Prince Jessii
Research Scientist, Imo State, Nigeria
Correspondence to: Prince Jessii , Research Scientist, Imo State, Nigeria.
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Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

yī. It is said differently that Riemann Hypothesis is the key to prime numbers distribution and the Pi value is irrational with never ending digits (A lie that is told over and over till everyone forgets it’s a lie). Prime numbers are the foundation of other numbers, having factors as 1 and itself, they are mysterious and can be said to be atoms of arithmetic (that’s fine). Prime numbers origin and distribution is also unknown to the world and we have algorithms that can sieve out prime numbers but the question is; how do we know that a number is prime? What is the pattern behind their distribution? What is the origin of prime numbers? I referred to Riemann Hypothesis relation to prime numbers as a lie and the Pi value being irrational with never ending digits as a lie also, and the two lies being told are surprisingly the obstacle behind getting an answer to the origin and distribution of prime numbers. The root of the Pi value (Four zodiac) is the actual origin of prime numbers and it’s responsible for its distribution. Ultimate Relativity in physics as the Pi theory revealed the exact value of Pi and its definition as the originator of the universe as a value. However, the truth about prime numbers is simply the “physics of numbers’’ introduced in this paper as the “Four zodiac”. This paper reveals the origin and distribution of prime numbers to the world, read and share.
Ultimate Relativity, Prime numbers, Pi, Four Zodiac
Cite this paper: Prince Jessii , Ultimate Relativity (Four Zodiac): The Secret Origin and Distribution of Prime Numbers (Physics of Numbers), International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 13 No. 4, 2023, pp. 92-125. doi: 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20231304.02.
1. Introduction
First, don’t believe everything that’s been taught, revealed or discovered in physics. As you can see, this whole ‘’Ultimate Relativity’’ is correcting mistakes that was made centuries ago, more than a 1000 years old mistake. So, if you’re a student, always think that the only possible difference between a student and a teacher is knowledge, nothing more. Always learn to discern the rights from the wrongs because you could be misled.
Prime numbers with different false definitions is not the way to go in mathematics. How did a unification theory in physics take until 2022 to be discovered? The answer is because everything in science are linked, if you don’t get one right, you won’t get the other correct meaning that; the physics community normalize either accepting half or incomplete theories or accepting a false theory, leaving the coming generations with no option than to believe the false theories which in turn makes the coming generations blind towards the truth. Although mathematics is evident, no much damage has been done, the answer is also present in the mathematics community. As a wrong information about Pi and prime numbers has been passed, coming generations will have the blind eye and will never realize the truth until this paper is out. In Ultimate Relativity as the discovered unification theory in physics, it was found that the universe we live in is all about Pi which is also a very important value in mathematics. It was even found in [1] that the Pi value is rational and not irrational, thereby creating the physical and fundamental constants in physics. Also, the observational evidence of this discovery is that everything created naturally is in Pi geometry i.e. the shape of these natural things (planets/planetary bodies, atom/sub-atomic particles, tree trunks, leaves, fruits, eggs for creatures, cells, planets rotation and revolution, shells, orbitals etc.) are all in Pi shapes which are circle, sphere, oval, ellipse etc. with a general signature as circumference. The exact value of Pi discovered to be rational as the value 3.125 meaning everything in physics comes down to the value ‘’3.125’’, including mathematics. So, if you want to know something about the universe, ask Pi. Why don’t we ask Pi about the origin of prime numbers? Prime numbers are bizarre, how can a number be divisible by 1 and itself only (this is the only definition of prime numbers I’m comfortable with), isn’t that strange and special at the same time? It means that prime numbers are no ordinary numbers and when something is not ordinary, it points the universe originator. Instead of telling you a story that may seem like fiction to you, I can bring what I proved in physics to prime numbers. If Pi created the universe, and the Pi value is 3.125 which I revealed in ultimate relativity that the value ‘’3.125’’ is formed with four powerful numbers which are; 1, 2, 3 and 5, then this whole question about the origin and distribution of prime numbers is answered.
