Xiaomeng Li, Shibo Wang, Wenting Chen, Jiantao Li
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Liaoning University, Shenyang, China
Correspondence to: Jiantao Li, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Liaoning University, Shenyang, China.
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Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
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In this paper, several classes of linear complementary dual codes and entanglement-assisted quantum codes with good parameters are constructed. The parameters of these codes are not covered by existing results.
Linear complementary dual codes, Entanglement-assisted quantum MDS codes, Constacyclic codes
Cite this paper: Xiaomeng Li, Shibo Wang, Wenting Chen, Jiantao Li, Some New MDS LCD Codes and Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Codes from Constacyclic Codes, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 13 No. 1, 2023, pp. 15-19. doi: 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20231301.03.
1. Introduction
Linear complementary dual (LCD) codes are widely used in communication systems, storage systems, cryptography, and consumer electronics. In 1992, Massey [1] introduced the concept of LCD codes. In [2], Sendrier proved that LCD codes meet the asymptotic Gilbert-Varshamov bound. In [3], Yang and Massey provided a sufficient and necessary condition for a cyclic code to be an LCD code. In [4], Dinh showed that if
then any λ−constacyclic code over F_q is an LCD code. In [5], J. Qian et al. constructed MDS LCD codes of length q^2+1 and so on. Extensive work has been done on the construction of LCD codes using different methods (see, for example, [6,7]).In addition, there is a close connection between LCD codes and entanglement-assisted quantum codes. If the intersection of a nontrivial α−constacyclic code and its Hermitian dual code is empty, then maximal entanglement EAQEC codes can be constructed and achieve the EA-hashing bound asymptotically [8]. For more information on EAQEC codes, see [9-14].In this paper, based on the above results, we first construct three types of maximal distance separable (MDS) linear complementary dual codes. Then we construct some maximal entanglement MDS EAQEC codes from LCD codes.The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, some basic definitions and properties of linear codes and constacyclic codes are given. In Section 3, the constructions of MDS LCD codes are presented. In Section 4, some MDS EAQEC codes with maximal entanglement are constructed. Section 5 gives a summary.
2. Preliminaries
be a finite field with
elements, where
is a power of a prime
. Now, we present some basic notions and facts about linear codes and constacyclic codes.Definition 2.1 A code
is cyclic if for any cyclic shift of a codeword is also a codeword, i.e.,
It is well-known that a cyclic code of length
can be identified with an ideal in the residue ring
It follows that
is generated by a monic polynomial
of lowest degree in
. This polynomial
is called the generator polynomial of
is a monic divisor of
The dimension of
A code
is called a
-constacyclic code if
It is well known that the
-constacyclic code
of length
is an ideal of the quotient ring
. Let
be the order of
in the multiplicative group
. Then, there exists a primitive
of unity in some extension field of
such that
Therefore, the roots of
are precisely the elements
. Define
. Let
be an
-constacyclic code of length
Then the set 
is called the defining set of
. Let
be a positive integer with
-cyclotomic coset modulo
containing an element
is defined as
is the smallest positive integer such that
It is easy to see that the defining set
is a union of some
-cyclotomic cosets. The cyclotomic cosets are very important in constructing cyclic codes [15,16].Definition 2.2 For any
, the conjugate
is defined as
. For two vectors
their Hermitian inner product is defined as
is called the Hermitian dual code of
.Definition 2.3 If
then the linear code
is called a Hermitian linear complementary dual code.The following results are often used to construct LCD codes, see [4,5] for example.Lemma 2.1 Let
be a primitive
root of unity and
be a nontrivial
constacyclic code of length
. If
Proposition 2.1 (Singleton bound) If an
linear code
is called a maximum distance separable (MDS, for short) code.Proposition 2.2 (BCH bound) Assume that
are relatively prime. Let
be an
constacyclic code of length
. If the generator polynomial
has roots
is a primitive
root of unity, then the minimum distance of
is at least 
3. Constructions of MDS LCD Codes
3.1. MDS LCD Codes for q ≡ 1 (mod 4)
In this subsection, assume that
be a primitive
root of unity. Notice that
so the
-cyclotomic coset modulo
contains only one element. Let
Theorem 3.1 Let
be a primitive
root of unity. Then there exists an
constacyclic MDS LCD code with parameters
Proof Let
be a primitive
root of unity. Let
be an
constacyclic code with defining set
It follows from
is an LCD code. Note that
. So, the dimension
. According to Proposition 2.2, the minimum distance
. It follows from Proposition 2.1 that
is an MDS LCD code with parameters
Example 3.1 Let
be a primitive 4-th root of unity. Let
be an
constacyclic code with defining set
Then there exists MDS LCD codes with parameters 
In particular, let
we can obtain MDS LCD codes with parameters 
3.2. MDS LCD Codes for q ≡ 3 (mod 4), q ≠ 3
In this subsection, let
be a primitive
root of unity. Let
so the
-cyclotomic coset modulo
contains only one element. Let
Theorem 3.2 Let
be a primitive
root of unity. Then there exists an
constacyclic MDS LCD code with parameters
Proof Let
be a primitive
root of unity. Let
be an
constacyclic code with defining set
It follows from
is a LCD code. Note that
So, the dimension
According to Proposition 2.2, the minimum distance
It follows from Proposition 2.1 that
is an MDS LCD code with parameters 
3.3. MDS LCD Codes for q = 3m (m ≥ 2)
In this subsection, let
be a primitive
root of unity. Let
So, the
-cyclotomic coset modulo
contains one or two elements. Let
Theorem 3.3 Let
be a primitive
root of unity. Let
Then there exists an
constacyclic MDS LCD code with parameters
Proof Let
be a primitive
root of unity. Let
be an
constacyclic code with defining set
It follows from
is a LCD code. Note that
. So, the dimension
. According to proposition 2.2, the minimum distance
It follows from Proposition 2.1 that
is an MDS LCD code with parameters
Example 3.2 Let
be a primitive
root of unity.
Assume that
is a primitive 4-th root of unity. Let
be an
constacyclic code of length
with defining set
Then we can get MDS LCD codes with parameters
In Table 1, some examples of MDS LCD codes from the above three theorems are given.Table 1. Some α-constacyclic MDS LCD codes  |
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4. Constructions of Entanglement-Assisted Quantum MDS Codes
In this section, we will use the MDS LCD codes in section 3 to construct entanglement-assisted quantum MDS codes. Basic concepts and facts about entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes can be referred to [5,9,17-18,20].Definition 4.1 An EAQEC code, denoted by
logical qubits into
physical qubits using
copies of maximally entangled Bell states, and
is the minimum distance of the code. Suppose that
is a
is defined as
is the transpose matrix of
Lemma 4.1 If
is a linear code over
with a parity check matrix
, then there exists an 
MDS EAQEC code, where
Proposition 4.1 Assume that
is an entanglement-assisted quantum code with parameters
satisfies the entanglement-assisted Singleton bound
. If
satisfies the equality
then it is called an entanglement-assisted quantum MDS code.Lemma 4.2 If
is a linear code over
with parity check matrix
, generator matrix
, then
Lemma 4.3 Let
is an LCD code over
Definition 4.2 Let
be a
EAQEC code. Then the parameters satisfy the Singleton bound for EAQEC codes:
. An EAQEC code meeting this bound is called an MDS EAQEC code.Definition 4.3 A
EAQEC code
is called a maximal entanglement EAQEC code.Such quantum codes have better properties and efficiency, and can gradually reach the EA-hashing bound [19].
4.1. MDS EAQEC Codes for q ≡ 1 (mod 4)
Theorem 4.1 Let
be a primitive
root of unity. Then there exists a maximal entanglement MDS EAQEC code with parameters
Proof According to Theorem 3.1, there exists an
constacyclic MDS LCD code
with parameters 
. Assume the check matrix is
. So,
. Then there exists an EAQEC code with parameters 

