Benkhaled Abdelkrim
University of Ahmed Draia, Adrar, Algeria
Correspondence to: Benkhaled Abdelkrim, University of Ahmed Draia, Adrar, Algeria.
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This study aims to investigate the quality of work-life in educational institutions in a sample of a professor in the field of education and education in the state of Adrar, Algeria. We have relied on the descriptive approach in research and applied the total quality of life inventory model. The use of mathematical averages and standard deviations to measure the level of quality factors in educational institutions, which was mostly in the medium field. The objective of this study is to test the theory and reliability of the quality of life model in the schools of the local environment in the region of Southern Algeria. Then, modifications were suggested to calibrate the model to suit the local environmental requirements.
Quality of Work Life, Inventory Model for Quality of Professional Life, Educational Institutions
Cite this paper: Benkhaled Abdelkrim, Application of Total Inventory Model for the Quality of Life in Educational Institutions in Southern Algeria (Field Study in Some Educational Institutions in Adrar Province), International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy, Vol. 3 No. 2, 2019, pp. 64-71. doi: 10.5923/j.ijire.20190302.05.
1. Introduction
In all institutions, management seeks to pay attention to the human element as it is one of the strong influences on which the competitive advantage of these institutions has been. The interest in quality of life began in the early seventies and the studies and researches that dealt with many aspects of the quality of life began — improving productivity and the labour force by studying the organisational effects on the quality of the career. To achieve this, it was necessary to achieve the compatibility between the efficiency of the individual and the job he occupies. This is what the human resources department seeks to provide a suitable and good working life for the worker yen.The most important results of this study that most dimensions of the quality of life in the work in the institutions of study came in the medium range from the observation of the arithmetical averages and standard deviations of these dimensions, which came in the following order first: the characteristics of the job in educational institutions, the moral work environment in educational institutions, The material working conditions in the educational institutions and finally the wages and rewards in the educational institutions.The most important recommendations- To develop methods of quality measurement in the field of education, through the adoption of the general inventory model of quality standards in work.- Considering the professional characteristics of workers in the field of education while building standards and tests of quality in the field of education.- Preparation of programs that reduce the pressures and fatigue in the professional field of education.- Design of places and work environment by the agronomists commensurate with the specificity of the educational field where occupational safety, physical health and hygiene prevention and security.- Emphasize the importance of material and moral incentives: to improve salaries so as to correspond with daily life and the fairness of wages and linked to the way of life and emphasis on the principle of moral rewards.- The importance of training and professional development: in terms of providing opportunities for development and learning and the development of internal and professional abilities in the field of education.By enriching work when work itself is more challenging, when achievement is encouraged, when there is a chance to grow, provide accountability, feedback and recognition, the employees are the ultimate judges to enrich their jobs and all the management can do is gather information about what tends to enrich the jobs, and try these changes in the system of work and then determine whether the staff feel the quality of functional and will try in this research study the quality of life in work by exposure to the concepts and historical background and dimensions and methods of measurement, in the second part of this research We will address The theme of the quality of career through the application of the comprehensive inventory model of the quality of work-life, and identify the levels within the educational field on a sample belonging to the sector.
