International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

p-ISSN: 2163-1948    e-ISSN: 2163-1956

2016;  6(3): 103-108



Self Morality Cultivation (SMC) through Hydrotherapy with Thaharah Meditation for Rehabilitate Adolescent Drug Addicts

Regina Zahara

Islamic Guidance and Counseling, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia

Correspondence to: Regina Zahara , Islamic Guidance and Counseling, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia.


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Background: Adolescence is the time of transition from childhood into adulthood and perhaps most complex stages, a time when young people take on new responsibilities and experiment with independence. Adolescence period is very valuable and expected to provide great expectations, not only in success for their own selves, but also for their own nation. However, nowadays many cases of drug abuse in adolescents as a student alarming the world, including Indonesia. And according to the data from BNN Indonesia 2014 reported that 27.32% drug addict comes from among adolescents (students). The data from Portal Indonesia also described that 104.000 students have become drug addicts. Thus, this paper will provide a way as an effort drug abuse both curative and preventive. Methods: This paper uses qualitative descriptive approach based on literature studies and trials directly to the subject which is teenage drug addicts. Then, the paper is structured with stages include assessing the problem, finding and selecting sources of literature related to the discussion, analyzing the sources of literature to answer a problem, examining the feasibility of involving adolescent drug addicts, explicating conclusion, and making recommendation. Result: This paper describes the concept and application of SMC (Self Morality Cultivation) which is a new recommended way to rehabilitate adolescence drug addicts through meditation thaharah hydrotherapy with both curative and preventive. The meditation's medium that is used for the hydrotherapy with thaharah is water. Water is a compound that is flexible and can be negative or positive. Hence, hydrotherapy can be used as a physical and psychological healing. Thaharah derived from Arabic words which means sacred or common related to water hygiene. Thus, the water used is purified water, clean and temperature of 46°C. In the SMC, the schedule and the way to use water in this therapy has also been set up for adolescence drug addicts has been declared effective and improve the positive moral for the adolescence.

Keywords: Adolescent drug addicts, Hydrotherapy, Rehabilitate

Cite this paper: Regina Zahara , Self Morality Cultivation (SMC) through Hydrotherapy with Thaharah Meditation for Rehabilitate Adolescent Drug Addicts, International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 6 No. 3, 2016, pp. 103-108. doi: 10.5923/j.ijpbs.20160603.02.

1. Background/ Objectives and Goals

1.1. Background

Adolescence is one of life s fascinating and perhaps most complex stages, a time when young people take on new responsibilities and experiment with independence. They search for identity, learn to apply values acquired in early childhood and develop skills that will help them become caring and responsible adults. When adolescents are supported and encouraged by caring adults, they thrive in unimaginable ways, becoming resourceful and contributing members of families and communities. Busting with energy, curiosity and spirit that are not easily extinguished, young people have the potential to change negative societal patterns Of behavioural and break cycles of violence and discrimination that pass from one generation to the next. With their creativity, energy and enthusiasm, young people can change the world in astonishing ways, making it better place not only for themselves but for everyone [1]. Thus, adolescence is an important period which must be passed by distribution of talent, moral guidance and also affection well.
Adolescence is a time of productive, active and cheerful. In this period, the success will be easily reached because of the condition of the energetic body. However, many cases involving teenagers because teenagers are easily affected by negative influences. By unwittingly, teens can get stuck in the bad influence that makes them become a drug addicts [2]. Drugs can give a bad influence for generations. However, nowadays many cases of drug abuse in adolescents as a student alarming the world, including Indonesia. According to the data from BNN Indonesia 2014 reported that 27.32% drug addict comes from among adolescents (students). According to the research data of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) estimates the number of drug users in Indonesia will continue to increase. BNN predicts that the prevalence of drug users reached 5.1 million people in 2015. Manate as the committee of BNN said that the mortality rate due to drug abuse is estimated to reach 104,000 people aged 15 years. They died because of an overdose [3]. This is due to the mistaken about the lifestyles of the people of Indonesia, especially among teenagers.
Drugs kill between 40 and 45 people every day, according to National Police chief Comr. Gen. Badrodin Haiti [4]. The data from Portal Indonesia also described that 104.000 students have become drug addicts [5]. If this is allowed, then the generation of people will not develop properly. Drug prevention can be done by providing rehabilitation to addicts as BNN do. One of their efforts to cure drug addicts is imprisoning drug addicts into prison. That effort has already long done. However, many addicts are cured and when released from prison, he started to become addicted again. Healing effort is not only quite in the realm of behavior alone, but also need a touch of spiritual and self morality awareness. They need to be healed physically, psychically and spiritually. Therefore, the authors recommend SCM (Self Morality Cultivation) as new efforts to rehabilitate drug addicts.

