International Journal of Genetic Engineering

p-ISSN: 2167-7239    e-ISSN: 2167-7220

2019;  7(1): 15-18



Ecological Positions of Hunting Species in Bukhara Region

Rakhmonov Rashit Rakhimovich, Rayimov Avaz Rustamovich

Independent Researcher, Head Teacher, Biology Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Correspondence to: Rakhmonov Rashit Rakhimovich, Independent Researcher, Head Teacher, Biology Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan.


Copyright © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


Hunting is a vital wildlife management tool. It keeps nature at a healthy balance of which the available habitat can support (carrying capacity). For many wildlife species, hunting also helps to maintain populations at levels compatible with human activity and land use. Hunting constitutes one of the most ancient and important practices in the history of mankind, impacting the various aspects of human life. In this chapter we briefly discuss historical features of hunting, its importance to civilization, the motivations that drives people to practice this activity and their hunting strategies, the diverse ways of using game animals, and the ecological implications of hunting. Identifying the importance of hunting and its effects, it is a key to search for strategies that allow the conservation of exploited species and at the same time permit the proper subsistence of human communities that rely on exploited species for their survival. The article consist of with the hunting types of animals of Bukhara region, their distribution in hunting territories, the hunting capacity, types hunted by poaching and ecological features of hunting territory.

Keywords: Hunting types, Capacity of hunting, Poacher, Fauna, Biotechnical concepts

Cite this paper: Rakhmonov Rashit Rakhimovich, Rayimov Avaz Rustamovich, Ecological Positions of Hunting Species in Bukhara Region, International Journal of Genetic Engineering, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2019, pp. 15-18. doi: 10.5923/j.ijge.20190701.03.

1. Introduction

Creating animal animals in Uzbekistan is a sport and a desire to play animals in the field of science, medicine, and other purposes, and this is a great opportunity for the younger animals to live in the environment. Bukhara oblasts are typical of climatic characteristics and rhythm of living organisms, but relatively complex, but relatively complex, and relatively high levels of fertilization, agro culture and populations world of animals, season burials live here as a favorable prime factor to serve the [1, 9-14, 2, 40-44, 3, 52-60].
Scientific research consists of acne wounds:
- the first time Bukhara worms in the region of wildlife and composition;
- the one of the most common bacterial and ecological characteristics of wild animals;
- the hunting animals, preserving grass roots and wildlife with a high accuracy and ulcerative diet;
- the impact of anthropogenic effects on animals;
- the a variety of biological herbal remedies;

2. Materials and Methods

Material-oriented materials in Bukhara region of Uzbekistan, in the period of 2014-2018, sporadic shooters in Bukhara region have been banned in the oblast, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the region of juvenile crime posting of the area (picture 1). The information is collected on the basis of reports from the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan Statistical Formation, the Republic of Uzbekistan National Sovereignty of the Republic of Tajikistan, the national parks and the vicinity of the countryside, Uzbekistan Ovchi and Bismarck, and the Bukhara region.
Picture 1. Bukhara is a province of the province and a lack of spaces
Ovarian animals have been introduced to the ecology of materials and are generally administered by universal adoption methods [4; 502].
Animals the composition of the tourist, the calculation of the calculation, and the information provided to the ecologist, was provided by our personal information and literature [5; 20].
Animal intake has been designed to provide a very precise target for the methodology and methodology of analyzes.
[6; 74-81-b., 7; 284, 8; 84-250 -b].
Australian Society of Wildlife, Environmental and Environmental Studies, Criticisms, and Extremisms of Occupational Therapists, Uzbek Slavicities and Ballots, Non-Sporting Bukhara, Regional Deportation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, National Sovereignty, State Forestry and Wildlife exciting too Biochemistry and Prevention Natural Disorders Protected Regions and Disorders Responsible for Controlling Bukhara Province Border Region Boundary Basis Report.
This goal is intended for 2014-2018 all inclusive there are numerous survivors in animals and animals (agro-poisoning, wildlife, lakes, reservoirs and canals). It was also used to demonstrate the methodology used by the public to promote publication of wildlife, wildlife and ecology in materials.

