Mohamed Buheji
International Inspiration Economy Project, Bahrain
Correspondence to: Mohamed Buheji , International Inspiration Economy Project, Bahrain.
Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

Cite this paper: Mohamed Buheji , Forward from "Editor in Chief": Realising 'Creating Legacies' & 'Meaning of Existence' as Inspiration and Resilience Economy Concepts, International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy, Vol. 4 No. 1, 2020, pp. 0-0. doi: 10.5923/j.ijire.20200401.00.
The "meaning of existence" is what we observe as a missing gap in most of the countries we visited in the last four years since we have established the international inspiration economy project (IIEP). As pioneers of the concept of 'inspiration economy; we found from interacting with more than 21 societies, in different regions and countries of the world, that understanding the purpose of existence is what help many leaders to create a differentiated impact and legacy on their communities. When we design the purpose of our existence, we are actual architecting our relationships between us as humans and the communities around us. The experience of 'searching for the purpose of existence' can help the seekers to achieve three goals related to either preparing the self or society or create a difference in life. However, the researchers found also that although many of the distinguished world pioneers work to find a difference in life, they do not have a vision of the requirements of 'Creating a Legacy'.Therefore, this inspiration and resilience economy journal established a track for researches that focuses on the requirements of the legacy creation which go far beyond being a person with a meaningful life, despite the importance of that. Rather, it goes beyond being a person who wants to leave a clear imprint. The true legacy maker does not work for himself, but works to build components for a mutually supportive society and for achieving clear differentiated impacts. The impact maker explores the type of impact, then calibrates, identifies and develops this targeted impact or legacy in multiple stages, and as he/she goes along the journey of life. The researchers found that the poses that contribute to building design, sound thinking, and even harvesting results. When these points gather, we have a beginning that forms the effect of developing and upgrading societies. The researchers emphasise that the "path of creating a legacy" begins with 'fogginess' and 'lack of clarity-of-purpose' and until the target.Since the launch of the IIEP exploring 'creating legacy' have contributed to the transformation of the mindset that is needed for those seeking to leave a legacy. The profound knowledge built through the researches published in this journal and sister journal 'International Journal of Youth Economy' helped in clarifying the requirements of the journey of the pioneers and why it became today clearer and more challenging. The journey of the legacy differentiation depends on our ability to cross life challenging bridges. Our capacity for crossing these bridge depends on our ability to foresight the future with greater determination and dedication and then building the stories that made you reach there. These stories should reflect the level of impact or legacy that we strive to leave and will be left by the generations after us. These stories are made of lessons learned that simulated us in different un-imagined ways.With the great development in science and artificial intelligence, exploring our internal potentials as humans is one of the main differentiation that would ensure our differentiated legacy on this earth. To distinguish the next human journey, and preserve our human fabric we need today and more than ever to realise through research how the journey of exploring both 'creating legacies' and the 'meaning of existence' could help to create better inspiring and resilient economies.
Keywords Meaning of Existence, Creating a Legacy, Inspiration Economy, Resilience Economy, Creating an Impact, Community