Prince Jessii
Research Scientist, Imo State, Nigeria
Correspondence to: Prince Jessii, Research Scientist, Imo State, Nigeria.
Email: | ![](email/10.5923.j.ijtmp.20221201.03.gif) |
Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
The secrets revelation continues. Short but Spicy. Get ready. The “Ultimate Physics Equation (UPE)” is the blueprint of the universe, the ultimate theory of the universe which represents the truth in physics. The Ultimate Physics Equation gave birth to the physical constant theory. The physical constant theory is justified by Pi. The importance of the physical constant theory is to solve the problem of inaccuracy in physics and to also showcase the power of the blueprint. Thus, the full list of the accurate values of the physical constants is officially presented to the world with its related theory to fulfill its purpose.
Ultimate Physics Equation, Theory of Everything, Physical constants theory, Pi
Cite this paper: Prince Jessii, Pi = 3.125, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 12 No. 1, 2022, pp. 11-24. doi: 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20221201.03.
1. Introduction
We all know that the physical constants are their definitions, this paper focuses on results. The UPE (Theory of Everything) is the blueprint of the universe and the key to read the blueprint is the physical constants which is the reason why the physical constants are used as entries in the UPE equations. Everyone wants to see a link or connection to all aspects to physics to be convinced that we really know our universe, the simple solution to this is the physical constants. The physical constants represents different components of the universe as well as the different aspects of physics. The fact is; someone, a physicist can tell us that “this” is “that” and “that is “this” in physics and maybe convince us through experiments/observations and we start adopting it as a theory in physics because experiments said so, but how can one prove the statement theoretically, it’s only by using the physical constants alongside the blueprint just like i displayed in [7], this description can’t be effective without the use of the exact values of the physical constants from the physical constant theory.“Read [7] before this paper”
2. Physical Constants
Continuation from [7]. In the last paper [7], there was an early revelation of the exact values of the physical constants but this paper is its proper unveiling. The tests for the exact values of the physical constants were also presented in [7]. Once again, the full list of the exact values of the physical constants as (Table 1).Table 1 ![](image/10.5923.j.ijtmp.20221201.03_001.gif) |
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“The Constants are arranged according to similarity”
3. Physical Constant Theory
The physical constant theory was created/discovered by Prince Jessii, this theory reveals the fact/law which states that all physical constants of the universe are related to one another, leading to similarity in value patterns and links. This law is justified by pi (3.125) as the universe assist value.This theory can only be proven by the existence of the exact values of the physical constants which can only be gotten using two methods.
3.1. Methods
There are two ways to get the physical constants of the universe;1.) Tracing through the space-time parameter2.) Using Pi codesThe actual way to get the constants based on the law is by using pi codes. The tracing through the space-time parameter method which I revealed in [7] is a secondary way which uses the help of the experimental (inaccurate) values from CODATA. To explain better, using the method of tracing from the space-time parameter acknowledges the values from CODATA and the scientists behind them. Why? Because without the experimental values, we wouldn’t even know what the first digit of any physical constant is. Hence, the experimental values from CODATA helps in the tracing method.
3.2. Tracing through the Space-Time Parameter
This method is done using UPE resulting formulas and formulas related to the involved physical constants.It starts with the unification which resulted in the default values of energy, matter, dark energy, and dark matter. All originated from the space-time parameter, so we can just continue looking for more through tracing.Bringing back the unification description table from [5];Table 2 ![](image/10.5923.j.ijtmp.20221201.03_002.gif) |
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The above (Table 2) is a guide for this method. I discovered and presented the space-time parameter back in 2019. This space-time parameter (1.50 x 1010) alongside the speed of light as (3 x 108) resulted to unification in physics leading to the default values for energy (4.5 x 1016), matter (0.5), dark energy (4.5 x 1018) and dark matter (50). These values are their accurate values.Rule: Once the resulting values of the physical constants gotten from tracing is combined to give any of the above default values, then the values of the physical constant(s) involved in the combination is/are accurate.From table 2, the fine structure constant as (0.0072) with elementary charge as (1.60 x 10-19) gives the exact value for default energy, this means that both values are also accurate.With these, the tracing can begin (Table 3).Table 3 ![](image/10.5923.j.ijtmp.20221201.03_003.gif) |
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3.3. Using Pi Codes
We can tell a blind man that there’s an obstacle coming in front and he’ll believe, he’s blind and has no choice than to believe. Information that pi is an irrational value is all over the internet, in mathematics and physics. Also, they also say its digits are never ending and the rest of the false stories. If a mathematician or scientist creates a value that doesn’t have any relation with the universe or its components (e.g. Euler number) and say it’s irrational and its digits are never ending, then I could believe but not the pi value which is a very important value in the universe. Whoever started the false information about pi was simply operating blindly and the blindness was even contagious that scientists and people became blind also, this is what happens when one doesn’t know the root of physics and the blueprint of the universe. With the role of pi in the universe, it can never be an unending and irrational value, if it is, then we wouldn’t have a universe. Again, to reveal the truth behind the value, [7]. Pi value, 3.125
is like a cheat code in video games, but for the universe in this description. It has a secret nickname called “The assist value”, essential in creation of the universe, function as everything about the word “assist”- [to ease]. Some scientists and mathematicians used pi to create their formula but didn’t know the secret behind the numbers attached to pi in their resulting formula.
