International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

p-ISSN: 2167-6844    e-ISSN: 2167-6852

2022;  12(2): 32-62


Received: Sep. 26, 2022; Accepted: Oct. 13, 2022; Published: Oct. 15, 2022


Ultimate Relativity: π Theory

Prince Jessii

Research Scientist, Imo State, Nigeria

Correspondence to: Prince Jessii , Research Scientist, Imo State, Nigeria.


Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


The physical constant theory reveals that physical constants of the universe are all related and justified by Pi, leading to similarity in value patterns and links with Pi codes showing the relationships. The physical constant theory is about the physical constants but there’s more to Pi and its importance. In the year 2018, 20year old Prince Jessii named his discovery about the origin of the universe as “Ultimate Relativity” which simply reveals that there was an originator and facilitator of the universe which has a value in physics and mathematics as 3.125, this value is the actual value of Pi. Thus, it further implies that; generally, everything in the universe are related and they all originate from Pi. In the year 2022, 24year old Prince Jessii releases that special paper as “Ultimate Relativity” which is all about the 2018 discovery about Pi.

Keywords: Pi, Physical Constant, Ultimate Physics Equation, Ultimate Relativity

Cite this paper: Prince Jessii , Ultimate Relativity: π Theory, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 12 No. 2, 2022, pp. 32-62. doi: 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20221202.02.

1. Introduction

Theoretical Physics goes with simple mathematics, a lot of complications including false laws and predictions exist in physics, don’t be deceived by those false theories, we now have the “Ultimate Physics Equation” (UPE), so we basically know the truth and we know the scientists and mathematicians that were correct in their theories and we also know those who deceived themselves trying to deceive others.
Everything that’s been created has a blueprint which is the design/key/plan/rule to how the particular thing was created. The Universe has a blueprint likewise and that blueprint was mathematically formed as an equation as the “Ultimate Physics Equation” just to make it easy to understand through physics. There are physical constants of the universe, forget the fact that some of them were named after persons who found them, these constants represents various entities of the universe mathematically; gravity, space-time, matter, radiation, speed, gas etc., or can be combined to represent an entity mathematically. In the blueprint, it is all figures/values/numbers, not words. Those values in the blueprint are the physical constants of the universe, this is the reason why the constants are used as entries in the UPE which is the blueprint in form of an equation. So, physical constants of the universe are constants representing components during the point of creation of the universe.
These physical constants of the universe were discovered gradually by scientists through experiments/observations but the fact is; experiments can never give an accurate value, there must be an error, can be slight or much but an error is an error, 3 x 108 is very much different from 3.03 or 2.99 x 108 when it’s about the blueprint, so the experimental values causes a confusion. This is why experimental values of the physical constants won’t be effective in the UPE, the exact values must be used because that’s the value present in the blueprint and the values that can unlock the secrets. Waiting for experiments to deliver the exact values as they are to us means we wait till eternity. Perhaps, the experimental values still helps in determining the exact values. The only way to get the exact values is by using mathematics/formulas (Tracing through the space-time parameter and using pi codes) which was presented in [4].
There was an originator responsible for the creation of the universe. Believe it or not but its form in physics and mathematics is the only way the truth can be confirmed. It has been given a name already called “Pi” and this is the explanation;
“I give different materials to a tailor to combine and sew a single dress for me based on my design. With this instance using the universe, I am the creator of the universe, the tailor is Pi, the single dress is the universe, and the design is the blueprint. So, the tailor’s thread will definitely be seen all round the dress i.e. there will be traces of Pi all-round the universe. The materials which formed the single dress in that instance are entities which formed the universe, the entities are mathematically represented by the physical constants. This means specifically, there will be traces of Pi around the physical constants of the universe.”
Use the above statement as the intro description, the statement forms the chapters of this paper.