reaches the Singleton bound for EAQEC code, and 
4.2. MDS EAQEC Codes for q ≡ 3 (mod 4), q ≠ 3
Theorem 4.2 Let
be a primitive
root of unity. Then there exists a maximal entanglement MDS EAQEC code with parameters
Proof According to Theorem 3.2, there exists an
constacyclic MDS LCD code
with parameters 
Assume the check matrix is
there exists an EAQEC code with parameters 

reaches the Singleton bound for EAQEC code, and
4.3. MDS EAQEC Codes for q = 3m (m ≥ 2)
Theorem 4.3 Let
be a primitive
root of unity. Then there exists a maximal entanglement MDS EAQEC code with parameters 

Proof According to Theorem 3.3, there exists an
constacyclic MDS LCD code
with parameters 
Assume the check matrix is
. Then
there exists an EAQEC code with parameters
reaches the Singleton bound for EAQEC code, and
In Table 2, Some examples of maximal entanglement MDS EAQEC codes from the above theorems are given.Table 2. Some New maximal entanglement MDS EAQEC codes  |
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5. Conclusions
In this paper, three types of maximal distance separable linear complementary dual codes are constructed as follows:Table 3. Summary of new MDS LCD codes  |
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Then we construct some maximal entanglement MDS EAQEC codes by the above LCD codes as follows:Table 4. Summary of new maximal entanglement MDS EAQEC codes  |
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The research was supported by the general project for the department of Liaoning Education [Grant number: LJKZ0096].
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