4. Pi Math – Pi Codes
Pi codes are numbers attached to pi in a formula. Not all numbers are pi codes, there’s a hidden secret in the blueprint which I’ll reveal. This leads to the introduction of pi math to the world. The value 3.125 is not just what you think. There are four digits in 3.125, arranged accordingly as 1, 2, 3 and 5. There are four features of a pi code;1.) 1 for all, either 2, 3 or 5 or a combination of either of them must be able to divide a pi code to result to another pi code.2.) A pi code must end in 1 when doing continuous division with 2, 3 and 5 or a combination of either of them (2, 3, 5).3.) 1 for all, a pi code is a product of continuous division with 2, 3 or 5 or a combination of either of them (2, 3, 5).4.) 1 for all, a pi code is a product of continuous multiplication with 2, 3 or 5 or a combination of either of them (2, 3, 5).
4.1. Test for Feature 4
Starting with feature 4 because it’s a way of producing a pi code for someone that doesn’t know.Feature 4 says; a pi code is the product of continuous multiplication with 2, 3 or 5 or a combination of either of them (2, 3, 5).In simple terms. 1 for all, we have 2, 3 and 5. If I am a pi code, you can only use 2, 3 or 5 or a combination to get to me.Continuous multiplication means;
Also, combination of (2, 3 and 5).We can say;
Whichever way one can start and continue the multiplication but it must be with (2, 3 and 5). This produces pi codes as the sequence continues.So, if it’s;
The result is a pi code [120]
Pi codes are produced as the sequence continues. Any continuous multiplication done with (2, 3, and 5 or a combination) produces a pi code, this is the primary way of producing a pi code.Note: The meaning of “1 for all” is; 1 multiplies a number to give the same number, if 1 multiplies a pi code, it results to the same pi code.
4.2. Test for feature 2 and 3
Feature 2 and 3 are under the same roof.Feature 2 says; A pi code must end in 1 when doing continuous division with 2, 3 and 5 or a combination of either of them (2, 3, 5).Feature 3 says; A pi code is product of continuous division with 2, 3 or 5 or a combination of either of them (2, 3, 5).In simple terms, if I am a bigger pi code, you can break me down using 2, 3, 5 or a combination to produce smaller pi codes, and I must end in 1 (Reverse production).Test;
The products of the continuous division above are pi codes (10368, 5184. 2592, 1296, 648, 324, 162, 81, 27, 9, 3, 1)![](image/10.5923.j.ijtmp.20221201.03_011.gif)
Keep testing as the reader.
4.3. Test for Feature 1
Feature 1 says; 1 for all, either 2, 3 or 5 must be able to divide a pi code to result to another pi code. As the reader, you can keep testing but I can only test a few.Only 2:
Only 3:
Only 5:
Combination of 2 and 3:
Combination of 2 and 5:
Combination of 3 and 5:
The pi codes can be tested for this feature. This feature simply means in simple terms; “If I am a pi code, it’s either 2 can divide me to produce another pi code or 3 can divide me to produce another pi code or 5 can divide me to produce another pi code or both 2 and 3 can divide me or both 2 and 5 can divide me or both 3 and 5 can divide me, all to produce another pi code.