2. Pi - The Tailor

The Pi value as 3.125 and its theory was discovered / created by Prince Jessii in Physics and Mathematics. The name Pi is also after his first and last name abbreviation [Prince Igboejesi]. Before his discovery, to give credit to the first and only humans (ancient Babylonians) to calculate the value of Pi through measurement as 3.125 as a supposed approximate value but didn’t realize that they got its actual value and didn’t do further studies on it and never reapplied it again. Perhaps, they got its actual value regardless. Here’s how it was gotten by the Babylonians;
Figure 1
Using a hexagon inscribed in a circle, from measurement, stating to be the ratio of the perimeter of the hexagon p to the circumference of the circle C.
The radius of the circle as r, adding equilateral triangles reveals the perimeter of the hexagon is 6r.
That is for the Babylonians. Also, very few individuals have mentioned this value “3.125” in past years but lack of proof was the issue, the lack of proof is a thing but their curiosity and good sense of the value is appreciated. However, the issue was that they all tried to prove it using a Pi shape without knowing that the Pi value is strictly related to the universe, and therefore its proof has to be in physics generally.
It can take the physics community a single day to correct the present false value of Pi to a rational value as 3.125, but failure to admit a mistake they’ve made all these years is a thing and their minds are all focused on things that are irrelevant and complicated and people are all crazy about Pi having 60million digits which is false and doesn’t even make any sense. It’s simple, if the value of Pi is not known, the details about the origin of the universe will not be known, so it’s either the sleep continues or people join the train as it moves.
Using the word “Big Bang” isn’t perfect as a description for the origin of the universe. With the truth about Pi being revealed in [4], it shows that the creation of the universe was planned stage by stage and we can also say that it was originated and facilitated by Pi in Pi terms/rules.
To proceed, revealing the details about Pi, 3.125 is a value/decimal, the value is formed using four numbers arranged accordingly as;
There’s a reason why 1, 2, 3 and 5 are the chosen numbers to form the Pi value. Apart from 1, 2, 3 and 5. There are no chosen set of numbers that are close to each other with the possibility of adding each other to result to another close-by number in a set.
For example;
13 and 15 aren’t among the chosen set above, and the fact becomes impossible if the values increases according to numbers arrangement, this is unlike 1, 2, 3 and 5 which formed the value 3.125. This means there’s a strong bond/power between 1, 2, 3 and 5, these numbers are four forms of the same thing (See next chapter).
Someone would ask “Why are we just knowing this now which is more than a millennium since Pi was first introduced?” The only person that can tell the world these secrets is someone divine and special i.e. it’s only Pi that can tell you everything about Pi and the universe and it’s happening now but don’t be scared, this doesn’t mean the universe is ending now.
The Pi extension values also say a lot;
Table 1. Pi extension values
The world should show us a value that can showcase this beauty (Table 1) if not the Pi value as its extension.
The Pi value can be combined (integrated) with numbers to form its extension values in a sequential manner.
Milestones occur every 16’s i.e. the next milestone after 16 will be 32, next 48, 64, 80 and so on.
From table 1, it is noticed that only the values on milestones don’t end with 5, all other Pi extension values ends with 5 and the milestone values will end with 0 and they are in 50’s i.e. 50, 100, 150, 200 and so on. Hence, this means that if a number is multiplied with Pi, the last digit will be 5 unless it is a milestone value.
Example 1: Pick a number, say 1739;
A number can be imagined, say 24689654;
Any number multiplied by Pi ends with the last digit as 5 unless it produces a milestone value which will end with 0.
Also, from table 1, it is noticed that there’s a pattern behind the extension values. There are 8 ways a pi extension value ends;
As they are arranged, they occur every 7’s i.e. if they appear in a step, the next time they occur in a sequence will be seven steps from the previous (observe from table 1). Milestone and half a milestone values are perfect numbers (not decimals), the difference is half a milestone values still ends with 5 while milestone values ends with 0.
The extension value of 1739 with Pi gave 5434.375. From the 8ways arrangement, an accurate guess will be that 1738 Pi extension will end with (.25)
The guess can be continued, 1737 will end with (.125)
Skip to 1744 which will be either “a milestone” or “half a milestone”;
It’s a milestone, it ends with 0 because half a milestone will end with 5. Another way to know is that 1744 will be a multiple of 16;
Moving back to 1737 which ends with (.125), (.125) is the first of the 8ways, this means 1736 will take the eight way, Remember, it’s 8ways, therefore;
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1…… The sequence rearranges after the 8way
If (.125) is the first way which 1737 produced, then 1736 will take the 8th way which will be “half a milestone” because 1744 produced a milestone. To test the guess;
Also, just like numbers are multiplied by Pi to give Pi extension values, decimals can also be multiplied by Pi but it’s the same with numbers with a shift in decimal point.
For example; using 1.28
Using 2.2;
Numbers not present in the extension values of Pi can be gotten using decimals as attachment with Pi.
These extension values speak a lot about how Pi works and proves the fact that numbers are real and correct. If numbers are not correct, the 8ways arrangement will not be orderly at some point. The universe assist value is what it thinks it is.

