International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy

2019;  3(1): 1-7



Implications of Artificial Intelligence on Quality of Life (A Prospective Study of the Advanced Technological Reality and the Vague Human Future)

Hassan Essoussi

Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences - Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco

Correspondence to: Hassan Essoussi, Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences - Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco.


Copyright © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


The world has recently witnessed a great development in the field of technology. This advancement of technology has changed the nature of human life by providing mechanisms and machines that facilitate many human activities. Historically, technology have been always blindly subordinated to humans with no autonomy. However, the nature of technology changed during the 21st century, moving from dependence to independence. The machines are created today based on the same characteristics as humans. These Artificial Intelligence Machines are now equipped by thinking and ability to make decision in the different situations before them. This surely creates a real threat to the human-being existence and extinction. In this paper, we shall study the implications of Artificial Intelligence Robots and the strong development of industrial intelligence would replace the human brain, which could deepen many quality of life problem one of which the issue of unemployment.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Quality of Life, Robotics, Human Future, Technological Advancement, Future Foresight

Cite this paper: Hassan Essoussi, Implications of Artificial Intelligence on Quality of Life (A Prospective Study of the Advanced Technological Reality and the Vague Human Future), International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2019, pp. 1-7. doi: 10.5923/j.ijire.20190301.01.

1. Introduction

One American writer in a science fiction novel, Le Cycle des robots, said that the robot is bound to respect three laws. The first law states that the robot is committed to harming no human being. The second law requires him to execute the orders given to him provided that they do not conflict with the first law. And the third law states that the robot protects its existence as long as this protection does not conflict with the first or second law. These fictional words used by the writer Asimov Isaac since the fifties of the last century intended to induce the reader to meditate on matters of fantasy and non on the ground, however, this fictional story is now a tangible and material reality in the world, where researchers in the exact sciences and researchers in the humanities to research in the field of robots and artificial intelligence.
Thus, the 21st century is the era of artificial intelligence in general and robots in particular. The field of technology witnessed many developments and changes in different aspects of life. Many technological devices emerged as unfamiliar tools when they arose in the man who was reluctant to deal with them. But the scales have turned over time and the familiarity between man and technology has been created since the Industrial Revolution, when huge machines and great inventions have emerged into our era of intelligence.
It should be noted that technology has invaded and dominated human life and affected it so clearly that it has become indispensable and cannot live without it. The relationship between technology and human can be described as a relationship that is characterized by continuous and continuous coexistence. Thus, technical and technological development has emerged as an important issue of technological tyranny aimed at finding ways and means to make machines possess many characteristics that have been exclusively human. In other words, artificial intelligence engineers have introduced modern research that has changed the nature of the view of the human being as distinct from all other creatures by the grace of reason, but the creation of machines of the same nature that God has created in his creatures, especially the human community. Hence, the artificial intelligence has emerged in the transformation of man into an information system and a digital database.
The technological field is characterized by rapid changes of profound ambiguity which inevitably lead to a deepening of the gap between the various strata of society and between generations and even between States. The forms posed by those interested in the field are the instability resulting from the rapid development of technology and artificial intelligence. This fact has forced man to surrender to the technical mentality. The natural mind has become unable to control the vast amount of information that is contained in it.
Therefore, the machine described to be smart must be able to simulate the human mind, and thus have a sense and feelings such as that enjoyed by man. Today's machine programmed with so-called artificial intelligence is classified as thinking, and it has complete independence from its makers, who only supervise it, which will change the known and recognized scales that machines are subordinate to man and subordinate to his authority. And its solutions to the human in many areas, especially dangerous areas will end up to be subjected to it and find himself - we mean human - subject and follow them, and if you want to say captive to it. Therefore, the person is always looking to achieve well-being and prosperity in his daily life, and will not be until the search for modern and sophisticated means to help achieve the quality desired by him, through economic, social and psychological development. The traditional development models have become unable to achieve happiness for the individual and became a very difficult issue, especially in the face of the invasion or technological occupation, which contributed positively to the achievement of happiness, as technology in general and artificial intelligence in particular beneficial to mankind, for example contributed to the provision of security and Achieving peace for the human being by keeping it away from the dangerous tasks of the machine.
However, despite the success of artificial intelligence in various fields, in contrast it would damage and tent in humans for the intervention of large particles, especially - as noted above - after making a machine capable of replacing the human brain, which Communities are prone to high unemployment. Robotism threatens the existence of the human being and controls many functions that were exclusive to the latter, especially in the face of savage capitalism and the desire of corporations and multinational corporations to search for what reduces costs.
It is clear from the above that artificial intelligence is not a concept of quality of life known to researchers who have agreed that it benefits good health, happiness, self-esteem and satisfaction with life under the conditions of human life, but this latter concept will change when the machine replace the human.