4.4. Not a pi Code
To know a number that is not a pi code, subject that number to continuous division using 2, 3 or 5 or a combination and see if it’s possible leading to 1, if it doesn’t lead to 1, it is not a pi code.For example; 92
This is where it ends, 2 can’t divide further, 3 can’t and 5 can’t also. Therefore, 92 is not a pi code.Again, 39;
This is where it ends, 3 can’t divide further, 2 can’t and 5 can’t also. Therefore, 39 is not a pi code.With the four features, only few numbers are the chosen ones as a pi code.From 1 – 100, here are the pi codes;
As the reader, you can continue to discover more but the bottom line is; the blueprint of the universe is scripted in pi codes.There are formulas in physics and mathematics that contains a pi code, to list a few;Table 4 ![](image/10.5923.j.ijtmp.20221201.03_023.gif) |
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I didn’t create these formulas, it’s all coincidental, and it’s obvious that the scientists/mathematicians behind these formulas didn’t know what pi or pi code actually is. Perhaps, they formed their formulas from calculation / experiment / observation and somehow it’ll have a missing value which will require them to turn to pi for help and produce the exact pi code they need. They can easily put 2π or 4π and the rest, just to complete their formula but little did they know what they were actually dealing with.The Ultimate Physics Equation is the blueprint, therefore we have to use UPE equations to reveal the physical constants using pi codes.The UPE equations are;UPE Equation 1;
UPE Equation 2;
UPE Equation 3;
I already revealed how to use the UPE equations in [7]. p1, p2, p3, p4 are the entries, px is the result, S is the space-time parameter. So, insert entries to get a result.![](image/10.5923.j.ijtmp.20221201.03_027.gif)
The above is the entry style used for this method. While the pi code is responsible for conversion to another physical constant, the navigator is there to switch between value pattern similarities according the blueprint i.e. navigating from one part of the blueprint to another. An example of an already known formula in physics that has a navigator and a pi code is;
10-7 is the navigator, 4 is the pi code. With the above style, the physical constants as results from the UPE using pi codes are;Table 5 ![](image/10.5923.j.ijtmp.20221201.03_030.gif) |
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Just like the above using the UPE with the space-time parameter, each of the physical constants have its own pi code relation with every other constant. To reveal, let a physical constant imitate space-time in the UPE. Next is for the electric constant (Table 6).Table 6 ![](image/10.5923.j.ijtmp.20221201.03_031.gif) |
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I can’t display all pi code formula relationships between each of the physical constants and others, this paper will be too long. Perhaps, I can teach the world how to get the relationship between a physical constant and another using pi code.
4.5. How to Detect a Pi Code and Navigator
Inserting entries manually is a method, but there’s an easy method called “detection” as follows;Step 1: Choose a physical constant as the one in question to replace the space-time parameter, choose another as the result.Example 1: I choose the 1st radiation constant (3.75 x 10-16) to replace space-time and the molar planck constant (4 x 10-10) as the result.Step 2: Use the result as the entry alongside pi
In the above equation, 3 is the pi code, 10-7 is the navigator. Therefore, the equation is re-written as;
Note: In some cases, detection may not be possible in UPE 1 but will be possible in UPE 2 or UPE 3. More examples to describe.Example 2: I choose gravitational constant (6.6666666667 x 10-11) and the fine structure constant (0.0072) as the result.
In this situation, UPE 1 doesn’t work, there’s no pi code to detect there. Let’s proceed to UPE 2.
There’s a pi code and navigator here, 15 is the pi code, 10-13 is the navigator, I hope you understand the shifting of the decimal point.
Equation can be written as;
Sometimes, a pi code can be detected in both UPE 2 and 3.Example 3: I choose the speed of light (3 x 108) to replace the space-time parameter and the bohr radius (5.5555555556 x 10-11) as the result.Using UPE 1:
There’s a pi code and navigator here, 1728 is the pi code, 1015 is the navigator, I hope you understand the shifting of the decimal point.Therefore, the equation is re-written as;
In all these revealed relationship, the most important is pi and the pi code. Without the pi code alongside pi, there’s no relationship.Again, the value 3.125 is not just what you think. There are four digits in 3.125, arranged accordingly as 1, 2, 3 and 5. There are four features of a pi code;1.) 1 for all, either 2, 3 or 5 or a combination of either of them must be able to divide a pi code to result to another pi code.2.) A pi code must end in 1 when doing continuous division with 2, 3 and 5 or a combination of either of them (2, 3, 5).3.) 1 for all, a pi code is a product of continuous division with 2, 3 or 5 or a combination of either of them (2, 3, 5).4.) 1 for all, a pi code is a product of continuous multiplication with 2, 3 or 5 or a combination of either of them (2, 3, 5).Listing all the pi codes used as entries in this paper.
Just like an android app is created and maybe the programming language behind the app creation is JAVA or PYTHON. The same way if we were to ask the creator of the universe about the key to creation, it’ll say “PI” which is the language behind the blueprint of the universe. This means that; as the reader, imagine the universe was created in 2022 and the creator gave you a blueprint written in pi codes and you don’t know the value of pi, you wouldn’t understand the blueprint till the universe ends, just like one wouldn’t if I didn’t release this paper. Pi is/was the key to understand the blueprint. Pi is a person if you would believe but its value in physics and mathematics is 3.125. The truth like I said in [7], “pi was seriously involved as an assistant during the creation of the universe”, this whole theory is the proof. Another proof is what you see above as figure 1.![](image/10.5923.j.ijtmp.20221201.03_041.gif) | Figure 1 |
Figure 1 says it all, the simple statement is; “Why are planets/planetary bodies not square, rectangular, triangular etc. in shape? Why are they either circular, spherical or any shape that involves pi as its area/circumference?” over to you.
5. Summary
In the blueprint, entities are represented by values which are the physical constants, gravity means (6.6666666667 x 10-11), space-time means (1.5 x 1010), matter means (0.5), and so on.In the universe, everything is related, the UPE proves it. This theory in this paper is novel and proposed by (P.I) - Prince Igboejesi (04/07).Thank you for reading.
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