3. Pi Codes - The Tailor’s Thread

Listing the Pi extension values is just to show the power of the Pi value. There are Pi codes, Pi codes are numbers attached to Pi in a formula, Pi codes are the tailor’s thread based on the intro description, they help Pi execute a particular task. Just as we have commands in coding to execute a program, also commands/shortcut in computers, the same way there are Pi codes that execute the tasks for Pi related.
Again, the four numbers to form the value 3.125;
Pi codes are produced from multiplication sequence using 1, 2, 3 and 5 or a combination, this means;
Also, combination; whichever way the multiplication is done in a sequence, it must be done with 1, 2, 3 and 5 (mixing).
This results into the features of a Pi code. The fact that 1 is selfish i.e. 1 multiplies itself as much as it can to result to itself and 1 multiplies a number to give the same number, it is therefore given the nickname “1 for all.” Generally, it means 1, 2, 3, and 5 are the base Pi codes and 1 allows 2, 3 and 5 to do the Pi codes formation and report progresses to it.
The four features of Pi codes are;
1.) 1 for all, either 2, 3 or 5 or a combination of either of them must be able to divide a pi code to result to another pi code.
2.) A pi code must end in 1 when doing continuous division with 2, 3 and 5 or a combination of either of them (2, 3, 5).
3.) 1 for all, a pi code is a product of continuous division with 2, 3 or 5 or a combination of either of them (2, 3, 5).
4.) 1 for all, a pi code is a product of continuous multiplication with 2, 3 or 5 or a combination of either of them (2, 3, 5).
The four features of Pi codes were tested in [4], Perhaps, the Pi codes will be presented again and tested, Pi codes from 1 – 10368.
These Pi codes are listed for use in chapter 4 to ensure the reader understands. There are more Pi codes which can be gotten based on the four features. The Pi codes listed above have been tested in accordance with the four features, they can be tested again for confirmation by using the four features. Here’s how to test;
To know a number that is not a Pi code, subject that number to continuous division using 2, 3, or 5 or a combination and see if it leads to 1, if it doesn’t lead to 1, it is not a Pi code and its products are not Pi codes. If it leads to 1 using 2, 3 or 5 or a combination, then it’s a Pi code and its products are all Pi codes.
Example 2: Using 9375.
9375 is a pi code, and its product 1875, 375, 75, 15, 3 and 1 are all pi codes.
Products: 9375, 1875, 375, 75, 15, 3, 1
The sequence fulfills feature 4. Feature 1 is each of the sections in the continuous division i.e. 9375 is divided by 5 to result to another Pi code 1875, and so on. Feature 2 and 3 is the continuous division itself, ending in 1 with products as Pi codes.
The connection between 1, 2, 3, and 5 as the base pi codes which formed the pi value (3.125) is so strong by the fact that if we start the break down of a bigger pi code that can be divided by both 3 and 5 or both 5 and 2 or both 2 and 3, whichever way we start the continuous division, by the fact that it is a pi code, it must end in 1 and its products are pi codes. The value 9375 in the previous example can be divided by both 3 and 5, we first started with 5, let’s start with 3 and compare;
The above is the proof. Whichever way you start, if it is a pi code and you use the base pi codes 2, 3 or 5 or a combination for the division, it must end in 1 and its products are pi codes. Perhaps, for 9375 that can be divided by both 5 and 3, the sequence for one part will be the reverse for the other.
Again, using 50 which can be divided by both 2 and 5.
From the above calculation, it is observed that the sequence reversed for starting with another base pi code. Also, along the way there would be products that can be divided by two base pi codes. It’s like joining pieces of continuous division together;
10 is a product of the continuous division from 50, 10 can also be divided by both 2 and 5. These are pieces joined together that will all end in 1 if a pi code is involved using 2, 3 and 5. This displays the power of Pi. 1, 2, 3 and 5 are numbers of the same form.
Some Pi codes test are;
The products of the continuous division above are pi codes (10368, 5184. 2592, 1296, 648, 324, 162, 81, 27, 9, 3, 1)
All products gotten are Pi codes. Keep testing
Example 3: To know a number that is not a pi code, let’s choose a random number, say 2256.
This is where it ends (47), 2 can’t go, 3 can’t and 5 can’t go, the continuous division can’t lead to 1 using 2, 3 and 5. Therefore, 2256 is not a pi code and its products are not pi codes.
There are formulas in physics and mathematics that contains a Pi code; to list a few.
Table 2

