Dr. Ali Ahmed Albaqara
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Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
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Cite this paper: Dr. Ali Ahmed Albaqara, Point of View Paper: Peaceful Coexistence: The Key to the Development of Communities, International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy, Vol. 2 No. 2, 2018, pp. 40-40. doi: 10.5923/j.ijire.20180202.03.
Article Outline
The peaceful coexistence between the members of any society and the dissemination of a culture of tolerance, love and peace is the safety valve for all countries. They are considered the healthy and sound environment for comprehensive human development in all scientific, economic, commercial, human rights and health fields. A socially and economically stable environment, along with political development, enables everyone to exercise their freedom and obtain their economic, health, political and humanitarian rights without infringing the rights of others or practicing any kind of violence.Peaceful coexistence between the various spectra is the fertile soil that stimulates economic growth at all levels. It is followed by the development of other economic and trade facilities, such as light and heavy industries, import and export, as well as the fundamental factors of the development of all aspects of life, namely intellectual, scientific, industrial, educational, legal and political.It is worth mentioning that peaceful coexistence reinvigorates and assists in the development of sustainable development. It guarantees the full access of health care, starting from family formation and childbearing to adolescents, youth and seniors, in addition to gaining education at all stages and helps to refine talents and innovations which enables all society members to obtain decent work and adequate housing.Tolerance, love, peace and peaceful coexistence are the keys to solving all social, educational, economic, legal and political problems. With those necessary keys, transparency is flourished, social justice and human rights are secured, and the principles of democracy are spread, which are the best tools of reaching stability, growth and prosperity.In order to be able to take this path forward, we must emphasize the significance of preservation and retention of our national heritage, which is increasingly needed as we look forward to building our modern civil state, whose spirit should be derived from the spirit of the most beautiful heritage of tolerance and love.Any country can draw its strength from its people, this depends on the awareness of its people and their cohesion, to defeat all kinds of strife throughout the ages and adhere to the unity of its people with all their sects and defeat all that was threatening our beloved homeland. Its people has made of peaceful coexistence a noble goal to be perused; it has been their shield which protects them from all forms of sectarian strife and saves the nation from the scourge of war.This is why we reaffirm the need to continue joining hands in every community to move forward towards the spreading of the principles of coexistence and tolerance among the members of society throughout all platforms, and we should not ignore the importance of forming a media strategy that broadcasts throughout the community, so that it spreads tolerance and turn love and peace into keys to our hearts to form one unit in order to achieve the supreme goals of our people and homeland and to live the most beautiful day.