International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

p-ISSN: 2167-6844    e-ISSN: 2167-6852

2016;  6(3): 93-98



The Electromagnetic Radiation and Gravity

Bratianu Daniel

Str. Teiului Nr. 16, Ploiesti, Romania

Correspondence to: Bratianu Daniel, Str. Teiului Nr. 16, Ploiesti, Romania.


Copyright © 2016 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.

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Is already known that a non-inertial reference frame is equivalent to a certain gravitational field. In this paper, a non-uniformly accelerated linear motion of the reference frame is analyzed. We will try to prove that this motion generates a non-uniform and variable gravitational field, described by a Finsler metric. The attaching to the non-inertial reference frame of an electric charge, leads to changes in the structure of this gravitational field. The changes are produced by the EM radiation emitted, and can be easily recognized in the mathematical expression of the metric of space-time. The motion of the electric charge is analyzed also from a quantum perspective. The connection of the Schrodinger equation with the metric of space-time can be realized by means of a function of coordinates, which defines some Lorentz non-linear transformations. At the basis of these theoretical approaches is lay a variational principle in which the velocity of the particle is considered as a function of coordinates.

Keywords: Damped quantum oscillator, Lorentz non-linear transformations, a different type of variational principle, Finsler space

Cite this paper: Bratianu Daniel, The Electromagnetic Radiation and Gravity, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 6 No. 3, 2016, pp. 93-98. doi: 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20160603.01.

1. Introduction

Let us consider that we have a positive charge located in the center of a inertial reference frame and a negative charge located in the center of a non-inertial reference frame Then, let us imagine that the non-inertial reference frame is moving with the acceleration in the (x) direction with respect to the inertial reference frame. Also, let us assume that the accelerated charge is moving such that the bilinear form
is an invariant with respect to the following non-linear transformations
where, So, we try to find the functions such that
First we replace the coefficients as follows
Then, substituting the transformations (1.2) into equation (1.3), we get
So, we must have and the transformations (1.2) become
Also, we can admit the following inverse transformations
Differentiating now the direct transformations (1.6), we obtain
Differentiating also the inverse transformations (1.7), we obtain
In order to find the physical semnification of the function, we observe that, for the origin of the non-inertial reference frame, the equation (1.10) becomes
From this, we can deduce the derivative of the position with respect to time
which signifies the velocity of non-inertial reference frame with respect to the inertial reference frame. Also, in order to find the physical semnification of the function we observe that, for the origin of the inertial reference frame, the equation (1.8) becomes
From this, we can deduce also the derivative of the position with respect to time
which signifies the velocity of the inertial reference frame with respect to the non-inertial reference frame. But, according to the motion relativity principle, we must have
Therefore, we can admit the following identity

2. The Wave Function

Further on, we can associate a de Broglie wave with the accelerated charge. The wave must be stationary with respect to the non-inertial frame. Therefore, we can introduce the following wave function for the accelerated charge
where is given by the equation (1.7). Thus, we can rewrite this function with respect to the inertial reference frame as follows
Taking the partial time derivative of this function, we get
Now, we can introduce by definition the Hamiltonian operator
According to the equation (2.3), for the point we get
Therefore, we can deduce from here the following Hamiltonian function
where is the rest energy of the accelerated charge
and is the charge rest mass. Taking now the partial derivative of the function we get
Further on, we can introduce by definition the linear momentum
So, according to the equation (2.8), for the point we can write
Thus, we obtain the following expression for the linear momentum of the accelerated charge
Substituting now the equation (1.13) into the equation (2.6), we get the well known formula
where is the charge moving mass
Also, substituting the equation (1.13) into the equation (2.11), we get the well known formula

3. The Hamilton’s Equations

According to the principles of analytical mechanics, we can introduce now the Lagrange function
and the linear momentum as the derivative of lagrange function with respect to
where, according to the equation (1.13), we can consider
Let us consider also the action functional
where are constants. We assume that the action attains a local minimum at and is an arbitrary function that has at least one derivative and vanishes at the endpoints So, for any number close to zero, we can write
Thus, if the functional has a minimum for the function has a minimum at
where, according to the equation (3.3), and are functions of of the form
Taking the total derivative of we get
But, according to the equations (3.7) and (3.8), we have
Therefore, we get
According to the fundamental lemma of calculus of variations, we get
In consequence, we can introduce now the Hamiltonian function as
Differentiating now this function, according to the equation (3.13), we get the following equation
Comparing this expression with the mathematical expression
We get the following Hamilton equations

4. The Schrodinger Equation

Further on, we consider a function which describes a physical quantity of the accelerated charge. Taking the total time derivative of the function we obtain
According to the equations (3.17) and (3.18), we can rewrite this formula as follows
where is the classical Poisson bracket
Let us write the equation (4.2) under the following form
where is an operator whose expression is given by
Taking into consideration the analogy between quantum mechanics and analytical mechanics, we can introduce an operator corresponding to the physical quantity F. According to the equation (4.4), the corresponding equation for this operator must be
where is the quantum Poisson bracket
According to the equation (4.6), we can define the time derivative of the expectation value of the observable as follows
where is the mean value (expectation value) of the observable Also, the law that describes the time evolution of a particle must be of the form
In this equation, is the wave function of a quantum system, in the representation. According to this representation, the operators and are given by the expressions
Therefore, in the expression (4.5), we can make the replacing
which leads us to the following expression of the operator in the representation
But we seek the Schrodinger equation (4.9) in the representation. For this, we must introduce the operators
and the canonical commutation relation
According to this relation, in the expression (4.12) we can make the replacing
which leads us to the following expression of the operator in the representation
Therefore, we can write now the following Schrodinger equation
where the new Hamiltonian operator for the accelerated charge is given by
The additional term is of complex nature and its real part signify the potential energy of the field of force in which the particle is moving.

