Fatemeh Akbari Zadeh1, Maryam Ghaed Sharafi2
1Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Fasa Branch, Fasa Iran
2Department of Psychology, Fars Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran
Correspondence to: Maryam Ghaed Sharafi, Department of Psychology, Fars Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran.
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This study investigated the effectiveness of group counseling approach the quality of life of infertile Shiraz. A quasi-experimental design pretest - posttest with experimental and control groups, respectively. The population consists of all infertile couples Shiraz In the second half of 2016 in this city live. The sampling method available for 30 patients (15 experimental and 15 control) were selected and the Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHO) responded. Data using analysis of covariance, respectively. Results showed that training in view of improving the quality of life is significant.
Approach, Quality of life, Infertile mothers
Cite this paper: Fatemeh Akbari Zadeh, Maryam Ghaed Sharafi, Effectiveness of Group Counseling with the Approach on Quality of Life Infertile Mothers in Shiraz, International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 7 No. 3, 2017, pp. 90-93. doi: 10.5923/j.ijpbs.20170703.05.
1. Introduction
Infertility, many couples throughout the world are suffering. Doctors in different countries are trying to cure infertility. Infertility can be a certain psychological problems such as frustration, anxiety, anger and jealousy with which it is natural to have these feelings However, taking into account the fact that current treatments for infertility today than ever before, there is great hope for pregnancy before the couple leave; it will be easier to control these feelings. In the same way a baby is one of the best things happen for a couple as the baby cannot affect the life of a couple (Goldenberg and Goldenberg, 1994; translation of Shahi and Naghshbandi, 2016). Infertility, a lot of damage to life and makes people into psychological pressures associated with. Damage caused by infertility, including in the fields of trauma, communication abilities, marriage, family life, sexual and physical problems and economic problems have been reported It seems that infertility affects all aspects of life and not be limited only to matters of sexual relations And the effects on the psychosocial context of infertile imposed (Chachamoych, Ezer, Cordova, and Falak, 2010; quoted from Hoseynian and Mohammadi, 2011). Several factors affect people's quality of life and fertility is also a difficult and debilitating condition that can cause serious health and social problems and decrease the quality of life of this group are (Khyata et al., 2003). In a study of Mango and colleagues (2010) conducted have shown that infertility issues, negative impact on quality of life. In Iran, more than a million infertile couples live and according to the terms of the Iranian popular culture, children were of great importance, infertility can be considered one of the reasons for the divorce (Behjati et al., 2010). World Health Organization (1993) quality of life that defines: perception of his position in relation to the objectives and value systems accepted by them with regard to the objective conditions of life several factors in quality of life are included, for example, family be of good physical health, Daily activities and energetic, with happiness and hope he makes a personal and social relationships will be successful and compatibility The family won a significant impact on performance, although factors such as mental health, social relationships appropriate and effective in improving quality of life But to be consistent and play a role in the life cycle to be considered. The idea of family life cycle two things to our understanding of individual growth adds: First, families should help their members to recognize growth and change; second, developments in each of the family may affect one or all family members (Nichols, translation Dehghani et al., 2012). Social life quality of infertile women to see those friends who are mothers, transformed in this way, they isolated themselves and cut their relationship with their friends and seclusion and isolation are adopted. Despite many advances in the treatment of infertility or infertility diagnosis encountered people who, whether they are undergoing treatment, psycho-physical process painful to endure (Thoren, 2009, according to the Hoseynian and Mohammadi, 2011). Today, the existence and the search for the meaning of life, people suffer more than physical problems. When clients say they do not have any sense in life, it becomes clear that they have accepted that life has a meaning that is cannot find it. Often what is included under the meaninglessness of the most sought-final topics such as death, isolation and are free. Meaning therapists can help clients To defend the anxiety of meaninglessness, more information to find out how much search for references for wealth, pleasure, power, fame and officials of failing to deal with the issue of the absurdity stems and ultimately the issue is loneliness, isolation most people suffering problems. Despite the fact that a significant percentage of infertile couples in the community and with the specific problems faced, Social researchers have focused less on this issue. The different aspects of this study, the psychological experiences with infertility and the impact that had a view of the various aspects of their lives This bias was to determine the factors that cause is. The aim of this study the effectiveness of group counseling approach is the quality of life of infertile Shiraz.
2. Research Method
The research method was experimental with pretest-posttest design with control group. The population consists of all infertile couples live in the city of Shiraz in 2016 form.Research ToolsQuality of life (WHO)To measure quality of life questionnaire quality of life World Health Organization (BREF-QOL WHO) were used as internal reliability using Cronbach's alpha 0.75 and diagnostic validity of multiple linear regression model in Iranian studies investigated the validity of satisfactory shows has (Karimloo, 2011).Table 1. Descriptive statistics of variables  |
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Table 2. Covariance analysis of the variables  |
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3. Results
The results of the study was an analysis of covariance examined the effect of pre-test be controlled by using analysis of covariance. Inferential analysis, this study was conducted using the software SPSS 24.
4. Conclusions
The results showed that the quality of life and education components of the treatment is effective in infertile couples. These results can be used for alignment of research Rebecca and Jiyaking (2011), Peterson (2010), Kang Kyung et al. (2009); Hamid, Talyban, Mehrabi Zadeh and Yavari (2011) is consistent. Frankel believed that the will to meaning on a global scale expansion has failed to humans in the sense of meaninglessness hands and feet are often associated with emptiness and emptiness is he these "vacuum being" called a general vacuum of the boredom and indifference presents here sadness or boredom indicate a lack of interest in the world and indifference suggests a lack of creativity or changes in the surrounding world, feel that this experience would be for the hell of that experience abyss called be (Mohammadpur, 2006). The frivolity, as expected, it can cause a particular impact on women's quality of life. A large majority of infertile couples in any way negative physical reactions and specific symptoms and physical pain and discomfort or risk of developing other health problems derived from not suffer infertility. So many infertile people can in fact most of his life all his life, ignoring whether they are fertile or not, spend and enjoy their lives. Based on the theory that the quality of life, maybe the control of consciousness, thoughts, feelings and physical sensations, is the biggest challenge for psychologists. In addition to this theory the quality of life, life satisfaction and subjective well-being (so-called subjective well-being and quality of life for happiness researchers Partly the positive qualities of human consciousness or internal experiences such as thoughts and feelings reflect) insists. The issue with the question, "you're basically happy or maybe you feel satisfied with life" is measured. Quality of life in terms of inner experience, subjective and individual characteristics of research on subjective well-being in general and in particular the theory of quality of life. The subjective approach results different from what was originally purely objective approach and quality of life, well-being and well-being defined in terms of assessing the value of the letters gives (denier and Seligman, 2004). Considering that no research to determine the effectiveness of the training in aspects related to quality of life in infertile couples not paid, in an explanation of the overall effectiveness of the training methods on improvement of physical can be said that infertility and stress it leads to physiological stress is (Peterson Ifret, 2011). There are no comments involving self-awareness, theology, the meaning of life, choice, responsibility and death, makes the people skills needed to solve problems in a self-reinforcing. Since the mothers are feeling empty and dysfunctional thoughts are numerous, activate these thoughts not only to focus the individual on their own, and hopelessness about the future, resulting in reduced quality of life, but also making an impact on the exacerbation of symptoms leaves. Teach the concept of suffering various challenges in life and choosing the correct approach to the issue of the treatment, and the impact on these aspects can ultimately affect the quality of life of infertile couples. Therefore, increasing the acceptability of the treatment, quality of life in infertile women will increase, On the other hand the quality of life after infertility can be improved by increasing the physical and psychological support.
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