2. Literature Review
2.1. The concept of Quality of life at Work: Quality of work is a commitment of any organisation to improve work and create more secure and effective functions at all levels of the organisation, through the active participation of staff within organisations.They can be defined as meeting the essential personal needs of employees through their experiences in serving their organisation's goal.The quality of work-life (Sergi et al., 2001) is defined as employee satisfaction with a range of needs through resources and activities and the results of participation by workers in meeting these needs.Through basic dimensions related to:- Quality of life in general.- Fields of work related to it and not related to life (2001, Bartolome & Leeevans).And the concept of quality of life at work varies by job satisfaction (1975; Hackman & Suttle, 1977; Kabanoff, 1980; Near E, 1980; Staines, 1980; Champoux, 1981; Kahn, 1981; This concept to the workplace impact on satisfaction in the work-life (job satisfaction), satisfaction in areas of work outside life, satisfaction with public life.In his study of the quality of working life, some focused on the development of good organisational relations among workers, while others concerned with the factors that develop the field of labour and industrial relations, which are related to the problems of workers and cooperation with trade unions (Thacker & Fields, 1987). Total Quality (TQM) has increased attention to multiple aspects of working life that are concerned with empowering workers and seeking their engagement and engagement (Dean & Yunus, 1996 Levine, 1995).Beukema (1987) describes the quality of life in the work by the extent of the perception of the workers how to perform their work activities according to their wishes and interests, a degree granted by the institution to its workers how to imagine the performance of their tasks and this indicates that the person is characterized by complete freedom to get his needs and desires personal, and this definition refers to Individual freedom to perform work While this proposition is difficult to achieve due to the multiple desires and personal values of each worker, but the organization can reconcile them to give freedom and initiatives in the context of activating efficiency in the professional activity related to the wishes of workers within their jobs, Action.Many studies consider the quality of life in work as a method or method in which specific techniques and methods are used to improve work. This is a way of thinking between employees, work, and organisations (Nadler Lawler 1983), which varies according to individual age, career stage or position.Dupuis & Al. (2000) believes that the quality of life in work is sometimes seen as the situation that is determined by the extent to which an individual achieves his or her goals in the organisation gradually.2.2. Evolution of the concept of quality of work-life: The term quality of working life dates back to the last century, around the 1960s (Dupuis Martel 2006), but its roots extend to the School of Human Relations in the United States following the experiments of Elton May at the Western Electric Company - Hawthorne - The productivity of workers in the factory It is noted that the productivity of women is very low under this effect, which was described as the effect of "Hawthorne", but under the influence of psychological factors on performance, in particular the feeling of gratitude for participation in the experience, recognition of performance which is a contributing factor to their performance at work I grew up Wareham psychological comfort.In Europe, this concept emerged as a result of the efforts of political movements in Europe, which called for industrial democracy by trade union organizations to pressure parliament and hold different summits in England, France, Federal Germany, Sweden and Italy with the aim of enacting laws to participate in decision-making (Radua, Which took the direction of adjusting the working conditions. This approach was adopted by trade unions and various political parties and workers, especially in Sweden in the sixties of the last century. There was a need to reorganise the work in the rest of Western Europe, Reverse Sweden v The observed initiatives were poorly organised and individualised efforts, as in England, Denmark, France, Ireland and Norway (Pluvinage, 2010). In the Netherlands, applied quality of life research began after World War II in 1947, It focused on job satisfaction and morale, and the School of Human Relations influenced Dutch researchers. Applied research during this period focused mainly on the problem of integration of individuals and the absence of work.In the early 1970s, this concept appeared in the Anglo-Saxon countries, referring to the conditions and characteristics of the work that contributes to motivation performance and job satisfaction, and there was often no explicit definition was related to mental health in work or well-being at work,With the development of life, the concept of quality has been developed and rebuilt with new dimensions, new goals and new technologies, especially since the industrial revolution, the launching of the scientific and technological revolution, the revolution of information and communication, and other modern innovations that have become the utilitarian practices of man in this age. Both on a standard of quality of lifeFrom the beginning of the 1980s, Nadler et Lawler (1983) found that the nature of the quality of the career has been subject to a range of changes. Others confirm that this concept has become a symbol of a compatible approach between workers and their employers in terms of participating in the development of methods and methods to improve working conditions. This vision is that the quality of the career is a means and that the staff is an essential criterion in valuing the workThe 1980s defined improvement in the concept of quality of life and became more focused on worker safety, conditions of good work and fair wages, and then expanded to include employment and employment conditions and the principle of equal opportunities in employment.From the mid-1980s until the mid-1990s, attention was again paid to quality of life programs in