3.1. Pi Shapes

Pi shapes are all about the definition of Pi. The universe was originated and facilitated by Pi. Therefore, the things formed naturally at the universe origin will take the shape of Pi and related (See chapter 6).
Table 3
A Pi shape is simply the 360 degrees path (circle, sphere, ellipse), but any distance attempted during the path is also a Pi shape i.e. the total circumference is the aim but half, quarter (hemi-sphere, semi-circle, quadrant etc.) is part of the path also as a Pi shape. In general, a Pi shape must include a curve.
There are shapes like the cylinder, cone etc., they are not totally a Pi shape i.e. they have a Pi shape in them. A cylinder consist of two sections, a rectangle/square and a Pi shape. A cone consist of two sections, a triangle and Pi shape.
3.1.1. Numbers Game Using Pi Milestones
The reason behind the exact value of Pi as 3.125 not being discovered with proof all these past years is due to the problem of precision. If we want to get the exact value of Pi; a certain radius will be used to draw a circle, the circumference of the circle will then be measured, the resulting values of the radius and circumference will be put into the formula to get the value of Pi. This is practical way of getting the exact value of Pi but it’s also where precision spoils the show. During the measurement, to say 0.001 of the assumed radius or the measured circumference is missed, the Pi value changes in that calculation by substitution and therefore causes a confusion. The measuring and substitution might be done 10 times and out the 10, the exact value of Pi might be gotten once or not at all and the person doing the practical can only trust its instinct about the exact value, this is what caused the delay all these years and imagine the Babylonians had to add equilateral triangles in a hexagon just to beat precision, this shows how hard it was to get the exact value of Pi from a Pi shape. People thought that the only way to prove the exact value of Pi is using circle related ways without knowing that its main proof is in physics. Perhaps, Prince Jessii had a way of showing the power of Pi in Pi shapes by playing “a numbers game.”
It’s all about the perimeter/circumference/distance, if asked to use a line of 12cm to form a circle, the length of the line (12cm) becomes the circumference of the circle. To convert the line to a circle, we take the length of the line as the circumference of the circle in to find its radius;
Finding the radius of the circle;
The radius of the circle is 1.92cm.
The reason why a radius is used to draw/form a circle is the fact that the same length of radius will be used to distribute round a circumference (circle) which will happen 6.25 times resulting to the formula ;
This means; to get the radius of a circle with a given circumference, the circumference should be multiplied by ;
Given a circumference of 12cm;
Shortcut, multiply the circumference by 0.16, the radius of that circle will be produced.
Perhaps, 0.16 is 16/100. From table 1, “16” is the number which produces Pi’s first milestone and the whole calculation means a circle is simply a line curved towards a 360 degrees path;
(value of 1 radians in degrees)
This means; the distribution of the first length of radius on the circumference path will be at 57.6 degrees from 0. Perhaps, (360, 180 and 576 are all Pi codes).
Back to the fact about “16” as the number producing Pi’s first milestone, this means that the line having a length of 12cm which formed a circle having a radius of 1.92cm can be converted to shapes of equal sizes using Pi milestones.
For example; if the line of 12cm is used to form a triangle with three equal sides, we know that one side of the triangle will be 4cm;
Converting the same circle equivalent of the line to a triangle, we use Pi’s third milestone (three equal sides) to divide the radius of the circle (multiply the radius value by 100);
Pi’s third milestone is produced at 48, the radius (1.92) times 100 is 192;
Pi gives the exact length of each side of the triangle through the radius of the circle.
For a square which has four equal sides, we use Pi’s fourth milestone producer (64);
For a pentagon which has five equal sides, we use Pi’s fifth milestone producer (80) for conversion;
The calculation/conversion can be done for any shape with equal sizes using the corresponding Pi milestone. The numbers game reveals the hidden actions of Pi in a Pi shape and its conversion to shapes with equal sides.

4. Physical Constants: The Materials

Dropping materials and a design for a tailor to sew is not all. Tailoring is its specialty, therefore a tailor can suggest to the client what combination can work and what can’t work i.e. the tailor knows best but an idea/design can be given to the tailor based on its understanding. In this case, there’s a lot a work for the tailor in the sense that the materials are combined together i.e. the creator gave the tailor a bag of goodies. Imagine a single material/fabric that has so many sections with different designs, the tailor will have to cut the sections with the particular design needed to form the particular parts of the dress, this is what the creator gave to the tailor. Coupled with the single material, the creator added three rules on how to form the dress and presented its idea to the table with a key. To proceed, that single material is space-time which is the bag of goodies, which means Pi has to cut out different materials from a single material i.e. form different components from space-time. The rule was given to the tailor alongside the key as;
Rule 1;
Rule 2;
Rule 3;
To form different components from space-time, Pi is to use its codes while maintaining the rules (Table 4). Remember, the different components are represented mathematically by physical constants, so Pi is basically forming physical constants from the key (Table 4);
Table 4
And so on. The components formed from space-time are represented by constants resulting to the exact values of the physical constants. Observing table 4, constants were produced using Rule 1, 2 and 3. These exact values can also be gotten from tracing through the key (space-time parameter), using formulas for constants.
This space-time parameter (1.50 x 1010) alongside the speed of light as (3 x 108) resulted to unification in physics leading to the default values for energy (4.5 x 1016), matter (0.5), dark energy (4.5 x 1018) and dark matter (50). These values are their accurate values.
Tracing Rule: Once the resulting values of the physical constants gotten from tracing is combined to give any of the above default values, then the values of the physical constant(s) involved in the combination is/are accurate.
The fine structure constant as (0.0072) with elementary charge as (1.60 x 10-19) gives the exact value for default energy, this means that both values are also accurate.
With these, the tracing can begin (Table 5).
Table 5
With both methods used to get the exact values, the list of exact values for physical constants of the universe is presented as (Table 6).
Table 6. UPE exact values of the physical constants
Observing the values in table 6, it is noticed that there are value pattern similarities between these constants, the values are in accordance with Pi i.e. Pi had to cut different materials from a single material, therefore all constants formed are similar to one another and justified by Pi. Here’s how;
Apart from constant values with repeating digits. Below is a table (table 7) spotting the presence of pi codes in the values for some physical constants.
Table 7
Also, there’s an equation relationship between two physical constants using the three rule forms, the reader must have the ability to spot one i.e. if you know Pi codes, you can spot one.

