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Cite this paper: Forward from “Editor in Chief”: Recognising Lives around Socio-Economies?, International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy, Vol. 2 No. 2, 2018, pp. 0-0. doi: 10.5923/j.ijire.20180202.00.
Article Outline
IntroductionToday world is full today of new challenges and unprecedented problems that vary from being political, to economical, to social and even still technological and environmental problems. Some of the problems are socio-political created mainly by man-made conflicts, but many are socio-economic based which are a collection of varying sources of issues that lead to chronic deterioration of life quality and humans’ achievement. Therefore, in this Journal we have taken a step forward as practicing researchers to get involved with such socio-economic problems.Complexities of Modern Societies and Practicing Inspiring and Resilient Problem SolvingAs modern societies are becoming more complex every day where information is becoming very difficult to contain or manage with its high availability and accessibility practicing inspiring and resilient problem solving are becoming very important for stable socio-economies. The instable dynamics of life issues are challenging and prompting communities to constantly rethink, switch directions and challenge the socio-economic problem-solving strategies. Thus, it is increasingly important to develop strategies that apply new knowledge to the complex situations which can be formulised in the day-to-day activities. The socio-economic complex situation prompt problem solvers to relate new knowledge to ‘style of thinking’, not ‘competency of problem solving’. Thus the problem solver would be able to abstract and conceptualise the problem story in novel way.Major Step to Recognise Lives around Socio-Economic ProblemsIn order to recognise human lives around Socio-Economic Problems the International Inspiration Economy Project Team are working on series of Handbooks that address different Socio-Economic issue. Shortly for first time a new Handbook on Socio-Economic “Problem Solving” would be released as part of these series. The handbook targets to re-invent the way we deal with challenges in our life journey through re-inventing how our mindsets can visualise the purpose of complex ‘problems finding’ and the starting the journey of ‘problem solving’. Thus the focus here would be on building a renewed mentality that has a comprehensive view of dealing with, and exploring solutions to problems and challenges through habits and behaviours that deal with problems and challenges.The handbook focus on building high capacity in dealing with complex community problems where much of the work here focus on increasing the efficiency of ‘problem finding’, besides the quality and readiness to the ‘problem solving’ outcome. With having the focus in reducing cost of the problem in stages we enhance our ability to have both reverse- and creative-thinking which would help to solve problems through transforming the opportunities into final outcome solutions.Establishing life-purposefulness while dealing with socio-economic problems helps to take the right decisions regarding the opportunities that each problem carries inside its shield. Thus through life purposefulness the problem solvers could set their accurate exploration and internal strengths to deal with the most complex problems.The Uniqueness of the Inspiring and Resilient Problem Solving TechniquesAs a long-time advocate of socio-economic problem solving to the benefit of discovering our human capacity, I believe this handbook would help to identify one of the secrets of the next evolution for developing our communities and its related institutions and societies. It is a handbook that would make reader see many ways in dealing with different socio-economic problems and challenges in new scientific ways and with full persistence and perseverance.Problem solving have always been related to many concepts as creativity, breakthroughs, development, disruption, innovation, learning, knowledge, agility, resilience and most of all inspiration. The importance of the socio-economic issues and problem solving never been properly linked clearly the efforts of re-inventing our lives as communities and organisations. Complexities and challenges have never been carefully considered as sources of insights, persistence, perseverance that lead to better visualization over time.In the first Handbook of Socio-Economic Problem Solving, the IIEP team led by Dr Buheji investigate the complexity of problem solving journey in solving socio-economic issues and from multi-disciplinary perspectives. The structure of the handbook helps us see how problem solving labs contribute to its development and in tackling complex socio-economic issues. An investigation of the problem statements in the different problem solving labs carried out in the last five years is done to evaluate the importance of problem statements in creating effective solution. Breakthroughs in this field brings solution that is a source for discovering more opportunities and creating inspiration currencies that creates better social and economic results and outcomes. Appendix (2) represent more than fifty problem solving labs that have been successfully implemented by the author. Besides, these labs being referred to frequently as examples of the mechanisms of the problems solved.Handbook that re-address the way Humans Deals with Problem SolvingThere are still today problem solving techniques that are too scientific, or technical, or complicated and specialised, yet proven to have limitations compared to evolving world needs and demands. Redefining the anatomy of problem solving helps to see how to create innovation and inspiration in its process. The process of problem solving need to be investigated from the way it handles the constraints and challenges of the socio-economy. The aim of this handbook is to help you visualise how can the problems and challenges of the communities can be turned into possible sources for discovering new opportunities.Despite the development of humanity in many areas, many countries in the world still admits that it has yet to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s), while many developed and developing countries are striving to reach Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). This means that humanity is not yet really as developed as it should be in tackling socio-economic challenges and/or problems as reported by many latest United Nations and UNDP reports. In fact, the high level reports produced on behalf of the World Economic Forum shows that the world couldn't solve many issues as poverty, rising unemployment or income inequality, weak financial systems, gender inequality, low long term planning and investments besides last but not least the rise of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) to the prohibitive costs of care, particularly in developing countries. Appendix (2) give many example of how we can re-invent our communities live and the world and achieve the targeted SDG’s.Final WordThis coming handbook of Socio-Economic Problem Solving shows that literature still have a gap in addressing the details of the cognitive processes and the psychological interactions that occurs during the handling of complex socio-economic issues. Therefore, this comprehensive handbook investigates and focus on studying the best practices of problem solving starting from problems definition and statement till the stages of the readiness to deal with the socio-economic problem. This handbook helps to understand the problem anatomy, besides its process and structure in the most suitable and possible cognitive and psychological way so that to evaluate its contribution.This journal is proud to be part of this project that carry a lot of goodwill to all types of communities of the world and where problem solving is the core of its business.