International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
p-ISSN: 2163-1948 e-ISSN: 2163-1956
2012; 2(2): 10-15
doi: 10.5923/j.ijpbs.20120202.02
Kasomo Daniel
Department of Religion Theology and Philosophy Maseno University in Kenya
Correspondence to: Kasomo Daniel , Department of Religion Theology and Philosophy Maseno University in Kenya.
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This paper aims at laying this ghost of Religion as a Science to rest by establishing the link between Physical sciences and Human sciences using scientific methodology. We intend to put a case for the Human sciences by systematically arguing out the fact that Human sciences are truly sciences and that the very methodology employed by the physical sciences are the ones used in social sciences. We shall also establish where they differ especially as regards intention. It is also our hope that we explicate the scientific character of religious knowledge and to establish the third way in which we can study both physical and social sciences. Part One deals with the nature of science which will help us to know exactly what we mean by science. We shall also examine the relationship that exists between physical sciences and social sciences. Part Two deals with the scientific character of religious knowledge and how it fits within the general understanding of science. In Part Three, we trace the development of phenomenology of religion as the method for studying religion and how phenomenology is a science just like any other science. Finally, we shall apply the knowledge so gained to the study of religion and how religion is studied. In the final analysis, we want to find out whether religious studies can truly be called "Religious science".
Keywords: Human, Religion, Science, Studies