4.1. How to Detect a Pi Code and Navigator

Inserting entries manually is a method, but there’s an easy method called “detection”. Mathematically, detection includes a Pi code and a navigator. Knowing a Pi code is key to separating a Pi code from the navigator. To detect, use the three rule forms. If detection is not possible in Rule 1, it will be possible in Rule 2 or Rule 3. Perhaps, there must be a Pi code present in the mathematical relationship between a physical constant and another which forms a related equation.
Step 1: Choose a physical constant as the one in question to replace the space-time parameter in the rule equation, choose another as the result.
Example 4: 1st radiation constant (3.75 x 10-16) to replace space-time and the molar planck constant (4 x 10-10) as the result.
Step 2: Use the result as the entry alongside pi
In the above equation result, 3 is the pi code, 10-7 is the navigator. Therefore, the equation is re-written as;
Note: In some cases, detection may not be possible in Rule 1 but will be possible in Rule 2 or Rule 3. More examples to describe.
Example 5: Gravitational constant (6.6666666667 x 10-11) and the fine structure constant (0.0072) as the result.
In this situation, there’s no Pi code to detect in Rule 1. Let’s proceed to Rule 2.
There’s a pi code and navigator here, 15 is the pi code, 10-13 is the navigator, shifting of the decimal point is used to differentiate a Pi code from a navigator.
Equation can be written as;
Sometimes, a pi code can be detected in both Rule 2 and 3.
Example 6: Speed of light (3 x 108) to replace the space-time parameter and the bohr radius (5.5555555556 x 10-11) as the result.
Using UPE 1:
There’s a pi code and navigator here, 1728 is the pi code, 1015 is the navigator.
Therefore, the equation is re-written as;
Each of the physical constant of the universe have its own Pi code relationship with another. To proceed;
Relationship between 2nd radiation constant and speed of light.
The Pi code is 16.
The reverse (between the speed of light and the 2nd radiation constant).
The Pi code is 64.
The Relationship between the 2nd radiation constant and Planck constant
The Pi code is 72.
The reverse (between the planck constant and 2nd radiation constant)
No Pi code to detect in the above equation, proceed to Rule 2;
The Pi code is 3125.
The Relationship between the fine structure and electric constant
The Pi code is 2592.
The reverse (between the electric constant and fine structure constant)
No Pi code to detect here, proceed to Rule 2;
The Pi code is 2. Keep getting the Pi code relationships for constants.
Pi governs the relationship between two physical constants of the universe i.e. between components of the universe. The mathematical proof is by detecting a Pi code in the relationship equation. The three rules are the ways the constants (components of the universe) interact. A constant might not be able to interact with another using a rule but will interact using another rule, this why the detection shifts for some constants. The rules is the blueprint of the universe which tells us what can work and what can’t work in the universe (physics) by simply using related constants and inserting them into the rule equations. Just as the Pi codes relationship between the space-time parameter and other constants were used in table 4, the same way the Pi codes relationship between a constant and other constants can be gotten.
Figure 2 is [2018 CODATA] values for constants for anyone to compare with the UPE exact values of constants. Comparing both, it is observed that enough errors are seen in CODATA values which doesn’t prove anything. Also, they are both the same if not the errors/inaccurate digits. If only the experimental values from the CODATA table would have up to first four digit accuracy, then we can accurately guess the value without calculating already. For example; deuteron mass is the only constant in the CODATA table that have a first four digit accuracy, other constant in the table have either first digit of first two digits accuracy.
Figure 2. CODATA 2018 values extracted from (
Deuteron = 1875.61294257 (57) - CODATA
Deuteron = 1875 (Accurate) – UPE exact value
