International Journal of Internal Medicine
p-ISSN: 2326-1064 e-ISSN: 2326-1072
2020; 9(1): 1-10
Sondos Abuel Nowr1, Asaad Hamed2, Safaa Hamid3, Elnoor M. Elaagib4
1MBBS, MRCP, MD Internal Medicine, Sudan
3MBBS, MRCSed, MD Surgery, Sudan
4MBBS, MD (U of K), FRCP
Correspondence to: Safaa Hamid, MBBS, MRCSed, MD Surgery, Sudan.
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Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
Objectives: To know about DMARDs (Disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs) used by Sudanese rheumatoid arthritis patients, the type mostly used, single or combined and to assess functional disability by health assessment questionnaire (HAQ) and disease activity by clinical disease activity index (CDAI) with each type used and the time of initiation of DMARDs therapy from the diagnosis, also to see the effect of combined therapy on functional disability and disease activity. Materials and Methods: This was descriptive cross sectional study hospital based of 100 patients diagnosed as RA by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR-EURAL 2010) criteria attending different rheumatology referred clinics from Nov 2014to Jan 2015 patients were interviewed and asked about their DMARDs which type is used and when it started from the time of diagnosis then HAQ is filled and CDAI is calculated. Results: We had analyzed 100 patients the type of their DMARD, HAQ, CDAI the time of initiation of DMARDs with the diagnosis effect on HAQ and CDAI, also the effect of combined therapy on HAQ and CDAI. We found that the age between 36-45 were mostly affected and that 95% was female. 71% were using Hydroxychloroqine (HCQ), 49% Methotrexate (MTX), 6% Leflounimide (LEFLU), 2% Sulphasalzine and 3% Azathioprine (AZA). Most patients showed minimal HAQ (69.0%) score, 64% of the study population start DMARD at the time of diagnosis. About 36% used combined MTX and HCQ. Low CDAI was the most common in patients taking MTX and HCQ, also the most common score of HAQ in them was minimal score. There is no significant difference (P value 0.23) between early initiation of DMARDs and disease activity, also the difference was not significant between the time of initiation of DMARDs and HAQ score (P 0.036). There is significant difference between the use of combined DMARDs and CDAI and HAQ score (P 0.001, P 0.004) respectively. Conclusion: The most commonly used DMARDs are HCQ and MTX, Combination therapy is not widely used in the study patient, Most of the study patients show minimal functional disability assessed by HAQ. MTX and HCQ affect disease activity and functional disability almost in the same manner, patients in the study using MTX and HCQ show minimal score using HAQ, small percentage show remission and no remission with other type of DMARDs. Early initiation of DMARDs doesn’t affect functional disability and disease activity. While combination therapy of DMARDs affect both disease activity assessed by CDAI and functional disability assed by HAQ score.
Keywords: DMARDs, CDAI
Cite this paper: Sondos Abuel Nowr, Asaad Hamed, Safaa Hamid, Elnoor M. Elaagib, Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drugs in Sudanese Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, International Journal of Internal Medicine, Vol. 9 No. 1, 2020, pp. 1-10. doi: 10.5923/j.ijim.20200901.01.