Kousar Fatima K.
Lecturer of English, AMA University – Bahrain
Correspondence to: Kousar Fatima K., Lecturer of English, AMA University – Bahrain.
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English Language skill is an asset that college students could appreciate it as a learning adventurous privilege. The real goal of human, according to the assimilation of divine attributes as life, eternity, unity, power, truth, beauty, justice, love and goodness, all these we realize only through knowledge, and knowledge is based on language. Human language learning begins before birth and continues until death. Each human can only intuit (understand or work out by instinct) the existence of their own mind through. No one has direct access to the mind of others without language. Language development is the intellectual complex cognitive feats where high levels of motivation and self-awareness are required. College students, who may feel abandoned, found to have many causes, but clearly one of the repeated issues is the weakness in English language. In this paper we discuss about the prominent assets of the English Language’s enriching vocabulary sources and how it can be built to inspire students’ international opportunities.The paper would illustrate how the mind acts like an enemy for those youth who do not control it. The strength of the language does not come from physical capacity, but comes from indomitable willing consciousness.
English Language development, Cognitive function, Youth Learning
Cite this paper: Kousar Fatima K., Students English Language Learning as a Cognitive Function, International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy, Vol. 2 No. 2, 2018, pp. 31-33. doi: 10.5923/j.ijire.20180202.01.
1. Introduction
Language acquisition is not a single act of cognitive function [mind]. It is the faculties of an entity’s thoughts, perception, thinking, judgments and consciousness. It exists in different forms of symbolic representation. This is considered one of the most characteristic abilities (people like people who are like themselves or who are like, how they would like to be) of the human language learning. Language skills are an asset, which will promote effective communication (Baugh, Albert & Thomas Cable 1993). The real goal of man, according to the assimilation of divine attributes as life, eternity, unity, power, truth, beauty, justice, love and goodness. All these we realize only through knowledge (R.S. Naagarazan, Textbook 2006). Each human can only intuit (understand or work out by instinct) the existence of their own mind through, and no one has direct access to the mind of other. It means only learners can help themselves. Learning is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values and preferences.
2. What Language Development Does to the Human Mindset?
Language development is the intellectual complex cognitive feats and high levels of motivation and self-awareness is required. The mental capacities to learn, understand and reason, including comprehend ideas, plan, problem solve and use language to communicate. The language develops capability in a human. Language is the ability intellectual capabilities, mental capacity, powers of reasoning, powers of comprehension and powers of thought to attribute mental states.The neural networks between the areas of the brain responsible for language and the neural networks between the areas of the brain responsible for language and theory of mind are closely connected. Human learning begins before birth and continues until death as a consequence of ongoing interactions between physical environment and the human mind connects impressively to the brain. It has been investigated that neurotransmitters such as dopamine control human speech mechanism. How dopamine can be effective for learning a new language and makes it easier and enjoyable (Janik VM, Slater PJB, 1997). The nature and processes involved in learning are studied in many fields, including educational psychology and pedagogy. Youth colleges and schools should include the learning stages and the elements of learning language, then teaching English text. This would make college students appreciate that learning is an adventurous privilege, it’s interesting to discover how human learn, it will arise pleasure, curiosity, aspiration, imagination, self-discipline, competitive, cooperation, etc. (James-Banner, chapter 9-12).
3. Youth Inspiration and Educational Methods
Studies show we can achieve knowledge through education; it is the process of facilitating learning, acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, and training. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators (Howard Gardner). Education can take place, any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. The methodology of learning (students) and teaching (instructors) are different each picks relating to their experiences. Example Naturalist - nature smart, musical - sound smart, logical - mathematical number, reasoning smart, existential - life smart interpersonal - people smart, linguistic - word smart. There are four virtues wisdom, Courage, Self-control, justice. The most important of these is wisdom, which is knowledge, of what is truly good. People who have (gentleness, truthfulness) wisdom tend to do what is right. These people will act in their own true interest and be in harmony with themselves (Aristotle, world book P. 367).Throughout most of human history, students learned through direct experiences for learning. Jean Piaget (Swiss scholar) believed that cognitive development led to the growth of language whereas Vygotsk viewed language as developing thought. Without memory we cannot think, learning would be impossible (Alloway, 2010). The very act of thinking cannot happen without engaging our brain’s memory system. To a large degree, the process of learning means creating a representation of some type of information. Storing that representation in long-term memory. As Judy Willis, neurologist notes, by stimulating several senses with the information, brain connections are available when students need to recall that memory later on (Judith, Willis, wiki).