With the first four digit accuracy, we can guess without calculating that its mass is 1875 because a Pi code is spotted. If calculation is used, a deuteron mass is 2 times the mass of a proton. The mass of a proton from the UPE table is 937.5, times 2 gives 1875.
Almost all the constants in the CODATA table have gotten its UPE accurate value or can be gotten, check the appendix of this paper. The only challenge is that accurate values of the physical constants are gotten through their related formulas and we have the important ones but it is noticed that there are constants in physics that don’t have a formula yet, so we can’t get their accurate value and we can’t tell if they are physical constants of the universe or not but even the most unnoticeable constant that we think is not a physical constant of the universe might be otherwise. However, if tested and found that it has a value according to the Pi rules, then it is a physical constant of the universe.
For Example; testing two constants that was left out in the accurate values table.
Hatree energy
Hatree energy from the CODATA table reads;
It has a formula which means we can get its accurate value and know if it is a physical constant of the universe or not.
Inserting accurate values from (table 6);
Look at the result, a Pi code is spotted. Therefore, we simply check if 41472 is a Pi code.
41472 is a Pi code. Therefore Hatree energy is a physical constant of the universe.
We can also do stuffs like Hatree energy in eV which reads from CODATA table as;
Using accurate values, Hatree energy in eV is;
Another Pi code spotted. 2592 is a Pi code, check the Pi code list.
Thomson cross section
From the CODATA table, thomson cross section reads;
Proceeding to get its accurate value using UPE values;
Checking if 6912 is a Pi code;
6912 is a Pi code. Thompson cross section is a physical constant of the universe.
The accurate value of any physical constant can be gotten from its formula using UPE exact values, this is how other UPE constant values are gotten at the appendix section. The accurate values of the physical constants of the universe are in two ways;
1. Value as a Pi code
2. Vibrating values i.e. values with repeating digits according to Pi
The accurate value of a physical constant as a Pi code has been explained, the other way in which the accurate value of a physical constant can appear is the vibrating values.
The only existing values in physics before the discovery of UPE exact values that their values were accurate (exact) are the charges of subatomic particles which are in fractions;
Converting to decimals, we have;
Looking at the values, similarity with some exact values for constants can be spotted from Table 6. These kind of values have repeating digits after the decimal point in a uniform/orderly manner. The values are vibrating according to Pi, this means that; to confirm if that value is a physical constant, a Pi code will be spotted in its relationship with another physical constant. Testing a physical constant that was left out in table 6;
Von Klitzing constant
Von Klitzing constant from the CODATA table reads;
It has a formula which means we can get its accurate value and know if it is a physical constant of the universe or not.
The accurate value of the Von Klitzing constant is in a vibrating digit form.
Proceeding to check its Pi code relationship with another constant (electric constant);
A Pi code 9375 is detected.
Pi created these constants and the fact that they are physical constants of the universe means that they are connected through Pi. The only ability the reader needs to have is to know how to spot a Pi code and to test constants relationships, this is how other values of the physical constants in the appendix section of this paper were determined to form an extended list of physical constants using their related formula.
“Check the appendix section of this paper.”
Using experimental values (CODATA values) drags physics backwards, they can never have accurate digits and if they were accurate right from the start, the similarities between constants would have been noticed far years back and maybe this paper would not exist. What do people expect? That values representing our dear universe will be random values without a sequence, origination or similarity between each other, their values just became themselves anyhow without any origin, Come on! It’s like insulting our universe.