3. Discussion

Expositions and calculations are based on specific routes and stages in the stages. Methods of Light. Routes are lengthened the quadratic acid and the crispy layer were placed on the table. Routes were longitudinally sloping, and the lakes of the lake were at 1-5 km. The route was 100-300 m high, and the distance of the route was between 1 and 20 km long. The route was 50-200 m. The calculation of the weather occurred at 6.00am to 9.00, and from 17.00 to 20.00, the formation of the elapsed time (table 1).
Table 1. The Bukhara region is considered as a homogeneous jungle and is considered to be the area of the animals and, (2014-2018)
Total accounted for 358 tons, with a total of 1212 km., Stationary and 5-minute accounts as 355 hours spent. The population of the permitted landslides, such as wildlife species, wildlife and limestone (or a densely populated area), have been leaked in the same year, with overcrowded and over 1000 deaths. Uzbekistan, the Republic of Tajikistan's Nature List, aims at promoting sports, economic and industrial designs of the Republic of Tajikistan (the current Environmental and Environmental Impact Assessment in 2006). Studies have been shown to be highly contagious in Kizilkum, a typical climatic and degradation pattern, and the distinctive contamination of the scattered and scattered tournaments is well-known [9; 34; 56 pp. 11; 34, paragraphs 12; 22].
During the reporting period and the statistical data of the State, the Bukhara region was officially registered in the region, with statistical data and reports covering the animals (table 2) and herring. In the province, the official tournaments in Uzbekistan have been allowed to leave the country's wildlife tourism (158 tour), 8.2%.
Table 2. Bukhara is a state-of-the-art baseball and sophisticated firefighting cats (2014-2018)
Floating Floating Roofs as a Catalyst for the Partridge and "“Peshku Qoraqir Qo`rg`oni” Ltd has been hit by a major hurdle throughout the region. Shurkkul watered the animals as a homogeneous task, but the result was 11 shifts in the quarry. Ojib had been the subject of the Shakespeare Predatory for the Cold War by the 2016-2017 Shepherds Choir 5 Choir Crabs. Note that the fireworks are not as easy as you can imagine. They even came from the Kovanbozhon depot, "Bakhachi", a farmer, who was hit by a firefighting rally on the 24th of September 2014 at 2pm. In the case of mammals, biochemists and mammals have been diagnosed with acne in the agro culture.
In our view, Uzbekistan has been granted permission to leave the country without the permission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan (11 years of age, the death penalty, sandwiches, sandy strawberries, barrels, sunflower oils, rice oils, rice oils) and irritation of irrigation or irradiation. The second round (torture and contamination) Kizil Booked Tours Then, in the region of 2014-2018, the region was registered in the region of 24 hectares of animals. After that, 13 tourists (54.2%) and 11 tourists (45.8%) were missing and the survey was not published in the 2014-2018 tournaments, as the quota was not adjusted or reported to the public. Nomads are scattered around 7% of total animal species in the republic.
The average age of the population is 16,000, the Koryak pilots (10899) and the slopes of the coconut. Angry Low Chopper Chopper Earrings Auspicious Fishing Shower (26) and Sweater (231). In some classes (Shikkul and Zikri economy, Koror forest economy), the herding, brutal, and caricature dressing (3-table).
Table 3. Animal Feeding animals are exposed to obesity
The treadmill was eroded by heavy rigidity (6720), skateboard (1983), and the hill (1978). The size of the rod (7), the number (6) and the night (7) is less than the minimum. Invisible tournaments are less than 9.5% in total. Turquoise leaflets were diminished in the first half of the year (6829; 48%), and the Chicken Peaks (447; 3%) had been cut into the coconut (picture 2).
Picture 2. Animal leeches of wildlife are the minimum height of the animal (percentage)

4. Result

Studies have shown that materials and literature in the era have been limited, while the Bukhara shrubs in the region have been widespread in the region. It was highlighted that the personality of the homosexuals and the territories of the river was the result of the drowning of the Bukhara region in the region. In the 2016-2018, boulevard tournaments totaled 32569 units. It has formed the smallest volcanic eruption, the carpet (10860), and the baseball (9790). Hunting is a non-lethal velocity blot, and the water is applied to the basins in the ceramic regions. Zhumsan, jungle, smoked, sandy shampoo, asphalt ponds in the east of the country, lying on the ground, ladders, kettles, and ponds of water. Pistachi, Shofirkon and Kopilbozor have been forced to slip the lithium. Regardless of the nature of the turmoil, the Uzbekistan-based Kizil book, 72-year-old and 178 in the field of tobacco, has been undergoing a series of incursions in the area. Overcrowding, detector inspectors may be able to detect and control controlled areas the possibilities for the establishment, the legislative capacity of the legislative branch, the spatial critique of tourism, the activity of the administration, and the population of the old-fashioned advocacy-advocacy. This is because of the lack of practicality in this regard.

5. Conclusions

Scientific researches, reports and statistical data analysis showed that the republican tournaments are a complete list of indicators, which provide an overview of the tailor-made reports and the lack of information on missing tourists. Animal-based animal species are statistically infected with the effects of malaria in the organism, as well as the effectiveness of the process of catheterization. In the meantime, when dealing with the budget, the report is based on a report of the report, and it is not clear whether the scholarships are used. Sometimes, in the report, the republic has not been allowed to leave the country, or the slopes have been slaughtered with tornadoes (cotton, crabs, rocks, sand, pistachio, and pearls). Conclusively, in the end, the optimization of eradication of optimism, optimization of the economy, the development of favorable credits, the reduction of the tax burden and the privileges of the sport and the production of tourism, as well as the development of the tourism industry and climate change solutions.


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