American companies and institutions for several reasons, some of which were related to the state of federal workers and laws in the United States, some external to the success of some administrative systems in Japan and some European countries (Bowditch & Buono, 1994) and with the nineties many international companies deployed in the countries of the world applied one form or another of the quality of work-life programs, and increased attention due to the satisfaction of the customer's internal and external needs, Giving them diverse skills and considering them as a competitive strategy.In France, this concept has emerged with the National Association of Professionals (NNA) of 19 June 2013, and considers improving the quality of life in France as a matter of: health at work, job security as well as the economic and social aspects of the institution in this Convention, Work A sense of well-being in work is seen collectively and individually including the interest of work, working conditions, degree of independence2.3. Quality of Life in Job Dimension: Even if this concept is different among individuals, according to their levels, ages, races and functions, it is possible to identify some of the primary and obvious variables or indicators that determine the quality of life in the work according to researchers, namely:- The quality of social relations: recognition of work, respect, listening to concerns, respect for colleagues and working hours, communication, social dialogue, participation in decision-making.- Quality of work organisation: quality of work instructions, the ability of the organisation to support and help solve problems related to dysfunction, career progression, obstacles and difficulties, fatigue at work, protection from hazards in the organisation (muscular disorders, psychosocial hazards).- Possibility of achievement and professional development: Rewards, training and training, acquired rights, capacity development, career assurance.- Compatibility between working life and working hours: the pace and hours of work, family life, entertainment, and means of transport- Security, safety and health programs, which is one of the tasks assigned by the Department of Human Resources of exceptional importance, aimed at securing and providing a healthy environment, occupational safety for all employees, and keep them from the effects of the risks resulting from work and reduce accidents and occupational and health injuries through the preparation of Preventive and therapeutic programs in the field of business and productive activities.- Progress and career advancement: The promotion is defined as reallocation of the individual to a higher-level job, usually involves such duties and duties of responsibilities and powers greater and more complicated than his duties and responsibilities and powers in the current job, and is usually associated with an increase in salary or pay, To exploit the skills and abilities of high-performing individuals, motivate employees to improve their performance, develop their capabilities and achieve job stability.Al-Anzi et al. (2007) showed that the dimensions of the quality of life and service of the work are the following dimensions: democratic management, the participation of decision-makers, humanitarian working conditions, promotion of cooperation and promotion of harmony and affection, justice in wages and rewards and safety and safety of workers.Abdel Fattah al-Maghraby (2011) identified the dimensions of quality of work-life as follows: characteristics of moral work, job characteristics, the fairness of pay and reward systems, working group, administrative leadership and effective supervision, and participation in decision-making.(Madi, 2014) is considered to consist of: balance of career and personality, style of supervision and participation of decision-makers, functional characteristics and independence in work performance, labour relations, job security and occupational safety and health.Their dimensions are also: general satisfaction with professional life, the balance between work and personal life, sense of belonging within work groups, sense of self-presence within work, sense of personal worth and dignity of freedom, control, compatibility of work and social life, etc.)"The quality of life in work sometimes refers to some interrelated factors that need to be carefully examined in order to build a conceptual and measurable pattern of professional satisfaction and participation in work, motivation and productivity, safety, security at work, Comfort, happiness and personal characteristics of workers within the organization, capacity development, and compatibility between life at work and beyond. , And also in social and professional relations, organisation of work, self-realisation and professional development.2.4. Quality in Educational Institutions: The educational institutions that are other institutions that seek the quality of work-life of its employees through the so-called total quality, where TQM has received considerable attention and found most studies that the application of TQM positively reflected on the performance of any organization, through reducing costs and improve performance and improve the relationship Among workers and the high level of job satisfaction among them.Quality is defined as the degree of preference and quality is synonymous with luxury and excellence. This is difficult to measure, and quality is defined as"We will like some of the studies conducted by researchers in the field of education (1993 Clermont Barnabé): on the quality of life work and teachers This study was launched from the approach that the effectiveness of the school performance of the effectiveness of teachers and the latter is based on the high quality of work for staff in the field of education Leads to the existence of a relationship between the quality of the career and the working conditions of teachers and that the school as a basic unit in the educational system addresses the teacher as a specialist and pole in the field of education should focus on and participation in decision-making in the educational process and provide an appropriate environment in the process of learning disease And considers that the quality of work-life is considered as a