1.2. Formulas

Based on the background of the problems above, the author has determined several formulas of the problem, as follows:
1. What is the meaning of SCM (Self Morality Cultivation) with thaharah meditation for rehabilitate adolescent drug addicts?
2. How is an overview of the concept of SCM (Self Morality Cultivation) thaharah meditation for rehabilitate adolescent drug addicts?
3. How is the implementation of SCM (Self Morality Cultivation) thaharah meditation for rehabilitate adolescent drug addicts?

1.3. Objectives/Goals

The objectives of this research, as follows:
1. To knowing and understanding about the meaning of SCM (Self Morality Cultivation) with thaharah meditation for rehabilitate adolescent drug addicts.
2. To knowing and understanding about the an overview of the concept of SCM (Self Morality Cultivation) thaharah meditation for rehabilitate adolescent drug addicts.
3.To knowing and understanding about the implementation of SCM (Self Morality Cultivation) with thaharah meditation for rehabilitate adolescent drug addicts.

2. Methods

This study is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The search procedures produce descriptive data such as written words from the people are observed and it is supported by literature or literature study based on a literature review of data and number, so that the reality can be well understood [6]. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach based on literature studies and trials directly to the subject which is teenage drug addicts. Then, the paper is structured with stages include assessing the problem, finding and selecting sources of literature related to the discussion, analyzing the sources of literature to answer a problem, examining the feasibility of involving adolescent drug addicts, explicating conclusion, and making recommendation.

3. Results

Addiction is a chronic brain disease that is driven by 2 critical elements, genes and environment: neither can be ignored. Genetic studies have been invaluable in identifying addiction vulnerability loci and genetic variants that are important for understanding the neurobiology of the disease, pointing to potential drug targets, and identifying alleles that may be useful for tailored treatment interventions. Social and environmental elements such as family, peer, community, and social attitudes and beliefs are also important psychobehavioral domains that contribute to the complexity of addiction [7] Drug addiction, formerly known as substance dependence, is a chronically relapsing disorder that is characterized by compulsion to seek and take the drug, loss of control in limiting intake, and emergence of a negative emotional state (e.g. dysphoria, anxiety, irritability) when access to the drug is prevented. The occasional but limited use of an abusable drug is clinically distinct form escalated drug use, the loss of control over limiting drug intake, and the emergence of chronic compulsive drug seeking that characterize addiction [8]. According to the data observation, the drug addiction marked by a change in the attitude of addicts, appears anxiety, disoriented, anxious, want to take drugs, and unconsciousness. Rofiqudin as the expert in the treatment of drug addicts at Surabaya said that drug addict is people who lost their identity and forget between the right and the wrong. This can be because he chose to take drugs to escape from life's problems that are being experienced. In fact, drugs are even more misleading in the wrong direction.
It will be more complicated if drug addiction occurred by adolescent people. Adolescent is someone who still in the process of undergoing self-development and talent exploration. Jay and Wilson have explained about student activities at the school. They said that student participations will give the benefits of adolescent development [9]. In fact, students are providing their time to promiscuity. So, many of adolescent have drugs addicted because influenced by promiscuity.
According to the description about adolescent drug addicts that explained before, need the treatment that can improve morality. Not only fix between physical and psychological, but also in morality. That's because that drug addicts should be treated as a whole. Moral basically has a lot of meaning according to the many viewpoints. In the dictionary of psychology (Chaplin 2006), stated that the moral refers to attitude in accordance with social rules or regarding laws or customs that regulate behavior. While in developmental psychology, Hurlock (6th edition, 1990), stated that moral behavior is: behavior in accordance with the moral code of a social group. Moral means manners, habits and customs. Moral behavior is controlled moral concepts or regulation behavior has become a habit for members of a culture. While in Webster's New World dictionary (Wantah, 2005) Moral is something that has to do with the ability to determine between the true or false and good or bad behavior [10]. Thus, we can conclude that morality is a belief about right or wrong, good or bad, in accordance with the social agreement, underlying the actions or thoughts. Morality is important to be imparted to the nation's generation. Therefore, the SMC (Self Morality Cultivation) program undertaken to build good morale for nation's generation both drug addicts or not.

