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Cite this paper: A Forward by the Editor in Chief, International Journal of Inspiration & Resilience Economy, Vol. 1 No. 1, 2017, pp. 0-0. doi: 10.5923/j.ijire.20170101.
Over the last two years, exactly since early September 2015, we started an international initiative called the (Inspiration Economy Project) with a vision to spread the concept of Inspiration Economy and its influence on the socio-economy, both academically and practically. As we are planning to enter the next two stronger, more focused while capitalising on the success, learnings and legacy of what is executed, we are happy to come up with a new international journal that carries more ideas than with what we started with.Besides the well-known key words as learning and innovation economies we have developed over the past 2 years the concept of Inspiration Engineering and other related problem solving that leads to better socio-economic outcomes. Over time the inspiration economy project developed also a subsidiary focus, i.e. two bi-projects, in the area of Youth Economy and Resilience Economy. Today, as we prepare to create more greater network of researchers that support this Inspiration and Resilience Economy initiative, this journal is also interested in attracting more work on areas relevance to social engineering, society co-existence, social integration, disruptive innovation, accelerated learning, livelihood management, youth economy, emigrants economy, and sharing economy which leads to society inspiration.In this new publication and new kick off we are going to focus on attracting more research papers in the areas of entrepreneurship, business of inspiration, organizational psychology, service economy, experience economy, social innovation, welfare economy, disruptive education, creative thinking, inspirational competitiveness, positive psychology, experiential learning, service economy, imagineering, society development, youth economy, people with disability economy and last put not least elderly economy that support both Inspiration and Resilience Economy.We look forward for your contribution towards an inspiration and resilience economy project that hopefully would lead to better future with a clear positive influence on us, our societies and the rest of the world.