unit encompassing all approaches that address the subject that can achieve organizational effectiveness.The results showed that all faculty members agreed on the importance of organisational development in the quality of work life. They ranked the areas of the questionnaire according to their importance: level of performance, organisational commitment, participation In the decision, job security, independence.2.5. Quality measurement at work: A range of studies and research focused on the measurement of the quality of the career. If each study differed from the other in the standards of measuring the quality of life in business organisations, and the quality of the work in the organisation can be measured through the health factors of Herzberg,Job satisfaction rates, employee satisfaction level, wage policy, company policy, the extent to which unions and unions work.And that the quality of the career can be measured from the quantitative measures of the side and descriptive measures on the other side from the measures:- Turnover rate.- High absence rate.- Employee productivity.- Degree of job satisfactionThere are several studies that emphasize the use of the total quality inventory document as a function of the work of Martel Et Dupuis 2004, which is a tool for measuring quality in the work and allows for organizational diagnosis and solutions to the various problems that are found from the basis of the intervention plan to find a solution On the side that has been answered and to know where the problem lies and its components include (1994 Gilles Dupuis):- Rewards for work: wages, marginal profits, a guarantee of rewards.- Career track: the possibility of development, conversion from the workplace, training and mastery.- Working hours: working hours, extra hours of work, absence for family reasons.- The atmosphere with coworkers: a sense of belonging, competition, relationship with colleagues and colleagues, conflict of roles.- Relationship with heads of labour: relationship with the boss, relationship with subordinates, relationship with other workers, observations and evaluation, communication, and receiving information.
3. Field of Study
Education is the most important pillar in the development of human societies and the tools to promote them, because it occupies a place in the preparation and preparation of technical and scientific frameworks that are qualified to achieve economic and social development, in addition to its role in the manufacture and dissemination of knowledge and science. The adoption of quality systems in education is only in response to the requirements of society and stimulate creativity and conducting scientific research to achieve sustainable development for the benefit of human society. In this regard, we will emphasise the recognition of the quality of life dimensions in educational institutions.3.1. Place of study: This study was conducted by interviewing a sample of the educational staff in the Wilayat of Adrar and the administrative district of Timimun in order to implement the quality of life questionnaire in their educational institutions.3.2. Study Sample: The sample selection was simple, and 282 teachers were selected from the different stages of primary, secondary, and secondary education of the two sexes of the total population of the study. The following table (1) shows the sample.Table (1). Sample of the study by sex  |
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Table (1) shows the characteristics of the sample by gender. The most significant percentage of males in this table is 50.7% and 49.3% for females.In terms of educational stage, the primary stage was 44.0%, followed by primary education (33.0%) and secondary education (23.0%).Table (2). Sample of the study according to educational stages  |
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4. Questionnaire for the Life Inventory in Educational Institutions
The questionnaire is the most frequently used in research and social studies, especially when the size of the sample is large, so that the researcher can cover as many of the samples of the original community as possible and their questions are clear, direct and closed.After we studied the literature of research and previous studies on the subject of the study, we relied on (05) to abstract the dimensions of the factors governing the professional quality in the first part of the questionnaire in measuring the quality of life in the work and we have added adjustments in proportion to the school environment.4.1. First dimension: the conditions of the physical work environment: consists of 7 paragraphs, focusing on the physical aspect and the appropriate means of work in terms of availability and health in addition to the appropriate work environment in terms of ventilation and lighting and pollution-free and humidity within the school.4.2. Second dimension: the conditions of moral work: It includes six paragraphs and this dimension includes the measurement of human factors at work such as confidence between the professor and enjoy the freedom of work and friendship among colleagues and the sense of psychological comfort.4.3. Third dimension: Job characteristics: includes six paragraphs, including: satisfaction with the dimensions of the job and satisfaction with the characteristics and objectives of work and responsibility, skills and challenge and pleasure in work that distinguish the work position.4.4. Fourth dimension: Wages and rewards: consists of 6 paragraphs, and contains: satisfaction with income and rewards and their suitability in the study sample.4.5. Fifth dimension: Working group: It includes six paragraphs and measures belonging to the community and team spirit within the framework of the dynamics of the group through positive interaction and emotional and positive participation in order to achieve the goals of the educational institution.The standard answers were designed according to the five-dimensional Likert scale, consisting of five responses:Questionnaire quality of life at work in educational institutions: completely OK = 05, OK = 04, neutral = 03, not OK = 02, not completely OK = 01.The paragraphs containing the negative answer were as follows: OK = 01, OK = 02, neutral = 03, disagree = 04, not completely OK = 05.