2. Problem of Study

Therefore, we propose the following research problem would be explored:
How did artificial intelligence affect the quality of life of the human being?
On the margin of this issue the following research questions need to investigated:
- Is artificial intelligence modern dimension and complex concepts would enhance human well-being or would affect the position of the latter negatively, especially if we know that the machine has replaced the human in many areas?
- Does the description of an intelligent machine depend on its ability and ability to deceive the person by making him reassure her, considering it a human being like him? Is robot capable of bringing humans back to primitive times, and by monopolizing the machinery of all the works that man has done until recently?
- Can artificial intelligence be considered today as a mechanism or a method that enables the programming of human life, and therefore this leads to death as just a disease?
- What is the modern conception of development in all its aspects in light of this sweeping technological invasion to achieve the prosperity of the human being?
In order to address this issue, we decided to divide it into two points in the following manner:
The first point: Determinants of artificial intelligence and quality of life
The second point: the implications of artificial intelligence on the quality of life

3. Synthesis of Literature

3.1. Determinants of Artificial Intelligence and Quality of Life

Technology developed in the 21st century, which is characterized by the era of technology and artificial intelligence excellence, which contributed to solving many of the problems that until recently was difficult to reach from the human. It has also contributed to the promotion of human well-being, improving and simplifying life, but these technologies have had a negative effect on him and have changed the quality of life he enjoyed before appearing.
Therefore, we discussed the specific concepts of artificial intelligence (first) and quality of life (second).
3.1.1. The First: Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is a science of knowledge. It aims to study the nature of human intelligence, its knowledge and understanding of complex mental processes during the process of thinking, as well as performing calculations to simulate or parallel human behavior in order to reach research results aimed at making the machine Similar to the natural human being and to the extent of the inability to distinguish between them.
Therefore, we decided to remove the threads that fall within the definition of artificial intelligence in order to simplify and clarify its features (I), then we address the most important types (II)
I- Definition of artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence has been found to build intelligent intelligence, meaning the design of a machine capable of performing the same functions as normal human organs, which made artificial intelligence owners attempt to reproduce the mechanisms of reasoning and reasoning by the machine as one of the main subjects of scrutiny and study. Hence, the perception of natural intelligence has changed to include everything that is industrial, and this has led to the heart of balances and created a gap between the concept of natural and industrial intelligence, especially in front of the ambiguity and uncertainty, which makes it difficult to unravel the threads of this vague concept and draw the road map to guide us to Definition of a collector against artificial intelligence.
There has been a dispute among specialists about the multiple definitions of artificial intelligence. The reason for this pluralism has been attributed to the fact that the term "artificial intelligence" includes the word "industrial", which is the definition that corresponds to everything that is normal, to designate all that is man-made. The general definitions of artificial intelligence correspond to the specific behaviors and characteristics of software that simulate human mental abilities and patterns of work, such as the ability to learn, infer, and react to situations that have not been programmed into the machine, Modern generations of computers and aims to be the computer The processes of intelligence within the human mind are completed, so that the computer has the ability to solve problems and make decisions independently, rationally, and in the same way as the human mind.
It is clear from this that artificial intelligence is a study of the intelligent behavior of man by filling the machine with the same behavior; that is, the goal is to replicate human thought and behavior and artificial simulations. In other words, artificial intelligence is a scientific result of a range of research aimed at providing information systems with similar intellectual abilities to human capabilities.
II- types of artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence is of sorts, it is either strong, that is, a machine that has been programmed with strong artificial intelligence has the same human characteristics that it is difficult to distinguish between them. And it is either weak, and this means that the machine programmed with this kind of intelligence does not have the same human capabilities and is not independent and has no feeling and emotion. Therefore, we have considered the types of artificial intelligence through the following two points:
-1: Strong Artificial Intelligence
It is difficult at first to recognize that the machine has the same characteristics as human beings, especially that the machine is a creature of the human works and the human mind that thought and created to reach the manufacture of a human machine or robot, while man is a creature of the works of God and the result of biological relations. This idea seemed to crystallize in the minds of artificial intelligence scientists gradually until it was decided and a machine was made capable of any function that man can do. They did not stop at this point, they even made self-conscious machines, and they have real sensations like those enjoyed by humans. These machines are capable of understanding what they produce, about others, and are able to adapt to the external environment. This type of machinery is programmed with the so-called powerful industrial intelligence IA forte. The latter is a software program capable of understanding and has the same advanced performance of man that is able to understand and build strategies to work alone without relying on anyone. This means that the intelligent machine programmed with powerful artificial intelligence technology is able to adapt to new situations and has a lot of independence in decision making.
Thus, artificial intelligence scientists went on to say that the human mind is nothing more than information programs such as computers planted in the brains. Thus, the work of the human brain is analogous to the work of the computer, which means that the brain is only a computer. Thus, the mechanical components present in the computers are the same ones that exist in the human brain and the difference between them is that the mechanical components of their name indicate their meaning other than the brain, which does not have mechanical components but its components are natural, and scientists have learned that the pain stems from the human brain and is So the program is implanted in the brain. In this sense, the machine has the ability not only to reproduce the same mental functions of man, but also to express feelings and feelings. This has angered those who oppose industrial intelligence by saying that consciousness is only biological and not material. The assertion that strong artificial intelligence scientists claim is far from the truth and what is going on inside the human brain.
