International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy

2019;  3(1): 0-0



Forward from “Editor in Chief”: Enhancing Human Capacity. Curiosity as an Example

Copyright © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

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Cite this paper: Forward from “Editor in Chief”: Enhancing Human Capacity. Curiosity as an Example, International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2019, pp. 0-0. doi: 10.5923/j.ijire.20190301.00.

Article Outline

Despite this journal follow a multi-disciplinary approach in its publication, enhancing human capability was always the theme and basis for the papers acceptance, besides the quality of the research. Enhancing human capability is a serious business that have been the concern of many researchers in the five centuries. However, the recent developments of neuroscience shown that we are still not effective enough in using or exploiting all our intrinsic capacities. Also, with the rising information exchange, humans are now more aware that they need to address the world’s pressing challenges through exploring how to benefit from the human hidden intrinsic attributes and abilities.
For example, curiosity is considered one of the main concern about the human lost opportunities and hidden intrinsic abilities that can be changed to a source of both inspiration and resilience in the way we live and function. Curiosity is found more and more today to be a source for change for anything from science, to politics, to socio-economic problems solving. Through curiosity only we can change our thought patterns and thus our attitudes and behaviours.
Therefore, we need to understand the nature of curiosity so that we optimize human innovation and inspiration productive outcome. The more we understand how curiosity works and how it could be designed the more we humans would accept to live and manage ambiguity. This means we need to study more how to design our curiosity journey in this life as this like designing our life excitement and happiness. Designing a curios life journey means we would have more focused exploration about our life-purposefulness, while taking many pauses in life to explore the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of things in our way.
Designing a curios life requires us to start to relate how we deal with communities’ issues through engaging curiosity to the challenges that influence our optimum achievements. In this journal we try to accept papers that raise the curiosity of the researchers so that we build new learning minds and evolving mindset. The idea here is to manage our minds so that it wouldn’t limit our curiosity or chain it.
As we become more dedicated and mature journal, we would target even to become more human capacity enhancement focused publication. This means we need to have more reliability, life-fulfilment, tolerance with ambiguity. This means we need to attract and accept more paper that integrate strange, or unknown or hidden ideas that might have glimpse possibilities for new solutions and for building novel ways. In case of curiosity, for example, we could encourage publications relevant to focusing on moving on inspiring opportunities instead of only focusing on issues relevant to people, things and ideas, as shown in Figure (1).
Figure (1). Show the Transformation Target by the Journal towards more Human Capacity Focused Papers that shift the Curiosity towards more Inspiring Opportunities