5. Findings and Discussion of the Results
In this regard, we will address the analysis of the data quantitatively and quantitatively, and interpret the results according to the objectives set for them. We relied on the descriptive statistical method (arithmetic averages and standard deviations) to interpret the statistical indicators of the sample of the study on the quality of life rounds in educational institutions:5.1. Physical working conditions in educational institutions: To test this dimension within the educational institutions and knowledge of indicators of working conditions, through the arithmetic averages in order to know the significance of the differences between the averages, and then to know the general significance of the quality of life in the work within the educational institutions and the following tables show this.Table (3). Indicators of material working conditions in educational institutions  |
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In this table, most of the dimensions of the indicators of this dimension were as follows:Level 1: Paragraph 04, which measures light, was above average. Paragraphs 03.05.07, which measure ventilation, availability of working methods, and health and safety of means of work, were average.Level 2: Paragraphs 01.02 and 06, which measure humidity and pollution in the general environment of work and thermal conditioning were in the level field.In the first dimension, there is a decline in the availability of indicators of the availability of physical work environment factors for the quality of life at work, and the reason for the lack of these institutions for the means of work, and lack of heat adaptation and high pollution, due to lack of control that distinguishes public institutions in general, In the school buildings and engineering, are not compatible with the quality conditions in the field of school, the place has an indirect impact on those present in it, and therefore every effort to make the school a beautiful and self-interested is an effort to provide satisfaction to school staff, as the physical construction of the school lacks many of the improvements not to mention the luxuries of poor hygiene, poor management and the provision of modern equipment and scientific means, in some areas of the country Algerian educational institutions suffer from lack of water, electricity and transportation provide a necessary quality in the school field conditions.Second: Environmental indicators Moral work in educational institutionsTable (4). Environmental Indicators Moral Work  |
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In Table (4) we find that paragraph (06) which measures and satisfaction with the achievement was above average, paragraphs 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, which measure freedom of work and friendships among workers and a sense of psychological comfort and satisfaction with relations Among colleagues, mutual trust between work was mediocre, as indicators of the moral environment were more favourable compared to the moral environment.The teachers are affected by the pressures they are subjected to and what is going on in their environment, and this type of psychological pressure if not initiated treatment causes severe mental fatigue of the teacher may cause decisions to be improper, such as decisions to participate in some school activities or activities of scientific growth, These decisions lead to the abandonment of teaching altogether, also affects the situation negatively on the teacher's view of the educational process, and his view of the students, a look if not adjusted may become permanent, so that the teacher is convinced that students are lazy and do not understand and work with them effort wasted, Only responsible for the performance of his lesson even with the least effort, and not him Aqh of his colleagues at the school as long as it exists Pedersh.The quality of life in work emphasizes the incentives, whether material or moral, they seek to determine the behavior of the individual direction of work, either to cause the direction of workers a positive direction or a negative trend, by influencing their feelings by gaining satisfaction and a sense of comfort and happiness in the workplace giving them confidence and loyalty to their institutions Or lack of satisfaction and feel tension leads them to conduct behaviours detrimental to the institution, such as absenteeism and turnover of work, and lack of material return that is not commensurate with the requirements of life and fear of the inability to keep pace with scientific progress and the right to the education profession of development, and the few places that the teacher can spend free time And the practice of relaxation and comfort, lack of appreciation of the teacher by officials and ignore the efforts and activities within the possibilities available in the school.Third: Indicators of job characteristics in educational institutions.Table (5). Job characteristics indicators  |
