, (Ultimate Relativity) vs (General Relativity), International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol.12 No. 2, 2022, pp. 32-62. Doi 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20221202.02. |
[5] | Prince Jessii, Ultimate Physics Equation: The Last Revolution in Physics (Deluxe), International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2021, pp. 106-133. Doi: 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20211103.03. |
[7] | Prince Jessii, Ultimate Relativity (Four Zodiac): The secret origin and distribution of Prime numbers (physics of numbers), International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 13 No. 4, 2021, pp. 92-125. Doi:10.5923/j.ijtmp.20231304.02. |