International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy

2019;  3(2): 0-0



Forward from “Editor in Chief”: Importance of Inspiration Labs to ‘Poverty Economy’

Mohamed Buheji

International Inspiration Economy Project, Bahrain

Correspondence to: Mohamed Buheji, International Inspiration Economy Project, Bahrain.


Copyright © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

Cite this paper: Mohamed Buheji, Forward from “Editor in Chief”: Importance of Inspiration Labs to ‘Poverty Economy’, International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy, Vol. 3 No. 2, 2019, pp. 0-0. doi: 10.5923/j.ijire.20190302.00.

Article Outline

Poverty, unemployment, women inequality, youth migration, access to education, lack of both cultural synergy and religious intolerance has been one of the significant challenges of the 21st century. Such complex socio-economic issues, since simple models could not solve it became more socio-political, legal, technological and environmental problems. Since poverty as a socio-economic issue could be seen as an integrated problem that has a negative influence on many parts of community quality life, it became over the last four years, since the International Inspiration Economy Project established in 15th of September, 2015. This involvement was deepening over these the years through the more than 40 inspiration labs that focused on poverty-related issues.
Knowing that poverty has been the challenge for many countries, economies and communities, inspiration economy considered more focused involvement in this issue in order to give models of what difference could be made. In order to calibrate the rapid developments of ‘poverty elimination’ efforts, it is now about time to improve our quest for more inspiration labs on the economy of poverty.
Besides increasing our projects in the different areas of current and future poverty, we are also increasing our interest in publishing papers in this issue and encouraging more academics and practitioners to publish about this field stories in poverty communities. The developments of inspiration labs are now exploiting the opportunities of future poverty. Now inspiration labs are working on projects are trying to foresight and shape the future poverty economy in different communities, through a selection of approaches of solving communities’ problems today.
Since poverty has been and would continue to be highly correlated to the issue of human inequalities that limit many people from accessing key resources. Thus, inspiration labs are working on redefining communities’ approaches towards current and future inequality. This is highly essential, if we want future generations to be more resilient and ready for the coming threats of the different forms of poverty. This is very important not only for the poor, but even for the many people coming up in the world’s emerging middle-class who remain vulnerable to falling back into poverty.
Inspiration Labs is becoming gradually recognised as one of the efforts to deal with the first and top priority United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDG1) that is focusing on eliminating all the known types of poverty. The labs are even calling for a new SDG1 that set the framework for redefining the approaches on the way poverty is eliminated or alleviated. If this happens more, one could expect the development of the international focus towards field efforts in dealing with the poverty economy from assets and wealth perspectives.
In order to sustain the effectiveness of the field efforts of poverty-focused ‘inspiration labs,’ we need more publications that help to share the success stories of the models achieved on the ground. This would provide more empirical evidence to remodel the current and future approaches towards being more adaptable to fostering more selective socio-economic solution to each type of foresighted poverty.