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Table (5) shows the levels of indicators of job characteristics in educational institutions.At a high level, we find paras. 01,02,03, which measure the sense of responsibility for the job, and the enjoyment and satisfaction of the position and skills necessary for performance, while the low level includes paragraphs 04.05.06, which measure the freedom of action within the workplace and the size of the work and the importance Position with the employee.Education is one of the most difficult professions in our country, perhaps in the whole world, because it is the basic link between the family, its members and society. After the family, the children meet in schools and sharpen their talents or knowledge or aspirations and develop their minds and that the circumstances witnessed by the professor make him enter the environment of daily routine and does not seek renewal, especially in light of the transformation of Algerian society and its trend towards modernizing everything, including values that became governed by The teacher's effort includes teaching within the department, in addition to preparing and correcting lessons and courses, as well as participating in district councils and steering boards. He also stated that the teacher in primary education provides 30 hours of teaching per week, Central 22 hours. In contrast, the teacher in secondary education provides 18 hours of work per week in the department and in the presence of pupils, although the teacher is required 18 hours per week in a section that does not exceed the maximum number of students 25, as determined by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization "UNESCO "He said.Fourth: Wages and rewards in educational institutionsTable (6). Indicators of the characteristics of wages and bonuses  |
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We find that most of the paragraphs were below the average level but in the medium field, according to paragraphs: 01.03 and 04 for the satisfaction of income, understanding the wage system, wage justice, paragraphs, 02.05, 06 and the comparison of wages of employees with their colleagues. The understanding of the wage system was mediocre and came in last place, which is the problem experienced by most public institutions, despite the grants for the south.Fifth: Working groups in educational institutions.Table (7). Labor Group characteristics indicators  |
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Table (7), which represents the frequencies, arithmetic averages and standard deviations of the work group dimension in the health institutions understudy, in the order of availability of indicators between the medium and above the average in this dimension: the paragraphs that measure the sense of belonging to the group, Team, and participation in determining the decisions that concern the group and the exchange of feelings and opinions was mediocre.Many studies have shown that the work environment that does not satisfy these social needs leads to the imbalance in the psychological factor and thus lead to problems that lead to high rates of absence and lack of productivity and leave work, after achieving the human needs of social looking for the need to appreciate and give the feeling Trust and merit, and that it is a useful part of the society in which he lives in addition to gaining appreciation and respect from others and his sense of prestige and prestige, and helps to achieve the supreme aspirations of the individual to be what he wants to reach the stage where the human reaches the degree The advantage of others, and it becomes an independent entity knowing that the need for independence of the most important need for self-realization components, and the administration should verify that compensation authorities and powers and the establishment of the opportunity to participate in the development and setting goals.The aim of the school administration is to organise the school and establish the work movement based on enabling it to achieve its mission in the upbringing of young people. The school principal is responsible for coordinating and organizing the efforts in order to reach the educational goals set by the planners and officials in the educational administration. The successful school is one whose administrators believe in the importance of teamwork and the dissemination of the culture of one team. They work to develop the working skills of the team in the teachers and to increase their contribution to work and their participation in the decision.
6. Conclusions
Through the theoretical studies of the work life force that emphasizes the range of dimensions that should be available in any institution of any kind or activity, which is generally in the rewards of work and improve the career path The possibility of development and improvement of working hours and atmosphere with colleagues, the sense of belonging, The relationship with colleagues and colleagues, in addition to the relationship with the heads of work and the relationship with the head of work, the relationship with subordinates, and we may arrive in the field study by questioning staff in the field of education to the existence of a generally average level on the availability of quality factors in the life of As a result of the availability of some dimensions and the lack of other, in the first dimension we found a decline in indicators of the factors of the work environment physical quality of life at work, and the reason for the lack of these institutions to the means of work, in addition to the lack of heat adaptation, especially in the South, which is characterized by high temperature, Summer in terms of the characteristics of the job was available in some indicators in general in the workplace in the health sector through the sense of responsibility towards the position of work, because positions that do not contain responsibilities lose their importance, which is reflected in the effort to possess the skills necessary to perform the work and the sense of pleasure in the completion, What for wages and bonuses, we find that satisfaction with pay was low despite high wages network in the south of Algeria, but it is not up to the level of overall satisfaction compared to the conditions of high living in this region, while the working group is generally medium we find democracy.
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