4. Discussion

In this sample, the following equations are presented as illustration.
a. The Meaning of SMC (Self Morality Cultivation)
In this research, author has made the concept of a therapy program, namely SMC (Self Morality Cultivation) for adolescent drug addicts. Self Morality Cultivation is the therapy program to healing adolescent drug addicts through hydrotherapy with thaharah meditation. Thaharah derived from Arabic words which means sacred or common related to water hygiene. Water is a compound that is flexible and can be negative or positive. This program uses the healing therapy noticed three parts, namely the physical, psychological, and spiritual. The three parts are checked and cured by hydrotherapy with thaharah meditation. Clearly, we should know about hydrotherapy before knowing about that healing. Hydrotherapy is a use of water which is used to cure and relieve a variety of complaints. For this purpose, the water can be used in many ways and ability has been recognized a long time ago, especially in the Greek, Roman, Turkish the European community and also Ancient China culture. The general public is also aware that the benefits of a warm bath is to make the body more relaxed, get rid of aches, stiffness in muscles, and drove to sleep more soundly. Warn water or steam opens the pores stimulates perspiration, makes blood vessels dilate and relax the muscles. However, bathing in the water bath or under the shower are giving contrary effect. The effect is fresh and passionate spirit. Cold temperatures wrinkled skin blood vessels, so that blood flow is diverted to internal tissues and organs of the body to maintain basic body temperature. Cold water or ice is used to reduce swelling and bruising and close the pores of the skin. Hydrotherapy can be used in a variety of ways: soak in hot water, soak in cold water, soak plain water, a steam bath, a shower means Sitz (Sitz Bath), hot showers and cold, wrapping, bags of water, and flotation (float in salt water solution). Hydrotherapy also used for meditation. This meditation is used to calm the mind, allowing the emergence of clarity and the emergence of higher consciousness. It is rather like a zoom lens on a camera, we narrow the focus on the areas targeted. This category includes meditation is the Rosary, dhikr, transcendental meditation (TM), Silva Mind Control, Visualization, Progressive Relaxation, Biofeedback, until the Sufi dance [11].
Hydrotherapy is used to stimulate the body's internal activities that help the immune system, and helps in the prevention and treatment of disease. Generally, the techniques of hydrotherapy are [12]:
• Submerge and scrub for improving blood circulation and respiration
• Hot and cold compresses to help reduce fever and stimulate blood flow
• Bath shower and soak in cold water to stimulate the circulatory and nervous systems.
• Bath shower for certain parts of the body affected.
In hydrotherapy with thaharah meditation, the water that used is shower water and also water in the tub or container of water. Water used for thaharah has some criteria: the water does not get dirty, clean, water temperature of 46° C, no odor, clear, no ex-used water, the color of water is not changed, and not less than 2 kulah (minimum 216 liters) in a water bath.
Water that more than 2 kulah will better for neutralize small dirt (germ) that accidentally get into the water. This is the minimum size of water that can be used to thaharah. If the water used is water showers, it becomes better. Because the shower water can reactivate blood circulation and nerve for drug addicts. However, make sure that the shower water can flow continuously. The time is divided into several times. Five times use for wiped water in several places in the body (early morning, mid-afternoon, right afternoons, dusk time, and night). Two times used to normal bath. And one time used for bath therapy in a third of the night (above the middle of the night).
Masaru Emoto in his research proved that water is given a positive response, including prayers, will produce beautiful hexagonal shape [13]. So, before using the water, can be performed prayers and good wishes so that the water will be positive as well.
b. The Concept of SMC (Self Morality Cultivation)
SMC (Self Morality Cultivation) conducted about six months. Drug addicts are placed in the hostel which was formed for this rehabilitation and then continuously be nurtured back to health. The therapist must cooperate with physicians, psychologists, and volunteers who want to contribute to help cure addicts using hydrotherapy with thaharah meditation. As previously mentioned, there are several times used to perform this hydrotherapy with thaharah meditation. And it was done in several ways, as follows:
1) Five times wiped water in several places in the body
The first, adolescent drug addicts stimulated by the therapist so that they have a desire to heal. And the second, the adolescent drug addicts follow to do self-cleaning as bellow:
a. Washing both hands while praying
b. Gargling repeated three times
c. Inhaling water into the nose by taking a right hand full of water and put water into the nose by means of a breath to inhale the water that goes into most tip of the nose, then sprayed by means of punch nose with his left hand. do it three times
d. Washing face three times
e. Washing both hands up to the elbows starting from the right and left hand constantly repeated three times