However, the above criticisms have stopped artificial intelligence scientists and have confirmed that the machine today simulates human abilities, adding that the concerns of artificial intelligence have extended to include far-reaching perceptions such as creating communication with humans or with another machine. They proved that the machine - the robot - was able to learn and integrate with the situation and able to develop plans for its work without relying on others.
-2: Weak Artificial Intelligence
The weak industrial intelligence is the most basic form of artificial intelligence innovation, which is based on the programming of machines to perform certain functions within a specific environment. "In other words, weak artificial intelligence reproduces only some human capabilities, and this does not mean that A machine programmed with weak industrial intelligence has the same capabilities as a human being or a machine that is programmed with strong artificial intelligence.
In this sense, it can be said that it is difficult to produce human consciousness, where weak industrial intelligence aims to build software capable of making the machine work as if it were smart but not really. The weak artificial intelligence scientists have concluded that the human mind is based not only on the conceptual processing of symbols, but also on the issues of semantic content based on the perception of the meanings of these symbols.
It is clear from this that advanced artificial intelligence cannot mimic the human mind and automatically reproduce human behavior. It is difficult to make a machine that matches human abilities and has similar feelings and sensations to natural beings, because the human mind is a living natural being, while the machine is a dead object.
Thus, the machine is no longer to be only a mind does not think, because of the lack of the simplest characteristic of human characteristics and is forgetfulness and forgetfulness, cannot be asked for the computer or the board of forgetfulness and forgetfulness, and the fact that he is programmed and cannot forget All information and data included.
3.1.2. The second: Determinants of Quality of Life
The concept of quality of life has received great attention in all sciences such as medicine, engineering, economy and political meeting, but it is relatively modern concepts, especially with the emergence of modern technology that influenced most classic concepts and changed them and emptied them in a new or digital form. The term "quality of life" is one of the most fertile and modern topics of concern to all, whether politicians, economists, legislators or scientists. The aim of these goals is to improve living conditions and develop them in accordance with international standards.
Therefore, we will divide this requirement into two paragraphs. In the first we will consider the meaning of quality of life (I), and then we will address the specific criteria for quality of life (II).
-I: the meaning of quality of life
Quality of life means a language of serious action, quality, quality and good: the opposite of the bad, its origin is a force, and the Wawa is broken and its adjacent neighborhood, and then it is fertilized by the excess, and the collection of horses, Well and I found the thing really, and Tajweed like him said: longer and longer and better and better. It is said: This thing is good between quality and quality. He has a good quality and a good: come from good to say or act. As it is said: Agan so in his work and serious work is quality.
The quality of life is defined in terms of terminology as a reflection of the psychological level and living of the human being, and that the human development, urbanization and urbanization undoubtedly reflects a certain level of quality of life. In other words, the concept of quality of life is the economic, social and technological well-being of the human mind. All scientific developments and inventions aim at improving the living conditions of the human being.
Some Anglo-Saxon researchers went on to restrict the concept of quality of life only to human health through the health services provided to it. "Some went further, saying that the quality of life is a sense of satisfaction and a sense of well-being and pleasure under economic and social conditions, besides the political life of the individual.
It is clear from the above that the concept of quality of life is one of the concepts of inclusiveness, that is, it includes all aspects of life as lived and understood by the individual, and extends this concept to include the material satisfaction of the various basic daily necessities, in addition to the moral needs such as psychological comfort.
It should be noted that the various concepts and dimensions described above have changed due to the emergence of artificial intelligence in its current form - and we mean the emergence of robots or robot - which would change the life in general and influence and it, and that it is necessary to think of two basic ideas, either the idea The first is to find the appropriate legal framework to facilitate the lives of individuals. The second idea is to extend the concepts above to include even robots.
-II: Quality of life standards
Opinions differed on the issue of setting precise criteria to determine the human well-being desired. These criteria vary from state to state and vary according to economic data, social conditions and political stability. A country that enjoys political stability feels secure and Complacency, while politically unstable countries do not enjoy stability and security and therefore no self-satisfaction is available.
Therefore, the specific criteria for quality of life vary, such as subjective and objective criteria, and we have added another criterion that does not live without it and is the scientific standard. The self-standard means the psychological quality of the individual and the satisfaction of the self through the performance of his duties, his duties, everything related to his person, the sense of well-being and happiness, and social quality, which is a set of relations between the individual and others. The objective criterion is the opposite of the subjective criterion, which includes the same standards of self-standard, but it is not limited to the individual but to the total. This means that all individuals within society enjoy the same social, health and economic well-being regardless of some economic disparities between individuals. In other words, States are working to provide the minimum elements necessary to ensure a good and dignified life for individuals such as public health, tranquility and security. As for the scientific standard, it is the most important of the above standards, so that science in general and fine science in particular contribute to the development and improvement of human life and hence the welfare and prosperity of human beings. The emergence of technology, for example, has achieved many of the pros and cons that have increased human well-being and well-being such as remote control, computer, robot and others.

