International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
p-ISSN: 2163-1948 e-ISSN: 2163-1956
2012; 2(2): 44-50
doi: 10.5923/j.ijpbs.20120202.07
Olatomide W. Olowa , Omowumi A. Olowa
Agricultural Science Education Department Federal College of Education (Tech.) Akoka, Lagos
Correspondence to: Olatomide W. Olowa , Agricultural Science Education Department Federal College of Education (Tech.) Akoka, Lagos.
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Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.
The study seeks to answer the question whether retest practice changes the speed-ability relationship. We evidence this by administering several cognitive tests of attention, memory and working memory by subjecting participants to Attention Switching Task, Continuous Attention Task, Memory Scanning Task, Letter Comparison Task, and Maintenance Summation Task. Decreases in mean reaction time were substantial in the memory and working memory tasks whereas in attention tasks the effect was small or even insignificant. Intercepts, slopes and components representing sources with a constant, increasing and decreasing influence on responding were computed and correlated with ability. The results revealed that the correlation of the Letter Comparison task was large independently of retest practice. In contrast, for the Maintenance Summation Task the highest correlation was observed for the component representing the source with an increasing influence. Some retest practice seems to be necessary in order to establish the relationship of working memory and ability.
Keywords: Retest practice, attention, working memory, reaction time, ability, trend analysis
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