2. Four Zodiac
In reality, we can observe the time it takes a car to reach a certain distance by using a stop watch to record the reading, that’s reality. In physics using maths, we take the speed of the car and the distance as a value and insert in an equation to get the time. I’m just trying to explain the difference between physics with maths and reality because this is how you can understand the description and significance of the four zodiac. In ultimate relativity which is physics with maths, the truth is revealed that Pi formed the physical constants of the universe, in reality, the matter formed naturally (atoms, trees, leaves, fruits, eggs, planets etc.) are in Pi geometry, confirming that Pi is the originator of the universe. In physics with maths, Pi is 3.125. In reality, because we weren’t present during the creation of the universe, we wouldn’t know what Pi actually is, if it’s a being, entity or something else but Pi would definitely be a being or a semi-being. In reality, something must have created that being or semi-being (Pi). In physics with maths, the thing that created Pi are the four zodiac which are represented with numbers (1, 2, 3, and 5). Pi is the root of physics as it created the universe. Physics is Pi, the four zodiac formed Pi, which means that four zodiac which are numbers signifies the physics of numbers. Four zodiac and its achievements [5] can be addressed as the significance of numbers in physics.
The term ‘’zodiac’’ can be replaced with words like circle, rotation, round, merry-go-round etc. All these words can also be replaced with Pi. The Pi value consists of the four most powerful numbers (1, 2, 3 and 5), they are also the root of prime numbers as the first four prime numbers (I know you think that 1 isn’t prime but wait till you see). Everything about the universe comes down to four zodiac as an ultimate practice. You can call it a religion, witchcraft, magic, miracle, etc. because of what it brings to your knowledge but four zodiac is the mechanism behind the universe existence (physics of numbers). I can tell you that there’s nothing created naturally or man-made that isn’t four zodiac. There’s nothing that humans practice/create that isn’t four zodiac. Displaying it using numbers is just for mathematics, we can observe the truth from what we see around us. It’s simple, you can only use four zodiac effectively when you get to know it, read my papers. Telling you that the four zodiac numbers formed the Pi value, it is assumed that you already know what the exact value of Pi value is. What if you didn’t know what the Pi value is? Since numbers were first discovered before Pi, then we would have gotten the Pi value from the knowledge of the four zodiac numbers and mechanism but unfortunately for physicists and mathematicians of those days, they didn’t know what four zodiac is, which led to their conclusion of Pi being irrational.
Key: The four numbers (1, 2, 3 and 5) are four forms of the same thing connected with a strong bond, controlling the things of the universe. It starts from 1 as the first form, transforms to 2, to 3 and then 5.1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 3 = 5The only way the four numbers connects is through the arrangement you see in the image above. The connection is displayed through a horizontal and a vertical line, connecting 1 to 5 (vertical), connecting 2 to 3 (horizontal), both lines intersects to form the bond. Other than their connection (2 to 3, 1 to 5) in the image, no other connection forms the bond, you’ll get it wrong if their positions are misplaced. Observing the bond, we see a cross (+) and we tilt the cross looking from an angle, we see (×).
Vertical Bond: 1 x 5 = 5Horizontal Bond: 3 + 2 = 5 Both ways give the final form of the four numbers which is 5.The justification of their positions hints the Pi value before we even know what Pi is. The four zodiac is supposed to be ancient and would have hinted the Pi value a long time ago but it’s just being introduced here. The Pi geometry is all about the word ‘’circumference’’ and we observe the image based on circumference, if we start from 3 from the mechanism we see in the image, moving through the circumference (anti-clockwise), next is 1, next is 2 and finally 5. So, we get ‘’3125’’ and ‘’3125’’ can be gotten using the final form 5.55 = 3125The zodiac arrangement reveals the Pi value.
3. Demo
I always like to display before explanation which helps to understand easily, I will use numbers 1-126 for demonstration and will use from 1-10,000 for the test to prove.  | Table 1 |
Looking at the arrangement of numbers above, what do you see? and what do you observe?
4. Origin and Distribution of Prime Numbers
No one knew that prime numbers and Pi are of the same origin until Ultimate relativity theory displayed it. The term ‘’prime’’ means first, and the last can also be first if counted from behind. This explanation makes 1 and 5 the primes of the four zodiac as the first and final forms respectively. Prime numbers are present in only the columns of the four zodiac but all prime numbers apart from the 2 and 3 of the first four (four zodiac) are found in column 1 and 5 as the primes of the four zodiac. From the zodiac bond explanation, 1 and 5 are directly connected and 2 and 3 are connected. What happens in 1 will repeat in 5, same with 2 and 3. The revelation of prime numbers is officially the first use of the four zodiac mechanism. Read the discovery points below to understand the demo above in order to understand the origin and distribution of prime numbers.