3.2. Implications of Artificial Intelligence on the Quality of Life

Artificial intelligence, as is well known, has greatly contributed to fundamental changes at all levels, including its contribution to the well-being and well-being of man, due to its many advantages, such as the use of robotics in hard and dangerous work, changing the legal systems of the state by changing the familiar concepts of men of law. In contrast there are many negatives that affect the human and their lives, which would lead to change the normal course of life in its general sense. For this, we will address in this subject the effects of artificial intelligence on the future of man (the first), and then address the effects of artificial intelligence on the legal aspects (the second).
- The first: artificial intelligence raised the future of man
After the emergence of the so-called artificial intelligence, technological and information development seeks to put an end to all intellectual boundaries between natural and industrial, after adopting a set of intelligent techniques to move the boundaries between the natural and industrial organism. One of the most prominent projects that began to appear in the western world is the manufacture of robots or robots. These machines will not be automated and automatic, but will coexist with them and complement them in many jobs. But this traditional image has no place today, because the smart machine - the robot, for example - will replace natural man and will exceed it in much of what was exclusive until recently, such as work in mines and wells and other dangerous work.
Thus, today's human life has become largely dependent on machines, but not so much that the intelligent machine produced by artificial intelligence can eliminate the natural human role. The machines of the 21st century are able to emulate humans intelligently, To the expectation that future societies will leave most of their activities to smart machines, such as information processing, decision-making and driver-driven driving, as well as motor vehicle traffic, traffic regulation and firefighting. And after the machine has replaced man, what is the problem? And where will he go?
Some of those interested in industrial intelligence have gone on to emphasize that the main obstacle for digital society today is the instability resulting from the rapid pace with which multifunction machines appear. This hybrid situation makes man live in constant perplexity because the more the machine develops, the more the complexity of the machine that deals with it, which suggests that it will end inevitably to the inability to control the smart machines within the new generation and is called in English Machine Learning, it is equipped with systems and means of independent decision-making without reliance on the human. This would make all supporters of strong industrial intelligence to recognize that the machine will be more efficient than human and suggested some of them to assign the task of control of nuclear weapons without regard to the risks that may result in human being and the control of the machine on all and part. Perhaps the most noticeable today is the use of information and technology that led to violations of the privacy of individuals and converted into a tool for espionage, piracy and cybercrime is a proof of the disadvantages of modern technologies.
It is clear from the above that the invasion of technology and its dominance in various aspects of human life and the inability of the human being to live without it has contributed to the continuous innovation and development in this field until the solution of the man who is supported electronically replaces natural man, Queen of Reason in general and Queen of Intelligence in particular. Artificial intelligence has become able to compensate the human mind or natural intelligence by making an intelligent thinking machine, which would arrange many disadvantages such as loss of man's many jobs, jobs and robot solutions. To deepen the problem of unemployment.
It should be noted that research in the field of "nanotechnology" confirms that a machine will be made to possess a nervous and sensory device similar to the human nervous system. This generation of machines has a powerful memory that transcends human memory and processes information faster than the human itself. This means that today we will be living with a person of a special nature who speaks, speaks, understands and understands, which will lead to a lot of reconsideration Such as identity, life, and death, we do not rule out today that future death is seen as just a natural end that can be artificially terminated.
For a very long time, a basic idea has been settled in the mind of man that he is an object distinguished from other beings by the queen of reason and intelligence, as well as the ability to produce, develop and research. However, this recognized idea will no longer be valid in the age of artificial intelligence, especially strong artificial intelligence, after science has proved to have reached the end of human intelligence.
- The second: raised artificial intelligence on the legal side
The views of both scholars, artificial intelligence scholars and researchers have converged on the question that the robot, which is considered an application of artificial intelligence, is only a thing of things like consolations. However, others did not recognize this proposition and went further, in other words, a robot programmed with strong industrial intelligence is a legal person as determined by Western countries, where three types of legal persons need to be distinguished: the person Natural and legal person and then the person as robots.

