International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
p-ISSN: 2163-1948 e-ISSN: 2163-1956
2023; 13(1): 14-23
Received: Sep. 11, 2023; Accepted: Oct. 7, 2023; Published: Oct. 13, 2023
Fomba Emmanuel Mbebeb
Department of Counseling Psychology, FED, The University of Bamenda
Correspondence to: Fomba Emmanuel Mbebeb, Department of Counseling Psychology, FED, The University of Bamenda.
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Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
Debates on the outbreak of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) had recognized individual and environmental factors as antecedents of health behavior outcomes. During the pandemic, workers at the frontline were often caught in between service delivery and risk factors, and activities appeared moderated by perceived risk of the health chaos. Although it had been argued that perceived risk of severity, susceptibility and control of the disease could promote preventive behaviors, the current study assumed that perceived threat fostered psychological distress among workers during their transactions. Using a sample of 260 workers (males 53.5%; females 46.5%) in Bamenda municipality, the study examined the extent to which performance anxiety among workers was predicted by perceived risk perception of the disease during their operations. An instrument (aggregate α = 0.853) was used for data gathering and regression analysis performed to estimate variations in the outcome measure. Perceived risk explained variations in performance anxiety (R2=.324, P<0.05) and perceived behavioral control was reported as a significant predictor of performance anxiety (R2=.065, P<0.05). Using the Health Belief Model as an explanatory framework, a number of potential practical strategies were advanced to enable workers reconstruct their beliefs and build the necessary psychological resources to cope with performance anxiety. Discussion was focused on current measures advanced in preventing the disease and in alleviating psychological distress among persons at work in different sectors of the economy.
Keywords: COVID-19, Risk perception, Perceived controllability, Performance anxiety, Workers
Cite this paper: Fomba Emmanuel Mbebeb, How COVID-19 Risk Factors influenced Performance Anxiety among Workers during the Outbreak of the Pandemic in Bamenda, Cameroon, International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 13 No. 1, 2023, pp. 14-23. doi: 10.5923/j.ijpbs.20231301.03.