5. The Universe - The Dress

Prince Jessii has published papers displaying the mathematical structure/model of the universe in [1-7] but it is to be displayed again in this paper as statements from the tailor (Pi).
In chapter 4, it was revealed that the bag of goodies (space-time) was the only component/entity given to the tailor and is to form different components from it to create the universe. The components were formed in chapter 4 and here’s how the tailor used the components to create the universe.
Illustration 1
The Tailor: “The creator basically wants me to create a duplicate dimension which means I transform some of the energy and matter inside space-time to create another similar form of energy and matter. This new transformed energy and matter won’t be inside space-time but on space-time in order to produce a second duplicate dimension.”
Illustration 2
The Tailor: “I did the transformation using my second milestone (100)” and used the new transformed energy and matter to create a second dimension on space-time.” The creator instructed me to create a duplicate dimension on space-time but also passed a message stating that anything I form on the duplicate dimension, I must do the same to the original dimension.
Explanation: Dark energy and dark matter transformed to energy and matter respectively. Matter can be gotten from energy using (E = Mc2), same with dark energy and dark matter. This generally means that the four entities are different forms of the same thing. The mathematical proof displays the fact in quantum form. The transformation is from a dark photon to an energy photon and a dark electron (matter) to an electron, this resulted to unification in physics (illustration 2).
The whole transformation at Pi’s milestone (100) led to the particle tree (Figure 3) creation leading to the existence of subatomic particles, read [7] for more information.
Figure 3. Particle Tree
Illustration 3
The Tailor: “I’m done. Now I need to explain what I’ve just done to the creator.”
Tailor to creator: “The duplicate dimension has been created successfully but there’s a time frame attached, the transformation isn’t permanent.”
Creator to Tailor: “Is there any consequence of the duplicate masses being on space-time and not inside?”
Tailor to creator: “Yes, they are on space-time, so there will be pressure on space-time, but that problem was turned into an advantage, the curvature from the pressure will help govern the movement of the planetary bodies.
Illustration 4
Tailor to creator: “The original masses are otherwise, they don’t cause any pressure to space-time because they are inside space-time but being inside space-time is the same consequence result as their duplicate form causing a curvature on space-time.”
Explanation: When a mass rest on space-time, it causes a curvature which is gravity, is mathematical representation of curvature, which simply means that a mass is at the numerator. Perhaps, resulted to the gravitational constant, G which proves the statement that gravity is the curvature of space-time. To confirm, we use the Newtonian equation and substitute G for , we see that the masses are indeed on space-time at the numerator[7] (illustration 4).
Illustration 5
Explanation: Gravity as curvature of space-time isn’t for the dark dimension. The fact that the dark entities are “in” space-time and not “on”, they won’t cause pressure and there won’t be curvature but there would be gravitational effect (illustration 5). The above is the mathematical proof. Describing the mathematical form of the dark dimension, dark energy and dark matter are both glued to space-time, that’s why we have Ed, Md and S together describing the equation and S isn’t at the denominator showing that there is no curvature (pressure), rather the dark entities are at the denominator proving that they are “in” space-time.
Creator to tailor: “Is there any difference between the transformed/duplicate and the original.”
Tailor to creator: “There’s no difference, only that the transformed is on space-time and have a specific timeframe for its transformation to expire while the original is its name.
Illustration 6
Explanation: From the beginning of the tailor’s task, we saw how a new energy and matter was transformed from dark energy and dark matter, so it’s obvious that they are the same thing. Also, there’s a mathematical proof. Dark energy and energy are the same, they are in photons moving with a common speed as the speed of light. The inverse of the speed of light gives the field value generally for both as To confirm, we proceed to each of the dimensions to check. In the energy/matter (duplicate) dimension, energy exist in an electromagnetic field as which results to the same field value as For the dark energy/dark matter dimension, dark energy is everywhere, so it exist in a dark matter- gravitational field as which result to the same field value as implying that they are the same just that one is wearing a mask to disguise (illustration 6). However, interacting the same field value with space-time produces a result that shows that space-time recognizes that field value as the original forms, dark energy/dark matter only and not energy and matter proving that energy and matter are just duplicates disguising, playing along with the script for the time frame which after sometime, they transform back to their original form.
Creator to tailor: “So, what if each of the duplicate entities reach their time frame and expires, my materials will the waste for nothing?”
Tailor to creator: “No, I created a gate/channel, once any of the duplicate energy forms expires, the gate will automatically open for its energy on space-time to go inside space-time.”
Illustration 7
Tailor to creator: “I assure nothing will be lost from the duplicate dimension expiration.
Creator to Tailor: “You did a great job. Thank You.”
Explanation: The tailor created an automatic gate that will open through the separation i.e. barrier (space-time) between the “in” and the “on”. Once the entities carrying the duplicate energy dies, the gate opens and the energy on space-time will slowly return inside and become their original form. That gate is called a black-hole. The mathematical proof shows the barriers between the two dimensions as a gate, if energy passes through the gate, it becomes dark energy (illustration 7).
Proving all these statement from the tailor can only be done using a small scale (quantum), the classical (big scale) is made up of the quantum. However, seeing a planet is like seeing an electron, seeing a star is like seeing a photon, it all depends on what scale the view is from, the classical and the quantum are all the same generally. Also, the approved particle for origination is that of the electron/photon, nothing more or less. All that is been displayed in the illustration have been presented in Prince Jessii’s previous papers.
Read [7] for more info on all that has been displayed in this chapter of the universe – the dress.

6. Pi Traces

The fact is straight and simple, if Pi is the originator and facilitator of the universe then there would be physical/visible traces of Pi everywhere in the universe. The mathematical evidence of the traces of Pi is shown in chapter 1-5, from the relationship between a physical constant and another to Pi codes being observed as the values of physical constant to Pi extension values showing that numbers are real and correct, also the Pi shape proof, they are the mathematical proof of Pi traces but we’ll find out the observational proof as follows;

6.1. Planetary Bodies

Figure 4. Credit-NASA/JPL/Magellan (Venus & Earth display)
Figure 5
The planetary bodies are in Pi shapes, they are spherical, circular and can also be elliptical (oval). If the statement “seeing is believing” is to be assumed, a telescope can be used to observe the shape of planetary bodies. Perhaps, the shape of the sun and moon can be observed with the eyes from earth.

6.2. Creatures

Figure 6
The human body structure isn’t in a Pi shape, same with animals, they all have different appearances as result of biological/environment effects for uniqueness and to differentiate but every human, animal, insects (creatures) etc. developed from an egg. The egg in which these creatures develop from, can be released internally or externally. The shape of an egg is a Pi shape, its yolk also.

6.3. Trees

Figure 7
Tree trunks are in Pi shape (Figure 7). By cutting, its cross section is observed to produce a circumference, this is a style behind the trunk/stem of vegetation. They could be straight but when cut, a circumference is observed.