f. Wiping the head with both palms that had been moistened with water, then run both hands from the front of the head to the back nape and then return again to the front of the head
g. Rubbing both ears by inserting a finger into the ear, then the thumb rubbing both ears
h. Washing the feet until both ankles starting from the right and left foot constantly repeated three times.
i. All parts do three times and starting from the right part of the body. All doing in an orderly and sequential.
This session performed 5 times a day as explained before: early morning, mid-afternoon, right afternoons, dusk time, and night. Physically, this session will help reactivate the organs and nerves for drug addicts. Blood circulation at the palms and the soles are a tip of the body which is weaker than other parts of the body because the palms and the soles are the body parts which is most distant from the center of the circulatory (heart) [14]. If everything is done properly, it can strengthen the blood circulation so as to increase the activity and fitness. Psychologically, addicts can feel calmer than before. If done continuously and in accordance with the guidelines, the addict will choose in a row. Then when addicts can recover, then the moral cultivation is done until the time of treatment (as agreed previously) has been completed and declared cured of drug addiction.
2) Two times used to normal bath
Normal shower bath is done as usual in general. However, if the addict is still in a state that does not allow to bathing themselves, it may be assisted by a therapist. Physically, the bath can prevent the body from bacteria and germs. And psychically, the bath can give a fresh taste that makes the mood comfortable [15]. Spiritually, the bath can give the purity of soul. Bathing in is done to maintain health and fitness. Thus, hydrotherapy with this meditation thaharah not make a normal shower be underestimated, particularly for drug addicts. With the effect of health and fitness, it will cause comfort experienced by drug addicts. And in daily life, addicts are led to follow the direction to always pray and dhikr so that more awareness can be achieved.
3) Bath therapy in a third of the night
This bath is done in the early morning. (in a third of the night). In Indonesia, the effective time is about 01:20 AM until 03.00 AM o'clock. Health experts explain that the air at this time is very rich in oxygen, so it is beneficial to optimize the body's metabolism, which affects the vitality of someone in a full day activity [16]. Bathing is done with a throw water minimum in 2 kulah (using water dipper as many as 40 times). Flush the water evenly throughout the body. This bath will make the spiritual becomes more clear. This bath also helps drug addicts to recover their health and their physical. This bath is also used to train mental endurance, train control lust (id uncontrolled) and train obedience to follow the directives. Emotional state on the cusp of anger, uncontrolled, impatient, unstable, and addiction can be cured with water. The water used is clean of dirt, clear, clean, cool, given a prayer. This bath makes the body's blood vessels on the surface of the body shrink and stimulates blood flow to the brain, heart, liver, and nerves in the body weight. Blood run smoothly and bring more oxygen. With the amount of blood flowing to the brain, the brain will be bright, and the mind becomes clear. With the amount of blood flow to the heart, then the heart becomes stronger. With the amount of blood flow to the heart, the liver becomes healthy. One task of the liver is to neutralize toxins and these tasks become fluent with this bath. Bath at the time, can neutralize toxic drugs in the body quickly. This condition causes the brain to be smart and be aware. Recovery of physical and spiritual upbringing (good moral awareness) that provided also be easily digested making the addicts who recover can be a useful human being as before [17].
c. The Implementation of SMC (Self Morality Cultivation)
The implementation of SMC (Self Morality Cultivation) is starting from the family of agreement to put the addicts in a dormitory that has been provided to perform this therapy. Duration of staying at the dormitory is 6 months (or until addicts recover from drug addiction). After approval has been made by the family to the therapist, the psychological and physical health conditions of addicts are checked by psychologists and physicians to determine the level of addiction, and also their readiness to be treated. Then addicts follow the spiritual guidance of the therapist. Then addicts bathed until clean. Bathing is done in accordance with what has been described previously, namely bath at an early time of the day (bath therapy in a third of the night). The therapist will help the addict to perform the therapy. Then addict nurtured to do water therapy 5 times a day (wiped water in some parts of the body). And addicts garrisoned until healed so that the healing process will be faster. Addict nurtured to bring him to his Lord. He's a lot to remember his Lord. And little by little, addicts are taught about the science of religion and good morals lesson in religion. All religions have always taught about good morals. And at this time, addicts for investments made aware of the moral when therapy has been running for some time. This therapy has been tested to some adolescent drug addicts in Surabaya. And most of them can recover from addiction after treated for 6 months.