4.1. Discovery 1
A Prime number can only be found in the columns of the zodiac numbers, with column 2 and 3 having only one prime number each as itself and the rest of the prime numbers found in column 1 and 5. This is the root (origin) of the prime numbers. Remember, the zodiac bond says 1 and 5 are connected, 2 and 3 are connected.
4.2. Discovery 2
The prime numbers origin and distribution is achieved by doing the numbers arrangement in six columns just to balance the zodiac columns. The reason is because 4 comes as an obstruction, 1, 2, 3 and 5 are close in the number’s arrangement. 4 comes in-between 3 and 5. Therefore, instead of using five columns when the fourth causes a misalignment, adding a sixth column brings the zodiac balance. This arrangement/balance activates only the zodiac columns in use. This is the reason why the closest formula to getting a prime number was 6n + 1, 6n – 1, because of this arrangement.
4.3. Discovery 3
99 percent of prime numbers (apart from 2 and 3) are found in column 1 and 5 of the four zodiac, the other two are found in column 2 and 3 of the four zodiac as itself. Therefore, all attention is brought to column 1 and 5. We know that apart from 2 and 5, all prime numbers must end with a digit as either 1, 3, 7 or 9. Take a look at the numbers in column 1 and 5, it is observed that there’s a pattern behind their last digit which is 1-7-3-9-5-1-7-3-9-5 in a repeating manner. Remember, this is the root of prime numbers and this is where it all started.
4.4. Discovery 4
The distribution of prime numbers is simply a game. Why did I say so?The reason is because all numbers in column 1 and 5 of the four zodiac are similar with one another based on having the same last digit. Therefore, we have to be careful. Don’t believe every number you see, they are deceiving. The game of prime numbers distribution is like playing an ancient Chinese game where we have real objects and clone/fake objects, the clone objects look exactly like the real one, but the aim of the game is to select the real ones. Still better to describe using an ancient India game used in the movie ‘’squid games’’ where the contestants find their way through and across a path consisting of tempered and un-tempered glass, differentiating helps to advance but both glasses are similar. Bring this explanation back to the column 1 and 5. I gave numbers ending with 5 a yellow colour because it’s obvious that they aren’t prime, they are divisible by five. So, we are left with others to play the game. The distribution of prime numbers is simply a game of green and red, we all know what these colours mean.All numbers ending with 5 are coloured yellow, so we are left with the pattern 1-7-3-9.Once a green, always a red. Meaning, it is a game of counting. It is assumed we don’t know what prime numbers are. So, we start from the second row of column 1 and 5 because the first belongs to the zodiac. For a start, any number you pick at the beginning is a prime number because the game is still welcoming you. So, we simply pick 7, count 7 from 7, the next 7 won’t be a prime and all other 7s you count from each of them to infinity on either column is not a prime number, so you colour them red. Again, pick 13, count 13, the next 13 is 91, so 91 isn’t a prime number, colour red, the next 13’s you count till infinity on both columns aren’t prime, colour red. If you do this with any of the number as you pick, it enables you identify the real ones from the clone. This is the reason why we have clusters of prime numbers at the beginning on each side of the columns, say from 1-100, as we move down, the cluster of prime numbers reduces, it’s all because of this game. So, that’s why you see clusters of green at the beginning. Before a green produces’ reds, the number bearing green must be counted downwards. Therefore, we see lesser primes as we move downwards.
4.5. Discovery 5
We are in an advanced age, so we have computers that can do the counting, we don’t need to pass through the stress. The idea behind is; The two columns are connected. There are the clone primes present in the column 1 and 5 that have two or more factors that are also present in either column 1 or 5 i.e. A number that isn’t a prime number present in either column 1 and 5 must have a factor (prime factor) that is a number present in either column 1 or 5. That’s why I indicated their factors below as a base. So, it’s simple using computers because humans can only continue the counting to some extent. if we pick seven, we find multiples of seven in column 1 and 5 and mark them red, pick next, mark red. Note, any number you mark red can’t be picked, it isn’t a prime. This is the way of separating the clones from the real. Approaching a certain level, you’ll see that there are only few to be picked to find their multiples. Even if a number like 1483 is available, tell your computer to find multiples of 1483 to mark them red. I coloured multiples of 5 as yellow because of easy explanation but they are meant to be coloured red based on the rule. Remember, once a green, always a red. If 5 is a prime, then other 5’s which are its multiples will not be prime, that’s the idea behind the game.