6.4. Fruits

Figure 8
Figure 8 speaks for itself, spot as much fruits from the figure also, they have different appearances (color and distortion) just for us to differentiate them but generally they are in Pi shapes by observing their structure.

6.5. Atom (A Small Unit of Matter)

Figure 9
Credit given to whoever first discovered an atom and its shape. However, the shape of an atom is observed to be spherical leading to the term “atomic radius.”

6.6. Subatomic Particles

Figure 10
Some other particles have been observed to have Pi shapes e.g. electron (electron radius) and proton. However, the shape of the subatomic particles if they are known or not, they are to be in the Pi shapes when discovered.

6.7. Rotation

Figure 11
Rotation is simply the path of a Pi shape as explained in chapter 3.1. Planets are in rotation around their stars, rotation (360°) is the path of a Pi shape, planets’ revolution is also 360° as well. Without the path of a Pi shape, there won’t be smooth rotation to lead to the day, night and seasons distribution.
Figure 12
The natural things have been talked about in this chapter. However, talking about man-made in machines, equipment, automobiles, a thing or two (fans, gears, wheels) must rotate for machines to work. No Pi, man can’t even advance. If tires are not in Pi shape, vehicles can’t move effectively. If fans and gears didn’t exist to rotate, air conditioners, cars, helicopters, aero planes, machines etc. won’t exist.

6.8. Ball (Sports)

Figure 13
Balls which are in different Pi shapes are the idea behind most of the sports. Without the idea of a ball as a Pi shape, sports and human talents in these sports won’t be discovered.

6.9. Others

Figure 14
Generally, the perfect shape for important objects are in Pi shapes, humans love the shape without knowing because there are no edges which can cause restriction. Bottle caps are in Pi shape, if they are not in Pi shape, it won’t be possible to cover bottles (rotation) and prevent leak. Bolts are in Pi shape, if they are not in Pi shape, rotation won’t be possible to tighten any part of a machine object effectively.
Keep spotting the traces of Pi.

6.10. Eyes

Figure 15
Above all, humans/creatures are precious to the creator. The heart could be the most important part of the human body but if both of the human eyes (sight) is lost, that human would beg for the creator to take its life because it is as good as being dead. Without the eyes, humans can’t observe their beautiful universe, can’t observe the traces of Pi. That eyes of humans/creatures is in a Pi shape, what else would be if not the eyes.
The shape of the universe was stated by Prince Jessii to be a Pi shape, it is an obvious prediction.
There are other traces, spot the traces of Pi around the universe and add yours, spread this discovery. Thank You.

7. Summary

Like Prince Jessii said, discoveries in physics didn’t happen accordingly, someone has to put the pieces of the puzzles together which he did. All what we calculate as circumference of the circle, sphere etc., Pi used in physics formulas, it all happened because there’s an originator and facilitator of the universe as a value. Without that value, equations will be incomplete. This is the reason why mathematicians had to create Pi, this is way back 4000 years ago, they sensed that there was a missing value in the formulas they created, they had no option than to form its value just to justify their equations to make sense. This paper you are reading is where it all started, we just have to imagine this paper existed before all related equations were derived, before all discoveries were made, sorry for the late coming but this is the foundation/root of physics. In mathematics, calculations/subjects with Pi are curves/Pi shape related while in physics, it is general, all subjects in physics involve Pi one way or the other, all equations can be re-written in Pi terms simply because it formed the physical constants and the universe.
Everything in the universe are related and were all created/originated by Pi, this is the definition of Ultimate Relativity, and the whole theory in this paper is its proof.
This theory is novel and proposed by Prince C. Igboejesi.




[1]  Prince Jessii, A Step Forward Progress in Physics and Cosmology with an Alternative Approach to General Relativity. , Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (A) Volume XX Issue III Version 1 (2020). Retrieved from
[2]  Prince Jessii, Detection of a Pack-Photon., Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (A) Volume XX Issue IV Version 1 (2020). Retrieved from
[3]  Prince Jessii, Physics of the Universe. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (A) Volume XX Issue IV Version 1 (2020). Retrieved from
[4]  Prince Jessii, Pi = 3.125, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 12 No. 1, 2021, pp. 11-24. Doi:10.5923/j.ijtmp.20221201.03.
[5]  Prince Jessii, Space Equations, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 9 No 2, 2019, pp. 41-44. doi: 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20190902.03.
[6]  Prince Jessii, The God Equation: Theory of Everything, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2021, pp. 77-98. Doi:10.5923/j.ijtmp. 20211103.01.
[7]  Prince Jessii, Ultimate Physics Equation: The Last Revolution in Physics (Deluxe), International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2021, pp. 106-133. Doi:10.5923/j.ijtmp.20211103.03.