International Journal of Stomatological Research
p-ISSN: 2326-1129 e-ISSN: 2326-1153
2013; 2(1): 1-4
Vipin Arora, Vineeta Nikhil, Jatin Gupta
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut,250005, India
Correspondence to: Vipin Arora, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut,250005, India.
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Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.
Mandibular canines present a complex internal anatomy. There are reported cases of canines with a single root and two canals, three canals, two roots or fused roots. The existence of mandibular canines with more than one root canal is a documented fact that clinicians should keep in mind, in order to avoid failure during endodontic treatment. In spite of the low incidence of lower canines with one root and two canals, this possibility should not be ignored, inasmuch as the presence of a second canal in these teeth leads to difficulties in endodontic treatment. The precise knowledge of the internal dental anatomy is essential for the success of the root canal therapy, because the failure to detect the extra canals and the incomplete radicular obturation leads to the infection of the periapical space, which ultimately results in the loss of the tooth. The long-term success of the restorative treatment depends directly on the quality of the endodontic treatment realized on the abutment teeth. The mandibular canine is very important as abutment for any type of restoration. This article presents a case of a patient with mandibular canine having two root canals ,which lead us to conclude that such anatomical variations also occur in india as much as described in the international literature and cannot be overlooked when treating the teeth.
Keywords: Mandibular, Canine, Two Root Canals
Cite this paper: Vipin Arora, Vineeta Nikhil, Jatin Gupta, Mandibular Canine with Two Root Canals – An Unusual Case Report, International Journal of Stomatological Research, Vol. 2 No. 1, 2013, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.5923/j.ijsr.20130201.01.
Figure 2. Photograph of Intraoral periapical radiograph for working length determination showing two canals in mandibular left canine |
Figure 3. Photograph of Intraoral periapical radiograph of mandibular left canine with master cones |
Figure 4. Photograph of Intraoral periapical radiograph of mandibular left canine with obturation |