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Cite this paper: Forward from “Editor in Chief”: Reviewing Progress of the International Inspiration & Resilience Economy Project, International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy, Vol. 2 No. 1, 2018, pp. 0-0. doi: 10.5923/j.ijire.20180201.00.
Article Outline
Since the "Handbook of Inspiration Economy" was published followed by a book called "Breaking the Shield" on Inspiration Engineering, the International Project of Inspiration & Resilience Economy (IPIRE) have really developed more steady base with more differentiate global reaching. Today, more than 41 papers by IPIRE network of researchers were published in just the last 3 years. The presence of inspiration economy and resilience economy are much more present on the internet and social media. IPIRE today is more selective in the types of collaboration projects and how it reflects in showing more success stories in relevance the different socio-economic development.The project is making those involved with it feel and realise more their life purposefulness, since the models and the focused research that followed it made them believe of huge opportunities for change. IPIRE project and this internationally peer reviewed journal is more confident about their differentiated change in relevance to the unwanted social status, or in tackling socio-economic problems as poverty, migration, wealth inequality, low quality of life, etc. The IPIRE have therefore clearly defined three angles that can flourish our socio-economies: institutionalising the inspiration economies related practices, developing thus more the concept and discovering the untapped powers of these economies through field projects and last but not least reflecting the concepts in research.Nevertheless, we believe the more work need to be done in relevance to communicating the project concepts and efforts to research funding institutes, academic institution and those really interest to lead and implement positive in the world. The plan of 2018-2020 carries lots of series of global projects, forums, labs, academic programs, publications, institutions, collaborations with NGO societies and similar institutions research centres that helped to spread the concepts of Inspiration Economy, Resilience Economy and Youth Economy.We believe this journal should start to be even more selective on the type of paper accepted for publication. The priority would be more for paper that would be trying, or is currently trying, is proposing to solve chronic socio-economic issues with minimal resources and based on IPIRE way of "Influencing without Power". The below Figure (1) shows the integration between the three economies that have been developed over the last two and half years. | Figure (1). Holistic View of Inspiration Economy Project Concept |
Therefore, this international journal is expected to have even greater role in bringing positive changes at the level of experienced researchers and professional through managing to publish and disseminate hundreds of cases that address creating more sustainable communities that are characterised with being inspiring, resilient and carries the spirit and energy of youth.