4.6. Discovery 6
Another discovery behind to show you that both columns are connected; if I take all numbers ending with 5 accordingly in column 1 and 5, and divide them by 5, I start getting all numbers in column 1 and 5 afresh. Let’s try;5 ÷ 5 = 125 ÷ 5 = 535 ÷ 5 = 755 ÷ 5 = 1165 ÷ 5 = 1385 ÷ 5 = 1795 ÷ 5 = 19115 ÷ 5 = 23125 ÷ 5 = 25This is to show you that both columns are connected.
4.7. Discovery 7
The only definition of prime numbers that is acceptable is having factors as 1 and itself, but another that isn’t acceptable is saying that 1 isn’t a prime number. From this revelation, it is now known that 1 is a prime number. The evidence is clear, the first cluster of primes on the 1st and 5th column also proves that 1 is a prime. It is divisible by 1 as the general factor and 1 as itself.
4.8. Discovery 8
To tell that column 1 and 5 are strictly for primes is by the fact that; all the numbers in column 2 and 3 of the four zodiac are divisible by 2 and 3 respectively, but it’s not the same with column 1 and 5, they produce special numbers.
4.9. Discovery 9
Finally, this discovery is about cross counting. There’s direct counting and cross counting. The rule says; if a number is picked on either column starting from up, that number is a prime number and the steps of that number must be counted to mark its reds on both columns (once a green, always a red), therefore you can’t pick a red. As this is done, the numbers present to be picked will be limited as you move downwards. Example, pick 7, count 7 on both columns to get its red on both columns. Since 7 belongs to column 1, when 7 is counted on its column, you get its reds directly by 7 steps each. However, when counting 7 on the other column which is not its origin, this is where cross counting comes in play for only the first step. In cross counting, you take the difference in its origin column and count the normal steps in the other column. For example; counting 7 in the other column, from 7 to the top of its column is 1 step. 7-1=6. This means we count 6 steps on the other column to get its first red which is (35), the order reds on the same column will then be the normal 7 steps from 35 afterwards.Note; The numbers coloured yellow which are the descendants of 5 (divisible by 5) are supposed to be red, I coloured them yellow for smooth explanation on the counting distribution of a prime. Once a green, always a red. 5 is prime (green), its steps/descendants won’t be prime (red).
5. Test
 | Table 2 |
 | Table 3 |
 | Table 4 |
 | Table 5 |
 | Table 6 |
 | Table 7 |
 | Table 8 |
 | Table 9 |
 | Table 10 |
6. Summary
To confirm this theory, the reader of this paper is expected to have a separate list containing prime numbers from 1-10,000 from the internet to confirm with prime numbers (green) in column 1 and 5. The other test from 10,000 to infinity can be done using any programming language with proper instructions as revealed in the game rules of the prime number distribution. If the prime numbers distribution is truly linked with Riemann hypothesis, wouldn’t you have discovered it since? Are humans of this age not smart enough? No, you were just misled to a dead/false end, same way you were deceived about the Pi value.Again, prime numbers and Pi are of the same origin which is the four zodiac as revealed. The four zodiac numbers are all prime numbers (first four prime numbers) as the root of primes, this makes the four numbers unique. Because the four zodiac numbers signify the physics of numbers, they are the origin of numbers. Perhaps, I had to stop by in mathematics to turn the unsolved problem of prime numbers origin and distribution into a solved problem. Who knows? Our creator could be having fun with his creations at the background with the game of prime numbers. The four zodiac rules the universe.Since 2019, PI decided to grace the minds of humanity with his scientific papers, it should be enjoyed while it last for our eyes to be open to the truth. The Ultimate Relativity theory exists to; unite the universe. This theory is novel and proposed by Prince C. Igboejesi.
[1] | Prince Jessii, Ultimate Relativity: Theory, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol.12 No. 2, 2022, pp. 32-62. Doi 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20221202.02 |
[2] | Prince Jessii, (Ultimate Relativity) vs (General Relativity), International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol.12 No. 2, 2022, pp. 32-62. Doi 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20221202.02. |
[3] | Prince Jessii, Ultimate Physics Equation: The Last Revolution in Physics (Deluxe), International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2021, pp. 106-133. Doi: 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20211103.03. |
[4] | Prince Jessii, Ultimate Relativity (Zodiac dance): Jessii’’s motion, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. |
[5] | Prince Jessii, Ultimate Relativity (Four zodiac universe): Theory of Everything, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. |