4. Discussion

From the comparison of the literature synthesized, the authors of the second proposition see that the robot can stand-alone a natural and legal person and would result in the development of robot's rights. If this debate is true it would lead to changing in the nature of the robot machine and would make us enter the era of humanization of the machine. Our debate is that the machine simulates human capabilities and if you want to say exceeded in many cases.
It is clear from these differences of opinion that the purpose of determining the legal nature of robots with strong artificial intelligence is to determine who is liable for damage to a natural person. In other words, the nature of the tort liability can only be determined by determining who committed the fault of responsibility and is divided between personal responsibility if we consider that the robot is a legal person and not something, whereas if we consider that the robot is something and not a person responsibility is the responsibility of others This case asks the guard of things about the damage caused by the things in his custody, if it turns out to be the direct cause of the damage.
In summary, technology in general and artificial intelligence have particularly affected the modern legal system, with the emergence of a new legal person with the same human characteristics of recognition and discrimination as the natural person. However, this effect would change the legal rules applicable to natural persons, as the laws require the latter to have legal capacity to carry out his actions, to assume obligations and legal responsibility, and to hold the new legal person or legal person responsible for all his actions. And from there it is necessary to use it in a name that distinguishes it from others and a financial obligation to compensate the injured party in case of harm to others. Therefore, all the relationships in which the robot is a party must be rearranged.

5. Conclusions

Regardless of the global resonance of industrial intelligence and its advantages that can contribute to the enhancement of human well-being and thus the achievement of economic and social growth. Artificial intelligence, however, has more disadvantages than its advantages because the goal of robotics is not to achieve well-being as it is to destroy the human being. We therefore made reference to some of the observations that seemed necessary to provide protection and the true welfare of the human being, including:
a) Lack of legal rules regulating artificial intelligence in order to provide legal protection necessary for damage to a natural person by determining who is responsible legally, and in front of this legislative vacuum can only apply the general rules of responsibility for the action of others. Therefore, traditional legal norms need to be changed and adapted to these modern situations.
b) States should review the various development programs currently adopted in order to keep abreast of modern technological developments and deal with them with caution so as to facilitate the integration of young people into the labor market, especially in light of the emergence of new jobs.
c) In the years to come, man cannot control the robots with the strong artificial intelligence that has the power of decision, and thus will achieve the novels and fictional plays that have been written in this area. Which would restore the human to the years of slavery and live after this tremendous development of primitive life that purely by the strength of his day with his hand through fishing and soon. So that the human being must first be saved from extinction, because this new generation of robots will destroy and destroy human life. Therefore, countries and their various authorities must seek ways to ensure the stability of the human being and protect it from the threat of extinction.
Artificial intelligence has led to the classification of human beings into two types: the type of masters and slaves. The master is the owner of the electronic information on the manufacture of the robot, and slavery is the one who follows this master, who disrupted his idea to lean on him, which shows the master's control over slavery. In other words, the dominance of the robot on the human and move the latter from being the controller to the controller.
d) Researchers in various fields related to social sciences and exact sciences must work to clarify the vision and the parameters of artificial intelligence, according to their specialization and each according to their understanding, all in order to pave the way for future generations and to save the latter from the specter of domination and electronic domination.


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