5. The Damped Oscillator

Let us consider that the accelerated charge is bound to the fixed charge by an elastic force of the form
Taking the total time derivative of the equation (2.6), we can introduce, according to the special relativity theory, the following equation
where is the resultant force which acts on the accelerating charge
This force must be the sum between the elastic force and the radiative reaction force
Therefore, for non-relativistic velocities, we get the equation of motion
We know that this equation is applicable only to the extent that the radiative reaction force is small compared with the elastic force
This condition leads us to the following equation of motion
Thus, the approximate solution of the equation (5.6) can be written as
where is the angular frequency of the damped oscillator
Also, from the equation (5.2), for non-relativistic velocities, we can now deduce a new differential equation
The integration of this equation leads us to the solution
where is given by the expression
But, according to the equation (1.13), we must have the condition
Taking the total time derivative of this equation, we get
Now, we can replace
Therefore, we get the equation
which is the same equation (5.6). Substituting this result into the equation (5.10), we can write the approximate equation
The solution of this equation is given by the expression
which results from the equation (1.13). Taking now the total time derivative of the displacement (5.8), we get
This expression can be written as a function of the displacement function under the following form
where the function is given by the expression
In this way, the velocity becomes a function of the coordinate , because here the displacement is considered as a variable which no longer depends on time. Consequently, we may admit for a solution of the form

6. The Damped Quantum Oscillator

Substituting now the solution (5.17) into the equation (4.18), we get, for non-relativistic velocities
For the Hamiltonian operator of the oscillator, we take the expression
Admitting for the wave function a solution of the form after the separation of variables, we get the following two equations
where the constant is the separation constant, and signifies the total energy of the quantum oscillator. Thus, after a rearrangement of the terms, the first equation can be rewritten as follows
Further on, we can introduce a dimensionless variable
such that the equation becomes
in which we have introduced the notations
Now, we can take for a solution of the form
which generates the differential equation for the unknown function
The constant can be determined from the equation
In order to get a finite solution for the function we choose the root
where we have introduced the notation
Therefore, the equation (6.11) becomes
We can introduce now a power series expansion as solution
Substituting this expansion into the differential equation (6.15), we get
which leads us to the recursion relation
Because the series must be finite, there exists some such that when the numerator will be zero. Therefore, we get
Substituting here the formula (6.8), we obtain the following complex expression for the total energy of the quantum oscillator
where are the quantized energies of the quantum oscillator
Substituting now the constant into the expression (6.10), we get
Also, substituting the equation (6.19) into the equation (6.15), we get for the unknown function the equation
If we introduce now a new dimensionless variable
the equation (6.23) becomes
where are the Hermite polynomials. So, and the solution can be written as
where are the multiplication factors, whose expression can be determined by the normalization condition of the wave function.
For the second equation (6.4), we have the solution
Substituting here the solution (6.20), we get the expression
which describe the time evolution of the wave function for the accelerated charge.

7. The Metric of Space-Time

Let us write now the “distance” between two infinitesimally close events, into the inertial reference frame
Substituting here the equations (1.8) and (1.9), we get
where the components of the metric tensor are
But, according to the equations (1.17) and (5.11), we have
Then, according to the transformations (1.6), we can impose
Substituting now these expressions into the equation (7.6), we get
Taking now the partial derivative of we obtain
Also, taking the partial derivative of we obtain
But, according to the transformations (7.7) and (7.8), we can write
Substituting these expressions into the equations (7.12) and (7.13), we get
where the velocity is given by the expression (5.17), which no longer can be written as a function of the coordinates So, in this particular case, the metric of space-time (7.2) becomes a Finsler metric, and the space becomes a Finsler space.

8. Conclusions

Intuitively, the non-uniformly accelerated linear motion of a oscillator must be equivalent to a uniform but variable gravitational field. However, the gravitational field described by the metric of space-time (7.2), is a non-uniform field. This is due to the particular mode of writing of the velocity of a particle as a function of the coordinates and the function depending on the same coordinates, by means of the velocity. Also, from the equation (3.17), we can observe that the term corresponds at the half of the radiative reaction force
Therefore, the function which determines the Lorentz non-linear transformations, intervenes in the determination of the radiative reaction force of the EM field and, also, in the determination of the gravitational field which appears in the non-inertial reference frame. Indeed, if we impose now we get
so, both, the radiative reaction force and the gravitational field, vanish. On the other hand, the radiative reaction force vanishes again when the oscillator is a neutral particle, but the gravitational field does not vanish, because is different from zero. This suggests that the EM energy carried by the EM radiation contributes to the energy of the gravitational field. Also we can conclude that the field which appears as an EM field into the inertial reference frame, appears as a gravitational field into the non-inertial reference frame.


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