4. Youth Learning and Memory
Learning language as an infant also requires fetal memory. It is important for the development of memory in human. Many factors can impair fetal memory and its functions primarily maternal actions (Bruner, 1981, research. Vol.1 page 41-56). Fetal memory becomes responsible for a variety of tasks. Like control breathing eye movement and coordination during all nine months of development. Networks of language, nonverbal images, feelings, sounds, sensations, and smells stored once it gets into our memory system. Information is stored in diffuse networks linked to multiple regions of the brain. Anyone of them is excluded the learnt information is not complete. One of the reason college students are unable to retain learnt lessons, lecturers etc (Pit Corder, 2012, p. 33).
5. Cases of Language and Mental Development
In this paper two cases are presented which both are extremely useful. One is proficiently qualified and the other just opposite. Genie’s parents lived in Arcadia, California. Her father mostly grew up in orphanages (Michael, wiki). In his adulthood worked in a factory as a flight mechanic during World War II and continued in aviation afterwards. Her mother who had sustained a severe head injury in an accident, giving her neurological damage that caused vision problems later in one eye. Genie’s father disliked children and wanted none of his own, finding them noisy (Dewey, John, ISBN 0-684).Genie (born 1957) is an American feral child who has lived isolated from human contact from a very young age where they have little or no experience of human care or human language (Jorge Sperling, journal, P.19-31). Who was a victim of abuse, neglect and social isolation! When she was a baby, her father concluded that she was mentally retarded; this view caused him to dislike her (Carlson, Neil R, 2010). At the age of 20 months he decided to keep her as socially Isolated. So from that time until she reached the age of 13 years and 7 months he kept her locked alone in a room. During this time, he almost forbade anyone from interacting with her, provide her almost no stimulation of any kind. And left her severely malnourished. The extent of her isolation prevented her from being exposed to any significant amount of speech, and as a result she did not acquire language during her childhood. Her abuse came to the attention of Los Angeles child welfare authorities on November 4, 1970 (Reynolds & Curtiss). Genie had no childhood memory of her mother as a result, the starting she showed interest in many hospital staff members, often approaching and walking with complete strangers, but Kent said she did not seem to distinguished between people and showed no signs of attachment to anybody including her mother and brother (Reynold & Fletcher, 2004, p. 428).Regardless of where she was she constantly salivated and had no sense of personal property, frequently pointing to or taking something she wanted from someone else (Waltz, Mitzi, 2013). From the start Genie showed a small amount of responsiveness to nonverbal information, including gestures and facial expressions from other people, and made reasonable good eye contact. When upset Genie would wildly attack herself, but remained completely expressionless and never cried or vocalized; some accounts said she could not cry at all. To make noise, she would push chairs or other similar objects (Pinker, 2007 pp. 296-297). Her language development later in January 1971, she showed understanding of only her own name and about 15-20 words, her active vocabulary due to her extreme isolation and lack of exposure to language during childhood, she had not acquired a first language (James, Susan, 2008, Rymer, 194).Sidis Matthew’s parents believe in nurturing a fearless love of knowledge, they provided every possible opportunity for which they were criticized. Sides could read at 18 months. By age of 8 he could read Latin, Greek, French, Turkish and American. Although the University had previously refused to let his parent enroll him at age 9 because he was still a child, Sidis set a record in 1909 by becoming the youngest person to enroll at Harvard University (Wallace, p. 23, 1986). In early 1910, Sidis’s mastery of higher mathematics was such that he lectured the Harvard Mathematical Club Matthew’s Effect demonstrates the cognitive development of a child at different stages of their life and explains that children with good foundation skills will achieve much higher level of development in later years than children who do not have these foundation skills. Sidis’s book called Book of Vendergood, (constructed language) which he wrote at the age of 8. The languages were based on Latin and Greek also drew on German and French languages (Biography of WJS p. 41). I can speak and read 6 languages, since my childhood I loved to learn different languages. I did not master consciously I wish now, I had no idea of this treasure of languages. Our college students can learn much better, and master the skills without doubt. If they Study (practice) and Learn (gain knowledge).
6. Conclusions
Youth learning need motivation during acquiring English Language, especially those who are in English courses. College students should appreciate capability of human brain, where thoughts are chain of words, and these words are knowledge and represent the capability of humans. Cognitive functions lead to knowledge, including all means and mechanisms of acquiring information. Encompass reading build focused memory, attention and language leads directly to the attainment of information and thus help to sustain knowledge for long time.
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