5. Conclusions

Self Morality Cultivation is the therapy program to healing adolescent drug addicts through hydrotherapy with thaharah meditation. This program uses the healing therapy noticed three parts, namely the physical, psychological, and spiritual. The three parts are checked and cured by hydrotherapy with thaharah meditation. SMC (Self Morality Cultivation) conducted about six months. Drug addicts are placed in the hostel which was formed for this rehabilitation and then continuously be nurtured back to health. Therapists cooperate with physicians, psychologists, and volunteers who want to contribute to help cure addicts using hydrotherapy with thaharah meditation. As previously mentioned, there are several times used to perform this hydrotherapy with thaharah meditation: five times wiped water in several places in the body, two times used to normal bath, and bath therapy in a third of the night. This therapy is done until the addicts recover from addiction and during the process of therapy that is physically and psychologically healthy, self morality teaching and learning is also enhanced.

6. Suggestion

Drug addicts are expected to follow this therapy or SMC (Self Morality Cultivation) program. And the author hopes that addicts can join the target program that takes into account physical, psychological, and spiritual healing. This therapy is recommended can be implemented with some steps, as follows:
1) To disseminate information about the therapy through seminars, workshops, pamphlets, and others.
2) The author hopes that this drug recovery effort by SMC (Self Morality Cultivation) can be spread in many countries where people need healing drug addicts both in the preventive and curative healing. And also moral cultivation efforts so that people become drug repellent.
3) This therapy can be done not only for the addict who is still a teenager, but also for other ages.
4) Suggested for drug addicts are women, this therapy is better nurtured by the family on a regular basis, without having to stay in a dormitory. So, dormitory rehabilitation is intended for men drug addicts.

7. Acknowledgments and Legal Responsibility

With the completion of this paper, the author would like to thanks to:
1) UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya as State University which has supported and developed competence of scientific writing of author.
2) INABAH Boarding House Surabaya that give some information for author.
3) Various sources of references that have been reference literature for author.
4) All interviewees that interviewed about all related topics written by the author.


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